Angry Trump Tweet:"So Flynn lies to the FBI &his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary goes free"

Donald, the system will come for you, too, and you can join Flynn, Manafort, Papawhatever, Cage, and eventually Donny Jr and Jared.

Yes, your time is coming as well.
Unlike the co-conspirator at Waco and a confirmed liar Trump has yet to be shown to violate a law. Not the woman who couldn't make it through the campaign without keeling over, has well been proven to have violated law. Unless you think making secrets available to the Russians is less of a crime than talking to them.

Since this latest witch hunt has declined to trying to catch people in lies Trump hasn't lied to the FBI.

This charade should be named the Libby investigation.
HRC was investigated more than Flynn has been investigated.
Rightfully so, that is how the establishment protects their own. The have a fake investigation, tells us that criminal activity is not, then they claim the person innocent. Hillary is guilty. Who else in the free world gets away with hiding evidence for years then all of a sudden find it? And nothing happens? (Rose law firm billing records) How much smoke has to be seen until you realize there is a fire? Apparently not much concerning Trump, but Hillary, you butt is getting scorched.
The evidence against Hillary is real - the Director of the FBI said she broke laws..

ABC and Mueller just proved there is still no evidence against the President.
Just why does anyone believe in or follow donald trump? He has admitted to being sexually immoral and a sexual predator, even bragging that he managed to avoid STDs while his fellows were ducking bullets in Southeast Asia, and bragging that he could touch other people's private parts. He has cheated others in business deals. He has no knowledge of how to govern. He has no knowledge of how to conduct foreign policy. He is on his third half-dressed woman. He is a narcissist. He gets angry if anyone criticizes him. What is the draw of this person of no quality, no talent, and certainly no intellect?

We love President Donald J. Trump because

he is kicking liberal ass like no other.....

He makes fools of the entire liberal Freak Show.

It appears he has read the liberal play book...
justice...for all or for some?

What's stopping the party in power from starting investigations (again) on H. Clinton?
The fact there is nothing to investigate, of course. She has been investigated up the kazoo for 30 years and no crime has been found. These idiot rightwing nutters say she hasn't been indicted because she is so all powerful: an absolutely ludicrous and preposterous assertion. It's all they've got. They desperately cling to it.

What about the emails she destroyed?
Did that not happen?
Yup, Dale denies what he is. The law makes the definitions, not Dale. He understands nothing. I am not wagering with a liar and a dupe.

Do you know what he means by pre-14th?
Sovereign Citizens Movement

'Sovereign' Citizen Kane

Sovereign citizens — a 21st Century counter culture

Sovereign Citizens hate group on the rise

Nope! Wrong again, is it a bet or not???
Yup, it is right, and you are showing you are a liar. I won't bet with a liar. :) haven't a clue and you are using being clueless as an excuse to not put your money where your mouth is. The ban really bothered you and what bothered you even more was that no one missed don't want to take the chance of having to leave again thus you are too much of a pussy to take the bet.......typical leftard.


Dale, I was perusing this thread when I came across this post. Are you accurate that MR 100,000 paid poster (won't even say his name, lol) was BANNED for a time? You mean the master of pay me for propagandized one liners was given the boot, was tar and feathered, along with having his lunch money taken away!

Which mod do I send the thank you note to-)
The evidence against Hillary is real - the Director of the FBI said she broke laws..

ABC and Mueller just proved there is still no evidence against the President.

Obama's own inspector general who saw the above top secret emails on Hillary's server said she should be in prison, and if it had been him or any other common citizen who had done what she did they would be in prison.
Hillary broke actual laws, a proven fact, yet she's let off the hook because the FBI says well she acted stupidly and she's a moron but she's sorry.
Hillary broke actual laws, a proven fact, yet she's let off the hook because the FBI says well she acted stupidly and she's a moron but she's sorry.
And the indictments will come any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...
justice...for all or for some?

What's stopping the party in power from starting investigations (again) on H. Clinton?

The Deep State which really pulls all the strings on everything. As it is, when you DO get an investigation going, it goes nowhere, delayed and thwarted until it fizzles out and the public loses interest. Only those people not under the Umbrella of Protection are quickly prosecuted.

Ask Jesse Ventura when he was governor: the men in black came to him and told him how he would run things.
Another 'Scooter Libby' Indictment

Another Liberal media loses credibility.

Another liberal reporter fired / suspended.

Mueller's top aide - a 'Trump Hater' - fired

Still no 'Trump Collusion' evidence

Snowflakes return to failed 'obstruction' narrative in desperation

Liberal pervs dropping like flies.

Early Christmas presents from Democrats / snowflakes....

Just why does anyone believe in or follow donald trump? He has admitted to being sexually immoral and a sexual predator, even bragging that he managed to avoid STDs while his fellows were ducking bullets in Southeast Asia, and bragging that he could touch other people's private parts. He has cheated others in business deals. He has no knowledge of how to govern. He has no knowledge of how to conduct foreign policy. He is on his third half-dressed woman. He is a narcissist. He gets angry if anyone criticizes him. What is the draw of this person of no quality, no talent, and certainly no intellect?

We love President Donald J. Trump because

he is kicking liberal ass like no other.....

He makes fools of the entire liberal Freak Show.

It appears he has read the liberal play book...
So you love an ignorant, immoral whore. How wonderful.
Just why does anyone believe in or follow donald trump? He has admitted to being sexually immoral and a sexual predator, even bragging that he managed to avoid STDs while his fellows were ducking bullets in Southeast Asia, and bragging that he could touch other people's private parts. He has cheated others in business deals. He has no knowledge of how to govern. He has no knowledge of how to conduct foreign policy. He is on his third half-dressed woman. He is a narcissist. He gets angry if anyone criticizes him. What is the draw of this person of no quality, no talent, and certainly no intellect?

We love President Donald J. Trump because

he is kicking liberal ass like no other.....

He makes fools of the entire liberal Freak Show.

It appears he has read the liberal play book...
So you love an ignorant, immoral whore. How wonderful.

That's funny...

I didn't recall saying anything about hillary

or her horn dog husband....

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