Animal MSNBC doubles down on stupid

That was already going on. His VP used it as a slur on his opponent when he ran in 1988 (which says something about how he feels about his own country, founded by Liberals). But the disingenuous conflation really started with the "Red Scare" and McCarthyism. Probably worth a whole 'nother thread but still, offtopic here.
Who cares? Liberalism was a joke and utterly defeated by the end of the Reagan administration and no one wanted the label. The term "progressive" was adopted those who wanted to distance themselves from failure. As failure is once again inevitable, the question becomes what those losers will call themselves next.

Liberalism founded this country. If you don't like it you're welcome to leave.

Oh wait -- you already did.
On behalf of your former country, thank you.

As for Corporatism having defeated Liberalism.... well you i have a point. :eusa_think:
You are either stupid or deliberately obtuse, unless you think that owning slaves and severe limitations on the powers of government constitute liberalism today.

Yes, I did leave the country over 20 years ago but not for political reasons. In seeing what the country has become, I have few regrets. The wonders of progressivism still smell like shit to the locals and political correctness is a matter of ridicule. Freedom of thought and speech are still alive and well. If that is liberalism, than color me so.
She ran for office and lost.
And there were some racy photos of her...

So now she's a rising star at MSNBC....

Makes sense.
They give a show to just about anyone over there.

You're confusing MSNBC with Faux.....Faux is the one that offers all the losers jobs, the ones that can't make it on other jobs.....Palin,
Stossle, G. Rivera, etc............:D

Yet another study has been released proving that watching Fox News is detrimental to your intelligence. World Public Opinion, a project managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, conducted a survey of American voters that shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. What’s more, the study shows that greater exposure to Fox News increases misinformation.
Study Confirms That Fox News Makes You Stupid | Alternet
Quote: Originally Posted by Rozman View Post
She ran for office and lost.
And there were some racy photos of her...

You're confusing MSNBC with Faux.....Faux is the one that offers all the losers jobs, like Palin,

Yet another study has been released proving that watching Fox News is detrimental to your intelligence. World Public Opinion, a project managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, conducted a survey of American voters that shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. What’s more, the study shows that greater exposure to Fox News increases misinformation.

No doubt you must be considered a great wit among your circle of friends. It must be akin to being the world's tallest midget.:badgrin:
She said Tyranny can come from Dictators, over reaching government, or corporations and wealthy individuals who run our country for their own benefit. She said this statement "confused them" because conservatives have been blinded by the self serving nonsense served up by today's pigs.

I think she nailed it right on the head. And these Republicans call HER "stupid"?

Or, put another way, Pigtards think she's the stupid one.
Quote: Originally Posted by Rozman View Post
She ran for office and lost.
And there were some racy photos of her...

You're confusing MSNBC with Faux.....Faux is the one that offers all the losers jobs, like Palin,

Yet another study has been released proving that watching Fox News is detrimental to your intelligence. World Public Opinion, a project managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, conducted a survey of American voters that shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. What’s more, the study shows that greater exposure to Fox News increases misinformation.

No doubt you must be considered a great wit among your circle of friends. It must be akin to being the world's tallest midget.:badgrin:

Republican former Senator and centerfold model Scott Brown had the raciest photo's of all. Thank God for the staple.
That was already going on. His VP used it as a slur on his opponent when he ran in 1988 (which says something about how he feels about his own country, founded by Liberals). But the disingenuous conflation really started with the "Red Scare" and McCarthyism. Probably worth a whole 'nother thread but still, offtopic here.
Who cares? Liberalism was a joke and utterly defeated by the end of the Reagan administration and no one wanted the label. The term "progressive" was adopted those who wanted to distance themselves from failure. As failure is once again inevitable, the question becomes what those losers will call themselves next.

Liberalism founded this country. If you don't like it you're welcome to leave.

Oh wait -- you already did.
On behalf of your former country, thank you.

As for Corporatism having defeated Liberalism.... well you may have a point. :eusa_think:

The Liberalism that founded this country was totally opposite of the liberals of today.
The Liberals of today believe in social issues based on Marxism, big government and Democracy.
The liberalism ideology of the founders were small or central government and a Constitutional Republic. Civil Rights that are our Amendments, that the Federal Government was to never make any bills, rules or regulations that violated those rights.
The civil laws were for the States and for the people, not the Feds.

The two are very opposite of each other today.
She said Tyranny can come from Dictators, over reaching government, or corporations and wealthy individuals who run our country for their own benefit. She said this statement "confused them" because conservatives have been blinded by the self serving nonsense served up by today's pigs.

I think she nailed it right on the head. And these Republicans call HER "stupid"?

Or, put another way, Pigtards think she's the stupid one.

A new tax reform would get rid of this.
Look at both parties and see who is against any new tax reform. Both are.
Both parties only want to tinker with what we have.
Look at what happened when Herman Cain came up with a new tax.
The only way they could get rid of him was to make him out to be a womanizer, the easiest and oldest political trick in the book.

Who are the actual ones who want to get rid of the IRS and get a simple easy tax reform. Conservatives.
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Who cares? Liberalism was a joke and utterly defeated by the end of the Reagan administration and no one wanted the label. The term "progressive" was adopted those who wanted to distance themselves from failure. As failure is once again inevitable, the question becomes what those losers will call themselves next.

Liberalism founded this country. If you don't like it you're welcome to leave.

Oh wait -- you already did.
On behalf of your former country, thank you.

As for Corporatism having defeated Liberalism.... well you i have a point. :eusa_think:
You are either stupid or deliberately obtuse, unless you think that owning slaves and severe limitations on the powers of government constitute liberalism today.

Yes, I did leave the country over 20 years ago but not for political reasons. In seeing what the country has become, I have few regrets. The wonders of progressivism still smell like shit to the locals and political correctness is a matter of ridicule. Freedom of thought and speech are still alive and well. If that is liberalism, than color me so.

It's obvious you've been away so long you have no clue, let alone coherence.

Slavery and severe limitations on the powers of government don't even have anything to do with each other. The latter is Liberalism; the former is anything but.

And we've already dismissed your "progressivism" as meaningless bullshit filler. It relates to nothing, Liberal or otherwise.
Hard to watch without noticing the blank stare.

I wonder what kind of drug induces blank staring coupled with manic ranting?

Help me out here, libbies, this is unfamiliar territory......
Who cares? Liberalism was a joke and utterly defeated by the end of the Reagan administration and no one wanted the label. The term "progressive" was adopted those who wanted to distance themselves from failure. As failure is once again inevitable, the question becomes what those losers will call themselves next.

Liberalism founded this country. If you don't like it you're welcome to leave.

Oh wait -- you already did.
On behalf of your former country, thank you.

As for Corporatism having defeated Liberalism.... well you may have a point. :eusa_think:

The Liberalism that founded this country was totally opposite of the liberals of today.
The Liberals of today believe in social issues based on Marxism, big government and Democracy.
The liberalism ideology of the founders were small or central government and a Constitutional Republic. Civil Rights that are our Amendments, that the Federal Government was to never make any bills, rules or regulations that violated those rights.
The civil laws were for the States and for the people, not the Feds.

The two are very opposite of each other today.

You can continue trying to confuse Liberalism with leftism until the sun comes down. It ain't selling.
Liberalism founded this country. If you don't like it you're welcome to leave.

Oh wait -- you already did.
On behalf of your former country, thank you.

As for Corporatism having defeated Liberalism.... well you may have a point. :eusa_think:

The Liberalism that founded this country was totally opposite of the liberals of today.
The Liberals of today believe in social issues based on Marxism, big government and Democracy.
The liberalism ideology of the founders were small or central government and a Constitutional Republic. Civil Rights that are our Amendments, that the Federal Government was to never make any bills, rules or regulations that violated those rights.
The civil laws were for the States and for the people, not the Feds.

The two are very opposite of each other today.

You can continue trying to confuse Liberalism with leftism until the sun comes down. It ain't selling.

I wasn't asking anyone to buy.
I'm not confusing anything.
Liberalism founded this country. If you don't like it you're welcome to leave.

Oh wait -- you already did.
On behalf of your former country, thank you.

As for Corporatism having defeated Liberalism.... well you i have a point. :eusa_think:
You are either stupid or deliberately obtuse, unless you think that owning slaves and severe limitations on the powers of government constitute liberalism today.

Yes, I did leave the country over 20 years ago but not for political reasons. In seeing what the country has become, I have few regrets. The wonders of progressivism still smell like shit to the locals and political correctness is a matter of ridicule. Freedom of thought and speech are still alive and well. If that is liberalism, than color me so.

It's obvious you've been away so long you have no clue, let alone coherence.

Slavery and severe limitations on the powers of government don't even have anything to do with each other. The latter is Liberalism; the former is anything but.

And we've already dismissed your "progressivism" as meaningless bullshit filler. It relates to nothing, Liberal or otherwise.
The point is not my absence nor coherence, but your inability to fathom history and politics. Petulance will do nothing to convince those who are not already on your level of simplicity. Dogma rarely equates with fact, something which bleating sheep are incapable of comprehension.

Bah bah bye.

Try again later.
Quote: Originally Posted by Rozman View Post
She ran for office and lost.
And there were some racy photos of her...

You're confusing MSNBC with Faux.....Faux is the one that offers all the losers jobs, like Palin,

Yet another study has been released proving that watching Fox News is detrimental to your intelligence. World Public Opinion, a project managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, conducted a survey of American voters that shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. What’s more, the study shows that greater exposure to Fox News increases misinformation.

No doubt you must be considered a great wit among your circle of friends. It must be akin to being the world's tallest midget.:badgrin:

I see, you have just proven that article to be accurate. Thanks for your contribution..:lol:
Good god you are polluted by preconceptions... or possibly just polluted in the inebriation sense...

I suspect that you, Mamooth and I are the only interested parties here who actually DID watch the video, seeing as how all the others went into such excruciating detail on it. Anyway...

The talking head sez:
"Animal Farm is a useful cautionary tale warning of the corruption of concentrated power-- no matter in whose hands that power rests"

Do you disagree with that?

She also notes "we already live in a sort of oligarchy". Disagree with that?

You and some of the rest of us may disagree on who it is holding the puppet strings but that has nothing to do with "stupid", so getting your RDA of ad hom in before the thread even starts is poignantly ineffectual.

And it's an editorial anyway.

S... M... H....

Animal Farm is a specific warning against trusting assholes who claim to be looking out for the common guy but are really only looking to line their own pockets. That is not a broad based cautionary tale against concentrated power, it is a specific warning not to trust people who claim they care about your best interests after they wrest power away from someone else.

Agreed. And as noted above from the video quote, the TV talking head said the same thing.


Easily done. You need but ask.


By their flags ye already know them:


Is that enough? Say the word.

No, you no stupid. Orwell stupid, you no stupid. :rolleyes:

In fact, I can point to all sorts of idiots, including you, that always get upset when I, or anyone else, point out the little steps we are taking down the road to tyranny.

You keep saying that. Then I keep challenging you to prove it. Then you keep running away. Lather, rinse, repeat, yip yap.

So, please, keep posting here telling me how smart you are for seeing an imaginary oligarchy and how much it reminds you of the Stalinist revolution while simultaneously dismissing every single danger sign of tyranny that I, among others, point out. It makes you look so incredibly idiotic that I really don't have to do anything but point and laugh.

I made no reference to myself or how smart anybody is. You did that with your pointless ad hom obsession. On the contrary I don't see how it takes smarts to see the obvious. But I suppose given your challenges there is a threshold.

I made no reference to Stalin either. Silly me, I'm not locked into the rigid idea that an allegorical novel must apply only to one historical story and anything other application of the same moral is just something to go all :lalala: over.

Tell me again how you aren't an idiot who parrots the talking points of the Democrats and Harry Reid.
You've got that completely bass-ackwards, Peach. There's no more Liberal sentiment than "all men are created equal". That's what invented this country.

Nice try at co-optation but I give free proofreads. You're welcome. :)

Which explains why you, as a self declared liberal who agrees with the founders of this country, are not outraged by the fact that people are being punished for expressing negative opinions of some groups but not others.


As always, here comes your daily dose of Kryptonite:


Link to what? Your lack of outrage over something? Can you point to a single example of you ever being outraged about anything that didn't include someone claiming you said something, or didn't say something, which is a new one, on this board?

Didn't think so.
You've got that completely bass-ackwards, Peach. There's no more Liberal sentiment than "all men are created equal". That's what invented this country.

Nice try at co-optation but I give free proofreads. You're welcome. :)

I agree with you Pogo with true liberalism. But the Progressives who interchange using the words liberal and progressive at will, whenever each word starts to become a bad thing, are the ones who believe in, all are created equal based on, for the good of the collective.

I don't know who around here uses the term "progressive" except for Westwall, and he ain't the brightest bulb in the light tower. It sounds like what you're trying to describe is "leftists", not Liberals. Progressivism belongs to a world of a hundred years ago. Absent a cogent concise definition -- and I certainly couldn't get one out of Bustball -- it's just a meaningless pseudo-slur full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

You don't know who uses the term progressive? How about the person you are replying to, idiot?

By the way, how is the term no longer applicable to this world? Considering that one of the goals of progressives in the 19th century was the removal of barriers to travel, and that the European Union is specifically modeled on those goals, how the fuck can you say it doesn't exist anymore? What, exactly, would you call a woman who claims that it is racist not to look at skin color?
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I don't know who around here uses the term "progressive" except for Westwall, and he ain't the brightest bulb in the light tower. It sounds like what you're trying to describe is "leftists", not Liberals. Progressivism belongs to a world of a hundred years ago. Absent a cogent concise definition -- and I certainly couldn't get one out of Bustball -- it's just a meaningless pseudo-slur full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

I plus others have been using the word, because Democrats have been using the word.
Liberals in the House-Raul Grijalva, Nancy Pelosi all of the liberals.
Congressional Progressive Caucus : Home

The liberals went back to the word progressive again.
Progressive Democrats of America - Tim Carpenter Memorial

In that sense "progressive" could mean "one who approves of progress". Who doesn't.

I'll say again until it sinks in -- without a definition it's still a meaningless hack term. :eusa_hand:

This is off the topic anyway.

Poor baby.

Your definition of liberal doesn't include anyone in the Democratic Party, or even you yourself, yet you continue to use it like it means something because you like the fact that it makes it seem like you care about freedom.

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