Animal MSNBC doubles down on stupid

Can you give us the specific criteria concerning how to distinguish literature from not-literature? I just ask because this is the first time I've seen somebody declare that Animal Farm isn't literature. You're sort of like the Minister of Culture in your own Soviet state, telling us what is and isn't literature.
Yes, I can.

Shakespeare is literature, Twitter is not.

Noted, how you don't seem to know the difference between "criteria" and "examples".

The longer this goes on, the less you seem able to understand basic English.

Rather than all of this embarrassing yourself by digging deeper into your alternate reality, wouldn't it have just been easier to admit your OP was off the mark?

I noticed two things about this post.

  1. You completely dropped your attempt to argue that I am going to resort to misdirection in my defense of capitalism.
  2. You have a terrible sense of humor.
Nobody watches MSNBC anyway.

I use my DVR to record MSNBC and FNC programs and watch them at my leisure.

In every segment in every program on both networks I look for balance, in other words, look for views opposed to those of the network and/or host.

If I find it, I watch and enjoy. If not I skip over that particular segment and look for balance in the next.

Needless to say, one could say that in fact I do NOT watch MSNBC, because one can only take so much of listening to the choir singing to themselves.

FNC almost always features a liberal point of view.

You don't really watch msnbc, because if you did, you'd KNOW that just about every segment on every show DOES feature a RWer.

Besides, having a Democrat and a Republican around to comment on the news is not the barometer of news.

News is supposed to be factual and current. That's it.

All that other crap about "balance" is a trick that Rupert Murdock put into your impressionable brains.

Walter Kronkite wasn't known for being balanced...he was known for being accurate and truthful and current. That's news.
I always thought of Kronkite as being leftward leaning but in a harmless "crazy old uncle" sort of way. Seemed like he would be nice to children and small animals and very careful never to run down even the smallest of fish with his yacht.
She ran for office and lost.
And there were some racy photos of her...

So now she's a rising star at MSNBC....

Makes sense.
They give a show to just about anyone over there.

You're confusing MSNBC with Faux.....Faux is the one that offers all the losers jobs, the ones that can't make it on other jobs.....Palin,
Stossle, G. Rivera, etc............:D

Yet another study has been released proving that watching Fox News is detrimental to your intelligence. World Public Opinion, a project managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, conducted a survey of American voters that shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. What’s more, the study shows that greater exposure to Fox News increases misinformation.
Study Confirms That Fox News Makes You Stupid | Alternet

FNC is the channel that picks up excellent but unappreciated journalists from other networks.

Way back when, CNN more or less traded Greta van Susteren for Paula Zahn. Where is Paula Zahn now?

Ed Henry was languishing at CNN, and is flourishing at FNC to the frustration of that Obama dummy, Jay Carney.

Just two examples to prove how wrong you are.
Nobody watches MSNBC anyway.

I use my DVR to record MSNBC and FNC programs and watch them at my leisure.

In every segment in every program on both networks I look for balance, in other words, look for views opposed to those of the network and/or host.

If I find it, I watch and enjoy. If not I skip over that particular segment and look for balance in the next.

Needless to say, one could say that in fact I do NOT watch MSNBC, because one can only take so much of listening to the choir singing to themselves.

FNC almost always features a liberal point of view.

You mean the shill Combs? You could have just said I'm a Fox "News" sheep and I hate liberals.

Here is a small and partial list of notable and significant democrats who are by no means are shills, who are either contributors or regular guests on various FNC opinion shows:

Doug Schoen
Bob Beckel (co-host of "The Five")
Kirsten Powers
Tamara Holder
Julie Roginsky
Jane Harman (former Congresswoman)
Lanny Davis
Chris Wallace (host of "Fox News Sunday)
Geraldo Riviera

Now it is your turn to provide a similar list of Republicans on MSNBC.

You are welcome!
Nobody watches MSNBC anyway.

I use my DVR to record MSNBC and FNC programs and watch them at my leisure.

In every segment in every program on both networks I look for balance, in other words, look for views opposed to those of the network and/or host.

If I find it, I watch and enjoy. If not I skip over that particular segment and look for balance in the next.

Needless to say, one could say that in fact I do NOT watch MSNBC, because one can only take so much of listening to the choir singing to themselves.

FNC almost always features a liberal point of view.

You don't really watch msnbc, because if you did, you'd KNOW that just about every segment on every show DOES feature a RWer.

Besides, having a Democrat and a Republican around to comment on the news is not the barometer of news.

News is supposed to be factual and current. That's it.

All that other crap about "balance" is a trick that Rupert Murdock put into your impressionable brains.

Walter Kronkite wasn't known for being balanced...he was known for being accurate and truthful and current. That's news.

See post #106.
Here is a small and partial list of notable and significant democrats who are by no means are shills,

Doug Schoen -- shill.

Bob Beckel (co-host of "The Five") --- Token liberal strawman/punching bag. That is, the current Alan Colmes.

Kirsten Powers -- shill

Tamara Holder -- Token liberal whipping girl #1. Paid well for it, of course.

Julie Roginsky -- Token liberal whipping girl #2. Hard to tell them apart. Pretty faces. After all, it's FOX.

Jane Harman (former Congresswoman) -- A rare guest, not a contributor, who gets shouted over whenever she shows up.

Lanny Davis -- proud neocon, fits right in at FOX.

Chris Wallace (host of "Fox News Sunday) -- shill

Geraldo Riviera -- Right wing clown.

Now it is your turn to provide a similar list of Republicans on MSNBC.

Morning Joe and all his guests, every damn day. By airtime, MSNBC gives a much bigger percentage its political airtime to the other side.
José Díaz-Balart is joining MSNBC in June. He'll replace Chris Jansing who is being promoted to NBC's Senior White House Correspondent. I'll miss Chris's show, but it's a deserved promotion.

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