From Amnesty International...

This leftard quotes from a far-left source, and ignore the disgusting Muslims savages torturing the hostages to death, after having burned alive and decapitated little Jewish children.

It’s that double standard again. The condemnation goes in only one direction.
This leftard quotes from a far-left source, and ignore the disgusting Muslims savages torturing the hostages to death, after having burned alive and decapitated little Jewish children.

It’s that double standard again. The condemnation goes in only one direction.
So sad for you little lisa. So sad.
And….right to Alinsky, like a good little leftard. When you can’t debate your opponent fairly, resort to personal taunts and ridicule.

So predictable.
Debating you is like talking to a snail. Go tell Trump of the East how to do it.
You RWinger without a clue. All I see is a slime trail.
You LWingers yell out “Kill the Jews!” at all these liberal colleges, and your LW Ivy presidents refuse to say that’s unacceptable, and tell Jews to stand in the corner, and say it’s exhilarating to learn that Jewish babies were burned and cooked to death, to where the antisemitism emanating from the left is so extreme that Jews are told to stay in their houses and are harassed while walking to class.

(Cue up…..but, but, but six years ago there was a day where Neo-Nazis marched.)
You LWingers yell out “Kill the Jews!” at all these liberal colleges, and your LW Ivy presidents refuse to say that’s unacceptable, and tell Jews to stand in the corner, and say it’s exhilarating to learn that Jewish babies were burned and cooked to death, to where the antisemitism emanating from the left is so extreme that Jews are told to stay in their houses and are harassed while walking to class.

(Cue up…..but, but, but six years ago there was a day where Neo-Nazis marched.)
They will cut & run when Real Americans go toe to toe with them
You LWingers yell out “Kill the Jews!” at all these liberal colleges, and your LW Ivy presidents refuse to say that’s unacceptable, and tell Jews to stand in the corner, and say it’s exhilarating to learn that Jewish babies were burned and cooked to death, to where the antisemitism emanating from the left is so extreme that Jews are told to stay in their houses and are harassed while walking to class.

(Cue up…..but, but, but six years ago there was a day where Neo-Nazis marched.)
Those people are not me. Try harder. Maybe they are as misinformed as you are.
This leftard quotes from a far-left source, and ignore the disgusting Muslims savages torturing the hostages to death, after having burned alive and decapitated little Jewish children.

It’s that double standard again. The condemnation goes in only one direction.
The problem in the middle wast are also those "human rights" groups. That conflict was always a ping pong play by them.
And….right to Alinsky, like a good little leftard. When you can’t debate your opponent fairly, resort to personal taunts and ridicule.

So predictable.
Palestinians are human beings who have been mistreated for 80 years because of Jewish nationalism.
But IslamistTerrorists get a higher body Count
We have to dumb this down so our anti-Israel “friends” understand that it’s not just about numbers:

1) The Muslim savages hunt for and cut off the heads of 40 Jewish infants and burn alive 100 Jewish children, making sure their last moments on Earth are so agonizing that death is a relief.

2) There are 1000 Jew-hating, HAMAS-supporting Muslims who are UNINTENTIONALLY killed when their HAMAS leaders block their path to freedom which the Jews have provided.

Leftists: waaaaa! No fair. The score is 140 to 1000.
We have to dumb this down so our anti-Israel “friends” understand that it’s not just about numbers:

1) The Muslim savages hunt for and cut off the heads of 40 Jewish infants and burn alive 100 Jewish children, making sure their last moments on Earth are so agonizing that death is a relief.

2) There are 1000 Jew-hating, HAMAS-supporting Muslims who are UNINTENTIONALLY killed when their HAMAS leaders block their path to freedom which the Jews have provided.

Leftists: waaaaa! No fair. The score is 140 to 1000.

Knock off the lies and propaganda.

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