Ann Coulter claims growing interest in soccer shows signs of moral decay. WTH?

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I really really tried to appreciate soccer, but it seems inane and incomprehensible at the same time...the off sides rules especially. I read the article the OP mentioned. The article didn't seem objective about Coulter. I am no fan of hers, either. She seems to annoy even the conservatives, Ann is annoying. I have to agree with Annie on one point, "Anyone with a grandfather born in the US is no Soccer fan". The HUGE influx of Illegal Latino Immigrants whom ARE soccer fans, has more to do with this surge of interest in the game than anything else. And I don't find people that immigrate illegally particularly moral. So, maybe, despite all the theater and drama, she has a point.

Sorry, but plenty of people with grandparents born in the US are cheering for our team to win. To claim otherwise is insane.
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You know what's funny is the people who trash Ann , just have enough money to buy a phone and computer to trash.her. Sissy boys.

I'm the one who started this thread, and I guarantee you I make a good living. It is also not a "sissy boy" field.

This idea you have that soccer is only for sissies is nuts.
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Single Moms is becoming a huge issue in this country. They are not men anymore. Just mamas boys.... Look at Obama getting birch slapped by Putin.

Perhaps you should start a movement aimed at getting the fathers to stick around and be Dads.

Don't look me I didn't start the bra burning thing, or welfare in the 1960's . Your liberals fault. .

I'm not a liberal, by most definitions of the term. Burning bras (equality for women) is not something I see as wrong. But you dodged the point of my comment.

Single mothers are a very serious issue. But the mothers stayed and are raising the children. Where are the fathers? Out being macho and looking to score again without taking responsibility for their actions?
That's just stupid on her part

Baseball and football are totally unwatchable

Baseball is more for playing not watching.

The people I know who watch Baseball
are either on teams and share with each other,
or they follow the sport and certain teams
very closely and keep up with the history.

I assume soccer is the same way.

I do not want to watch people do all that work
just to end up with a 0-0 score.

Basketball scores are as ridiculous.
Baseball and football are totally unwatchable

You must know nothing about either sport. Baseball has the equivalent of 250 soccer shots-on-goal per game. Every pitch that is caught is a goal. Every one that is put in play is a block that involves many possible ramifications.
As with soccer, baseball is essentially unchanged for over one hundred twenty years.

A better comparison is if after a soccer strike the league decided they had to guarantee more scoring so they juiced the ball so that a faint tap would send it into orbit and then expanded the net to the size of the grand canyon

Why bother playing baseball anymore? The pitchers have been neutered, just have the game decided by a home run derby
I agree with Ann Coulter.

I don't agree with her opinion of soccer..but I do with many of her political views!

I simply adore soccer! best sport in the world after tennis !
Both Coulter and Rush don't have kids, but this doesn't stop them from thinking that they are experts on kids. I think soccer is a pretty exciting game to watch and it doesn't have the injuries that football has for the young. Most people that I've seen that played soccer into their 40's and beyond even, have stayed in pretty good shape. Another good reason for kids to learn the game.
That's just stupid on her part

Baseball and football are totally unwatchable

Baseball is more for playing not watching.

The people I know who watch Baseball
are either on teams and share with each other,
or they follow the sport and certain teams
very closely and keep up with the history.

I assume soccer is the same way.

I do not want to watch people do all that work
just to end up with a 0-0 score.

I think that's the fundamental problem Americans have with soccer. We tend to look too much into the scorelines for it to tell us the story of a game. If goals are all you care about then of course you're going to see the sport in very black and white terms, which means 0-0 will mean boring and 5-4 will mean entertaining. The problem is this: soccer games are rarely as straight forward as their scoreline suggests. There are always underlying stories, plays, pockets of action that occur and change the complexion of the entire game, but if you're always looking at the scoreline, you will miss this stuff and in missing that, you miss the whole point of the game. This is what folks like Ann Coulter struggle with when it comes to soccer. They simply don't have the patience and/or awareness to understand the subtle nuances of the game. This insatiable, yet undeniably American need for constant, straight forward action prevents that. Our sports are geared towards that type of action specifically. We have a hard time with sports that are not, of which soccer is one.
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She's nothing more than a troll, WB.

Plus she prefers polo.


oh stop it!!!.....we know you are not very fond of women, but that is uncalled for.

I love and respect women. Are you really so dense you think gay men hate women?

Ever heard of "fag hags".


you dont like anyone who disagrees with think i am an asshole just for getting on you from running from questions asked of you in the dam threads YOU are a gay man with a huge chip on your shoulder and you take it out on everyone here unless they kiss your should be more like Seawyitch she doesnt throw her gayness in your face like you do...
Out of Baseball, Football and Soccer the latter is objectively the most physically demanding. In football there is roughly 15 minutes of actual physical activity and baseball is even worse. Ann Coulter proves once again that she is an imbecile.

so what does that have to do with moral decay?......just askin....

Ask Ann Coulter.

she did not mention anything about how tough the sport is.....
oh stop it!!!.....we know you are not very fond of women, but that is uncalled for.

I love and respect women. Are you really so dense you think gay men hate women?

Ever heard of "fag hags".


you dont like anyone who disagrees with think i am an asshole just for getting on you from running from questions asked of you in the dam threads YOU are a gay man with a huge chip on your shoulder and you take it out on everyone here unless they kiss your should be more like Seawyitch she doesnt throw her gayness in your face like you do...

I'm pretty sure Howey is a troll trying to make gay men appear stupid and angry.

Don't fall for it.

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