Ann Coulter claims growing interest in soccer shows signs of moral decay. WTH?

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So! Isn't she allowed to express her feelings?

Obviously she is. Just as I am allowed to ridicule her for her claims.

Her "feelings" that no one with American grandparents are watching soccer is simply stupid.

Why do I care about your ridicule? So you hate her, wow like that's new. So why waste effort on a message board to be redundant.

Why waste effort on the same board to ask why you should care about my ridicule?

I don't hate her. I dislike her and think she is a troll, but hate is too strong a word for it.

You defend her right to say what she wants, and then question why I say what I want. lol
Coulter Trolls US Soccer Fans: Growing Interest Shows 'National Decay'

Now I get that not everyone likes soccer. I'm not a fan of it myself.

And I get that Coulter is a troll. But jeez, does she have no shame?

This is total nonsense. I especially liked her claim " I promise you: No American whose great-grandfather was born here is watching soccer".

She's nothing more than a troll, WB.

Plus she prefers polo.


If you put up your own picture in a similar fashion it would have to be with the hind end of the horse.
I love and respect women. Are you really so dense you think gay men hate women?

Ever heard of "fag hags".


you dont like anyone who disagrees with think i am an asshole just for getting on you from running from questions asked of you in the dam threads YOU are a gay man with a huge chip on your shoulder and you take it out on everyone here unless they kiss your should be more like Seawyitch she doesnt throw her gayness in your face like you do...

Oh...i think there's a couple of people on here whom i disagree with politically who would disagree with you.

I'm an adult. I don't need to hate someone who disagrees with me politically. Hell, if that was the case I wouldn't be speaking to any of my brothers or the woman who lives next door to us. A woman I consider my best friend who happens to be a raging teabagger. In fact, thinking about it...a freak number of my friends disagree with me politically.

you sure prove that Howey....
Obviously she is. Just as I am allowed to ridicule her for her claims.

Her "feelings" that no one with American grandparents are watching soccer is simply stupid.

Why do I care about your ridicule? So you hate her, wow like that's new. So why waste effort on a message board to be redundant.

Why waste effort on the same board to ask why you should care about my ridicule?

I don't hate her. I dislike her and think she is a troll, but hate is too strong a word for it.

You defend her right to say what she wants, and then question why I say what I want. lol

so again, I don't understand the desire to repeat something over and over when we all already know that the left doesn't like her. Oh boy, Ann Coulter said something, so friggn what. Seems as if you all have to deal with it, since it is obvious it really bothers you.

BTW, You don't hate her fine, I believe your dislike for her is most likely in a grey area hovering around hate, since it bothers you when she speaks. Or anyone from the right. Oh boy the left isn't going to like that. So what:eusa_boohoo:
Oh. [MENTION=22835]HarryDresden[/MENTION] I don't think you're an asshole because you disagree with me politically, I think you're an asshole because you're an asshole. Hth.

and the reason why?....not because i made fun of you for being gay like so many here was because i got on you for running from threads after people started asking questions about things you posted...many of them were YOUR fucking cant take it when someone confronts you Howey.....its easier just to leave the threads.....and you do have a chip on your shoulder that has to do with you being gay.....remember those pictures you posted in response to me for just saying something you did not want to hear ?.....Seawytch would never do that just because i disagreed with are the kind of gay person gay people dont need talking about gay rights.....and you are a pussy....
If she don't like it, she don't have to watch it....

Interesting Point but not possible if you watch any newscast at all. Seems that the networks are using the World Cup as their lead story these days. The World Cup should be relegated to the sports section and ESPN. Instead the World Cup has taken precedence over stories like the Iraq and the recent Supreme Court Decisions.
If she don't like it, she don't have to watch it....

Interesting Point but not possible if you watch any newscast at all. Seems that the networks are using the World Cup as their lead story these days. The World Cup should be relegated to the sports section and ESPN. Instead the World Cup has taken precedence over stories like the Iraq and the recent Supreme Court Decisions.

All it is is bread and circuses, same for any other professional sport. Difference for the World Cup is it is bread and circuses on a global scale.

The thing about the world cup in my view that is more insidious is that it funnels people's natural patriotism and nationalism into a safety valve distraction like this. They know this is a safe form of patriotism/nationalism. Rather than people getting fired up and questioning their corrupt governments they get fired up over a game.

Not that I don't like soccer, but I think this is evident.
I'm sure she loves the NFL. Its really neat to see a bunch of players playing their way into head trauma and other lifelong conditions. If I did it all over again I would have never let my sons play football. We haven't progressed very much since the gladiator times.
You all realize this woman is crazy, right? She is not worth the key strokes.

Note to GOP

The world goes on! You are not going to be able to rule the world with Old White Guys anymore. Things will change. If you do not, you are DOOMED!
Soccer is one of the fastest growing sports in the US. Personally, I hardly ever watch it. I am a NFL, NASCAR guy. But soccer fields are popping up all over the place. In just a few generations, it may be as popular as baseball. I don't see it surpassing the NFL...ever.
I'm sure she loves the NFL. Its really neat to see a bunch of players playing their way into head trauma and other lifelong conditions. If I did it all over again I would have never let my sons play football. We haven't progressed very much since the gladiator times.

And we should watch a sport that shows man as an appetizer! An Italian one at that.
Out of Baseball, Football and Soccer the latter is objectively the most physically demanding. In football there is roughly 15 minutes of actual physical activity and baseball is even worse. Ann Coulter proves once again that she is an imbecile.

Do you have any idea the physical demands placed on a college football player to get in shape for those 15 minutes of action ? And for those who find football and baseball boring perhaps you aren't schooled properly as to the subtle behind the scenes nuances.

Implying that soccer players don't spend time off the field practicing. Soccer is objectively the most physically demanding sport. You are engaged in physical activity for a full 90 minutes.
Out of Baseball, Football and Soccer the latter is objectively the most physically demanding. In football there is roughly 15 minutes of actual physical activity and baseball is even worse. Ann Coulter proves once again that she is an imbecile.

Do you have any idea the physical demands placed on a college football player to get in shape for those 15 minutes of action ? And for those who find football and baseball boring perhaps you aren't schooled properly as to the subtle behind the scenes nuances.

Implying that soccer players don't spend time off the field practicing. Soccer is objectively the most physically demanding sport. You are engaged in physical activity for a full 90 minutes.

you want demanding?.....try Water Polo....
Ann Coulter is an uncultured transvestite negrophile with no global perspective and apparently proud of it.


Damn. Every time I see your avatar, I hafta go work out.

Put some clothes on.

Or YOU go work out.

Oh, but you're right about Ann Coulter.

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