Ann Coulter: Do Progressive/Liberals Hate or Fear Her???

Ann Coulter has become irrelevant

When Donald Trump says more outrageous things than you do, your game is over

I think Political Chic is the only one who still reads her
I think both, hate and fear...:eusa_shifty:


Health Care for the Pushy and Well Connected

November 7, 2013 By Ann Coulter

So now it turns out Obama knew that 93 million Americans would have their health insurance canceled the whole time he was claiming, “If you like your insurance, you can keep it. Period.”

Obama lied. Period. “Hope and Change” was actually “A Sucker Is Born Every Minute.”

Even without the 2010 Health and Human Services (HHS) report admitting that 93 million Americans would lose their health insurance, anyone with half a brain (which is a pre-existing condition) knew that millions of Americans would be thrown off their insurance plans under Obamacare. Under the law, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is to determine what every health insurance plan must cover — and any plans that don’t are illegal.

As a result, gay guys are now going to be forced to buy plans that cover maternity care. Mormons will have to buy plans that cover gambling addiction therapy. Elderly couples can buy only insurance that includes pediatric dental care. Catholic hospitals will be required to provide birth control and abortions.

Our federal overseers, led by the arrogant and smug gender-feminist Sebelius, know what’s best for us. (Which is so nice of her since, as she recently pointed out, she doesn’t work for us.) Her idea of flexibility is not requiring Catholic priests to perform abortions. Not yet, anyway.


The smart people in the Soviet Union tried to plan the nation’s agriculture, and the result was 50 years of “bad weather.” And they were dealing with inert objects — land, seeds and crops.

They didn’t have to consider whether the fertilizer was a teetotaler who didn’t anticipate needing substance abuse therapy or a priest who preferred to skimp on marital counseling insurance.

Our central planners think they can direct something infinitely more complex than farmland: human beings and their individual health needs. Under Obamacare, the pushy and the connected win. Everyone else loses.

Health Care for the Pushy and Well Connected | FrontPage Magazine
Hate ,starts with fear
Ann Coulter has become irrelevant

When Donald Trump says more outrageous things than you do, your game is over

I think Political Chic is the only one who still reads her
Let's look at this an internet board gtoupy ,stating an international know published author, declared irreverent, by said gtoupy,that's a hoot.
Bet you will say you have read all her books also.
Ann Coulter needs a body guard to protect her from attack, at all times. Her counterparts on the Left, do not.

This should tell you something about the Left.
Ann Coulter has become irrelevant

When Donald Trump says more outrageous things than you do, your game is over

I think Political Chic is the only one who still reads her
Let's look at this an internet board gtoupy ,stating an international know published author, declared irreverent, by said gtoupy,that's a hoot.
Bet you will say you have read all her books also.

When was the last time we had a good Ann Coulter thread?
In the "good ole days" Tranny used to make some bizarre claim about liberals and the board would light up. Those days are gone

Trump is more entertaining
Ann Coulter has become irrelevant

When Donald Trump says more outrageous things than you do, your game is over

I think Political Chic is the only one who still reads her
Does anyone other than Conservatives even pay attention to her?
Coulter is one of the names you can work into a conversation with a liberal that will often send them running for a safe place where they can get therapy until they feel good enough about themselves to face the world again.
Coulter is one of the names you can work into a conversation with a liberal that will often send them running for a safe place where they can get therapy until they feel good enough about themselves to face the world again.

Used to be
Same as Limbaugh

Don't remember the last time either one of them sent the interwebs ablaze
I'd guess that lefties have Coulter in essentially the same category as Sarah Palin (different approaches, of course).

Give her as much air time as possible.
I'd guess that lefties have Coulter in essentially the same category as Sarah Palin (different approaches, of course).

Give her as much air time as possible.

Palin still knows how to get a rise out of Liberals

Coulter is yesterdays news
Coulter is one of the names you can work into a conversation with a liberal that will often send them running for a safe place where they can get therapy until they feel good enough about themselves to face the world again.
These do not sound like any liberals I know. Are you having a little fantasy here?
Coulter is one of the names you can work into a conversation with a liberal that will often send them running for a safe place where they can get therapy until they feel good enough about themselves to face the world again.
Most liberals laugh at the mention of her name.
Hashtag: We Are Neville Chamberlain
Welcoming a Hitlerian enemy with open arms.
March 24, 2016
Ann Coulter


Immigration is the new “No Nukes/Save the Whales” movement, only with more body bags.

After the mass murder committed by Muslims in San Bernardino, which came on the heels of the mass murder committed by Muslims in Paris, Donald Trump proposed a moratorium on Muslim immigration.

Explaining the idea on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” he talked about how Muslim immigration was infecting Europe: “Look at what happened in Paris, the horrible carnage. … We have places in London and other places that are so radicalized that the police are afraid for their own lives. We have to be very smart and very vigilant.”

Trump’s reference to London’s no-go zones was met with a massive round of sneering, which is what passes for argument in America these days. Jeb! said Trump was “unhinged,”

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) called him “foolish,” and former vice president Dick Cheney said Trump’s remarks went “against everything we stand for and believe in.” (Based on Trump’s crushing primary victories, Cheney is no longer qualified to say what “we” believe in.)
To prove Trump wrong, reporters called British authorities and asked them: Are you doing your jobs? They responded, Why, yes we are! The head of London’s police said, “Mr. Trump could not be more wrong,” and London mayor Boris Johnson called Trump’s comments “utter nonsense.”

Within days, however, scores of rank-and-file London policemen begged to differ with their spokesmen, leading to the following headlines:

UK Daily Mail: ‘TRUMP’S NOT WRONG — WE CAN’T WEAR UNIFORM IN OUR OWN CARS’: Five Police Officers Claim Donald Trump Is Right About Parts of London Being So ‘Radicalised’ They Are No-Go Areas

The Sun: ‘THERE ARE NO-GO AREAS IN LONDON’: Policemen Back Trump’s Controversial Comments

UK Daily Express: ‘TRUMP IS RIGHT!’ Police Say Parts of Britain Are No-Go Areas due to ISIS Radicalisation

Then, in January of this year, Trump talked specifically about the Muslim invasion of Brussels on the Maria Bartiromo show. “There is something going on, Maria,” he said. “Go to Brussels. … There is something going on and it’s not good, where they want Sharia law … There is something bad going on.”

The New York Times headlined a story on the interview: “Donald Trump Finds New City to Insult: Brussels.” News is no longer about communicating information; it’s about imparting an attitude. Trump is rude, so whether he’s right is irrelevant. As the saying goes, “Better dead than rude.”

Indignant Belgians took to Twitter, the Times reported, “deploying an arsenal of insults, irony and humor, including images of Belgium’s beloved beer and chocolate.” Liberals have gone from not understanding jokes to not understanding English. When Trump talked about unassimilated Muslim immigrants demanding Sharia law, I don’t think he was knocking Belgium’s beer and chocolate.

Rudi Vervoort, the president of the Brussels region (who evidently survived this week’s bombing), rebuked Trump, saying, “We can reassure the Americans that Brussels is a multicultural city where it is good to live.”

After multiculturalism struck this week, Vervoort said, “I would like to express my support to the victims of the attacks of this morning …” Twitter bristled with supportive hashtags, the Belgian flag and professions of solidarity. The Times editorialized: “Brussels, Europe, the world must brace for a long struggle against this form of terrorism.”

You mean Coulter is still alive? That's nice. Who cares?

Kind of pathetic, the way she's trying to revive her dead career. Normal crazy just doesn't cut it when the conservative base is far crazier.
You mean Coulter is still alive? That's nice. Who cares?

Kind of pathetic, the way she's trying to revive her dead career. Normal crazy just doesn't cut it when the conservative base is far crazier.
Obviously you care enough to take the time to troll and flame in a thread about Ann Coulter. Dead career? Her Career has made over $8.5 million dollars, I wish I had a career that was dead, and still made me RICH!

I don't hate her, I feel very sorry for her.

She must have had a really horrible life to wind up as she did.
UC Berkeley’s gravediggers of freedom.
April 20, 2017

Frontpage Editors


UC Berkeley, birthplace of the Free Speech Movement, has stabbed free speech in the back once again.

Last week it effectively canceled a long planned speech by David Horowitz. Today it canceled a long planned speech by Ann Coulter scheduled for April 27.

As they did with Horowitz, UC officials, citing safety concerns, first tried to bureaucratically shrink the Coulter speech out of existence by informing Young Americans for Freedom, sponsors of the event, that Coulter could speak only in the afternoon when students were in classes; that only students could attend; and, in a Kafkaesque twist, that the location of the speech would be distant from the center of campus and not be announced until just before it occurred.

Coulter agreed to these conditions. But she added two stipulations that called the bureaucrats’ bluff that this was about public safety rather than the suppression of the free speech of conservatives. She asked that the Chancellor not require police to stand down in the face of anticipated violence by thugs, as he has in the past; and she asked that the UC administration make it clear than any student trying violently to disrupt the speech would be expelled.

The University replied by cancelling Coulter’s speech outright.


By threatening to return in force if someone expresses views they disagree with, the masked thugs UC bureaucrats and their police force allowed to trash the university now write the rules. By appeasing them, the school’s administrators have created the nation’s most powerful Anti Free Speech Movement and spit in the face of Berkeley’s own history and traditions.

The Anti-Free Speech Movement
Ann Coulter vows to speak at Berkeley despite cancellation
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Associated Press
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By JOCELYN GECKER, Associated Press 5 hrs ago

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Ann Coulter fired off an angry stream of tweets Wednesday vowing to speak as planned next week at the University of California, Berkeley after campus officials called off the event for security concerns.

"I WILL BE SPEAKING NEXT THURSDAY," the right-wing commentator tweeted, calling the move to cancel her planned event on April 27 a ban on free speech.

Coulter was invited to speak at Berkeley by campus Republicans on the subject of illegal immigration. The event raised concerns of more violence at Berkeley, where masked rioters smashed windows, set fires and shut down an appearance by former Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos in February.

University officials sent the Berkeley College Republicans a letter Tuesday, saying that officials and campus police had determined they could not ensure the safety of Coulter, audience members or protesters expected at the event.


Ann Coulter vows to speak at Berkeley despite cancellation

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