Ann Coulter joins the crowd exposing black on white crime


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Pat Buchanan started this a year ago with his book ( and it got him fired) but the truth cannot be denied. In pages 157 -158 of Ann's new book "Mugged" she talks about how there are several thousand black on white rapes every year but according to Obama's Dept of Justice most years have ZERO white on black rapes!!!

Ann talks about the Duke Lacrosse rape scandal of a few years back and mocks the press by writing "no one in the media paused to consider the likelihood of her having been the victim of a nonexistent crime".

The whole book is about race and it's a great read. Ann has really researched the subject.
Pat Buchanan started this a year ago with his book ( and it got him fired) but the truth cannot be denied. In pages 157 -158 of Ann's new book "Mugged" she talks about how there are several thousand black on white rapes every year but according to Obama's Dept of Justice most years have ZERO white on black rapes!!!

Ann talks about the Duke Lacrosse rape scandal of a few years back and mocks the press by writing "no one in the media paused to consider the likelihood of her having been the victim of a nonexistent crime".

The whole book is about race and it's a great read. Ann has really researched the subject.

"Man" Coulter(yes, it looks like a man) is a right wing extremist nutjob, as evidenced by following comment, which but one in a plethora of her idiocy.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women.", also since you are so enamored with her, look up her comments about the widows of 911 vicitims.

She ranks right there with Rush Limbaugh as a nothing more than a pusher of low rent media garbage.
it's funny how so many liberals resort to politically incorrect name calling against conservatives. they profess love for GLTG but turn around and make homosexual or gender slurs.

BTW, are you saying that you think Coulter looks less like a woman than, say, Michelle Obama? what does a person's looks have to do with their ideas anyways?
it's funny how so many liberals resort to politically incorrect name calling against conservatives. they profess love for GLTG but turn around and make homosexual or gender slurs.

BTW, are you saying that you think Coulter looks less like a woman than, say, Michelle Obama? what does a person's looks have to do with their ideas anyways?

Who said anything about "liberals?" And there is a distinct difference between an extremist and a conservative. Now, as far as Coulter looking like a drag queen, that is simply an opinion....just like her opinion that "911 widows tried to capitalize on their hubands deaths".

Lastly, Michelle Obama is not the subject natter here, Coulter is.
it's funny how so many liberals resort to politically incorrect name calling against conservatives. they profess love for GLTG but turn around and make homosexual or gender slurs.

BTW, are you saying that you think Coulter looks less like a woman than, say, Michelle Obama? what does a person's looks have to do with their ideas anyways?

Who said anything about "liberals?" And there is a distinct difference between an extremist and a conservative. Now, as far as Coulter looking like a drag queen, that is simply an opinion....just like her opinion that "911 widows tried to capitalize on their hubands deaths".

Lastly, Michelle Obama is not the subject natter here, Coulter is.

I read the book where that story about the 911 widows was from. both the book and the excerpt make a lot of sense, and although I agree with a lot of her ideas I wish she would be slightly less abrasive sometimes. but then she wouldnt sell millions of dollars worth of books would she?

why do you consider it OK to slur one public figure but not another? I have criticized posters for mocking MO for her looks because I think it is irrelevent. I am criticizing you for mocking Coulter's looks because I think you are being hypocritical and I know you wouldnt stand a chance debating any issue with her so you take the intellectually dimwitted path by casting aspersions on her gender and personal appearance.
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Who said anything about "liberals?" And there is a distinct difference between an extremist and a conservative. Now, as far as Coulter looking like a drag queen, that is simply an opinion....just like her opinion that "911 widows tried to capitalize on their hubands deaths".

Well - they did didn't they?. The 911 widows got millions of dollars from that Victim's Compensation Fund - and it was nothing but hush money and everyone knows it.
Pat Buchanan started this a year ago with his book ( and it got him fired) but the truth cannot be denied. In pages 157 -158 of Ann's new book "Mugged" she talks about how there are several thousand black on white rapes every year but according to Obama's Dept of Justice most years have ZERO white on black rapes!!!

Ann talks about the Duke Lacrosse rape scandal of a few years back and mocks the press by writing "no one in the media paused to consider the likelihood of her having been the victim of a nonexistent crime".

The whole book is about race and it's a great read. Ann has really researched the subject.

"Man" Coulter(yes, it looks like a man) is a right wing extremist nutjob, as evidenced by following comment, which but one in a plethora of her idiocy.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women.", also since you are so enamored with her, look up her comments about the widows of 911 vicitims.

She ranks right there with Rush Limbaugh as a nothing more than a pusher of low rent media garbage.

Judging from the number of women who voted for obama because he's black and black men have a sexy swagga, Coulter was right. There are some intelligent thoughtful women out there, but the vast majority are like Sandra Fluke.
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Judging from the number of women who voted for obama because he's black and black men have a sexy swagga, Coulter was right. There are some intelligent thoughtful women out there, but the vast majority are like Sandra Fluke.

No woman has ever been drafted into military service. That's why they shouldn't have the vote.
it's funny how so many liberals resort to politically incorrect name calling against conservatives. they profess love for GLTG but turn around and make homosexual or gender slurs.

BTW, are you saying that you think Coulter looks less like a woman than, say, Michelle Obama? what does a person's looks have to do with their ideas anyways?

Who said anything about "liberals?" And there is a distinct difference between an extremist and a conservative. Now, as far as Coulter looking like a drag queen, that is simply an opinion....just like her opinion that "911 widows tried to capitalize on their hubands deaths".

Lastly, Michelle Obama is not the subject natter here, Coulter is.

I read the book where that story about the 911 widows was from. both the book and the excerpt make a lot of sense, and although I agree with a lot of her ideas I wish she would be slightly less abrasive sometimes. but then she wouldnt sell millions of dollars worth of books would she

why do you consider it OK to slur one public figure but not another? I have criticized posters for mocking MO for her looks because I think it is irrelevent. I am criticizing you for mocking Coulter's looks because I think you are being hypocritical and I know you wouldnt stand a chance debating any issue with her so you take the intellectually dimwitted path by casting aspersions on her gender and personal appearance.

Why do you care what "I .consider"? Being criticized by a stranger on an anonymous public message board ranks very low on my list of concerns. I notice that you conveniently sidestepped what I pointed out as a blatant racist statement, so if you are going to play the role of the "moral police" here, at least apply your self righteous rhetoric consistently.

You have the gall to take offense at what is said about Coulter, and bypass a slanderous comment applied to an entire race of people?......typical.

that aside, you are not obligated to read a single word that I post.

And as far as Man Coulter goes, she makes a iiving acting the part of a pompous, racist, homophobic ass, so it is highly unlikely that I would ever be in a position to debate her about anything, nor would I want to.

Carry on.
pat buchanan started this a year ago with his book ( and it got him fired) but the truth cannot be denied. In pages 157 -158 of ann's new book "mugged" she talks about how there are several thousand black on white rapes every year but according to obama's dept of justice most years have zero white on black rapes!!!

Ann talks about the duke lacrosse rape scandal of a few years back and mocks the press by writing "no one in the media paused to consider the likelihood of her having been the victim of a nonexistent crime".

The whole book is about race and it's a great read. Ann has really researched the subject.

"man" coulter(yes, it looks like a man) is a right wing extremist nutjob, as evidenced by following comment, which but one in a plethora of her idiocy.

"if we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another democrat president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine, but i don't think it's going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women.", also since you are so enamored with her, look up her comments about the widows of 911 vicitims.

She ranks right there with rush limbaugh as a nothing more than a pusher of low rent media garbage.

judging from the number of women who voted for obama because he's black and black men have a sexy swagga, coulter was right. There are some intelligent thoughtful women out there, but the vast majority are like sandra fluke.


she's got a great voice
Pat Buchanan started this a year ago with his book ( and it got him fired) but the truth cannot be denied. In pages 157 -158 of Ann's new book "Mugged" she talks about how there are several thousand black on white rapes every year but according to Obama's Dept of Justice most years have ZERO white on black rapes!!!

Ann talks about the Duke Lacrosse rape scandal of a few years back and mocks the press by writing "no one in the media paused to consider the likelihood of her having been the victim of a nonexistent crime".

The whole book is about race and it's a great read. Ann has really researched the subject.

"Man" Coulter(yes, it looks like a man) is a right wing extremist nutjob, as

evidenced by following comment, which but one in a plethora of her idiocy.

This board is infested with nuts I see. Obama did well at capturing the female vote because unlike his opposition, he identified issues that were important to women's interests.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women.", also since you are so enamored with her, look up her comments about the widows of 911 vicitims.

She ranks right there with Rush Limbaugh as a nothing more than a pusher of low rent media garbage.

Judging from the number of women who voted for obama because he's black and black men have a sexy swagga, Coulter was right. There are some intelligent thoughtful women out there, but the vast majority are like Sandra Fluke.

I seriuosly doubt that the majority of women who voted for Obama did so for any other reason than his making the concerns of women one of his strategies,

And even if they did vote for him for any other reason, it is of no ones concern. Privacy is a citizens right......even female citizens.
[...]In pages 157 -158 of Ann's new book "Mugged" she talks about how there are several thousand black on white rapes every year but according to Obama's Dept of Justice most years have ZERO white on black rapes!!![...]
Presuming this is true, thousands of Black-on-White rapes vs zero White-on-Black rapes, the issue deserves to be closely examined. Because the implications are serious and should be addressed sooner rather than later.
Who said anything about "liberals?" And there is a distinct difference between an extremist and a conservative. Now, as far as Coulter looking like a drag queen, that is simply an opinion....just like her opinion that "911 widows tried to capitalize on their hubands deaths".

Lastly, Michelle Obama is not the subject natter here, Coulter is.

I read the book where that story about the 911 widows was from. both the book and the excerpt make a lot of sense, and although I agree with a lot of her ideas I wish she would be slightly less abrasive sometimes. but then she wouldnt sell millions of dollars worth of books would she

why do you consider it OK to slur one public figure but not another? I have criticized posters for mocking MO for her looks because I think it is irrelevent. I am criticizing you for mocking Coulter's looks because I think you are being hypocritical and I know you wouldnt stand a chance debating any issue with her so you take the intellectually dimwitted path by casting aspersions on her gender and personal appearance.

Why do you care what "I .consider"? Being criticized by a stranger on an anonymous public message board ranks very low on my list of concerns. I notice that you conveniently sidestepped what I pointed out as a blatant racist statement, so if you are going to play the role of the "moral police" here, at least apply your self righteous rhetoric consistently.

You have the gall to take offense at what is said about Coulter, and bypass a slanderous comment applied to an entire race of people?......typical.
that aside, you are not obligated to read a single word that I post.

And as far as Man Coulter goes, she makes a iiving acting the part of a pompous, racist, homophobic ass, so it is highly unlikely that I would ever be in a position to debate her about anything, nor would I want to.

Carry on.

What slanderous comment applied to an entire race of people am I bypassing?

Coulter is neither racist or homophobic. being pompous, bitingly clever and informed is her job.
[...]In pages 157 -158 of Ann's new book "Mugged" she talks about how there are several thousand black on white rapes every year but according to Obama's Dept of Justice most years have ZERO white on black rapes!!![...]
Presuming this is true, thousands of Black-on-White rapes vs zero White-on-Black rapes, the issue deserves to be closely examined. Because the implications are serious and should be addressed sooner rather than later.

Yes it should be but the establishment press won't touch it. They've been telling us for decades that whites are the racial problem in america when in fact blacks are.

Judging from the number of women who voted for obama because he's black and black men have a sexy swagga, Coulter was right. There are some intelligent thoughtful women out there, but the vast majority are like Sandra Fluke.

No woman has ever been drafted into military service. That's why they shouldn't have the vote.

[ame=]Just when I think you've said the stupidest thing ever, you keep talkin' - YouTube[/ame]

Who said anything about "liberals?" And there is a distinct difference between an extremist and a conservative. Now, as far as Coulter looking like a drag queen, that is simply an opinion....just like her opinion that "911 widows tried to capitalize on their hubands deaths".

Well - they did didn't they?. The 911 widows got millions of dollars from that Victim's Compensation Fund - and it was nothing but hush money and everyone knows it.

You truly are a fucking moron.

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