Ann Coulter nails it in two “WALL” tweets.

the fact that Trump didnt get his way isn't a national emergency. this is a dangerous misuse of presidential power.

Illegals are KILLING and RAPING American citizens, that's a national emergency.
American males are killing and raping many more female citizens.
/—-/ So your answer is to let more criminals over the border?

That idiot deflect with the same stupid nonsense every time we discuss illegals killing and raping Americans.
NO, rape & murder are never ok, and you know that, I can confirm that you like to belittle others.
Coulter needs to gnash her teeth and beat her chest 24/7 until the wall gets built.

no wall, no peace! no wall, no peace! NO WALL, NO PEACE!
Trump stayed strong and really showed the Constitution who’s boss

No fundamental system of laws is going to get in his way. Trump has shown that he won’t allow mere constitutional articles—not even the ones that explicitly delineate which powers are granted to which branches of government—to stop him from doing what he has pledged to do. That’s how tough he is.

American rule of law and government is based on the United States Constitution. Every member of government has sworn an oath to uphold the Constitutions, and the laws of the Republic. That is where their loyalty lies.

The Constitution isn't something to be defied. The deliniation of powers was designed to stop a President like Trump, from trying to seize powers which the Constitution has not granted him, or from thwarting the will of the people, as expressed by Congress.

This is EXACTLY what Trump himself has said he's doing. He doesn't want to wait to build his wall. He doesn't need to do this. Those are his words
Yet we do nothing about home grown crime, and home grown crime (blue and white collar) is worst than any illegal crime. Stop businesses from hiring illegals and stop US citizens from using drugs. Trump and his admin is the national emergency as he is beholden to foreign countries.

Stop deflecting. Illegals from foreign countries are killing and raping thousands of Americans. If Iran killed and raped thousands of Americans their country would be a smoldering pile of bombed out rubble.
One in four American girls are sexually abused by males before they reach 18....MANY of them by family members and family friends.....NOT illegals.
That is a broad brush there. And what can called sexual abuse.

You're going to destroy this good man's life on the word of a CHILD? He never laid a hand on her. She's got no evidence.

And because most sexually abused children act out in some way, hurting themselves, lashing out at others, and generally behaving badly, victims tend not to be believed. And nothing ever happens.

Fewer than 1 rapist in 100 goes to jail. Less than 1%. Fewer than that when the rapist is a relative.
I do not deny there is rape.This is the western world and we throw words out freely no matter who that destroys. One part of the abuse is that includes all of the pregnant teenagers in the poverty areas. Lots of babies and abortions there. Very few accusations or reading about the perps. Does a teen age girl under the age get rape abuse charges against her if the so called perp she had sex with can if he is underage. Like Clinton said..."Define sex". We have to "Define Rape without politics included to schmooze it
the fact that Trump didnt get his way isn't a national emergency. this is a dangerous misuse of presidential power.

Illegals are KILLING and RAPING American citizens, that's a national emergency.
American males are killing and raping many more female citizens.

You are deflecting because you can't defend allowing illegals to flood across our border killing and raping Americans.

Last year one American woman was raped and killed by an illegal immigrant.

Over 3000 women were murdered by Americans. Why aren’t YOU concerned about THEM.
Trump stayed strong and really showed the Constitution who’s boss

No fundamental system of laws is going to get in his way. Trump has shown that he won’t allow mere constitutional articles—not even the ones that explicitly delineate which powers are granted to which branches of government—to stop him from doing what he has pledged to do. That’s how tough he is.

American rule of law and government is based on the United States Constitution. Every member of government has sworn an oath to uphold the Constitutions, and the laws of the Republic. That is where their loyalty lies.

The Constitution isn't something to be defied. The deliniation of powers was designed to stop a President like Trump, from trying to seize powers which the Constitution has not granted him, or from thwarting the will of the people, as expressed by Congress.

This is EXACTLY what Trump himself has said he's doing. He doesn't want to wait to build his wall. He doesn't need to do this. Those are his own words. The judges, right up to and including the SC will be inclined to agree with him.
I shouldn't have expected any less of a moronic response.

Someone else hires illegals that have a negative impact on my industry and I am the idiot.

Not the criminal illegal who likely stolecan identity after illegally crossing the border.
Not the illegal who causes depressed wages across the industry.
Not the employers who hire said illegals which allow them to severely undercut the bidding process giving them an unfair advantage against all the employers conducting business legally.
Not the politicians who turn a blind eye to this illegal employment industry.
Not the consumers who willfully hire these people.

But me.

Has it occurred to you there's a reason why all these people would prefer to hire undocumented immigrants instead of you?

Hmmm... Who am I going to hire, these immigrants who just get the job done, or some guys who stand around half the day whistling at female passerby.
So true. I have a friend whose husband owns a large landscaping company and he said he'd rather hire Mexican immigrants than anyone else because they're the hardest working and never complain.

Where in my comment did I say "illegal?" He runs a legitimate business and according to his wife, who is my friend and is also an immigrant from India, he makes sure all of them have the right papers. The family is very religious and wouldn't dream of doing anything that is against the law.

I didn't post it as a challenge...just for information about a self employed blue collar prospective that you may have been interested to hear...No offense meant...
I shouldn't have expected any less of a moronic response.

Someone else hires illegals that have a negative impact on my industry and I am the idiot.

Not the criminal illegal who likely stolecan identity after illegally crossing the border.
Not the illegal who causes depressed wages across the industry.
Not the employers who hire said illegals which allow them to severely undercut the bidding process giving them an unfair advantage against all the employers conducting business legally.
Not the politicians who turn a blind eye to this illegal employment industry.
Not the consumers who willfully hire these people.

But me.

Has it occurred to you there's a reason why all these people would prefer to hire undocumented immigrants instead of you?

Hmmm... Who am I going to hire, these immigrants who just get the job done, or some guys who stand around half the day whistling at female passerby.
So true. I have a friend whose husband owns a large landscaping company and he said he'd rather hire Mexican immigrants than anyone else because they're the hardest working and never complain.

Where in my comment did I say "illegal?" He runs a legitimate business and according to his wife, who is my friend and is also an immigrant from India, he makes sure all of them have the right papers. The family is very religious and wouldn't dream of doing anything that is against the law.

I didn't post it as a challenge...just for information about a self employed blue collar prospective that you may have been interested to hear...No offense meant...

Thank you, none taken.
"If we're going to have some doofus named Jared running our immigration policy, I'd prefer that it be that pederast from the Subway ads."
"Next time you see Matt Gaetz and Devin Nunes on Fox News...remember they voted for this horrific bill...and Omar & AOC, as well as Jim Jordan voted against it."
Trump stayed strong and really showed the Constitution who’s boss

No fundamental system of laws is going to get in his way. Trump has shown that he won’t allow mere constitutional articles—not even the ones that explicitly delineate which powers are granted to which branches of government—to stop him from doing what he has pledged to do. That’s how tough he is.

American rule of law and government is based on the United States Constitution. Every member of government has sworn an oath to uphold the Constitutions, and the laws of the Republic. That is where their loyalty lies.

The Constitution isn't something to be defied. The deliniation of powers was designed to stop a President like Trump, from trying to seize powers which the Constitution has not granted him, or from thwarting the will of the people, as expressed by Congress.

This is EXACTLY what Trump himself has said he's doing. He doesn't want to wait to build his wall. He doesn't need to do this. Those are his words
Stop deflecting. Illegals from foreign countries are killing and raping thousands of Americans. If Iran killed and raped thousands of Americans their country would be a smoldering pile of bombed out rubble.
One in four American girls are sexually abused by males before they reach 18....MANY of them by family members and family friends.....NOT illegals.
That is a broad brush there. And what can called sexual abuse.

You're going to destroy this good man's life on the word of a CHILD? He never laid a hand on her. She's got no evidence.

And because most sexually abused children act out in some way, hurting themselves, lashing out at others, and generally behaving badly, victims tend not to be believed. And nothing ever happens.

Fewer than 1 rapist in 100 goes to jail. Less than 1%. Fewer than that when the rapist is a relative.
I do not deny there is rape.This is the western world and we throw words out freely no matter who that destroys. One part of the abuse is that includes all of the pregnant teenagers in the poverty areas. Lots of babies and abortions there. Very few accusations or reading about the perps. Does a teen age girl under the age get rape abuse charges against her if the so called perp she had sex with can if he is underage. Like Clinton said..."Define sex". We have to "Define Rape without politics included to schmooze it
the fact that Trump didnt get his way isn't a national emergency. this is a dangerous misuse of presidential power.

Illegals are KILLING and RAPING American citizens, that's a national emergency.
American males are killing and raping many more female citizens.

You are deflecting because you can't defend allowing illegals to flood across our border killing and raping Americans.

Last year one American woman was raped and killed by an illegal immigrant.

Over 3000 women were murdered by Americans. Why aren’t YOU concerned about THEM.
Then you agree that not one cent for illegals in medical, checks and schooling to start. Are you concerned about the taxpayer? Perhaps the Winds of War needs to be explored.
“I didn’t need to do this” emergency declaration. Trumpo in Rose Garden Press briefing 02/15/2019 to announce the need for emergency executive action.

Slyhunter, post: 21827735
The bill is constitutional and it doesn't do enough.

RW Annie is not saying the latest CR, that Trumpo signed today, is unconstitutional. She said our ‘idiot’ President will now have to argue (falsely) that it is unconstitutional in order to attempt to defend his emergency declaration.

Well Trumpo may not have to make that argument anyway because he said today in front of RW Annie and everybody that he didn’t need to declare an emergency.

Eight lawsuits are already being filed and the idiot president today added an additional paragraph to each complaint that essentially is an admission that there is no real emergency.

RW Annie says Trumpo is an idiot. And look how Trumpo helped her out right out of the gate.
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“I didn’t need to do this” emergency declaration. Trumpo in Rose Garden Press briefing 02/15/2019 to announce the need for emergency executive action.

Slyhunter, post: 21827735
The bill is constitutional and it doesn't do enough.

RW Annie is not saying the latest CR, that Trumpo signed today, is unconstitutional. She said our ‘idiot’ President will now have to argue that it is unconstitutional to defend his emergency declaration.

Well Trumpo may not have to make that argument anyway because he said today in front of RW Annie and everybody that he didn’t need to declare an emergency.

Eight lawsuits are already being filed and the idiot president today added an additional paragraph to each complaint that essentially is an admission that there is no real emergency.

RW Annie says Trumpo is an idiot. And look how Trumpo helped her out right out of the gate.
he does not need to argue that his eo is unconstitutional but that it is constitutional and within his power to enact.

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