Ann Coulter nails it in two “WALL” tweets.

I still can't get over this quote… "We will have a national emergency, and we will then be sued, and they will sue us in the 9th circuit—even though it shouldn't be there—and we will possibly get a bad ruling, and then we'll get another bad ruling…" ~ Donald J. Trump
Coulter is upset like many people are....but she will come to her senses and will understand what's what

what is the best for America.....all and all.....ok?


that's all what this is all about,.
Ann Coulter: “The goal of a national emergency is for Trump to scam the stupidest people in his base for 2 more years.’
Ann Coulter: “The goal of a national emergency is for Trump to scam the stupidest people in his base for 2 more years.’

nobody in America will vote again for Democrats killing babies ...and letting in crime gangs across the border.

America is not on the side of Satan
Here's the thing. Trump knows the "Emergency Declaration" will be slapped down by the courts and congress. Even he isn't that dense.

But he can go back to the inbred, bible thumping mouth-breathers who voted for him and say, "I tried to keep them Mexicans out. I really tried".

Your a mouth breathing bat shit crazy moron.
Slyhunter, post: 21827928
he does not need to argue that his eo is unconstitutional but that it is constitutional and within his power to enact.

RW Annie did not say his EO is unconstitutional either so was us your point?

His defense of his EO will have to explain why he just signed a constitutionally enacted law but now must take action that override the constitutional process in which he had just participated.

When the plaintiffs bring it up Trumpo’s legal team with it.,

Just like they will have deal with Trumpo’s public “didn’t need to do this” cat out of the bag.
no, you said he would have to argue his eo was unconstitutional. it may have been a typo but it is what you said.
It's never been about Border Security for Trump. He sees it as something to put his name gold.

Bullshit. More lies from you. It has always been about border security but dumbasses like you don't comprehend what that means so he has to use simple terms like "wall".

Interesting attempt at gas lighting there.

Not at all and I am still waiting for your answer regarding the Palestinian flag at the DNC. Keep avoiding it. Typical Leftist.
There could eventually be a war with Venezuela, which could involve other Latin America Nations
He should start a war with Mexico. You know? A good false flag operation American presidents are famous for. Then the MSM being the lovers of all wars, will line up behind him and get their friends, Hillary voters, to approve.
Slyhunter, post: 21828292
no, you said he would have to argue his eo was unconstitutional. it may have been a typo but it is what you said.

Neither I nor RW Annie said anything about the executive order being unconstitutional. I am paraphrasing RW Annie when I wrote that Trumpo’s EO is an exercise in futility.

NotfooledbyW, post: 21821948
I believe Couiter ‘nailed it” better than anyone where she points out that Trumpo’s emergency declaration is an exercise in futility because simultaneously with declaring an emergency he performed a constitutional act with Congress that he now must argue was unconstitutional.


NotfooledbyW, post: 21828013
His defense of his EO will have to explain why he just signed a constitutionally enacted law but now must take action that override the constitutional process in which he had just participated.

Signing the law passed by Congress was the constitutional act. Both actions taken by Trumpo are constitutional in the context of this discussion.

When you can reach a point where you can comprehend what has been written come back and join the discussion based upon the actual discussion.

As to the constitutionality of Trumpo’s EO - no president has ever tried to use the constitutional Emergency Declaration Statute in such a way to steal billions that was appropriated for something else in the DOD to build something that was promised in his campaign that is a permanent structure to be built on land, much of which the Federal Government does not own. And Trumpo said on the record that this (fake emergency act of robbery to satisfy his political base*) he “does not ‘NEED’ to do”.

*my characterization of what Trumpo just did. I am not citing Trumpo except where he says he doesn’t need to take emergency action right away.
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There could eventually be a war with Venezuela, which could involve other Latin America Nations
He should start a war with Mexico. You know? A good false flag operation American presidents are famous for. Then the MSM being the lovers of all wars, will line up behind him and get their friends, Hillary voters, to approve.
Yeah the MIC, MSM, Deep State, big corporations would love a war with Venezuela. I’m surprised they haven’t conjured up a false flag, like murdering a bunch of Americans then claiming Venezuela did it. Old tactic, but seems to work well for them.
It's never been about Border Security for Trump. He sees it as something to put his name gold.

Bullshit. More lies from you. It has always been about border security but dumbasses like you don't comprehend what that means so he has to use simple terms like "wall".

You aren't embarrassed by your failed attempt at gas lighting? Not even a little? It's not "folks like me" at his rallies.
It's never been about Border Security for Trump. He sees it as something to put his name gold.

Bullshit. More lies from you. It has always been about border security but dumbasses like you don't comprehend what that means so he has to use simple terms like "wall".

You aren't embarrassed by your failed attempt at gas lighting? Not even a little? It's not "folks like me" at his rallies.

You aren’t embarrassed that you don’t know what gaslighting is and that was not at all what I was doing?
It's never been about Border Security for Trump. He sees it as something to put his name gold.

Bullshit. More lies from you. It has always been about border security but dumbasses like you don't comprehend what that means so he has to use simple terms like "wall".

You aren't embarrassed by your failed attempt at gas lighting? Not even a little? It's not "folks like me" at his rallies.

You aren’t embarrassed that you don’t know what gaslighting is and that was not at all what I was doing?

So the gaslighting was unintentional? Um, I think that makes it worse and you clueless.
It's never been about Border Security for Trump. He sees it as something to put his name gold.

Bullshit. More lies from you. It has always been about border security but dumbasses like you don't comprehend what that means so he has to use simple terms like "wall".

You aren't embarrassed by your failed attempt at gas lighting? Not even a little? It's not "folks like me" at his rallies.

You aren’t embarrassed that you don’t know what gaslighting is and that was not at all what I was doing?

So the gaslighting was unintentional? Um, I think that makes it worse and you clueless.

You don't know what the word means. And you don't think we need stronger border security? Are you serious?
It's never been about Border Security for Trump. He sees it as something to put his name gold.

Bullshit. More lies from you. It has always been about border security but dumbasses like you don't comprehend what that means so he has to use simple terms like "wall".

You aren't embarrassed by your failed attempt at gas lighting? Not even a little? It's not "folks like me" at his rallies.

You aren’t embarrassed that you don’t know what gaslighting is and that was not at all what I was doing?

So the gaslighting was unintentional? Um, I think that makes it worse and you clueless.

You don't know what the word means. And you don't think we need stronger border security? Are you serious?

I do know exactly what it means and I now know you didn't realize you were doing it...which makes you entirely clueless.

Yes, I think we need good border security. I know that it isn't as simple as as wall, but simple is all Trump cultists can handle.
Bullshit. More lies from you. It has always been about border security but dumbasses like you don't comprehend what that means so he has to use simple terms like "wall".

You aren't embarrassed by your failed attempt at gas lighting? Not even a little? It's not "folks like me" at his rallies.

You aren’t embarrassed that you don’t know what gaslighting is and that was not at all what I was doing?

So the gaslighting was unintentional? Um, I think that makes it worse and you clueless.

You don't know what the word means. And you don't think we need stronger border security? Are you serious?

I do know exactly what it means and I now know you didn't realize you were doing it...which makes you entirely clueless.

Yes, I think we need good border security. I know that it isn't as simple as as wall, but simple is all Trump cultists can handle.

No. My question was do we need stronger border security than what we have now? By saying “wall” Trump made the issue the discussion point of all discussion points. This is what your sensitive Leftist brain doesn’t get. This is not gaslighting this is the Truth. Progessive Leftism is a disease for which we need to find a cure. People like you are as bad as the Alt Right. Downright evil people and antisemites who fly the flag of Palestine at your convention while banning the flag of Mississippi.
TDS obviously comes in various forms and as Coulter proves can be a delayed hit. President Trump as great as he is, is facing The Swamp basically by himself and a handful of Freedom Caucus republicans. So Coulter decides to become a happy member of The Swamp. Very sad!
TDS obviously comes in various forms and as Coulter proves can be a delayed hit. President Trump as great as he is, is facing The Swamp basically by himself and a handful of Freedom Caucus republicans. So Coulter decides to become a happy member of The Swamp. Very sad!

Really/ The main sign of a cult is when you start turning on your own for insufficient belief.


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