Ann Coulter On Media's Breitbart Smears...

I've seen no one high fiving his death.

And that's where we disagree. Personally, I think he has done a lot of harm to this country and I am happy to see that harm come to an end, for now. Again, that is NOT the same as "high fiving" someone's death.

Well, clearly, you have not read the bullshit in the left wing media... so, maybe that's why you 'haven't seen' it.

He has done nothing that the left has not done - for longer, and much louder than he. That's why we disagree - because you are not capable of recognizing it when you agree with it. Which is why you are, in fact, 'stupid'.... which, according to your username, makes you a hypocrite.


Can you provide an example where the left has done the equivalent of Breitbart and not been fired for it?

Take a look - on any day - at sites like the HuffPuff... pure propaganda and misrepresentation. I am not surprised that you ignore it though.
Well, clearly, you have not read the bullshit in the left wing media... so, maybe that's why you 'haven't seen' it.

While we all await your response to rightwinger, I'll address this, again. Again, I will say, that painting an accurate picture of the man and his actions in life is NOT "the bullshit in the left wing media". Breitbart willfully and openly misrepresented facts and people in order to further his cause. That's the truth. Saying it is not "bull shit" but an accurate telling of this man and his life.

And again, if you, or ANYONE, could show me how Breitbart helped this country, I will change my tune on this. But so far, no one is even attempting to show that.

And I maintain that he has done nothing that the left has not done, better, louder and more often than he did. I see that because I dislike the media generally so I see their hypocrisy.... unlike those that ignore it from one side and rant about it from the other.

Don't be stupid.

I'm still looking for your example of where the left does the same thing as Breitbart

Let's look at Dan Rather. He ran with a bogus story about Bush, apologized profusely and was fired for it

Where did Breitbart ever do that?
Well, clearly, you have not read the bullshit in the left wing media... so, maybe that's why you 'haven't seen' it.

He has done nothing that the left has not done - for longer, and much louder than he. That's why we disagree - because you are not capable of recognizing it when you agree with it. Which is why you are, in fact, 'stupid'.... which, according to your username, makes you a hypocrite.


Can you provide an example where the left has done the equivalent of Breitbart and not been fired for it?

Take a look - on any day - at sites like the HuffPuff... pure propaganda and misrepresentation. I am not surprised that you ignore it though.

If they do it every day it should be easy for you to show me anything close to the magnitude of what Breitbart did

Otherwise, we can only surmise that you are full of shit
While we all await your response to rightwinger, I'll address this, again. Again, I will say, that painting an accurate picture of the man and his actions in life is NOT "the bullshit in the left wing media". Breitbart willfully and openly misrepresented facts and people in order to further his cause. That's the truth. Saying it is not "bull shit" but an accurate telling of this man and his life.

And again, if you, or ANYONE, could show me how Breitbart helped this country, I will change my tune on this. But so far, no one is even attempting to show that.

And I maintain that he has done nothing that the left has not done, better, louder and more often than he did. I see that because I dislike the media generally so I see their hypocrisy.... unlike those that ignore it from one side and rant about it from the other.

Don't be stupid.

I'm still looking for your example of where the left does the same thing as Breitbart

Let's look at Dan Rather. He ran with a bogus story about Bush, apologized profusely and was fired for it

Where did Breitbart ever do that?

Will you gloat and celebrate Rather's death like you have Andrew Breitbart's?

Can you provide an example where the left has done the equivalent of Breitbart and not been fired for it?

Take a look - on any day - at sites like the HuffPuff... pure propaganda and misrepresentation. I am not surprised that you ignore it though.

If they do it every day it should be easy for you to show me anything close to the magnitude of what Breitbart did

Otherwise, we can only surmise that you are full of shit

You can 'surmise' whatever suits you. I have already provided three examples of left wing misrepresentation in this thread. I'm not going to keep spoon feeding you if you're not competent to use your own brain.

The media lies.... they all do it. The only issue you have with Breitbart is that he did it for the other side. You're nothing more than a hack... incapable of honesty and therefore of no value to any discussion.
Well, clearly, you have not read the bullshit in the left wing media... so, maybe that's why you 'haven't seen' it.

While we all await your response to rightwinger, I'll address this, again. Again, I will say, that painting an accurate picture of the man and his actions in life is NOT "the bullshit in the left wing media". Breitbart willfully and openly misrepresented facts and people in order to further his cause. That's the truth. Saying it is not "bull shit" but an accurate telling of this man and his life.

And again, if you, or ANYONE, could show me how Breitbart helped this country, I will change my tune on this. But so far, no one is even attempting to show that.

And I maintain that he has done nothing that the left has not done, better, louder and more often than he did.

Oh I see. You can't name one single thing that Breitbart has done that helped the country. You just think we're all being hypocritical by NOT celebrating his life while at the same time not attacking the media the way you want us to.

Even though you can't even give us one good reason.

Thanks for clearing that up.
And I maintain that he has done nothing that the left has not done, better, louder and more often than he did. I see that because I dislike the media generally so I see their hypocrisy.... unlike those that ignore it from one side and rant about it from the other.

Don't be stupid.

I'm still looking for your example of where the left does the same thing as Breitbart

Let's look at Dan Rather. He ran with a bogus story about Bush, apologized profusely and was fired for it

Where did Breitbart ever do that?

Will you gloat and celebrate Rather's death like you have Andrew Breitbart's?

No one is celebrating his death. Your accusations are amazingly insulting both to us and Breitbart.

But, clearly you don't care.
While we all await your response to rightwinger, I'll address this, again. Again, I will say, that painting an accurate picture of the man and his actions in life is NOT "the bullshit in the left wing media". Breitbart willfully and openly misrepresented facts and people in order to further his cause. That's the truth. Saying it is not "bull shit" but an accurate telling of this man and his life.

And again, if you, or ANYONE, could show me how Breitbart helped this country, I will change my tune on this. But so far, no one is even attempting to show that.

And I maintain that he has done nothing that the left has not done, better, louder and more often than he did. I see that because I dislike the media generally so I see their hypocrisy.... unlike those that ignore it from one side and rant about it from the other.

Don't be stupid.

I'm still looking for your example of where the left does the same thing as Breitbart

Let's look at Dan Rather. He ran with a bogus story about Bush, apologized profusely and was fired for it

Where did Breitbart ever do that?

I've already provided three examples of left wing outright lies.... no one was fired.... in fact... the 'lies' are constantly regurgitated as 'truth' on this forum. It's fucking laughable that you are incapable of seeing it.
And I maintain that he has done nothing that the left has not done, better, louder and more often than he did. I see that because I dislike the media generally so I see their hypocrisy.... unlike those that ignore it from one side and rant about it from the other.

Don't be stupid.

I'm still looking for your example of where the left does the same thing as Breitbart

Let's look at Dan Rather. He ran with a bogus story about Bush, apologized profusely and was fired for it

Where did Breitbart ever do that?

I've already provided three examples of left wing outright lies.... no one was fired.... in fact... the 'lies' are constantly regurgitated as 'truth' on this forum. It's fucking laughable that you are incapable of seeing it.

Are you referring to this post?

What about the misrepresenting of Romney's "I like to be able to fire people", or his comment about the poor that became a huge bunch of bullshit about him 'not caring about poor people'? Or the misrepresentation of the issue surrounding contraception? Where was the articles from the Catholic perspective - talking about religious liberty? Where was the balance? There was none. All spin, misrepresentation and downright lies.... and I saw no condemnation from you of any of that.

Because we weren't asking for broad generalities based on your opinion, but specific examples of people who have done anything on the level of what Breitbart has done.
Take a look - on any day - at sites like the HuffPuff... pure propaganda and misrepresentation. I am not surprised that you ignore it though.

If they do it every day it should be easy for you to show me anything close to the magnitude of what Breitbart did

Otherwise, we can only surmise that you are full of shit

You can 'surmise' whatever suits you. I have already provided three examples of left wing misrepresentation in this thread. I'm not going to keep spoon feeding you if you're not competent to use your own brain.

The media lies.... they all do it. The only issue you have with Breitbart is that he did it for the other side. You're nothing more than a hack... incapable of honesty and therefore of no value to any discussion.

Good...point them out. Name the posts

Should be enlightening
I have yet to see you calling out the left wing media for misrepresenting facts - which they do more often than not. So, no, I haven't 'made stuff up'.... I post it as I see it.

Again, you're making stuff up. If someone in the "left wing media" were to misrepresent facts, I would call them out on it. It's not my problem that they seldom get the facts wrong.

Be that as it may, I fail to see how any of this has to do with Breitbart. It's almost like you think we should celebrate him solely because you think we should. Life doesn't work like that.

You cannot be serious! :lol: What about the misrepresenting of Romney's "I like to be able to fire people", or his comment about the poor that became a huge bunch of bullshit about him 'not caring about poor people'? Or the misrepresentation of the issue surrounding contraception? Where was the articles from the Catholic perspective - talking about religious liberty? Where was the balance? There was none. All spin, misrepresentation and downright lies.... and I saw no condemnation from you of any of that.

You fail to prove your balance.

Please don't decide what I think... it makes you look stupid.

Please California insult our intelligence

None of these are even close to Breitbarts special spin on journalism

Dressing someone up as a pimp while you film him outside and then changing his clothes when he is inside ACORN? Editing out all chalenges to what this guy is doing and then piecing a carefully credited attack piece?

The blatant hatchet job on Shirley Sharrod? Completely revising what she said?

Total BS CG
And I maintain that he has done nothing that the left has not done, better, louder and more often than he did. I see that because I dislike the media generally so I see their hypocrisy.... unlike those that ignore it from one side and rant about it from the other.

Don't be stupid.

I'm still looking for your example of where the left does the same thing as Breitbart

Let's look at Dan Rather. He ran with a bogus story about Bush, apologized profusely and was fired for it

Where did Breitbart ever do that?

Will you gloat and celebrate Rather's death like you have Andrew Breitbart's?
Silly Paulie. We know you've got that covered.
I'm still looking for your example of where the left does the same thing as Breitbart

Let's look at Dan Rather. He ran with a bogus story about Bush, apologized profusely and was fired for it

Where did Breitbart ever do that?

Will you gloat and celebrate Rather's death like you have Andrew Breitbart's?
Silly Paulie. We know you've got that covered.
How much you wanna bet it involves race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, or Muslims?
You are quite the stooge. Hannity forgot what talking point he was puking out and that attention whore called him on it.

She a disgrace, but she's smart as a whip. She tolerates a dummy like Hannity.

No, she called out evil Liberals like you.

You missed the part I was talking about, huh? Odd...since you posted it. That fucking tool forgot that the subject was Brietbart and started babbling on about Fluke. He was deflecting about the wrong fucking topic.

What makes you think I am evil? The fact that you are unable to hang?

No, the fact that you keep saying fuck and spitting up pea-soup.

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