Ann Coulter On Media's Breitbart Smears...

Again, you're making stuff up. If someone in the "left wing media" were to misrepresent facts, I would call them out on it. It's not my problem that they seldom get the facts wrong.

Be that as it may, I fail to see how any of this has to do with Breitbart. It's almost like you think we should celebrate him solely because you think we should. Life doesn't work like that.

You cannot be serious! :lol: What about the misrepresenting of Romney's "I like to be able to fire people", or his comment about the poor that became a huge bunch of bullshit about him 'not caring about poor people'? Or the misrepresentation of the issue surrounding contraception? Where was the articles from the Catholic perspective - talking about religious liberty? Where was the balance? There was none. All spin, misrepresentation and downright lies.... and I saw no condemnation from you of any of that.

You fail to prove your balance.

Please don't decide what I think... it makes you look stupid.

Please California insult our intelligence

None of these are even close to Breitbarts special spin on journalism

Dressing someone up as a pimp while you film him outside and then changing his clothes when he is inside ACORN? Editing out all chalenges to what this guy is doing and then piecing a carefully credited attack piece?

The blatant hatchet job on Shirley Sharrod? Completely revising what she said?

Total BS CG

The left couldn't argue with the ACORN video so they sent out their private investigators to look up James O'Keefe's ass. If the shoe had been on the other foot you would have given him a medal for bringing down a conservative organization.

When it came to the Shirley Sharrod incident, it seems to me that the White House is the ones that overreacted.
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You cannot be serious! :lol: What about the misrepresenting of Romney's "I like to be able to fire people", or his comment about the poor that became a huge bunch of bullshit about him 'not caring about poor people'? Or the misrepresentation of the issue surrounding contraception? Where was the articles from the Catholic perspective - talking about religious liberty? Where was the balance? There was none. All spin, misrepresentation and downright lies.... and I saw no condemnation from you of any of that.

You fail to prove your balance.

Please don't decide what I think... it makes you look stupid.

Please California insult our intelligence

None of these are even close to Breitbarts special spin on journalism

Dressing someone up as a pimp while you film him outside and then changing his clothes when he is inside ACORN? Editing out all chalenges to what this guy is doing and then piecing a carefully credited attack piece?

The blatant hatchet job on Shirley Sharrod? Completely revising what she said?

Total BS CG

The left couldn't argue with the ACORN video so they sent out their private investigators to look up James O'Keefe's ass. If the shoe had been on the other foot you would have given him a medal for bringing down a conservative organization.

When it came to the Shirley Sharrod incident, it seems to me that the White House is the ones that overreacted.
The White House overreacted to a doctored tape; rich, mud, RICH. Congress overreacted to a pack of LIES, thus, IRAQ.
Please California insult our intelligence

None of these are even close to Breitbarts special spin on journalism

Dressing someone up as a pimp while you film him outside and then changing his clothes when he is inside ACORN? Editing out all chalenges to what this guy is doing and then piecing a carefully credited attack piece?

The blatant hatchet job on Shirley Sharrod? Completely revising what she said?

Total BS CG

The left couldn't argue with the ACORN video so they sent out their private investigators to look up James O'Keefe's ass. If the shoe had been on the other foot you would have given him a medal for bringing down a conservative organization.

When it came to the Shirley Sharrod incident, it seems to me that the White House is the ones that overreacted.
The White House overreacted to a doctored tape; rich, mud, RICH. Congress overreacted to a pack of LIES, thus, IRAQ.

Respect is earned. Dignity is what you create for yourself. In either case, it's not up to the world to simply grant anyone, even a dead man, respect and dignity. He should have earned it for himself in life.


It's called personal responsibility.

and that's why you should pay for your own fucking birth control man.

And I do.

Why do you guys keep trying to make this thread about me? Are you afraid to talk about Breitbart?
Please California insult our intelligence

None of these are even close to Breitbarts special spin on journalism

Dressing someone up as a pimp while you film him outside and then changing his clothes when he is inside ACORN? Editing out all chalenges to what this guy is doing and then piecing a carefully credited attack piece?

The blatant hatchet job on Shirley Sharrod? Completely revising what she said?

Total BS CG

The left couldn't argue with the ACORN video so they sent out their private investigators to look up James O'Keefe's ass. If the shoe had been on the other foot you would have given him a medal for bringing down a conservative organization.

When it came to the Shirley Sharrod incident, it seems to me that the White House is the ones that overreacted.
The White House overreacted to a doctored tape; rich, mud, RICH. Congress overreacted to a pack of LIES, thus, IRAQ.

Seems to me the White House has a bad habit of overreacting.

Remember the Beer Summit?
The left couldn't argue with the ACORN video so they sent out their private investigators to look up James O'Keefe's ass. If the shoe had been on the other foot you would have given him a medal for bringing down a conservative organization.

When it came to the Shirley Sharrod incident, it seems to me that the White House is the ones that overreacted.
The White House overreacted to a doctored tape; rich, mud, RICH. Congress overreacted to a pack of LIES, thus, IRAQ.

Seems to me the White House has a bad habit of overreacting.

Remember the Beer Summit?
The White House has a habit of REACTING when those therein should look away. Key point: RUSH/birth control.
So here we are on page 8 and still not one of Breitbart's fans has posted as to what he did to help the country. What did he do to make things better?

The White House overreacted to a doctored tape; rich, mud, RICH. Congress overreacted to a pack of LIES, thus, IRAQ.

Seems to me the White House has a bad habit of overreacting.

Remember the Beer Summit?
The White House has a habit of REACTING when those therein should look away. Key point: RUSH/birth control.

Actually they stick their nose in when they shouldn't.

They have more important things to do, but instead they're on constant image campaign for Obama.

He's such a putz they're constantly grasping at straws.
The left couldn't argue with the ACORN video so they sent out their private investigators to look up James O'Keefe's ass. If the shoe had been on the other foot you would have given him a medal for bringing down a conservative organization.

When it came to the Shirley Sharrod incident, it seems to me that the White House is the ones that overreacted.
The White House overreacted to a doctored tape; rich, mud, RICH. Congress overreacted to a pack of LIES, thus, IRAQ.

Seems to me the White House has a bad habit of overreacting.

Remember the Beer Summit?
Yeah. Really bad overreaction. Hundreds died. Thousands became homeless. :eusa_whistle:
So here we are on page 8 and still not one of Breitbart's fans has posted as to what he did to help the country. What did he do to make things better?


Better question is to ask what Obama has done to make things better since he has the power to do so.

Except, of course, that this is a thread about Breitbart. There are plenty of threads going on right now about Obama if you want to join those.
So here we are on page 8 and still not one of Breitbart's fans has posted as to what he did to help the country. What did he do to make things better?


Better question is to ask what Obama has done to make things better since he has the power to do so.

Except, of course, that this is a thread about Breitbart. There are plenty of threads going on right now about Obama if you want to join those.

And you've done what for the USA, asswipe???

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