Ann Coulter - on the cover of Time

dilloduck said:
The pic was taken with a fish eye lens--it exagerates her featues. Men understand that all women don't look as good as she does.

Look as good as Ann Coulter? Are those her legs or is she riding an ostrich? With those mouth wrinkles i'm guessing she's between 2.5-3 packs a day. YIKES!
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Shattered said:
I'm hoping she uses them for something other than holding herself up.. I don't think they'll work otherwise...:)

Meow!! seriously that was a good one!!
OCA said:
Look as good as Ann Coulter? Are those her legs or is she riding an ostrich? With those mouth wrinkles i'm guessing she's between 2.5-3 packs a day. YIKES!
OCA said:
Look as good as Ann Coulter? Are those her legs or is she riding an ostrich? With those mouth wrinkles i'm guessing she's between 2.5-3 packs a day. YIKES!

that is on euphimism for blow jobs?

oh and wiat for the photsahop vidieo where she uncrosses her legs...basic instincts
dilloduck said:
Hear that you young farts---leave her for the old blind guys !! :teeth:

step off olde man she was talking to me she was
dilloduck said:
thats means you better suck up Manu or she'll kick your ass

starting reading that sentence and thought is going to end quite a bit different than it did
dilloduck said:
Bonnie-----your not SUPPOSED to like what men like.

WEll that statement takes on a hole different meaning if I was a lesbian.........
Bonnie said:
WEll that statement takes on a hole different meaning if I was a lesbian.........

freudian the use of hole in a sentence about lesbos...dillo what say ye?

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