Ann Coulter on Trump’s Immigration Plan: Greatest Political Document Since Magna Carta

That plan is spot on.
that needs to be rubbed out
For the votes of course..............poor thing........
For the Sanctuary cities in direct violation of the laws of this country.
For the catch and release policies under Obama.........

poor dare someone want the laws enforced............stop illegal immigration........put forward everify...............and take federal funding away from Sanctuary cities for their LAWLESSNESS..........

poor thing.
I'm for enforcing fair laws, not xenophobic hysteria disguised as laws.

Could you define "fair" in terms of immigration law?
That plan is spot on.
that needs to be rubbed out
For the votes of course..............poor thing........
For the Sanctuary cities in direct violation of the laws of this country.
For the catch and release policies under Obama.........

poor dare someone want the laws enforced............stop illegal immigration........put forward everify...............and take federal funding away from Sanctuary cities for their LAWLESSNESS..........

poor thing.
I'm for enforcing fair laws, not xenophobic hysteria disguised as laws.
aka You ignore laws you don't like................But demand others obey the ones you agree with.

ICE laws have been there for quite some time. They are the law of the land and to ignore them is in violation of our laws and Constitution.

Sounds like the pen and a phone ass hat we have now.
It is a great plan. Very bold, detailed and impressive. Kudo’s to Trump on this one.

Ann Coulter on Trump s Immigration Plan Greatest Political Document Since Magna Carta - The Gateway Pundit

Ann Coulter apparently doesn't know either, that there are MILLIONS of LEGAL Latino's in this country that VOTE.

They aren't going to vote for some moron who spouts hateful rhetoric at them, and threatens to send family members back to Mexico or where ever they came from. Nor are we going to send out Gestapo Squads to rip families apart.

The Fence is Bull--Crap. You build a 100' fence--they'll get a taller ladder. You dig it 50' in the ground they'll dig a 60' hole to get underneath it. The only way you're going to stop illegal crossings is through technology, and boots on the boarder, that can respond quickly to an electronic signal that someone is trying to cross.

Carly Fiorina is the only one with common sense on this issue.
That plan is spot on.
that needs to be rubbed out
For the votes of course..............poor thing........
For the Sanctuary cities in direct violation of the laws of this country.
For the catch and release policies under Obama.........

poor dare someone want the laws enforced............stop illegal immigration........put forward everify...............and take federal funding away from Sanctuary cities for their LAWLESSNESS..........

poor thing.
I'm for enforcing fair laws, not xenophobic hysteria disguised as laws.

Could you define "fair" in terms of immigration law?
since you have no concept of fair that would be waste of time.
That plan is spot on.
that needs to be rubbed out
For the votes of course..............poor thing........
For the Sanctuary cities in direct violation of the laws of this country.
For the catch and release policies under Obama.........

poor dare someone want the laws enforced............stop illegal immigration........put forward everify...............and take federal funding away from Sanctuary cities for their LAWLESSNESS..........

poor thing.
I'm for enforcing fair laws, not xenophobic hysteria disguised as laws.

Could you define "fair" in terms of immigration law?
since you have no concept of fair that would be waste of time.
Fair means agree with you are it isn't fair................Ain't life a bitch.....tsk tsk
That plan is spot on.
that needs to be rubbed out
For the votes of course..............poor thing........
For the Sanctuary cities in direct violation of the laws of this country.
For the catch and release policies under Obama.........

poor dare someone want the laws enforced............stop illegal immigration........put forward everify...............and take federal funding away from Sanctuary cities for their LAWLESSNESS..........

poor thing.
I'm for enforcing fair laws, not xenophobic hysteria disguised as laws.
aka You ignore laws you don't like................But demand others obey the ones you agree with.

ICE laws have been there for quite some time. They are the law of the land and to ignore them is in violation of our laws and Constitution.

Sounds like the pen and a phone ass hat we have now.
falsely ASSUME MUCH?
It is a great plan. Very bold, detailed and impressive. Kudo’s to Trump on this one.

Ann Coulter on Trump s Immigration Plan Greatest Political Document Since Magna Carta - The Gateway Pundit

Ann Coulter apparently doesn't know either, that there are MILLIONS of LEGAL Latino's in this country that VOTE.

They aren't going to vote for some moron who spouts hateful rhetoric at them, and threatens to send family members back to Mexico or where ever they came from. Nor are we going to send out Gestapo Squads to rip families apart.

The Fence is Bull--Crap. You build a 100' fence--they'll get a taller ladder. You dig it 50' in the ground they'll dig a 60' hole to get underneath it. The only way you're going to stop illegal crossings is through technology, and boots on the boarder, that can respond quickly to an electronic signal that someone is trying to cross.

Carly Fiorina is the only one with common sense on this issue.

The wall the Israelis built is working beautifully. That's how we know your post is pure crap.

Just admit you support opening the floodgates to illegal immigration. You don't want it stopped. You want to expand it.
That plan is spot on.
that needs to be rubbed out
For the votes of course..............poor thing........
For the Sanctuary cities in direct violation of the laws of this country.
For the catch and release policies under Obama.........

poor dare someone want the laws enforced............stop illegal immigration........put forward everify...............and take federal funding away from Sanctuary cities for their LAWLESSNESS..........

poor thing.
I'm for enforcing fair laws, not xenophobic hysteria disguised as laws.
aka You ignore laws you don't like................But demand others obey the ones you agree with.

ICE laws have been there for quite some time. They are the law of the land and to ignore them is in violation of our laws and Constitution.

Sounds like the pen and a phone ass hat we have now.
falsely ASSUME MUCH?
Violate the laws much
that needs to be rubbed out
For the votes of course..............poor thing........
For the Sanctuary cities in direct violation of the laws of this country.
For the catch and release policies under Obama.........

poor dare someone want the laws enforced............stop illegal immigration........put forward everify...............and take federal funding away from Sanctuary cities for their LAWLESSNESS..........

poor thing.
I'm for enforcing fair laws, not xenophobic hysteria disguised as laws.

Could you define "fair" in terms of immigration law?
since you have no concept of fair that would be waste of time.
Fair means agree with you are it isn't fair................Ain't life a bitch.....tsk tsk
wrong again and that's or not are .
eagle, Obama's admin has deported more illegals than Clinton and Bush together. Context.
It is a great plan. Very bold, detailed and impressive. Kudo’s to Trump on this one.

Ann Coulter on Trump s Immigration Plan Greatest Political Document Since Magna Carta - The Gateway Pundit

Ann Coulter apparently doesn't know either, that there are MILLIONS of LEGAL Latino's in this country that VOTE.

They aren't going to vote for some moron who spouts hateful rhetoric at them, and threatens to send family members back to Mexico or where ever they came from. Nor are we going to send out Gestapo Squads to rip families apart.

The Fence is Bull--Crap. You build a 100' fence--they'll get a taller ladder. You dig it 50' in the ground they'll dig a 60' hole to get underneath it. The only way you're going to stop illegal crossings is through technology, and boots on the boarder, that can respond quickly to an electronic signal that someone is trying to cross.

Carly Fiorina is the only one with common sense on this issue.

The wall the Israelis built is working beautifully. That's how we know your post is pure crap.

Just admit you support opening the floodgates to illegal immigration. You don't want it stopped. You want to expand it.
That plan is spot on.
that needs to be rubbed out
For the votes of course..............poor thing........
For the Sanctuary cities in direct violation of the laws of this country.
For the catch and release policies under Obama.........

poor dare someone want the laws enforced............stop illegal immigration........put forward everify...............and take federal funding away from Sanctuary cities for their LAWLESSNESS..........

poor thing.
I'm for enforcing fair laws, not xenophobic hysteria disguised as laws.

Could you define "fair" in terms of immigration law?
since you have no concept of fair that would be waste of time.

ROFL! I knew you would run away from that question with your tail between your legs.
Kudos to Trump when his opening and ensuing salvos hit our lame both-parties-beholden-to-the-chamber-of-commerce immigration, or lack of enforcing existing immigration policies, and no less, not creating ones truly protecting us.

It is fortunate that Coulters' book about us becoming a 3rd world shit-hole simultaneously was published around the same time Trump announced his run.......(even tho' Anns' book wasn't going to focus on immigration, but as she researched it....voila!.....our descending 3rd world status always, for some reason, kept gravitating back to our lame immigration enforcement and policies....!!!).

Since 1992, our Congress has passed eight bills attempting to electronically track visas when they expire, but, yet, 60% of illegals are here due to no follow through when visas expire! Even tho' passed, was never enforced! The other 40% of illegals come over our southern border.

FACT: Both parties are to blame.

Trump needs to also begin to speak on these Visas, too........(Donald, I'm getting tired of helping your campaign......., but, that's just me..........:cool-45:).
Kudos to Trump when his opening and ensuing salvos hit our lame both-parties-beholden-to-the-chamber-of-commerce immigration, or lack of enforcing existing immigration policies, and no less, not creating ones truly protecting us.

It is fortunate that Coulters' book about us becoming a 3rd world shit-hole simultaneously was published around the same time Trump announced his run.......(even tho' Anns' book wasn't going to focus on immigration, but as she researched it....voila!.....our descending 3rd world status always, for some reason, kept gravitating back to our lame immigration enforcement and policies....!!!).

Since 1992, our Congress has passed eight bills attempting to electronically track visas when they expire, but, yet, 60% of illegals are here due to no follow through when visas expire! Even tho' passed, was never enforced! The other 40% of illegals come over our southern border.

FACT: Both parties are to blame.

Trump needs to also begin to speak on these Visas, too........(Donald, I'm getting tired of helping your campaign......., but, that's just me..........:cool-45:).

I think you have your percentages reversed. Otherwise, good post.
For the votes of course..............poor thing........
For the Sanctuary cities in direct violation of the laws of this country.
For the catch and release policies under Obama.........

poor dare someone want the laws enforced............stop illegal immigration........put forward everify...............and take federal funding away from Sanctuary cities for their LAWLESSNESS..........

poor thing.
I'm for enforcing fair laws, not xenophobic hysteria disguised as laws.

Could you define "fair" in terms of immigration law?
since you have no concept of fair that would be waste of time.
Fair means agree with you are it isn't fair................Ain't life a bitch.....tsk tsk
wrong again and that's or not are .
Write me a ticket and move the fuck on then Mr. Spell and grammar checker................

Doesn't matter whether you agree or not.............The laws are there and they aren't being enforced...........and Sanctuary cities are in direct violation of the law.
It is a great plan. Very bold, detailed and impressive. Kudo’s to Trump on this one.

Ann Coulter on Trump s Immigration Plan Greatest Political Document Since Magna Carta - The Gateway Pundit

Ann Coulter apparently doesn't know either, that there are MILLIONS of LEGAL Latino's in this country that VOTE.

They aren't going to vote for some moron who spouts hateful rhetoric at them, and threatens to send family members back to Mexico or where ever they came from. Nor are we going to send out Gestapo Squads to rip families apart.

The Fence is Bull--Crap. You build a 100' fence--they'll get a taller ladder. You dig it 50' in the ground they'll dig a 60' hole to get underneath it. The only way you're going to stop illegal crossings is through technology, and boots on the boarder, that can respond quickly to an electronic signal that someone is trying to cross.

Carly Fiorina is the only one with common sense on this issue.

The wall the Israelis built is working beautifully. That's how we know your post is pure crap.

Just admit you support opening the floodgates to illegal immigration. You don't want it stopped. You want to expand it.

It's obviously true.

True. Explain to us how you would control illegal immigration and what you would do about legal immigration.
eagle, Obama's admin has deported more illegals than Clinton and Bush together. Context.
He has encouraged more to come with his BS statements and the catch and release policies.............Including the influx of children.
Ann Coulter apparently doesn't know either, that there are MILLIONS of LEGAL Latino's in this country that VOTE.

They aren't going to vote for some moron who spouts hateful rhetoric at them, and threatens to send family members back to Mexico or where ever they came from. Nor are we going to send out Gestapo Squads to rip families apart.

The Fence is Bull--Crap. You build a 100' fence--they'll get a taller ladder. You dig it 50' in the ground they'll dig a 60' hole to get underneath it. The only way you're going to stop illegal crossings is through technology, and boots on the boarder, that can respond quickly to an electronic signal that someone is trying to cross.

Carly Fiorina is the only one with common sense on this issue.

The wall the Israelis built is working beautifully. That's how we know your post is pure crap.

Just admit you support opening the floodgates to illegal immigration. You don't want it stopped. You want to expand it.

It's obviously true.

True. Explain to us how you would control illegal immigration and what you would do about legal immigration.
Nothing. He wants the votes.

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