Ann Coulter on Trump’s Immigration Plan: Greatest Political Document Since Magna Carta

Ann coulterbhhahahahahahahahahah!

Friday, February 3, 2012

**Update** - Many have found it too hard to believe that Ann Coulter could possibly have once been a man for their lack of a personal experience in having no reference point to go by. Recently a story appeared in The Sun about a very successful man to woman conversion of Cyrstal Warren, 42, who claims to have slept with 1,000 men who hadn't detected her sex change.

I believe this widely circulated story can be used as a template to compare the possibility Ann Coulter was formerly a man. See Crystal Warren: I Used To Be A Man - The Sun UK

- See more at: Jesus Saved Cheryl Meril From Hell Former Man Crystal Warren Helps The Case For Ann Coulter Being A Man


This response is so fucking stupid, it makes Ann Coulter sound like the intelligent one. Way to fucking go...
I think the Democrats may have finally figured out a way to get people to vote for HIllary.
Most Hispanics are decent, realize they are Hispanic Americans, and will not pander to any redneck reactionary right wing mob mentality. Either Trump clears up his comments and makes nice with the Hispanic Americans, or he will lose their vote.
Trump's plan would require ongoing police raids everywhere, the suspension of all due process, and boxcars to haul away the arrestees. The police state would need to be expanded tenfold. It's an authoritarian's wet dream. Thus, it's very attractive to Coulter and pals.
Due process is for American citizens.
Due process is for all subject to American law.

No way around it.

And note the Big Government progressivism statism supported by Kidd, Vigilant, kg, etc., in rounding and deporting millions of immigrants.
I'd rather spend money on border security than welfare for illegal.

I'd rather have my hand cut off then to have my eyes gouged out. But I'm not going to vote for someone with plans to do either.
That's nice. Does it have something to do with the topic? Let me be clear....I'm fine with a wall and enforcement of the law.
I'd rather spend money on border security than welfare for illegal.

I'd rather have my hand cut off then to have my eyes gouged out. But I'm not going to vote for someone with plans to do either.
That's nice. Does it have something to do with the topic? Let me be clear....I'm fine with a wall and enforcement of the law.

Let me be clear as well. I'll not give up my freedom to a police state voluntarily. I sure as fuck won't vote for someone who tells me that's what they're going to do.
I'd rather spend money on border security than welfare for illegal.

I'd rather have my hand cut off then to have my eyes gouged out. But I'm not going to vote for someone with plans to do either.
That's nice. Does it have something to do with the topic? Let me be clear....I'm fine with a wall and enforcement of the law.

Let me be clear as well. I'll not give up my freedom to a police state voluntarily. I sure as fuck won't vote for someone who tells me that's what they're going to do.
I don't see how putting up a wall and enforcement of existing laws equals 'police state'. Probably because it doesn't.
the illegal swine flooding across the border will be the ones voting for a police state.
I'd rather spend money on border security than welfare for illegal.

I'd rather have my hand cut off then to have my eyes gouged out. But I'm not going to vote for someone with plans to do either.
That's nice. Does it have something to do with the topic? Let me be clear....I'm fine with a wall and enforcement of the law.

Let me be clear as well. I'll not give up my freedom to a police state voluntarily. I sure as fuck won't vote for someone who tells me that's what they're going to do.
I don't see how putting up a wall and enforcement of existing laws equals 'police state'. Probably because it doesn't.

Or because you like the idea of an authoritarian police state.
I'd rather spend money on border security than welfare for illegal.

I'd rather have my hand cut off then to have my eyes gouged out. But I'm not going to vote for someone with plans to do either.
That's nice. Does it have something to do with the topic? Let me be clear....I'm fine with a wall and enforcement of the law.

Let me be clear as well. I'll not give up my freedom to a police state voluntarily. I sure as fuck won't vote for someone who tells me that's what they're going to do.
I don't see how putting up a wall and enforcement of existing laws equals 'police state'. Probably because it doesn't.
The wall does no good, if you don't check everyone within said walls and start throwing people over it. Papers please, even for you, white girl...
I'd rather spend money on border security than welfare for illegal.

I'd rather have my hand cut off then to have my eyes gouged out. But I'm not going to vote for someone with plans to do either.
That's nice. Does it have something to do with the topic? Let me be clear....I'm fine with a wall and enforcement of the law.

Let me be clear as well. I'll not give up my freedom to a police state voluntarily. I sure as fuck won't vote for someone who tells me that's what they're going to do.
I don't see how putting up a wall and enforcement of existing laws equals 'police state'. Probably because it doesn't.

Or because you like the idea of an authoritarian police state.
What a stupid comment. Dismissed.
I'd rather have my hand cut off then to have my eyes gouged out. But I'm not going to vote for someone with plans to do either.
That's nice. Does it have something to do with the topic? Let me be clear....I'm fine with a wall and enforcement of the law.

Let me be clear as well. I'll not give up my freedom to a police state voluntarily. I sure as fuck won't vote for someone who tells me that's what they're going to do.
I don't see how putting up a wall and enforcement of existing laws equals 'police state'. Probably because it doesn't.

Or because you like the idea of an authoritarian police state.
What a stupid comment. Dismissed.

Good answer. Good answer.

Fascism is real. And it's coming back around. You fools are feeding it.

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