Ann Coulter on Trump’s Immigration Plan: Greatest Political Document Since Magna Carta

Trump is a progressive statist.

He says he is going to use the power of Big Government to create a police state.
"Wir mussen lebensraum haben!"
Deportation might not be such a bad idea, for certain unscrupulous types, and they identify themselves. Going about it may take some work...
It is a great plan. Very bold, detailed and impressive. Kudo’s to Trump on this one.

Ann Coulter on Trump s Immigration Plan Greatest Political Document Since Magna Carta - The Gateway Pundit

Ann Coulter? The harpie who thinks Nikki Haley's an "immigrant"?
What a ringing endorsement that is.

Obama thinks there are 57 states, but you voted for him.

Oh, Gawd, not that shit again.

You Righties are such incredible babies.

At least you keep Dependz in business. Really.
Due process is for all subject to American law.

No way around it.

And note the Big Government progressivism statism supported by Kidd, Vigilant, kg, etc., in rounding and deporting millions of immigrants.
PURE B.S. Ann Coulter is dumber than a rock.

1. There are millions of LEGAL Latino's in this country that VOTE.
2. They aren't going to VOTE for someone who insults them, threatens to rip Grandma & Grandma out of their families and send them back to nothing.
3. We are NOT going to send out Gestapo Squads to rip families apart.

THE FENCE IS BULL SHIT: Have any of you ever been down to the boarder? I have, lots of times. The fence is full of holes. If you build a 50' foot fence, they'll make a taller ladder. if you dig it 50' feet into the earth they'll dig a 60' hole. If you make it out of steel, they'll bring torches.

The only way to stop illegal crossings is to put National Guard or more boarder patrol at stations, where the crossings are monitored by electronic devices, so they are spotted miles before they get to our boarder and are caught.

Carly Fiorina is the only candidate that makes sense on this.

There is no fence in the world that will separate hungry families from the opportunity to feed their kids.

You all should read up on the history of Texas. Remember the Alamo!
It is a hoot the far right reactionaries are supporting the Big Government progressive statist, Donald Trump.

(1) He says Bush fucked up in Iraq with all o four casualties and a two trillion dollar loss and Iraq a failure under the control of Iran.

(2) He is a guy for national health care single payer.

(3) He says he can make the Iranian deal work.

Vigilante and the rest are statist progressives.

This is fun.

This IS funny, I already addressed all your bullshit above, and here you go reposting what you've just been bitch slapped for.... Einstein has you pegged, Manchurian muslim...
No, you did not. You are a supporting a statist progressive who likes national health care, who will keep the Iranian deal, who condemns Bush and the fuck up in Iraq.

Your guy, Vigi, is a HUGE statist progressive.
It is a hoot the far right reactionaries are supporting the Big Government progressive statist, Donald Trump.

(1) He says Bush fucked up in Iraq with all o four casualties and a two trillion dollar loss and Iraq a failure under the control of Iran.

(2) He is a guy for national health care single payer.

(3) He says he can make the Iranian deal work.

Vigilante and the rest are statist progressives.

This is fun.

This IS funny, I already addressed all your bullshit above, and here you go reposting what you've just been bitch slapped for.... Einstein has you pegged, Manchurian muslim...
No, you did not. You are a supporting a statist progressive who likes national health care, who will keep the Iranian deal, who condemns Bush and the fuck up in Iraq.

Your guy, Vigi, is a HUGE statist progressive.

You know what JakeAss....I SUPPORT TRUMP, I don't care that he isn't 100% my kind of conservative anymore....I LOVE IT that he's fucking up the Socialist/DemocRATS, and the TRAITOR Republicans you support, that have proven since the Congress turned Republican, that they are NOTHING BUT RUBBER STAMPS for a Marxist Poser in the White continue your rant, and I'm sure many, many others agree with me, as ALL THE POLLS have shown in the last 2 months!

If I can't have Trump, I want CRUZ, and you know why I want Cruz, followed by Carson..... Pictures tell the story!


Now you can answer this, or keep calling me a PROGRESSIVE, I LOVE it when you post stuff that people know is a lie, and laugh at your moronic efforts.... Just how much do you get from the RNC for doing this?
You support a Progressive Statist.

So you have converted to what you consider the dark side. Actually your small government folks chatter away and nothing gets done.

Now you need to work on the 75 negative to 13 positive with the general electorate.

He still will keep the Iran deal, he will push for national health care, he will fail with the immigrant issue.

Interesting election, nu?
You know an idea is a good one when a 12 year old wearing red footed pajamas takes to the streets toting aluminum tablets railing against it.
Trump's plan would require ongoing police raids everywhere, the suspension of all due process, and boxcars to haul away the arrestees. The police state would need to be expanded tenfold. It's an authoritarian's wet dream. Thus, it's very attractive to Coulter and pals.

more than that, it's idiocy because that means the only way to ascertain citizenship is by blood... and we all know how well that went in Nazi Germany.
It is a great plan. Very bold, detailed and impressive. Kudo’s to Trump on this one.

Ann Coulter on Trump s Immigration Plan Greatest Political Document Since Magna Carta - The Gateway Pundit
It is a dark time for the
Rebellion. Although the Clinton
Death Star has been destroyed,
Leftard troops have driven the
Confederate Rebel forces from their hidden
base and pursued them across
the Deep South.

Evading the dreaded Leftard
CFLs, a group of flag pin wearing
freedom fighters led by Ann Skywalker
has established a new secret
base on the remote ice world
of Fox News.

The evil lord Big Bird,
obsessed with finding young
Skywalker, has dispatched
thousands of remote probes into
the far reaches of the lamestream media....


Ann...I'm your father!

nmke13.jpg's not true! That's impossible!!!


Search your feelings. You know it's true.


Get away from me, freak.

We have the same voice and gestures!


Does anyone believe that?


And I have one more piece of news...


Oh boy...


Iiiii'm gaaAAAaaaaayyyy!

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I'd rather spend money on border security than welfare for illegal.

I'd rather have my hand cut off then to have my eyes gouged out. But I'm not going to vote for someone with plans to do either.
That's nice. Does it have something to do with the topic? Let me be clear....I'm fine with a wall and enforcement of the law.

And who's going to pay for it? And what about the 5+ million who came in legally and overstayed their visas. How are you going to keep them out.

Reagan gave illegals amnesty in the 80's. That's the reason why you have double that number of illegals now.

Countries in the Middle East are taking in millions of refugees from Syria, and other ISIS controlled regions. The U.S. took in a mere 100,000 children from Central American countries and have whined endlessly about it.

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