Ann Coulter & others are seriously having a nervous breakdown over Trump not building the wall

Colluding with Russians worked in 2016 too, but I doubt that will work again next time either.
Colluding with Russians did not work in 2016....just ask the Clinton campaign....

Even Putin says you're lying. He wanted Trump. You need to pay more attention and stop believing the lies. I know, I know, you have a job to do, but you'd best be looking for better employment. This job has no future.
Even Putin says you're lying. He wanted Trump. You need to pay more attention and stop believing the lies. I know, I know, you have a job to do, but you'd best be looking for better employment. This job has no future.
Sorry DL...but it was the Hillary campaign that paid for a fake Russian dossier about Trump via a discredited former British need to do more homework and turn off CNN.....or MSNBC....actually the truth is beginning to come out and soon your news sources will no longer be able to ignore the stay tuned....Trump is president now not the treasonous Obama...
Typical of the crazy incoherent left these days, they interpret a rational argument by an intelligent woman as a nervous breakdown.

If you actually read the linked article Ann Coulter just insulted your intelligence and Integrity. IOW she is playing on her readers IGNORANCE as all right wing talk show hosts do. This article is only written as a strategy to separate herself from Trump as she shoved him down your throats in 2016, and she doesn't want to lose your support.

So in the article she infers:
1. That Trump can build the wall without congressional approval from congress--who hold the purse strings of this country.
2. She asked why he didn't sign an executive order over Anchor babies.

This is specifically for people who lack knowledge of how government works, and how that 14th amendment in the Constitution is changed. You're right she's not a stupid woman. She knows that to get money to build Trump's wall that it would have to be approved in congress. She also knows that the only way to change, repeal, rewrite an amendment to the constitution requires 2/3's of the house, 2/3's of the Senate and then has to be ratified by 2/3's of the State Legislatures in this country.

And they all do it, and it won't be long before they'll all be criticizing Trump in order to separate themselves from him, with the hopes that you all will forget their undying--unadulterated support of him in 2016.


This article is a must read.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

And another good one:
It is not entirely true that Trump engineered a “hostile takeover” of the GOP, provided that the party is defined more broadly than elected officials and party insiders. As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump signals to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, Rudy Guiliani, Sarah Palin, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Jeff Sessions, Rick Scott, Jan Brewer, Joe Arpaio, The Drudge Report, The New York Post, are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed

So the question becomes will you still listen to them? Or are you now smart enough to TURN THEM OFF?
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I don't support people or withhold support for people based on what's between their legs. I support people based on what's between their ears.

No you just call women you disagree with "whores" shocker.

What a stupid comment! Of course considering the source, I don't expect much are.

Are you saying Ann Coulter is not a media whore? Or are you saying I'm not allowed to criticize another woman or disparage someone for whom I have absolutely no respect for just because she's a woman.

If you answered "yes" to either question, you could not be more wrong. I am free to express my disgust for a woman who makes the most racist and outrageous claims for the sole purpose of getting herself on TV where she is frequently excoriated for the lunacy of her stated positions. This is a woman who has suggested that women should not be allowed to vote. What possible reason could she have for making such an idiotic suggestion other than to get appearance fees appearing on political talk shows?

That right wingers keep trotting her out, along with the equally odious Tomi Lahren, as examples of bright right wing women. Nicki Haley is an example of a bright, conservative woman. Tomi Lahren is a woman who would say anything, including aligning herself with white supremacists, to get herself on TV.
If anything Ann Coulter is being too nice! Besides, someone must tell our Emporer when he has Jared's clothes on because they don't fit MAGA.
Calling a single woman a "whore" is slander, per se. Punitive damages would apply (that is, it would not be necessary to prove monetary damages).
by others, i mean ME!

she wrote a column blasting trump. her best column ever.

and she just bet someone 1K that Trump wont build the wall!


Yeah--well clearly the main reason the half brained in this country voted for Trump was because they wanted a WALL. You'll see on this board all the WALL threads--and they don't know anything else, it's all about the WALL. They apparently think they have elected a KING not a President who has to deal with 2 equal branches of government, the House & the Senate, and if one branch says NO to the WALL there will be no wall.

Ann Coulter was one that shoved Trump down everyone's throats during the primary season. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others are demanding the WALL, citing if Trump doesn't get his WALL, that will be the end of his Presidency--(REALLY meaning it will be the end of THEM)--:iyfyus.jpg: They were promoting the WALL for the last 3 years too, as a reason to support & vote for Trump. If there is no wall built, they are no longer credible, and if they're no longer credible who's going to want to listen to them.

Trump goes down, they all go down with him. Ann Coulter is not a stupid woman, she just trying to appease the Trump tards who are stupid into believing that she's not to blame for the failures of Trump's campaign promises.


Donald Trump broke the conservative media
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The spending hasn't improved a thing
Really?...when was the last time you heard of ISIS? know the guys Obama couldn't beat back....

Day before yesterday….

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Oh goody once in the last 6 months...when the feckless Obama was president we heard about them daily with pictures too! don't be too stupid by half....

View attachment 231701

Perhaps you should pull your head out of Trump’s ass for a minute...

Let Assad take care of them. It’s his country after all.
Typical of the crazy incoherent left these days, they interpret a rational argument by an intelligent woman as a nervous breakdown.

Know any other good jokes. Ann Coulter is the prime example of what happens when you use too much bleach in your hair. It softens the brain.
If he can't get it done because of the hated congress and the dems he will have a great campaign issue for 2020....worked in 2016....
What are you talking about? He couldn't get it done when both chambers of Congress were majority Republican. LOL.
He has a new set of republicans to help him....the old guard open border types are gone....

They sure are. They have been replaced by Democrats in the House and Republicans will likely lose more seats in 2020.

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