Ann Coulter: Our Blacks are better than your Blacks

First you said you werent, but then you keep posting that she's right? So are you defending her or not?

I expect a non answer....maybe you can even bring up Clinton or a typo :thup:


You are asking us if we defend the SPIN of the situation.

No...the way you spun what she said....we dont defend that sentiment.

However, the context of what she said, without the spin? We agree 100%.

Ok I get it, saying "our blacks are better than yours" is acceptable. Thanks for the info :thup:

You see, you opt to take it out of context and run with it.
You have every opportunity to hear the context it was said...and every opportunity to read on this site exactly WHY it was said..

But to you, that would be no fun.

So, instead, you continue to take it out of context.

So it is one of two things...

Either you are too dense to understand what Coulter meant by it...


You are very insecure about the positions you hold so you feel the NEED to intentionally take things out of context so you can feel better about your personal sentiments.

So tell me...which one is it?
cant give you rep....said I need to spread it around. But great point.

Ahhh, the ol non defense defense. You agree she knows what it takes to be black and conservative, right?

In her opinion it is harder to be a black conservative than a black liberal in the american culture.

Why does she think this......let me have a black conservative explain it to you by telling you his own experiences as a black conservative.

[ame=]Herman Cain Response to Racism - YouTube[/ame]

What's wrong with her statement is that taking the "Harder" position (in her opinion) somehow makes them "better."

To clarify coulter's position a conservative position is what is better in the situation. In Coulter's opinoin, being a black conservative is harder than being a black liberal in our culture and being a conervative is better than being a liberal anytime. That is her view.
What's wrong with her statement is that taking the "Harder" position (in her opinion) somehow makes them "better."

it does.

With anyone of any race of any trade and any intelligence.

The harder it is to acheive success the better a person you become.

If one is fed with a silver spoon, they lack many attributes....and have no reason to build up those attributes.

It is not an uncommon sentiment. You may not agree with it, but it is by no means something that many....of all ideologies dont believe.

You are asking us if we defend the SPIN of the situation.

No...the way you spun what she said....we dont defend that sentiment.

However, the context of what she said, without the spin? We agree 100%.

Ok I get it, saying "our blacks are better than yours" is acceptable. Thanks for the info :thup:

You see, you opt to take it out of context and run with it.
You have every opportunity to hear the context it was said...and every opportunity to read on this site exactly WHY it was said..

But to you, that would be no fun.

So, instead, you continue to take it out of context.

So it is one of two things...

Either you are too dense to understand what Coulter meant by it...


You are very insecure about the positions you hold so you feel the NEED to intentionally take things out of context so you can feel better about your personal sentiments.

So tell me...which one is it?

"Our** blacks are better than their blacks" by itself is the same context as adding a "because such and such a reason."

Adding her reasoning doesn't change the meaning of the original clause, it just shows her attempt to justify her conclusion. It's pig headed. Is anyone "better than me" because they are Conservative? Does going against the grain make someone "better" than someone else? No, it doesn't.
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First you said you werent, but then you keep posting that she's right? So are you defending her or not?

I expect a non answer....maybe you can even bring up Clinton or a typo :thup:


You are asking us if we defend the SPIN of the situation.

No...the way you spun what she said....we dont defend that sentiment.

However, the context of what she said, without the spin? We agree 100%.

Ok I get it, saying "our blacks are better than yours" is acceptable. Thanks for the info :thup:

Well you were being honest up until this point. Did you realize you had no legitimate comeback to diminish the facts of the situation that you tried to avoid in the first post and decide to take this route instead of a real discussion?
Ok I get it, saying "our blacks are better than yours" is acceptable. Thanks for the info :thup:

You see, you opt to take it out of context and run with it.
You have every opportunity to hear the context it was said...and every opportunity to read on this site exactly WHY it was said..

But to you, that would be no fun.

So, instead, you continue to take it out of context.

So it is one of two things...

Either you are too dense to understand what Coulter meant by it...


You are very insecure about the positions you hold so you feel the NEED to intentionally take things out of context so you can feel better about your personal sentiments.

So tell me...which one is it?

"Our** blacks are better than their blacks" by itself is the same context as adding a "because such and such a reason."

Adding her reasoning doesn't change the meaning of the original clause, it just shows her attempt to justify her conclusion. It's pig headed. Is anyone "better than me" because they are Conservative? Does going against the grain make someone "better" than someone else? No, it doesn't.

I'm going to try to get you to think here by presenting 2 questions.

Do you think those with liberal veiwpoints are better than those with conservative viewpoints? I have many posts by you to refer back to so I already know the answer.

Does coulter think those with conservative viewpoints are better than those with liberal viewpoints? I have many statments by her which show that she does.

Do I have to connect the rest of the dots?
Ok I get it, saying "our blacks are better than yours" is acceptable. Thanks for the info :thup:

You see, you opt to take it out of context and run with it.
You have every opportunity to hear the context it was said...and every opportunity to read on this site exactly WHY it was said..

But to you, that would be no fun.

So, instead, you continue to take it out of context.

So it is one of two things...

Either you are too dense to understand what Coulter meant by it...


You are very insecure about the positions you hold so you feel the NEED to intentionally take things out of context so you can feel better about your personal sentiments.

So tell me...which one is it?

"Are blacks are better than their blacks" by itself is the same context as adding a "because such and such a reason."

Adding her reasoning doesn't change the meaning of the original clause, it just shows her attempt to justify her conclusion. It's pig headed. Is anyone "better than me" because they are Conservative? Does going against the grain make someone "better" than someone else? No, it doesn't.

I heard the interview.

I did not need to add her reasoning. I listened to the enitre conversation. If you did with an ipen mind, yuou would not even enter this thread.

Funny thing.....I was told by you and many that Wrights sermons were taken out of context.

SO I listened to the one about "Americans Chickens were coming back to roost".....and I gotta tell you.....that was a blatant attack on US policy.....not out opf context whatsoever....

And here you are....arguing the other side.
You see, you opt to take it out of context and run with it.
You have every opportunity to hear the context it was said...and every opportunity to read on this site exactly WHY it was said..

But to you, that would be no fun.

So, instead, you continue to take it out of context.

So it is one of two things...

Either you are too dense to understand what Coulter meant by it...


You are very insecure about the positions you hold so you feel the NEED to intentionally take things out of context so you can feel better about your personal sentiments.

So tell me...which one is it?

"Our** blacks are better than their blacks" by itself is the same context as adding a "because such and such a reason."

Adding her reasoning doesn't change the meaning of the original clause, it just shows her attempt to justify her conclusion. It's pig headed. Is anyone "better than me" because they are Conservative? Does going against the grain make someone "better" than someone else? No, it doesn't.

I'm going to try to get you to think here by presenting 2 questions.

Do you think those with liberal veiwpoints are better than those with conservative viewpoints? I have many posts by you to refer back to so I already know the answer.

Does coulter think those with conservative viewpoints are better than those with liberal viewpoints? I have many statments by her which show that she does.

Do I have to connect the rest of the dots?

You're wrong about your first question. No, I don't judge people by their political leanings and never have. I only razz internet Conservatives more b/c the internet ones have alotta douche in the group. For proof that I don't, I have a song in the music room making fun of many liberals.

So, faulty premise.

Question #2. Her thinking that is pig-headed.

You can be Conservative and one day risk your life to save another.
You can be Conservative and refuse to risk your life for anyone but yourself.

I'd much rather judge one's character by their selflessness than their political ideaology, and to me: it's pigheaded to judge someone based solely one 1 aspect of life anyways. It's pigheaded and closed-minded, like I said.
"Our** blacks are better than their blacks" by itself is the same context as adding a "because such and such a reason."

Adding her reasoning doesn't change the meaning of the original clause, it just shows her attempt to justify her conclusion. It's pig headed. Is anyone "better than me" because they are Conservative? Does going against the grain make someone "better" than someone else? No, it doesn't.

I'm going to try to get you to think here by presenting 2 questions.

Do you think those with liberal veiwpoints are better than those with conservative viewpoints? I have many posts by you to refer back to so I already know the answer.

Does coulter think those with conservative viewpoints are better than those with liberal viewpoints? I have many statments by her which show that she does.

Do I have to connect the rest of the dots?

You're wrong about your first question. No, I don't judge people by their political leanings and never have. I only razz internet Conservatives more b/c the internet ones have alotta douche in the group. For proof that I don't, I have a song in the music room making fun of many liberals.

So, faulty premise.

Question #2. Her thinking that is pig-headed.

You can be Conservative and one day risk your life to save another.
You can be Conservative and refuse to risk your life for anyone but yourself.

I'd much rather judge one's character by their selflessness than their political ideaology, and to me: it's pigheaded to judge someone based solely one 1 aspect of life anyways. It's pigheaded and closed-minded, like I said.

I'll take your word for it even though your past posts on the forum say something else.

That being said I would like to know what someone who is open minded like you claim you are thinks was horrendous about what she said in its full context. I'm curious and would like to know.
You see, you opt to take it out of context and run with it.
You have every opportunity to hear the context it was said...and every opportunity to read on this site exactly WHY it was said..

But to you, that would be no fun.

So, instead, you continue to take it out of context.

So it is one of two things...

Either you are too dense to understand what Coulter meant by it...


You are very insecure about the positions you hold so you feel the NEED to intentionally take things out of context so you can feel better about your personal sentiments.

So tell me...which one is it?

"Are blacks are better than their blacks" by itself is the same context as adding a "because such and such a reason."

Adding her reasoning doesn't change the meaning of the original clause, it just shows her attempt to justify her conclusion. It's pig headed. Is anyone "better than me" because they are Conservative? Does going against the grain make someone "better" than someone else? No, it doesn't.

I heard the interview.

I did not need to add her reasoning. I listened to the enitre conversation. If you did with an ipen mind, yuou would not even enter this thread.

Funny thing.....I was told by you and many that Wrights sermons were taken out of context.

SO I listened to the one about "Americans Chickens were coming back to roost".....and I gotta tell you.....that was a blatant attack on US policy.....not out opf context whatsoever....

And here you are....arguing the other side.

Umm, no.

The statement can't be taken out of context because the added context keeps the statement the same, it doesn't paint it in a different light at all.

When she says "our blacks" she's clearly pointing to "our side" as-in, Conservative. Thus, without her added context, shes saying they're better because theyre conservative.

If you add her context, she's saying they're better because they're conservative.

There was no change of context in calling her statement pig headed - it's pig headed with or without her justification. You don't judge a person solely on their Politics.
"Are blacks are better than their blacks" by itself is the same context as adding a "because such and such a reason."

Adding her reasoning doesn't change the meaning of the original clause, it just shows her attempt to justify her conclusion. It's pig headed. Is anyone "better than me" because they are Conservative? Does going against the grain make someone "better" than someone else? No, it doesn't.

I heard the interview.

I did not need to add her reasoning. I listened to the enitre conversation. If you did with an ipen mind, yuou would not even enter this thread.

Funny thing.....I was told by you and many that Wrights sermons were taken out of context.

SO I listened to the one about "Americans Chickens were coming back to roost".....and I gotta tell you.....that was a blatant attack on US policy.....not out opf context whatsoever....

And here you are....arguing the other side.

Umm, no.

The statement can't be taken out of context because the added context keeps the statement the same, it doesn't paint it in a different light at all.

When she says "our blacks" she's clearly pointing to "our side" as-in, Conservative. Thus, without her added context, shes saying they're better because theyre conservative.

If you add her context, she's saying they're better because they're conservative.

There was no change of context in calling her statement pig headed - it's pig headed with or without her justification. You don't judge a person solely on their Politics.

Forget my last post, you just answered my question.

If that is your opinion on the issue then I don't take issue with your opinion at all.
I'm going to try to get you to think here by presenting 2 questions.

Do you think those with liberal veiwpoints are better than those with conservative viewpoints? I have many posts by you to refer back to so I already know the answer.

Does coulter think those with conservative viewpoints are better than those with liberal viewpoints? I have many statments by her which show that she does.

Do I have to connect the rest of the dots?

You're wrong about your first question. No, I don't judge people by their political leanings and never have. I only razz internet Conservatives more b/c the internet ones have alotta douche in the group. For proof that I don't, I have a song in the music room making fun of many liberals.

So, faulty premise.

Question #2. Her thinking that is pig-headed.

You can be Conservative and one day risk your life to save another.
You can be Conservative and refuse to risk your life for anyone but yourself.

I'd much rather judge one's character by their selflessness than their political ideaology, and to me: it's pigheaded to judge someone based solely one 1 aspect of life anyways. It's pigheaded and closed-minded, like I said.

I'll take your word for it even though your past posts on the forum say something else.

That being said I would like to know what someone who is open minded like you claim you are thinks was horrendous about what she said in its full context. I'm curious and would like to know.

I explained why - in the post you quoted here. Jesus
I heard the interview.

I did not need to add her reasoning. I listened to the enitre conversation. If you did with an ipen mind, yuou would not even enter this thread.

Funny thing.....I was told by you and many that Wrights sermons were taken out of context.

SO I listened to the one about "Americans Chickens were coming back to roost".....and I gotta tell you.....that was a blatant attack on US policy.....not out opf context whatsoever....

And here you are....arguing the other side.

Umm, no.

The statement can't be taken out of context because the added context keeps the statement the same, it doesn't paint it in a different light at all.

When she says "our blacks" she's clearly pointing to "our side" as-in, Conservative. Thus, without her added context, shes saying they're better because theyre conservative.

If you add her context, she's saying they're better because they're conservative.

There was no change of context in calling her statement pig headed - it's pig headed with or without her justification. You don't judge a person solely on their Politics.

Forget my last post, you just answered my question.

If that is your opinion on the issue then I don't take issue with your opinion at all.

ahh, gotcha.
To clarify coulter's position a conservative position is what is better in the situation. In Coulter's opinoin, being a black conservative is harder than being a black liberal in our culture and being a conervative is better than being a liberal anytime. That is her view.
It's also her opinion that the superior "Drill Baby Drill" CON$ do not have slogans. :eusa_liar:

June 9, 2011
RUSH: Ann, do you mean...? In "mob," do you mean physical, literal mob-like behavior, or do you mean intellectual mob-like? What kind of mob behavior do you mean here?

COULTER: That's a great question, because it's both, actually. The first quarter of the book is on how liberals are a psychological mob. It has to do with their slogans, how they formulate arguments. They get a lot of slogans, whereas conservatives just don't speak in slogans and we don't understand slogans, and for good reason: It's always sort of glib and superficially appealing, but if you stop and actually think about it for five seconds, slogans never make sense.
To clarify coulter's position a conservative position is what is better in the situation. In Coulter's opinoin, being a black conservative is harder than being a black liberal in our culture and being a conervative is better than being a liberal anytime. That is her view.
It's also her opinion that the superior "Drill Baby Drill" CON$ do not have slogans. :eusa_liar:

June 9, 2011
RUSH: Ann, do you mean...? In "mob," do you mean physical, literal mob-like behavior, or do you mean intellectual mob-like? What kind of mob behavior do you mean here?

COULTER: That's a great question, because it's both, actually. The first quarter of the book is on how liberals are a psychological mob. It has to do with their slogans, how they formulate arguments. They get a lot of slogans, whereas conservatives just don't speak in slogans and we don't understand slogans, and for good reason: It's always sort of glib and superficially appealing, but if you stop and actually think about it for five seconds, slogans never make sense.

Ummmm Ok........i'm not sure how your post relates to the discussion but it does show you hate Coulter, but I knew that already ;) EDIT: Oh and I had a typo now in bold LOL
To clarify coulter's position a conservative position is what is better in the situation. In Coulter's opinoin, being a black conservative is harder than being a black liberal in our culture and being a conervative is better than being a liberal anytime. That is her view.
It's also her opinion that the superior "Drill Baby Drill" CON$ do not have slogans. :eusa_liar:

June 9, 2011
RUSH: Ann, do you mean...? In "mob," do you mean physical, literal mob-like behavior, or do you mean intellectual mob-like? What kind of mob behavior do you mean here?

COULTER: That's a great question, because it's both, actually. The first quarter of the book is on how liberals are a psychological mob. It has to do with their slogans, how they formulate arguments. They get a lot of slogans, whereas conservatives just don't speak in slogans and we don't understand slogans, and for good reason: It's always sort of glib and superficially appealing, but if you stop and actually think about it for five seconds, slogans never make sense.

Ummmm Ok........i'm not sure how your post relates to the discussion but it does show you hate Coulter, but I knew that already ;) EDIT: Oh and I had a typo now in bold LOL
Well, let me explain it to you. She is saying that CON$ are better than Libs because CON$ don't have slogans. But obviously "Drill Baby Drill" CON$ DO have slogans so her rationalizations of CON$ervative superiority are pure bullshit from a delusional mind.
Get It???
It's also her opinion that the superior "Drill Baby Drill" CON$ do not have slogans. :eusa_liar:

June 9, 2011
RUSH: Ann, do you mean...? In "mob," do you mean physical, literal mob-like behavior, or do you mean intellectual mob-like? What kind of mob behavior do you mean here?

COULTER: That's a great question, because it's both, actually. The first quarter of the book is on how liberals are a psychological mob. It has to do with their slogans, how they formulate arguments. They get a lot of slogans, whereas conservatives just don't speak in slogans and we don't understand slogans, and for good reason: It's always sort of glib and superficially appealing, but if you stop and actually think about it for five seconds, slogans never make sense.

Ummmm Ok........i'm not sure how your post relates to the discussion but it does show you hate Coulter, but I knew that already ;) EDIT: Oh and I had a typo now in bold LOL
Well, let me explain it to you. She is saying that CON$ are better than Libs because CON$ don't have slogans. But obviously "Drill Baby Drill" CON$ DO have slogans so her rationalizations of CON$ervative superiority are pure bullshit from a delusional mind.
Get It???

If you've ever read any of her writings, she's the poster child for the insecure projectionist. Everything she writes of her "leftist boogymen" can be ascribed to her, personally.

She gets her theories about what they are, and do, by thinking "what would I do."

A narcissistic cynic.
It's also her opinion that the superior "Drill Baby Drill" CON$ do not have slogans. :eusa_liar:

June 9, 2011
RUSH: Ann, do you mean...? In "mob," do you mean physical, literal mob-like behavior, or do you mean intellectual mob-like? What kind of mob behavior do you mean here?

COULTER: That's a great question, because it's both, actually. The first quarter of the book is on how liberals are a psychological mob. It has to do with their slogans, how they formulate arguments. They get a lot of slogans, whereas conservatives just don't speak in slogans and we don't understand slogans, and for good reason: It's always sort of glib and superficially appealing, but if you stop and actually think about it for five seconds, slogans never make sense.

Ummmm Ok........i'm not sure how your post relates to the discussion but it does show you hate Coulter, but I knew that already ;) EDIT: Oh and I had a typo now in bold LOL
Well, let me explain it to you. She is saying that CON$ are better than Libs because CON$ don't have slogans. But obviously "Drill Baby Drill" CON$ DO have slogans so her rationalizations of CON$ervative superiority are pure bullshit from a delusional mind.
Get It???


Oh I got it before you entered the thread, we alreay said Coulter thinks Conservatives are better than Liberals....keep up dude!

"Are blacks are better than their blacks" by itself is the same context as adding a "because such and such a reason."

Adding her reasoning doesn't change the meaning of the original clause, it just shows her attempt to justify her conclusion. It's pig headed. Is anyone "better than me" because they are Conservative? Does going against the grain make someone "better" than someone else? No, it doesn't.

I heard the interview.

I did not need to add her reasoning. I listened to the enitre conversation. If you did with an ipen mind, yuou would not even enter this thread.

Funny thing.....I was told by you and many that Wrights sermons were taken out of context.

SO I listened to the one about "Americans Chickens were coming back to roost".....and I gotta tell you.....that was a blatant attack on US policy.....not out opf context whatsoever....

And here you are....arguing the other side.

Umm, no.

The statement can't be taken out of context because the added context keeps the statement the same, it doesn't paint it in a different light at all.

When she says "our blacks" she's clearly pointing to "our side" as-in, Conservative. Thus, without her added context, shes saying they're better because theyre conservative.

If you add her context, she's saying they're better because they're conservative.

There was no change of context in calling her statement pig headed - it's pig headed with or without her justification. You don't judge a person solely on their Politics.

In this post alone you are indirectly admitting that you not only did not watch the Coulter discussion but worse, you are taking little snippets from others posts to determine what was said and the context it was siad in.

For if you watched it you would have heard how the term "our" came into play as it was a discussion about blacks opn the libneral side and blacks on the conservative in context, she used the term "our" to let it be known who she was referring to.

And if you had watched it you would have saw how the conversation trended to discussing how conservative blacks are treated differetnly than liberal blacks, be they in politics or the media and by their peers

And if you had watched it you would have understood how, as the conversation evolved, she explained how conservative blacks are forced to overcome larger hurdles as they are deeemed as "out of the norm" and thus, when they acheive success, they are better people for it.

But you obviously didnt watch it so I am wasting my tyime right now.

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