Ann Coulter says msm pushing violent uprising to blame conservatives

The evidence is all over the media, America hating liar.

I hear conservatives talking about left wing violence all of the time. What I don’t see is much evidence of its existence. And just to be clear, labeling every loon with a gun who shoots up a school or mall a “liberal” is about all you’ve got for evidence.

Most loons with guns have no political stances. They’re mentally ill sociopaths who just want to wreak havoc. There’s no political statements involved. Most are so self-absorbed they’re barely aware of anything going on outside their own heads.

The clear recent exceptions to that are Dylan Rooff who espoused right wing hate, and the Sanders supporter who shot up the Republican baseball game. The Vegas shooter had never expressed a political thought to anyone.

Every day I read this forum someone on the right is threatening violence to leftists, saying they’re delusional and dangerous. The leftists are threatening impeachment and legal proceedings, not violence. It’s the right who are saying the country must be purged of socialists.
You mean you don't want to see it. You clowns keep parroting Dylan Rooff, too bad those church goers didn't carry guns.
Who doesn't want to see? We're talking liberal vs conservative violence, yet you deflect to talking about carrying guns, which is totally off the point. Why? Cognitive dissonance got you in a hammerlock?
She doesn't want to see the violence, but you knew exactly what I was talking about troll. No one can NOT see the libs being violent.
She ADMITS to instances of violence by liberals. It's YOU that is turning a blind eye to the flip side.
What this is that you are trolling trying get a reaction from me. The other troll says she doesn't she much much evidence of lefttard violence. And I said she don't want to see it and you just start trolling. The lefts violence is on display daily. And as evidenced by this thread, your lying and trolling in on display as well.
That's flat out foolishness. You don't start a violent uprising by decrying a violent uprising.
You're the foolish one. That's exactly the strategy Hitler used. He justified violence against the Jews by convincing the public that they were plotting against the German people. It's one of the oldests tricks in the book; accuse your opponent of the very thing you're doing.
Dumb ass.
How erudite! Trump U grad?
More erudite than a fucking Godwin, you ass.
It's not a Godwin. I didn't accuse someone of being a Nazi. I just used Hitler as an example. Stalin did the same kind of thing. Don't you ever get tired of LOSING?!?! :laugh2:

Dude. Shove it up your GODWINNING ASS.
The only "violent uprising talk I see comes from right-wing talking heads. This conspiracy talk is just deflection from the actual facts, miketexican.
Then pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.
Invective isn't evidence. Try again.
The evidence is all over the media, America hating liar.

I hear conservatives talking about left wing violence all of the time. What I don’t see is much evidence of its existence. And just to be clear, labeling every loon with a gun who shoots up a school or mall a “liberal” is about all you’ve got for evidence.

Most loons with guns have no political stances. They’re mentally ill sociopaths who just want to wreak havoc. There’s no political statements involved. Most are so self-absorbed they’re barely aware of anything going on outside their own heads.

The clear recent exceptions to that are Dylan Rooff who espoused right wing hate, and the Sanders supporter who shot up the Republican baseball game. The Vegas shooter had never expressed a political thought to anyone.

Every day I read this forum someone on the right is threatening violence to leftists, saying they’re delusional and dangerous. The leftists are threatening impeachment and legal proceedings, not violence. It’s the right who are saying the country must be purged of socialists.
You mean you don't want to see it. You clowns keep parroting Dylan Rooff, too bad those church goers didn't carry guns.

Let’s look at Charlottesville. Friday night the right wing marchers surrounded and attacked the counter protestors. 15 were injured.

On Saturday a left wing counter-protestor was killed by one of marchers, and 19 were injured, 5 of them critically.

How many right wing marchers died or had to go to hospital?
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Then pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.
Invective isn't evidence. Try again.
The evidence is all over the media, America hating liar.

I hear conservatives talking about left wing violence all of the time. What I don’t see is much evidence of its existence. And just to be clear, labeling every loon with a gun who shoots up a school or mall a “liberal” is about all you’ve got for evidence.

Most loons with guns have no political stances. They’re mentally ill sociopaths who just want to wreak havoc. There’s no political statements involved. Most are so self-absorbed they’re barely aware of anything going on outside their own heads.

The clear recent exceptions to that are Dylan Rooff who espoused right wing hate, and the Sanders supporter who shot up the Republican baseball game. The Vegas shooter had never expressed a political thought to anyone.

Every day I read this forum someone on the right is threatening violence to leftists, saying they’re delusional and dangerous. The leftists are threatening impeachment and legal proceedings, not violence. It’s the right who are saying the country must be purged of socialists.
You mean you don't want to see it. You clowns keep parroting Dylan Rooff, too bad those church goers didn't carry guns.

Let’s look at Charlottesville. How many right wing marchers died or had to go to hospital? A left wing counter-protestor was killed by one of marchers, and 19 were injured, 5 of them critically.
She had a heart attack liar.
The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, according to conservative author Ann Coulter.

Exclusive: Ann Coulter Says MSM Pushing Violent Uprising to Blame Conservatives

I mean people keep trying to tell the public what is going on and why, and yet time and time again it seems to go right over the heads of those who hate Trump, hate america etc. It is a never ending battle trying to prove to these lunatics what truth news is and what isn't, what is truth situation and what isn't.

Coulter hasn't been laid in years & she has no enjoyment in life.

Of course, Coulter is a Trumpian & Trump was with the 'evangelicals' just two days ago telling the evangelicals that if the 'Dems' win in November it will be Katy bar the door.

The level of fanaticism in America coming from the unhinged right is off the meter.

They keep pushing for civil discord; one day they will most likely get more than they ever dreamed of & if that occurs, it will be all on Trump.

The GOP leadership has no interest in getting Trump to act like a POTUS instead of an instigating jackazz.
Invective isn't evidence. Try again.
The evidence is all over the media, America hating liar.

I hear conservatives talking about left wing violence all of the time. What I don’t see is much evidence of its existence. And just to be clear, labeling every loon with a gun who shoots up a school or mall a “liberal” is about all you’ve got for evidence.

Most loons with guns have no political stances. They’re mentally ill sociopaths who just want to wreak havoc. There’s no political statements involved. Most are so self-absorbed they’re barely aware of anything going on outside their own heads.

The clear recent exceptions to that are Dylan Rooff who espoused right wing hate, and the Sanders supporter who shot up the Republican baseball game. The Vegas shooter had never expressed a political thought to anyone.

Every day I read this forum someone on the right is threatening violence to leftists, saying they’re delusional and dangerous. The leftists are threatening impeachment and legal proceedings, not violence. It’s the right who are saying the country must be purged of socialists.
You mean you don't want to see it. You clowns keep parroting Dylan Rooff, too bad those church goers didn't carry guns.

Let’s look at Charlottesville. How many right wing marchers died or had to go to hospital? A left wing counter-protestor was killed by one of marchers, and 19 were injured, 5 of them critically.
She had a heart attack liar.

A healthy 32 year old woman died of a heart attack?!?!?

Then why was the guy driving the car charged with first degree murder?

Ohio man charged with federal hate crimes, killing woman with car at Charlottesville white supremacy rally

It takes a special kind of idiot to post a bald faced lie like that and then call me a liar to boot. And by “special” I mean short bus “special”.
The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, according to conservative author Ann Coulter.

Exclusive: Ann Coulter Says MSM Pushing Violent Uprising to Blame Conservatives

I mean people keep trying to tell the public what is going on and why, and yet time and time again it seems to go right over the heads of those who hate Trump, hate america etc. It is a never ending battle trying to prove to these lunatics what truth news is and what isn't, what is truth situation and what isn't.

Coulter hasn't been laid in years & she has no enjoyment in life.

Of course, Coulter is a Trumpian & Trump was with the 'evangelicals' just two days ago telling the evangelicals that if the 'Dems' win in November it will be Katy bar the door.

The level of fanaticism in America coming from the unhinged right is off the meter.

They keep pushing for civil discord; one day they will most likely get more than they ever dreamed of & if that occurs, it will be all on Trump.

The GOP leadership has no interest in getting Trump to act like a POTUS instead of an instigating jackazz.
Prove it liar.
The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, according to conservative author Ann Coulter.

Exclusive: Ann Coulter Says MSM Pushing Violent Uprising to Blame Conservatives

I mean people keep trying to tell the public what is going on and why, and yet time and time again it seems to go right over the heads of those who hate Trump, hate america etc. It is a never ending battle trying to prove to these lunatics what truth news is and what isn't, what is truth situation and what isn't.

Coulter hasn't been laid in years & she has no enjoyment in life.

Of course, Coulter is a Trumpian & Trump was with the 'evangelicals' just two days ago telling the evangelicals that if the 'Dems' win in November it will be Katy bar the door.

The level of fanaticism in America coming from the unhinged right is off the meter.

They keep pushing for civil discord; one day they will most likely get more than they ever dreamed of & if that occurs, it will be all on Trump.

The GOP leadership has no interest in getting Trump to act like a POTUS instead of an instigating jackazz.
Prove it liar.

if you cannot see the forest for the trees then no eye glasses will help your blind azz
The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, according to conservative author Ann Coulter.

Exclusive: Ann Coulter Says MSM Pushing Violent Uprising to Blame Conservatives

I mean people keep trying to tell the public what is going on and why, and yet time and time again it seems to go right over the heads of those who hate Trump, hate america etc. It is a never ending battle trying to prove to these lunatics what truth news is and what isn't, what is truth situation and what isn't.

Coulter hasn't been laid in years & she has no enjoyment in life.

Of course, Coulter is a Trumpian & Trump was with the 'evangelicals' just two days ago telling the evangelicals that if the 'Dems' win in November it will be Katy bar the door.

The level of fanaticism in America coming from the unhinged right is off the meter.

They keep pushing for civil discord; one day they will most likely get more than they ever dreamed of & if that occurs, it will be all on Trump.

The GOP leadership has no interest in getting Trump to act like a POTUS instead of an instigating jackazz.
Prove it liar.

if you cannot see the forest for the trees then no eye glasses will help your blind azz
So no proof.
Invective isn't evidence. Try again.
The evidence is all over the media, America hating liar.

I hear conservatives talking about left wing violence all of the time. What I don’t see is much evidence of its existence. And just to be clear, labeling every loon with a gun who shoots up a school or mall a “liberal” is about all you’ve got for evidence.

Most loons with guns have no political stances. They’re mentally ill sociopaths who just want to wreak havoc. There’s no political statements involved. Most are so self-absorbed they’re barely aware of anything going on outside their own heads.

The clear recent exceptions to that are Dylan Rooff who espoused right wing hate, and the Sanders supporter who shot up the Republican baseball game. The Vegas shooter had never expressed a political thought to anyone.

Every day I read this forum someone on the right is threatening violence to leftists, saying they’re delusional and dangerous. The leftists are threatening impeachment and legal proceedings, not violence. It’s the right who are saying the country must be purged of socialists.
You mean you don't want to see it. You clowns keep parroting Dylan Rooff, too bad those church goers didn't carry guns.

Let’s look at Charlottesville. How many right wing marchers died or had to go to hospital? A left wing counter-protestor was killed by one of marchers, and 19 were injured, 5 of them critically.
She had a heart attack liar.
You should volunteer to be his attorney to defend him against his first degree murder charge.
The evidence is all over the media, America hating liar.

I hear conservatives talking about left wing violence all of the time. What I don’t see is much evidence of its existence. And just to be clear, labeling every loon with a gun who shoots up a school or mall a “liberal” is about all you’ve got for evidence.

Most loons with guns have no political stances. They’re mentally ill sociopaths who just want to wreak havoc. There’s no political statements involved. Most are so self-absorbed they’re barely aware of anything going on outside their own heads.

The clear recent exceptions to that are Dylan Rooff who espoused right wing hate, and the Sanders supporter who shot up the Republican baseball game. The Vegas shooter had never expressed a political thought to anyone.

Every day I read this forum someone on the right is threatening violence to leftists, saying they’re delusional and dangerous. The leftists are threatening impeachment and legal proceedings, not violence. It’s the right who are saying the country must be purged of socialists.
You mean you don't want to see it. You clowns keep parroting Dylan Rooff, too bad those church goers didn't carry guns.

Let’s look at Charlottesville. How many right wing marchers died or had to go to hospital? A left wing counter-protestor was killed by one of marchers, and 19 were injured, 5 of them critically.
She had a heart attack liar.

A healthy 32 year old woman died of a heart attack?!?!?

Then why was the guy driving the car charged with first degree murder?

Ohio man charged with federal hate crimes, killing woman with car at Charlottesville white supremacy rally

It takes a special kind of idiot to post a bald faced lie like that and then call me a liar to boot. And by “special” I mean short bus “special”.
C’mon now, you’re being unreasonable. Cruz didn’t kill 17 people at Douglas high school ... they died from organ failure.
I hear conservatives talking about left wing violence all of the time. What I don’t see is much evidence of its existence. And just to be clear, labeling every loon with a gun who shoots up a school or mall a “liberal” is about all you’ve got for evidence.

Most loons with guns have no political stances. They’re mentally ill sociopaths who just want to wreak havoc. There’s no political statements involved. Most are so self-absorbed they’re barely aware of anything going on outside their own heads.

The clear recent exceptions to that are Dylan Rooff who espoused right wing hate, and the Sanders supporter who shot up the Republican baseball game. The Vegas shooter had never expressed a political thought to anyone.

Every day I read this forum someone on the right is threatening violence to leftists, saying they’re delusional and dangerous. The leftists are threatening impeachment and legal proceedings, not violence. It’s the right who are saying the country must be purged of socialists.
You mean you don't want to see it. You clowns keep parroting Dylan Rooff, too bad those church goers didn't carry guns.

Let’s look at Charlottesville. How many right wing marchers died or had to go to hospital? A left wing counter-protestor was killed by one of marchers, and 19 were injured, 5 of them critically.
She had a heart attack liar.

A healthy 32 year old woman died of a heart attack?!?!?

Then why was the guy driving the car charged with first degree murder?

Ohio man charged with federal hate crimes, killing woman with car at Charlottesville white supremacy rally

It takes a special kind of idiot to post a bald faced lie like that and then call me a liar to boot. And by “special” I mean short bus “special”.
C’mon now, you’re being unreasonable. Cruz didn’t kill 17 people at Douglas high school ... they died from organ failure.
Oh he certainly did kill them, and Obamas failed policy and the sheriffs failure to act went hand and hand with each trigger pull. Liberals need crime to advance their agenda to the stupid masses.
You mean you don't want to see it. You clowns keep parroting Dylan Rooff, too bad those church goers didn't carry guns.

Let’s look at Charlottesville. How many right wing marchers died or had to go to hospital? A left wing counter-protestor was killed by one of marchers, and 19 were injured, 5 of them critically.
She had a heart attack liar.

A healthy 32 year old woman died of a heart attack?!?!?

Then why was the guy driving the car charged with first degree murder?

Ohio man charged with federal hate crimes, killing woman with car at Charlottesville white supremacy rally

It takes a special kind of idiot to post a bald faced lie like that and then call me a liar to boot. And by “special” I mean short bus “special”.
C’mon now, you’re being unreasonable. Cruz didn’t kill 17 people at Douglas high school ... they died from organ failure.
Oh he certainly did kill them, and Obamas failed policy and the sheriffs failure to act went hand and hand with each trigger pull. Liberals need crime to advance their agenda to the stupid masses.

Leave it to the utter brain-dead to blame Obama.

Let’s look at Charlottesville. How many right wing marchers died or had to go to hospital? A left wing counter-protestor was killed by one of marchers, and 19 were injured, 5 of them critically.
She had a heart attack liar.

A healthy 32 year old woman died of a heart attack?!?!?

Then why was the guy driving the car charged with first degree murder?

Ohio man charged with federal hate crimes, killing woman with car at Charlottesville white supremacy rally

It takes a special kind of idiot to post a bald faced lie like that and then call me a liar to boot. And by “special” I mean short bus “special”.
C’mon now, you’re being unreasonable. Cruz didn’t kill 17 people at Douglas high school ... they died from organ failure.
Oh he certainly did kill them, and Obamas failed policy and the sheriffs failure to act went hand and hand with each trigger pull. Liberals need crime to advance their agenda to the stupid masses.

Leave it to the utter brain-dead to blame Obama.

His policy was indirectly responsible liar. It was this policy that allowed school trouble makers from being punished. Now, you can lie all you want (and you do) but it's a fact. The only time you liberals get upset over a school shooting is when the shooter is killed before he murders a bunch of kids.
She had a heart attack liar.

A healthy 32 year old woman died of a heart attack?!?!?

Then why was the guy driving the car charged with first degree murder?

Ohio man charged with federal hate crimes, killing woman with car at Charlottesville white supremacy rally

It takes a special kind of idiot to post a bald faced lie like that and then call me a liar to boot. And by “special” I mean short bus “special”.
C’mon now, you’re being unreasonable. Cruz didn’t kill 17 people at Douglas high school ... they died from organ failure.
Oh he certainly did kill them, and Obamas failed policy and the sheriffs failure to act went hand and hand with each trigger pull. Liberals need crime to advance their agenda to the stupid masses.

Leave it to the utter brain-dead to blame Obama.

His policy was indirectly responsible liar. It was this policy that allowed school trouble makers from being punished. Now, you can lie all you want (and you do) but it's a fact. The only time you liberals get upset over a school shooting is when the shooter is killed before he murders a bunch of kids.

Your ODS is noted and laughed at.
A healthy 32 year old woman died of a heart attack?!?!?

Then why was the guy driving the car charged with first degree murder?

Ohio man charged with federal hate crimes, killing woman with car at Charlottesville white supremacy rally

It takes a special kind of idiot to post a bald faced lie like that and then call me a liar to boot. And by “special” I mean short bus “special”.
C’mon now, you’re being unreasonable. Cruz didn’t kill 17 people at Douglas high school ... they died from organ failure.
Oh he certainly did kill them, and Obamas failed policy and the sheriffs failure to act went hand and hand with each trigger pull. Liberals need crime to advance their agenda to the stupid masses.

Leave it to the utter brain-dead to blame Obama.

His policy was indirectly responsible liar. It was this policy that allowed school trouble makers from being punished. Now, you can lie all you want (and you do) but it's a fact. The only time you liberals get upset over a school shooting is when the shooter is killed before he murders a bunch of kids.

Your ODS is noted and laughed at.
I wonder what is wrong with scum like you?
She had a heart attack liar.

A healthy 32 year old woman died of a heart attack?!?!?

Then why was the guy driving the car charged with first degree murder?

Ohio man charged with federal hate crimes, killing woman with car at Charlottesville white supremacy rally

It takes a special kind of idiot to post a bald faced lie like that and then call me a liar to boot. And by “special” I mean short bus “special”.
C’mon now, you’re being unreasonable. Cruz didn’t kill 17 people at Douglas high school ... they died from organ failure.
Oh he certainly did kill them, and Obamas failed policy and the sheriffs failure to act went hand and hand with each trigger pull. Liberals need crime to advance their agenda to the stupid masses.

Leave it to the utter brain-dead to blame Obama.

His policy was indirectly responsible liar. It was this policy that allowed school trouble makers from being punished. Now, you can lie all you want (and you do) but it's a fact. The only time you liberals get upset over a school shooting is when the shooter is killed before he murders a bunch of kids.

The policy had NOTHING to do with the failure of police and mental health authorities to do anything to stop this boy.

Any explanation that can’t be chanted in three words, that requires at least an entire, properly constructed sentence to explain, cannot be understood by Trumpbots. If it requires an entire paragraph with polysyllabic words, they just scream “Fake news”.

“Build that wall”, “Lock her up”, “All Obama’s fault”.
I don't listen to her or read her books. She is a ill person. She can write all she wants, but no one has to read them. She is an anorexic blond bimbo same as Ingraham.

So, you neither listen to her, or read her books, but thinks she is ill, and other negative things. You are just admitting your ignorance. But Rachel Madow is OK?

Ann can be abrasive, but she speaks the truth most of the time, which Libs hate.

Read all of her books, and, last weekend, had a chat with her at her book signing in NYC.

She is an inspiration.
I don't listen to her or read her books. She is a ill person. She can write all she wants, but no one has to read them. She is an anorexic blond bimbo same as Ingraham.

So, you neither listen to her, or read her books, but thinks she is ill, and other negative things. You are just admitting your ignorance. But Rachel Madow is OK?

Ann can be abrasive, but she speaks the truth most of the time, which Libs hate.

Read all of her books, and, last weekend, had a chat with her at her book signing in NYC.

She is an inspiration.

Yes, only an Ann Coulter is a wonderful warning to the rest of us what happens when you surrender your critical thinking skills in a desperate attempt at celebrity.

I don’t think that Coulter believes half the shit she says but it gets her on TV where she’s just cannon fodder for left wing pundits.


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