Ann Coulter says msm pushing violent uprising to blame conservatives

Which side is stopping free speech?
Both sides do that whenever it’s convenient.
i can cite example after example of the left doing it. anti-fa is nothing but SHUT UP!!!
facebook, google, twitter and many more are stopping free speech.

go ahead. see my examples and raise me your own.
NFL boycotters ... Fox News Network calling on states to monitor college classrooms to prevent professors from “harming students with insane ideology,” that the right deems too Liberal ... bakers who don’t want to bake wedding cakes for gay couples ...
NFL - so they must sit and watch? having free speech doesn't mean you get to have a captive audience. MISS
Monitor classrooms - link? you seem to be saying there has never before been control over what's taught in a classroom. also, i want to know if they're saying DO NOT TEACH THIS or saying it needs to balanced and let kids decide for themselves. MISS
bakers? really? facebook can limit you and you're ok with that cause it's their business. however, a baker doesn't have that same right for THEIR business. this is YOUR double standard and quite honestly a large part of our problems today. MISS

now - got any real ways the right is telling the left to shut up and using violence to force the issue at times?

still waiting.
Those were all real examples. I do not need your approval for them to be examples of the right trying to squash free speech.

They were bad examples. In the case of the NFL, none of the protestors have been prevented from protesting by anyone on the right. Boycotting is simply consumers making a free choice to avoid purchasing or consuming products from a producer for whichever reason they want to, and has zero to do with free speech. The NFL has the final word and can legally allow or prevent the protests.

Bakers? What speech are bakers squashing by refusing to write things on baked goods? Since when does anyone have the right to force someone else to say anything?

Classrooms? It would be nice if you could give some examples of the right trying to prevent professors from teaching.
Both sides do that whenever it’s convenient.
i can cite example after example of the left doing it. anti-fa is nothing but SHUT UP!!!
facebook, google, twitter and many more are stopping free speech.

go ahead. see my examples and raise me your own.
NFL boycotters ... Fox News Network calling on states to monitor college classrooms to prevent professors from “harming students with insane ideology,” that the right deems too Liberal ... bakers who don’t want to bake wedding cakes for gay couples ...
NFL - so they must sit and watch? having free speech doesn't mean you get to have a captive audience. MISS
Monitor classrooms - link? you seem to be saying there has never before been control over what's taught in a classroom. also, i want to know if they're saying DO NOT TEACH THIS or saying it needs to balanced and let kids decide for themselves. MISS
bakers? really? facebook can limit you and you're ok with that cause it's their business. however, a baker doesn't have that same right for THEIR business. this is YOUR double standard and quite honestly a large part of our problems today. MISS

now - got any real ways the right is telling the left to shut up and using violence to force the issue at times?

still waiting.
Those were all real examples. I do not need your approval for them to be examples of the right trying to squash free speech.

They were bad examples. In the case of the NFL, none of the protestors have been prevented from protesting by anyone on the right. Boycotting is simply consumers making a free choice to avoid purchasing or consuming products from a producer for whichever reason they want to, and has zero to do with free speech. The NFL has the final word and can legally allow or prevent the protests.

Bakers? What speech are bakers squashing by refusing to write things on baked goods? Since when does anyone have the right to force someone else to say anything?

Classrooms? It would be nice if you could give some examples of the right trying to prevent professors from teaching.
In the case of the NFL, righties were using boycotts to prevent players from exercising free speech in the form of kneeling during the National Anthem.

In the case of the baker, they tried to prevent the free speech of a gay couple having a symbol of their nuptials in the form of a cake.

In the case of Fox News, they sought to limit curriculum in the classroom they decided is “harming students with insane ideology” —
If you look at threads here, all the threats of violence come from right wing bullshitters.
And they’re the ones pushing the narrative that the left is instigating a civil war and coming for their guns; just to stoke fear and agitation among the right.
i can cite example after example of the left doing it. anti-fa is nothing but SHUT UP!!!
facebook, google, twitter and many more are stopping free speech.

go ahead. see my examples and raise me your own.
NFL boycotters ... Fox News Network calling on states to monitor college classrooms to prevent professors from “harming students with insane ideology,” that the right deems too Liberal ... bakers who don’t want to bake wedding cakes for gay couples ...
NFL - so they must sit and watch? having free speech doesn't mean you get to have a captive audience. MISS
Monitor classrooms - link? you seem to be saying there has never before been control over what's taught in a classroom. also, i want to know if they're saying DO NOT TEACH THIS or saying it needs to balanced and let kids decide for themselves. MISS
bakers? really? facebook can limit you and you're ok with that cause it's their business. however, a baker doesn't have that same right for THEIR business. this is YOUR double standard and quite honestly a large part of our problems today. MISS

now - got any real ways the right is telling the left to shut up and using violence to force the issue at times?

still waiting.
Those were all real examples. I do not need your approval for them to be examples of the right trying to squash free speech.

They were bad examples. In the case of the NFL, none of the protestors have been prevented from protesting by anyone on the right. Boycotting is simply consumers making a free choice to avoid purchasing or consuming products from a producer for whichever reason they want to, and has zero to do with free speech. The NFL has the final word and can legally allow or prevent the protests.

Bakers? What speech are bakers squashing by refusing to write things on baked goods? Since when does anyone have the right to force someone else to say anything?

Classrooms? It would be nice if you could give some examples of the right trying to prevent professors from teaching.
In the case of the NFL, righties were using boycotts to prevent players from exercising free speech in the form of kneeling during the National Anthem.

In the case of the baker, they tried to prevent the free speech of a gay couple having a symbol of their nuptials in the form of a cake.

In the case of Fox News, they sought to limit curriculum in the classroom they decided is “harming students with insane ideology” —

NFL players don't have the right to have anyone watch them. Please let us know when you think they do. Only the NFL can prevent the protests. Everyone else is just choosing to ignore them.

The baker was sued on PA grounds, not free speech.

You cite an opinion piece as proof?
NFL boycotters ... Fox News Network calling on states to monitor college classrooms to prevent professors from “harming students with insane ideology,” that the right deems too Liberal ... bakers who don’t want to bake wedding cakes for gay couples ...
NFL - so they must sit and watch? having free speech doesn't mean you get to have a captive audience. MISS
Monitor classrooms - link? you seem to be saying there has never before been control over what's taught in a classroom. also, i want to know if they're saying DO NOT TEACH THIS or saying it needs to balanced and let kids decide for themselves. MISS
bakers? really? facebook can limit you and you're ok with that cause it's their business. however, a baker doesn't have that same right for THEIR business. this is YOUR double standard and quite honestly a large part of our problems today. MISS

now - got any real ways the right is telling the left to shut up and using violence to force the issue at times?

still waiting.
Those were all real examples. I do not need your approval for them to be examples of the right trying to squash free speech.

They were bad examples. In the case of the NFL, none of the protestors have been prevented from protesting by anyone on the right. Boycotting is simply consumers making a free choice to avoid purchasing or consuming products from a producer for whichever reason they want to, and has zero to do with free speech. The NFL has the final word and can legally allow or prevent the protests.

Bakers? What speech are bakers squashing by refusing to write things on baked goods? Since when does anyone have the right to force someone else to say anything?

Classrooms? It would be nice if you could give some examples of the right trying to prevent professors from teaching.
In the case of the NFL, righties were using boycotts to prevent players from exercising free speech in the form of kneeling during the National Anthem.

In the case of the baker, they tried to prevent the free speech of a gay couple having a symbol of their nuptials in the form of a cake.

In the case of Fox News, they sought to limit curriculum in the classroom they decided is “harming students with insane ideology” —

NFL players don't have the right to have anyone watch them. Please let us know when you think they do. Only the NFL can prevent the protests. Everyone else is just choosing to ignore them.

The baker was sued on PA grounds, not free speech.

You cite an opinion piece as proof?
Players aren’t seeking the right to have folks watch them. They want to protest peacefully. Their employer allowed them to do so, so righties boycotted to force their employers to prevent them from expressing themselves.

The baker, you may have a point.

The opinion is one I share and no different from you voicing your opinion that Google, Twitter or Facebook are preventing free speech.

Now let’s see your evidence that Twitter, Google and Facebook are “the left”...
NFL - so they must sit and watch? having free speech doesn't mean you get to have a captive audience. MISS
Monitor classrooms - link? you seem to be saying there has never before been control over what's taught in a classroom. also, i want to know if they're saying DO NOT TEACH THIS or saying it needs to balanced and let kids decide for themselves. MISS
bakers? really? facebook can limit you and you're ok with that cause it's their business. however, a baker doesn't have that same right for THEIR business. this is YOUR double standard and quite honestly a large part of our problems today. MISS

now - got any real ways the right is telling the left to shut up and using violence to force the issue at times?

still waiting.
Those were all real examples. I do not need your approval for them to be examples of the right trying to squash free speech.

They were bad examples. In the case of the NFL, none of the protestors have been prevented from protesting by anyone on the right. Boycotting is simply consumers making a free choice to avoid purchasing or consuming products from a producer for whichever reason they want to, and has zero to do with free speech. The NFL has the final word and can legally allow or prevent the protests.

Bakers? What speech are bakers squashing by refusing to write things on baked goods? Since when does anyone have the right to force someone else to say anything?

Classrooms? It would be nice if you could give some examples of the right trying to prevent professors from teaching.
In the case of the NFL, righties were using boycotts to prevent players from exercising free speech in the form of kneeling during the National Anthem.

In the case of the baker, they tried to prevent the free speech of a gay couple having a symbol of their nuptials in the form of a cake.

In the case of Fox News, they sought to limit curriculum in the classroom they decided is “harming students with insane ideology” —

NFL players don't have the right to have anyone watch them. Please let us know when you think they do. Only the NFL can prevent the protests. Everyone else is just choosing to ignore them.

The baker was sued on PA grounds, not free speech.

You cite an opinion piece as proof?
Players aren’t seeking the right to have folks watch them. They want to protest peacefully. Their employer allowed them to do so, so righties boycotted to force their employers to prevent them from expressing themselves.

The baker, you may have a point.

The opinion is one I share and no different from you voicing your opinion that Google, Twitter or Facebook are preventing free speech.

Now let’s see your evidence that Twitter, Google and Facebook are “the left”...
Who the fuck said I have to watch their protest?

Get the hell over yourself.
IMO, it's Ann Coulter that's trying to stir up a "violent uprising".
How? I have not heard her advocate violence.
It's in the OP. She's lying about liberals in order to get a rise out of her minions.
That's flat out foolishness. You don't start a violent uprising by decrying a violent uprising.
You're the foolish one. That's exactly the strategy Hitler used. He justified violence against the Jews by convincing the public that they were plotting against the German people. It's one of the oldests tricks in the book; accuse your opponent of the very thing you're doing.

Dumb ass.

Compared to you she might be. LOL.

Actually, if you go back to the campaign, when all you libs, and to be fair, all the political class as a whole were claiming that Trump's strategy was doomed to fail,

you can find posts from me on this site stating that Trump could win, due to how attractive his message would be to working class whites, especially in the Rust Belt.

Which, was Ann, and Me being right, while all of you libs and the entire polling industry, and the media, and the talking heads, and both parties leadership.

were completely fucking wrong.

So, yes, I accept your compliment, That was pretty brilliant of me.

Do you have anything relevant to say about the brilliant woman and her statements from the OP,?

Like I said , I consider her a clueless bimbo who got rich offering her hatred on Fox news and writing book after book. She is a racist anorexic bimbo who never was married, and never had a kid, she doesn't' know a thing about real life nor does Trump.

So if you find her brilliant, what does that make you??

You have reached a very strong conclusion, while admitting that you never listen to her, nor read her work.

What kind of person has a strong opinion over something that they actively work to remain ignorant about?

Hint: It is a fucking moron.

I guess you might have the hots for her. I quit listening to her years ago, when she is on TV. I know she is a racist brat.

Provide us an example of her Racism....

We know you can't because you are full of Shit....

To a lib, a white person who is not wallowing in white guilt, is racist.
IMO, it's Ann Coulter that's trying to stir up a "violent uprising".
How? I have not heard her advocate violence.
It's in the OP. She's lying about liberals in order to get a rise out of her minions.
That's flat out foolishness. You don't start a violent uprising by decrying a violent uprising.
You're the foolish one. That's exactly the strategy Hitler used. He justified violence against the Jews by convincing the public that they were plotting against the German people. It's one of the oldests tricks in the book; accuse your opponent of the very thing you're doing.
Dumb ass.
How erudite! Trump U grad?
Ann Coulter is the perfect example of what too much bleach does to the brain. It softens the brain and Coulter is the perfect example.
NFL - so they must sit and watch? having free speech doesn't mean you get to have a captive audience. MISS
Monitor classrooms - link? you seem to be saying there has never before been control over what's taught in a classroom. also, i want to know if they're saying DO NOT TEACH THIS or saying it needs to balanced and let kids decide for themselves. MISS
bakers? really? facebook can limit you and you're ok with that cause it's their business. however, a baker doesn't have that same right for THEIR business. this is YOUR double standard and quite honestly a large part of our problems today. MISS

now - got any real ways the right is telling the left to shut up and using violence to force the issue at times?

still waiting.
Those were all real examples. I do not need your approval for them to be examples of the right trying to squash free speech.

They were bad examples. In the case of the NFL, none of the protestors have been prevented from protesting by anyone on the right. Boycotting is simply consumers making a free choice to avoid purchasing or consuming products from a producer for whichever reason they want to, and has zero to do with free speech. The NFL has the final word and can legally allow or prevent the protests.

Bakers? What speech are bakers squashing by refusing to write things on baked goods? Since when does anyone have the right to force someone else to say anything?

Classrooms? It would be nice if you could give some examples of the right trying to prevent professors from teaching.
In the case of the NFL, righties were using boycotts to prevent players from exercising free speech in the form of kneeling during the National Anthem.

In the case of the baker, they tried to prevent the free speech of a gay couple having a symbol of their nuptials in the form of a cake.

In the case of Fox News, they sought to limit curriculum in the classroom they decided is “harming students with insane ideology” —

NFL players don't have the right to have anyone watch them. Please let us know when you think they do. Only the NFL can prevent the protests. Everyone else is just choosing to ignore them.

The baker was sued on PA grounds, not free speech.

You cite an opinion piece as proof?
Players aren’t seeking the right to have folks watch them. They want to protest peacefully. Their employer allowed them to do so, so righties boycotted to force their employers to prevent them from expressing themselves.

The baker, you may have a point.

The opinion is one I share and no different from you voicing your opinion that Google, Twitter or Facebook are preventing free speech.

Now let’s see your evidence that Twitter, Google and Facebook are “the left”...

The players can protest if they want to, regardless of how many people are watching or if they turn their backs on the players or if they simply don't watch. People not watching them doesn't prevent that. You might as well are that refusing to give artists government subsidies is censorship. Heck, they can take a boom box out in their back yard, play the anthem and kneel if they want to. If the NFL allows them to do it on the field, they can do it. They'll just be doing it in front of fewer people. The boycotters aren't trying to prevent the protests, they're refusing to be present or watch. Again, the players have no right to force anyone to watch them.

Now, I want you to look carefully at what I've posted. If you do, you will note that I have not said that Google, Twitter, and Facebook are preventing free speech. It's quite obvious that you're making a blanket accusation without checking first. You're assuming that I MUST have said that because of, well, something. But I have not. I've always maintained that they are private companies free to lean whichever way they want. So you're just going to have to be disappointed.

And there's nothing wrong with people pointing out when a company that claims to be unbiased demonstrates bias.
Last edited:
If you look at threads here, all the threats of violence come from right wing bullshitters.
And they’re the ones pushing the narrative that the left is instigating a civil war and coming for their guns; just to stoke fear and agitation among the right.

The right wasn't rioting to overturn Hillary's stunning defeat.
A riot is not a civil war.

But it can be a precursor when those who disagree with the rioters get fed up with the violence.
Those were all real examples. I do not need your approval for them to be examples of the right trying to squash free speech.

They were bad examples. In the case of the NFL, none of the protestors have been prevented from protesting by anyone on the right. Boycotting is simply consumers making a free choice to avoid purchasing or consuming products from a producer for whichever reason they want to, and has zero to do with free speech. The NFL has the final word and can legally allow or prevent the protests.

Bakers? What speech are bakers squashing by refusing to write things on baked goods? Since when does anyone have the right to force someone else to say anything?

Classrooms? It would be nice if you could give some examples of the right trying to prevent professors from teaching.
In the case of the NFL, righties were using boycotts to prevent players from exercising free speech in the form of kneeling during the National Anthem.

In the case of the baker, they tried to prevent the free speech of a gay couple having a symbol of their nuptials in the form of a cake.

In the case of Fox News, they sought to limit curriculum in the classroom they decided is “harming students with insane ideology” —

NFL players don't have the right to have anyone watch them. Please let us know when you think they do. Only the NFL can prevent the protests. Everyone else is just choosing to ignore them.

The baker was sued on PA grounds, not free speech.

You cite an opinion piece as proof?
Players aren’t seeking the right to have folks watch them. They want to protest peacefully. Their employer allowed them to do so, so righties boycotted to force their employers to prevent them from expressing themselves.

The baker, you may have a point.

The opinion is one I share and no different from you voicing your opinion that Google, Twitter or Facebook are preventing free speech.

Now let’s see your evidence that Twitter, Google and Facebook are “the left”...
Who the fuck said I have to watch their protest?

Get the hell over yourself.
Fucking moron.... no one said you had to watch their protest. :cuckoo:
You are full of shit.

You can always tell who the bad guys are...

They are the ones with the mask on....
I swear, you rightards are dumb as shit. <smh>








Those are unbelievably STUPID comparisons….

antifa are scum bags that try to suppress speech and thought….

They are NAZIS……………..

You are a Stupid NAZI…..
Those were all real examples. I do not need your approval for them to be examples of the right trying to squash free speech.

They were bad examples. In the case of the NFL, none of the protestors have been prevented from protesting by anyone on the right. Boycotting is simply consumers making a free choice to avoid purchasing or consuming products from a producer for whichever reason they want to, and has zero to do with free speech. The NFL has the final word and can legally allow or prevent the protests.

Bakers? What speech are bakers squashing by refusing to write things on baked goods? Since when does anyone have the right to force someone else to say anything?

Classrooms? It would be nice if you could give some examples of the right trying to prevent professors from teaching.
In the case of the NFL, righties were using boycotts to prevent players from exercising free speech in the form of kneeling during the National Anthem.

In the case of the baker, they tried to prevent the free speech of a gay couple having a symbol of their nuptials in the form of a cake.

In the case of Fox News, they sought to limit curriculum in the classroom they decided is “harming students with insane ideology” —

NFL players don't have the right to have anyone watch them. Please let us know when you think they do. Only the NFL can prevent the protests. Everyone else is just choosing to ignore them.

The baker was sued on PA grounds, not free speech.

You cite an opinion piece as proof?
Players aren’t seeking the right to have folks watch them. They want to protest peacefully. Their employer allowed them to do so, so righties boycotted to force their employers to prevent them from expressing themselves.

The baker, you may have a point.

The opinion is one I share and no different from you voicing your opinion that Google, Twitter or Facebook are preventing free speech.

Now let’s see your evidence that Twitter, Google and Facebook are “the left”...

The players can protest if they want to, regardless of how many people are watching or if they turn their backs on the players or if they simply don't watch. People not watching them doesn't prevent that. You might as well are that refusing to give artists government subsidies is censorship. Heck, they can take a boom box out in their back yard, play the anthem and kneel if they want to. If the NFL allows them to do it on the field, they can do it. They'll just be doing it in front of fewer people. The boycotters aren't trying to prevent the protests, they're refusing to be present or watch. Again, the players have no right to force anyone to watch them.

Now, I want you to look carefully at what I've posted. If you do, you will note that I have not said that Google, Twitter, and Facebook are preventing free speech. It's quite obvious that you're making a blanket accusation without checking first. You're assuming that I MUST have said that because of, well, something. But I have not. I've always maintained that they are private companies free to lean whichever way they want. So you're just going to have to be disappointed.

And there's nothing wrong with people pointing out when a company that claims to be unbiased demonstrates bias.
It matters not if the players can protest -- the right who boycotted did so to shut them up. I can't help if that's above your comprehension level. :dunno: And you're beyond brain-dead to think the boycotters weren't protesting to coerce the NFL to change their policy and squash the kneeling.

"I have not said that Google, Twitter, and Facebook are preventing free speech."

My apologies if I mixed you up with a rightard who did say that.
If you look at threads here, all the threats of violence come from right wing bullshitters.
And they’re the ones pushing the narrative that the left is instigating a civil war and coming for their guns; just to stoke fear and agitation among the right.

The right wasn't rioting to overturn Hillary's stunning defeat.
A riot is not a civil war.

But it can be a precursor when those who disagree with the rioters get fed up with the violence.
…. except it hasn't. It's been a year and a half since those protests and they never got anywhere near kicking off a civil war. Many cities which protested had no violence at all. Some, unfortunately did. But it went nowhere beyond that.
You are full of shit.

You can always tell who the bad guys are...

They are the ones with the mask on....
I swear, you rightards are dumb as shit. <smh>








Those are unbelievably STUPID comparisons….

antifa are scum bags that try to suppress speech and thought….

They are NAZIS……………..

You are a Stupid NAZI…..

Thanks for the vacuous retarded response. If nothing else, it was worth a good laugh.


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