Ann Coulter says msm pushing violent uprising to blame conservatives

Ann Coulter hasn't been laid in the past seven years & she has to blame someone, for something.

That seems strange...

Trump laid you libtards and you're still bitchin and moaning...……...
No one cares what the orange loon says — except for trumptards.

Now be quiet

You are lying....

We all know you care about what Trump says

as he spanks your libtard asses silly...…

Happy Supreme Court to you.

Whistle past the graveyard dumb ass……

Trump has changed the direction of AMERICA for the next 30 years...

Bite that libtard…..
You are full of shit.

You can always tell who the bad guys are...

They are the ones with the mask on....
I swear, you rightards are dumb as shit. <smh>








Those are unbelievably STUPID comparisons….

antifa are scum bags that try to suppress speech and thought….

They are NAZIS……………..

You are a Stupid NAZI…..

Thanks for the vacuous retarded response. If nothing else, it was worth a good laugh.


You want a good laugh….

Put your pussy hat on and look in the mirror….
They were bad examples. In the case of the NFL, none of the protestors have been prevented from protesting by anyone on the right. Boycotting is simply consumers making a free choice to avoid purchasing or consuming products from a producer for whichever reason they want to, and has zero to do with free speech. The NFL has the final word and can legally allow or prevent the protests.

Bakers? What speech are bakers squashing by refusing to write things on baked goods? Since when does anyone have the right to force someone else to say anything?

Classrooms? It would be nice if you could give some examples of the right trying to prevent professors from teaching.
In the case of the NFL, righties were using boycotts to prevent players from exercising free speech in the form of kneeling during the National Anthem.

In the case of the baker, they tried to prevent the free speech of a gay couple having a symbol of their nuptials in the form of a cake.

In the case of Fox News, they sought to limit curriculum in the classroom they decided is “harming students with insane ideology” —

NFL players don't have the right to have anyone watch them. Please let us know when you think they do. Only the NFL can prevent the protests. Everyone else is just choosing to ignore them.

The baker was sued on PA grounds, not free speech.

You cite an opinion piece as proof?
Players aren’t seeking the right to have folks watch them. They want to protest peacefully. Their employer allowed them to do so, so righties boycotted to force their employers to prevent them from expressing themselves.

The baker, you may have a point.

The opinion is one I share and no different from you voicing your opinion that Google, Twitter or Facebook are preventing free speech.

Now let’s see your evidence that Twitter, Google and Facebook are “the left”...
Who the fuck said I have to watch their protest?

Get the hell over yourself.
Fucking moron.... no one said you had to watch their protest. :cuckoo:

God you are an ass.
Ann Coulter hasn't been laid in the past seven years & she has to blame someone, for something.

That seems strange...

Trump laid you libtards and you're still bitchin and moaning...……...
No one cares what the orange loon says — except for trumptards.

Now be quiet

You are lying....

We all know you care about what Trump says

as he spanks your libtard asses silly...…

Happy Supreme Court to you.

Good for Coulter.....the level of division isnt near what it needs to be. People on the right need to wake the fuck up and confront the radical bs with extreme prejudice.....there are some positive signs which is encouraging!

The NAZIS bastards should be dealt with by whatever means necessary.
You are full of shit.

You can always tell who the bad guys are...

They are the ones with the mask on....
I swear, you rightards are dumb as shit. <smh>








Those are unbelievably STUPID comparisons….

antifa are scum bags that try to suppress speech and thought….

They are NAZIS……………..

You are a Stupid NAZI…..

Thanks for the vacuous retarded response. If nothing else, it was worth a good laugh.


You want a good laugh….

Put your pussy hat on and look in the mirror….
Why? Laughing at you is more than sufficient. You should ask someone to lend you some testicles so you can at least pretend to have some testosterone.
In the case of the NFL, righties were using boycotts to prevent players from exercising free speech in the form of kneeling during the National Anthem.

In the case of the baker, they tried to prevent the free speech of a gay couple having a symbol of their nuptials in the form of a cake.

In the case of Fox News, they sought to limit curriculum in the classroom they decided is “harming students with insane ideology” —

NFL players don't have the right to have anyone watch them. Please let us know when you think they do. Only the NFL can prevent the protests. Everyone else is just choosing to ignore them.

The baker was sued on PA grounds, not free speech.

You cite an opinion piece as proof?
Players aren’t seeking the right to have folks watch them. They want to protest peacefully. Their employer allowed them to do so, so righties boycotted to force their employers to prevent them from expressing themselves.

The baker, you may have a point.

The opinion is one I share and no different from you voicing your opinion that Google, Twitter or Facebook are preventing free speech.

Now let’s see your evidence that Twitter, Google and Facebook are “the left”...
Who the fuck said I have to watch their protest?

Get the hell over yourself.
Fucking moron.... no one said you had to watch their protest. :cuckoo:

God you are an ass.

Poor thing, you failed. Miserably.

You are full of shit.

You can always tell who the bad guys are...

They are the ones with the mask on....
I swear, you rightards are dumb as shit. <smh>








Those are unbelievably STUPID comparisons….

antifa are scum bags that try to suppress speech and thought….

They are NAZIS……………..

You are a Stupid NAZI…..

Thanks for the vacuous retarded response. If nothing else, it was worth a good laugh.


You want a good laugh….

Put your pussy hat on and look in the mirror….
Why? Laughing at you is more than sufficient. You should ask someone to lend you some testicles so you can at least pretend to have some testosterone.

You retorts expose you as a dumb ass libtard...
I swear, you rightards are dumb as shit. <smh>








Those are unbelievably STUPID comparisons….

antifa are scum bags that try to suppress speech and thought….

They are NAZIS……………..

You are a Stupid NAZI…..

Thanks for the vacuous retarded response. If nothing else, it was worth a good laugh.


You want a good laugh….

Put your pussy hat on and look in the mirror….
Why? Laughing at you is more than sufficient. You should ask someone to lend you some testicles so you can at least pretend to have some testosterone.

You retorts expose you as a dumb ass libtard...

I'm underwhelmed by your witty comeback.
Those are unbelievably STUPID comparisons….

antifa are scum bags that try to suppress speech and thought….

They are NAZIS……………..

You are a Stupid NAZI…..

Thanks for the vacuous retarded response. If nothing else, it was worth a good laugh.


You want a good laugh….

Put your pussy hat on and look in the mirror….
Why? Laughing at you is more than sufficient. You should ask someone to lend you some testicles so you can at least pretend to have some testosterone.

You retorts expose you as a dumb ass libtard...

I'm underwhelmed by your witty comeback.

Rave on you idiot...……..

Thanks for the vacuous retarded response. If nothing else, it was worth a good laugh.


You want a good laugh….

Put your pussy hat on and look in the mirror….
Why? Laughing at you is more than sufficient. You should ask someone to lend you some testicles so you can at least pretend to have some testosterone.

You retorts expose you as a dumb ass libtard...

I'm underwhelmed by your witty comeback.

Rave on you idiot...……..
I would but you prove to be unworthy of an opponent. Too bad.
You want a good laugh….

Put your pussy hat on and look in the mirror….
Why? Laughing at you is more than sufficient. You should ask someone to lend you some testicles so you can at least pretend to have some testosterone.

You retorts expose you as a dumb ass libtard...

I'm underwhelmed by your witty comeback.

Rave on you idiot...……..
I would but you prove to be unworthy of an opponent. Too bad.

You may be a legend in your own mind but….

To the sane you’re just another whack job libtard without a clue.
Why? Laughing at you is more than sufficient. You should ask someone to lend you some testicles so you can at least pretend to have some testosterone.

You retorts expose you as a dumb ass libtard...

I'm underwhelmed by your witty comeback.

Rave on you idiot...……..
I would but you prove to be unworthy of an opponent. Too bad.

You may be a legend in your own mind but….

To the sane you’re just another whack job libtard without a clue.
Too bad you already blew it. Try comebacks next time instead of choad.
You retorts expose you as a dumb ass libtard...

I'm underwhelmed by your witty comeback.

Rave on you idiot...……..
I would but you prove to be unworthy of an opponent. Too bad.

You may be a legend in your own mind but….

To the sane you’re just another whack job libtard without a clue.
Too bad you already blew it. Try comebacks next time instead of choad.

That's some lame ass shit libtard….
How? I have not heard her advocate violence.
It's in the OP. She's lying about liberals in order to get a rise out of her minions.
That's flat out foolishness. You don't start a violent uprising by decrying a violent uprising.
You're the foolish one. That's exactly the strategy Hitler used. He justified violence against the Jews by convincing the public that they were plotting against the German people. It's one of the oldests tricks in the book; accuse your opponent of the very thing you're doing.
Dumb ass.
How erudite! Trump U grad?

More erudite than a fucking Godwin, you ass.

Oh, and in case you missed it.

It's in the OP. She's lying about liberals in order to get a rise out of her minions.
That's flat out foolishness. You don't start a violent uprising by decrying a violent uprising.
You're the foolish one. That's exactly the strategy Hitler used. He justified violence against the Jews by convincing the public that they were plotting against the German people. It's one of the oldests tricks in the book; accuse your opponent of the very thing you're doing.
Dumb ass.
How erudite! Trump U grad?
More erudite than a fucking Godwin, you ass.
It's not a Godwin. I didn't accuse someone of being a Nazi. I just used Hitler as an example. Stalin did the same kind of thing. Don't you ever get tired of LOSING?!?! :laugh2:
IMO, it's Ann Coulter that's trying to stir up a "violent uprising".
That's funny, because every time I see the news it's the liberal left conspiring to censor and doing violent acts. Tell us another lie now komrade.
The only "violent uprising talk I see comes from right-wing talking heads. This conspiracy talk is just deflection from the actual facts, miketexican.
Then pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.
Invective isn't evidence. Try again.
The evidence is all over the media, America hating liar.

I hear conservatives talking about left wing violence all of the time. What I don’t see is much evidence of its existence. And just to be clear, labeling every loon with a gun who shoots up a school or mall a “liberal” is about all you’ve got for evidence.

Most loons with guns have no political stances. They’re mentally ill sociopaths who just want to wreak havoc. There’s no political statements involved. Most are so self-absorbed they’re barely aware of anything going on outside their own heads.

The clear recent exceptions to that are Dylan Rooff who espoused right wing hate, and the Sanders supporter who shot up the Republican baseball game. The Vegas shooter had never expressed a political thought to anyone.

Every day I read this forum someone on the right is threatening violence to leftists, saying they’re delusional and dangerous. The leftists are threatening impeachment and legal proceedings, not violence. It’s the right who are saying the country must be purged of socialists.
That's funny, because every time I see the news it's the liberal left conspiring to censor and doing violent acts. Tell us another lie now komrade.
The only "violent uprising talk I see comes from right-wing talking heads. This conspiracy talk is just deflection from the actual facts, miketexican.
Then pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.
Invective isn't evidence. Try again.
The evidence is all over the media, America hating liar.

I hear conservatives talking about left wing violence all of the time. What I don’t see is much evidence of its existence. And just to be clear, labeling every loon with a gun who shoots up a school or mall a “liberal” is about all you’ve got for evidence.

Most loons with guns have no political stances. They’re mentally ill sociopaths who just want to wreak havoc. There’s no political statements involved. Most are so self-absorbed they’re barely aware of anything going on outside their own heads.

The clear recent exceptions to that are Dylan Rooff who espoused right wing hate, and the Sanders supporter who shot up the Republican baseball game. The Vegas shooter had never expressed a political thought to anyone.

Every day I read this forum someone on the right is threatening violence to leftists, saying they’re delusional and dangerous. The leftists are threatening impeachment and legal proceedings, not violence. It’s the right who are saying the country must be purged of socialists.
You mean you don't want to see it. You clowns keep parroting Dylan Rooff, too bad those church goers didn't carry guns.
The only "violent uprising talk I see comes from right-wing talking heads. This conspiracy talk is just deflection from the actual facts, miketexican.
Then pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.
Invective isn't evidence. Try again.
The evidence is all over the media, America hating liar.

I hear conservatives talking about left wing violence all of the time. What I don’t see is much evidence of its existence. And just to be clear, labeling every loon with a gun who shoots up a school or mall a “liberal” is about all you’ve got for evidence.

Most loons with guns have no political stances. They’re mentally ill sociopaths who just want to wreak havoc. There’s no political statements involved. Most are so self-absorbed they’re barely aware of anything going on outside their own heads.

The clear recent exceptions to that are Dylan Rooff who espoused right wing hate, and the Sanders supporter who shot up the Republican baseball game. The Vegas shooter had never expressed a political thought to anyone.

Every day I read this forum someone on the right is threatening violence to leftists, saying they’re delusional and dangerous. The leftists are threatening impeachment and legal proceedings, not violence. It’s the right who are saying the country must be purged of socialists.
You mean you don't want to see it. You clowns keep parroting Dylan Rooff, too bad those church goers didn't carry guns.
Who doesn't want to see? We're talking liberal vs conservative violence, yet you deflect to talking about carrying guns, which is totally off the point. Why? Cognitive dissonance got you in a hammerlock?
Then pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.
Invective isn't evidence. Try again.
The evidence is all over the media, America hating liar.

I hear conservatives talking about left wing violence all of the time. What I don’t see is much evidence of its existence. And just to be clear, labeling every loon with a gun who shoots up a school or mall a “liberal” is about all you’ve got for evidence.

Most loons with guns have no political stances. They’re mentally ill sociopaths who just want to wreak havoc. There’s no political statements involved. Most are so self-absorbed they’re barely aware of anything going on outside their own heads.

The clear recent exceptions to that are Dylan Rooff who espoused right wing hate, and the Sanders supporter who shot up the Republican baseball game. The Vegas shooter had never expressed a political thought to anyone.

Every day I read this forum someone on the right is threatening violence to leftists, saying they’re delusional and dangerous. The leftists are threatening impeachment and legal proceedings, not violence. It’s the right who are saying the country must be purged of socialists.
You mean you don't want to see it. You clowns keep parroting Dylan Rooff, too bad those church goers didn't carry guns.
Who doesn't want to see? We're talking liberal vs conservative violence, yet you deflect to talking about carrying guns, which is totally off the point. Why? Cognitive dissonance got you in a hammerlock?
She doesn't want to see the violence, but you knew exactly what I was talking about troll. No one can NOT see the libs being violent.
Invective isn't evidence. Try again.
The evidence is all over the media, America hating liar.

I hear conservatives talking about left wing violence all of the time. What I don’t see is much evidence of its existence. And just to be clear, labeling every loon with a gun who shoots up a school or mall a “liberal” is about all you’ve got for evidence.

Most loons with guns have no political stances. They’re mentally ill sociopaths who just want to wreak havoc. There’s no political statements involved. Most are so self-absorbed they’re barely aware of anything going on outside their own heads.

The clear recent exceptions to that are Dylan Rooff who espoused right wing hate, and the Sanders supporter who shot up the Republican baseball game. The Vegas shooter had never expressed a political thought to anyone.

Every day I read this forum someone on the right is threatening violence to leftists, saying they’re delusional and dangerous. The leftists are threatening impeachment and legal proceedings, not violence. It’s the right who are saying the country must be purged of socialists.
You mean you don't want to see it. You clowns keep parroting Dylan Rooff, too bad those church goers didn't carry guns.
Who doesn't want to see? We're talking liberal vs conservative violence, yet you deflect to talking about carrying guns, which is totally off the point. Why? Cognitive dissonance got you in a hammerlock?
She doesn't want to see the violence, but you knew exactly what I was talking about troll. No one can NOT see the libs being violent.
She ADMITS to instances of violence by liberals. It's YOU that is turning a blind eye to the flip side.

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