Ann Coulter says msm pushing violent uprising to blame conservatives

IMO, it's Ann Coulter that's trying to stir up a "violent uprising".
That's funny, because every time I see the news it's the liberal left conspiring to censor and doing violent acts. Tell us another lie now komrade.
The only "violent uprising talk I see comes from right-wing talking heads. This conspiracy talk is just deflection from the actual facts, miketexican.

Can you quote Coulter, or are you just lumping her in with the vague, "bad people" that must exist?
All Soros has to do is give the order
Coulter knows she has minions to spread her fear mongering. Case in point. ^^^
That's funny, because every time I see the news it's the liberal left conspiring to censor and doing violent acts. Tell us another lie now komrade.
How many times does one have to rep[eat the same post before it becomes SPAM. The comment had no more veracity this time than it did the other.
Just because you have the audacity to doubt the veracity of my statement in no way proves you are any less a liar.

Liberal-stained corps have been colluding to silence conservatives for a while now, reported all over the media. Liberal skanks have been calling for following conservatives and harassing them at there homes and other places. Liberal scum have been shooting conservatives. Liberal scum have been attacking conservations for months. It's all over the media liar. So take you bag of bull shit elsewhere.

The only conservative voices I see being silenced are those who lie and promote hate: white supremacists, pedophiles, and racists.
Yeah, Democrats, Democrats, and more Democrats.
That is why the Media, and Democrats support the violent, and destructive ANTIFA, and BLM.
The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, according to conservative author Ann Coulter.

Exclusive: Ann Coulter Says MSM Pushing Violent Uprising to Blame Conservatives

I mean people keep trying to tell the public what is going on and why, and yet time and time again it seems to go right over the heads of those who hate Trump, hate america etc. It is a never ending battle trying to prove to these lunatics what truth news is and what isn't, what is truth situation and what isn't.

All Soros has to do is give the order

I don't think it is that easy. If it were, he would have done it inauguration day.

I think he is always trying to trigger it, there is just always something better for Americans to do.

Well, unless you’re a deep state operative like me, you don’t know what you’re talking about. First there has to be a signal. A giant searchlight comes out of Europe and over the US. That tells us DSO’s to go over to the statue, bend back the skull on the bust of Gloria Steinem we all have and push the magic button. At that point the book cases made from sustainably harvested wood from former Confederate slave quarters that have the complete works of Bob Woodward, Molly Ivins, and of course Barack Obama peel off revealing two poles that we and our life partners (I almost said husband/wife—I had to catch myself) slide down. At that point, we all get into our 2019 Priuses and hit the road to start the revolution with non-lead based ammunition.

The hold up has been that the current crop of bullets are made of metal recycled from Confederate monuments. It turns out that they were as weak as the resistance Sherman met when he torched the South.

So we’re fucked.
IMO, it's Ann Coulter that's trying to stir up a "violent uprising".
That's funny, because every time I see the news it's the liberal left conspiring to censor and doing violent acts. Tell us another lie now komrade.
The only "violent uprising talk I see comes from right-wing talking heads. This conspiracy talk is just deflection from the actual facts, miketexican.
Ewe need a seeing eye dog!
IMO, it's Ann Coulter that's trying to stir up a "violent uprising".
That's funny, because every time I see the news it's the liberal left conspiring to censor and doing violent acts. Tell us another lie now komrade.
The only "violent uprising talk I see comes from right-wing talking heads. This conspiracy talk is just deflection from the actual facts, miketexican.
Can you quote Coulter, or are you just lumping her in with the vague, "bad people" that must exist?
The OP quote is all I need. She needs to name the people she's talking about and I don't mean some loud mouth nobody's heard of. Talking about a "violent uprising" is just a cowbell designed to energize those with restraint issues.
IMO, it's Ann Coulter that's trying to stir up a "violent uprising".
That's funny, because every time I see the news it's the liberal left conspiring to censor and doing violent acts. Tell us another lie now komrade.
The only "violent uprising talk I see comes from right-wing talking heads. This conspiracy talk is just deflection from the actual facts, miketexican.
Ewe need a seeing eye dog!
IMO, it's Ann Coulter that's trying to stir up a "violent uprising".
That's funny, because every time I see the news it's the liberal left conspiring to censor and doing violent acts. Tell us another lie now komrade.
The only "violent uprising talk I see comes from right-wing talking heads. This conspiracy talk is just deflection from the actual facts, miketexican.
Can you quote Coulter, or are you just lumping her in with the vague, "bad people" that must exist?
The OP quote is all I need. She needs to name the people she's talking about and I don't mean some loud mouth nobody's heard of. Talking about a "violent uprising" is just a cowbell designed to energize those with restraint issues.

It's not a call to arms, it's not approving of violent action, it's not saying to bring a gun to a knife fight, like the previous president did. IOW, it's not trying to start a violent uprising.
The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, according to conservative author Ann Coulter.

Exclusive: Ann Coulter Says MSM Pushing Violent Uprising to Blame Conservatives

I mean people keep trying to tell the public what is going on and why, and yet time and time again it seems to go right over the heads of those who hate Trump, hate america etc. It is a never ending battle trying to prove to these lunatics what truth news is and what isn't, what is truth situation and what isn't.

Ann Coulter is a crisis actor.
The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, according to conservative author Ann Coulter.

Exclusive: Ann Coulter Says MSM Pushing Violent Uprising to Blame Conservatives

I mean people keep trying to tell the public what is going on and why, and yet time and time again it seems to go right over the heads of those who hate Trump, hate america etc. It is a never ending battle trying to prove to these lunatics what truth news is and what isn't, what is truth situation and what isn't.

She is a lunatic.
The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, according to conservative author Ann Coulter.

Exclusive: Ann Coulter Says MSM Pushing Violent Uprising to Blame Conservatives

I mean people keep trying to tell the public what is going on and why, and yet time and time again it seems to go right over the heads of those who hate Trump, hate america etc. It is a never ending battle trying to prove to these lunatics what truth news is and what isn't, what is truth situation and what isn't.

All Soros has to do is give the order
Well Soros has 100 s of org who follow his lead, and others that he control directly. Hard to tell what he is up to.

American Constitution Society for Law and Policy: This Washington, DC-based think tank seeks to move American jurisprudence to the left by recruiting, indoctrinating, and mobilizing young law students, helping them acquire positions of power. It also provides leftist Democrats with a bully pulpit from which to denounce their political adversaries.
View attachment 213447

So does Sheldon Adelson, those jews have a huge following.
IMO, it's Ann Coulter that's trying to stir up a "violent uprising".
That's funny, because every time I see the news it's the liberal left conspiring to censor and doing violent acts. Tell us another lie now komrade.
The only "violent uprising talk I see comes from right-wing talking heads. This conspiracy talk is just deflection from the actual facts, miketexican.

The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, according to conservative author Ann Coulter.

Exclusive: Ann Coulter Says MSM Pushing Violent Uprising to Blame Conservatives

I mean people keep trying to tell the public what is going on and why, and yet time and time again it seems to go right over the heads of those who hate Trump, hate america etc. It is a never ending battle trying to prove to these lunatics what truth news is and what isn't, what is truth situation and what isn't.

She is a lunatic.

Do you deny the censorship she cites?
The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, according to conservative author Ann Coulter.

Exclusive: Ann Coulter Says MSM Pushing Violent Uprising to Blame Conservatives

I mean people keep trying to tell the public what is going on and why, and yet time and time again it seems to go right over the heads of those who hate Trump, hate america etc. It is a never ending battle trying to prove to these lunatics what truth news is and what isn't, what is truth situation and what isn't.

Yep. See: the French Revolution of 1789 for more updates . . .
All I want to know is when is the reich going to start shooting?! When will they get tired of trying words to conquer America?
The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, according to conservative author Ann Coulter.

Exclusive: Ann Coulter Says MSM Pushing Violent Uprising to Blame Conservatives

I mean people keep trying to tell the public what is going on and why, and yet time and time again it seems to go right over the heads of those who hate Trump, hate america etc. It is a never ending battle trying to prove to these lunatics what truth news is and what isn't, what is truth situation and what isn't.

She is a lunatic.

Do you deny the censorship she cites?

I don't listen to her or read her books. She is a ill person. She can write all she wants, but no one has to read them. She is an anorexic blond bimbo same as Ingraham.
The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, according to conservative author Ann Coulter.

Exclusive: Ann Coulter Says MSM Pushing Violent Uprising to Blame Conservatives

I mean people keep trying to tell the public what is going on and why, and yet time and time again it seems to go right over the heads of those who hate Trump, hate america etc. It is a never ending battle trying to prove to these lunatics what truth news is and what isn't, what is truth situation and what isn't.

She is a lunatic.
Says a Clinton supporter
The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, according to conservative author Ann Coulter.

Exclusive: Ann Coulter Says MSM Pushing Violent Uprising to Blame Conservatives

I mean people keep trying to tell the public what is going on and why, and yet time and time again it seems to go right over the heads of those who hate Trump, hate america etc. It is a never ending battle trying to prove to these lunatics what truth news is and what isn't, what is truth situation and what isn't.

She is a lunatic.

Do you deny the censorship she cites?

I don't listen to her or read her books. She is a ill person. She can write all she wants, but no one has to read them. She is an anorexic blond bimbo same as Ingraham.

She is brilliant. She has been pushing the Trump Election strategy for years, while the rest of the political class said it was unworkable.

YOu ignored her, Trump listened, and now he is President.

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