Ann Coulter says msm pushing violent uprising to blame conservatives

Well, if Anne Coulter said it, it must be true!

The idea of a discussion forum, is that if you hear something you disagree with, you explain why you think it is wrong.

What you did, was throw shit at the wall, like a monkey.
Well, if Anne Coulter said it, it must be true!

The idea of a discussion forum, is that if you hear something you disagree with, you explain why you think it is wrong.

What you did, was throw shit at the wall, like a monkey.
This is about how seriously I take the lunatic rantings of Anne Coulter.
Well, if Anne Coulter said it, it must be true!

The idea of a discussion forum, is that if you hear something you disagree with, you explain why you think it is wrong.

What you did, was throw shit at the wall, like a monkey.
This is about how seriously I take the lunatic rantings of Anne Coulter.

The censor ship she cites is real. The violence she cites is real. The issue she raises is real.

Your answer, is throwing shit against a wall like a monkey.
Well, if Anne Coulter said it, it must be true!

The idea of a discussion forum, is that if you hear something you disagree with, you explain why you think it is wrong.

What you did, was throw shit at the wall, like a monkey.
This is about how seriously I take the lunatic rantings of Anne Coulter.

The censor ship she cites is real. The violence she cites is real. The issue she raises is real.

Your answer, is throwing shit against a wall like a monkey.
The only monkeys out there are those that take the lunatic rantings of Anne Coulter seriously.
Well, if Anne Coulter said it, it must be true!

The idea of a discussion forum, is that if you hear something you disagree with, you explain why you think it is wrong.

What you did, was throw shit at the wall, like a monkey.
This is about how seriously I take the lunatic rantings of Anne Coulter.

The censor ship she cites is real. The violence she cites is real. The issue she raises is real.

Your answer, is throwing shit against a wall like a monkey.
The only monkeys out there are those that take the lunatic rantings of Anne Coulter seriously.

The censor ship she cites is real. The violence she cites is real. The issue she raises is real.

Your answer, is throwing shit against a wall like a monkey.
Compared to you she might be. LOL.

Actually, if you go back to the campaign, when all you libs, and to be fair, all the political class as a whole were claiming that Trump's strategy was doomed to fail,

you can find posts from me on this site stating that Trump could win, due to how attractive his message would be to working class whites, especially in the Rust Belt.

Which, was Ann, and Me being right, while all of you libs and the entire polling industry, and the media, and the talking heads, and both parties leadership.

were completely fucking wrong.

So, yes, I accept your compliment, That was pretty brilliant of me.

Do you have anything relevant to say about the brilliant woman and her statements from the OP,?

Like I said , I consider her a clueless bimbo who got rich offering her hatred on Fox news and writing book after book. She is a racist anorexic bimbo who never was married, and never had a kid, she doesn't' know a thing about real life nor does Trump.

So if you find her brilliant, what does that make you??

You have reached a very strong conclusion, while admitting that you never listen to her, nor read her work.

What kind of person has a strong opinion over something that they actively work to remain ignorant about?

Hint: It is a fucking moron.

I guess you might have the hots for her. I quit listening to her years ago, when she is on TV. I know she is a racist brat.

So, now your story is that you used to listen to her.

Save the false accusations of racism. If you can't refute her argument from the op, without resorting to calling her names,

it means that you can't refute her argument. Because you know it is true.

"The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, "

In the linked article she goes on to explain and describe how the left is doing that.

What do you have, besides name calling, lefty?

I have years ago, and have not since, I have no use for her type, rich spoiled racist brat. Yes I deny it. She is living on a different planet.
IMO, it's Ann Coulter that's trying to stir up a "violent uprising".
Well it hasnt happened, so i guess republicans are simply better people than democrats.
It hasn't happened the other way either, if you're going to ignore Charlottesville, then everyone's clear on both sides.
A single guy in Charlottesville does not compare to the thousands of violent assaults perpetrated on Trump supporters. You guys are fucking lunatics, rioting everywhere across the nation.
Actually, if you go back to the campaign, when all you libs, and to be fair, all the political class as a whole were claiming that Trump's strategy was doomed to fail,

you can find posts from me on this site stating that Trump could win, due to how attractive his message would be to working class whites, especially in the Rust Belt.

Which, was Ann, and Me being right, while all of you libs and the entire polling industry, and the media, and the talking heads, and both parties leadership.

were completely fucking wrong.

So, yes, I accept your compliment, That was pretty brilliant of me.

Do you have anything relevant to say about the brilliant woman and her statements from the OP,?

Like I said , I consider her a clueless bimbo who got rich offering her hatred on Fox news and writing book after book. She is a racist anorexic bimbo who never was married, and never had a kid, she doesn't' know a thing about real life nor does Trump.

So if you find her brilliant, what does that make you??

You have reached a very strong conclusion, while admitting that you never listen to her, nor read her work.

What kind of person has a strong opinion over something that they actively work to remain ignorant about?

Hint: It is a fucking moron.

I guess you might have the hots for her. I quit listening to her years ago, when she is on TV. I know she is a racist brat.

So, now your story is that you used to listen to her.

Save the false accusations of racism. If you can't refute her argument from the op, without resorting to calling her names,

it means that you can't refute her argument. Because you know it is true.

"The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, "

In the linked article she goes on to explain and describe how the left is doing that.

What do you have, besides name calling, lefty?

I have years ago, and have not since, I have no use for her type, rich spoiled racist brat. Yes I deny it. She is living on a different planet.

So, another unsupported denial and more name calling.

Mmm, you dropped insulting her intelligence. I guess that was feeling a little awkward for you, what with your utter and complete inability to make a counter argument to her position.

“Imagine if right wingers started beating up Hillary supporters, as we’ve seen left wingers and Antifa beating up Trump supporters, I think the country would recognize we’re in the middle of a fascist uprising,” Coulter said "
Like I said , I consider her a clueless bimbo who got rich offering her hatred on Fox news and writing book after book. She is a racist anorexic bimbo who never was married, and never had a kid, she doesn't' know a thing about real life nor does Trump.

So if you find her brilliant, what does that make you??

You have reached a very strong conclusion, while admitting that you never listen to her, nor read her work.

What kind of person has a strong opinion over something that they actively work to remain ignorant about?

Hint: It is a fucking moron.

I guess you might have the hots for her. I quit listening to her years ago, when she is on TV. I know she is a racist brat.

So, now your story is that you used to listen to her.

Save the false accusations of racism. If you can't refute her argument from the op, without resorting to calling her names,

it means that you can't refute her argument. Because you know it is true.

"The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, "

In the linked article she goes on to explain and describe how the left is doing that.

What do you have, besides name calling, lefty?

I have years ago, and have not since, I have no use for her type, rich spoiled racist brat. Yes I deny it. She is living on a different planet.

So, another unsupported denial and more name calling.

Mmm, you dropped insulting her intelligence. I guess that was feeling a little awkward for you, what with your utter and complete inability to make a counter argument to her position.

“Imagine if right wingers started beating up Hillary supporters, as we’ve seen left wingers and Antifa beating up Trump supporters, I think the country would recognize we’re in the middle of a fascist uprising,” Coulter said "

I digress, I'm wasting my time talking about her. You can swallow what she says, but I know better.
You have reached a very strong conclusion, while admitting that you never listen to her, nor read her work.

What kind of person has a strong opinion over something that they actively work to remain ignorant about?

Hint: It is a fucking moron.

I guess you might have the hots for her. I quit listening to her years ago, when she is on TV. I know she is a racist brat.

So, now your story is that you used to listen to her.

Save the false accusations of racism. If you can't refute her argument from the op, without resorting to calling her names,

it means that you can't refute her argument. Because you know it is true.

"The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, "

In the linked article she goes on to explain and describe how the left is doing that.

What do you have, besides name calling, lefty?

I have years ago, and have not since, I have no use for her type, rich spoiled racist brat. Yes I deny it. She is living on a different planet.

So, another unsupported denial and more name calling.

Mmm, you dropped insulting her intelligence. I guess that was feeling a little awkward for you, what with your utter and complete inability to make a counter argument to her position.

“Imagine if right wingers started beating up Hillary supporters, as we’ve seen left wingers and Antifa beating up Trump supporters, I think the country would recognize we’re in the middle of a fascist uprising,” Coulter said "

I digress, I'm wasting my time talking about her. You can swallow what she says, but I know better.

Did you know that Ann Coulter is one of the few people the President of the United States follows on Twitter?

Your irrational opinion, might not stop her views from becoming law.

"Coulter believes Trump can take legal action against Big Tech because they’re taking advantage of the law, operating as publishers when they tout themselves as utilities.

“When you have a total monopoly on how people can communicate with one another, we do have legal concepts like ‘natural monopolies’ and ‘utilities,’ and unless they start living under the First Amendment, I think the law should force them to,” she said.

“Right now, the law is written in such a way so that they are simultaneously publishers so they will determine who can be heard and seen on their airwaves, and are also totally immune from suit.”

President Trump warned Google Tuesday that his administration would address Big Tech’s mass censorship of conservatives.

“Google search results for ‘Trump News’ shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake News Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal?” "
The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, according to conservative author Ann Coulter.

Exclusive: Ann Coulter Says MSM Pushing Violent Uprising to Blame Conservatives

I mean people keep trying to tell the public what is going on and why, and yet time and time again it seems to go right over the heads of those who hate Trump, hate america etc. It is a never ending battle trying to prove to these lunatics what truth news is and what isn't, what is truth situation and what isn't.
Wait! What happened to the civil war that started on July 4th? Little Alex promised us a civil war that day.
IMO, it's Ann Coulter that's trying to stir up a "violent uprising".
That's funny, because every time I see the news it's the liberal left conspiring to censor and doing violent acts. Tell us another lie now komrade.
The only "violent uprising talk I see comes from right-wing talking heads. This conspiracy talk is just deflection from the actual facts, miketexican.
Then pull your head out of your ass and pay attention.
What a suggestion of violence! :eusa_naughty:
IMO, it's Ann Coulter that's trying to stir up a "violent uprising".
How? I have not heard her advocate violence.
It's in the OP. She's lying about liberals in order to get a rise out of her minions.
That's flat out foolishness. You don't start a violent uprising by decrying a violent uprising.
You're the foolish one. That's exactly the strategy Hitler used. He justified violence against the Jews by convincing the public that they were plotting against the German people. It's one of the oldests tricks in the book; accuse your opponent of the very thing you're doing.
First Amendment!

The mainstream, corporate media is using the phony “Russian collusion” narrative to facilitate a leftist uprising in the form of political violence and censorship, according to conservative author Ann Coulter.

Exclusive: Ann Coulter Says MSM Pushing Violent Uprising to Blame Conservatives

I mean people keep trying to tell the public what is going on and why, and yet time and time again it seems to go right over the heads of those who hate Trump, hate america etc. It is a never ending battle trying to prove to these lunatics what truth news is and what isn't, what is truth situation and what isn't.

She is a lunatic.
Says a Clinton supporter

You got that right. Coulter is no one. What has she done but write books and spread her hate of brown and blacks and Muslims. She is like Trump and Ingraham , born with a silver spoon and their opinions on life matter, I think not.
Only a fool would respect a Loopy kunt like Hildabeast
IMO, it's Ann Coulter that's trying to stir up a "violent uprising".
How? I have not heard her advocate violence.
It's in the OP. She's lying about liberals in order to get a rise out of her minions.
That's flat out foolishness. You don't start a violent uprising by decrying a violent uprising.
You're the foolish one. That's exactly the strategy Hitler used. He justified violence against the Jews by convincing the public that they were plotting against the German people. It's one of the oldests tricks in the book; accuse your opponent of the very thing you're doing.

It's still not violent rhetoric. Be sure to let us know if she ever advocates violence for real and not just imaginary.

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