Anonymous Posts LONG Listing of ANTIFA Members! Lots of School Teachers

Publicly outing people for ANY reason other than criminal convictions is dangerous and I will never encourage it or partake in it. Unless it is about pedo activity.

It's arguable that they are the same pedos pushing sex education on kindergartners and forcing little girls to accept little "gender confused" boys in the girls bathroom. Aka they're grooming little children, all under the pretense of "stopping hate" against LGBT kids.

Again, these are NOT teachers making up these rules. Are you so clueless as to not know who makes those decisions?
Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

These are probably the same public school teachers that made it so boys can "choose" to be girls and use the girl's public school bathroom. Probably the same looking to reduce age of consent to Argentina levels (13) while teaching (grooming) kindgarteners sex ed.

Teachers do not make those decisions. Elected school broads and their appointed administrators do.

You advocate limits on freedom.


Lay out your perfect country...specifically.

How in the hell did you say I advocate limits on freedom when you want to limit free speech just as much as those you are railing against?
Publicly outing people for ANY reason other than criminal convictions is dangerous and I will never encourage it or partake in it. Unless it is about pedo activity.

It's arguable that they are the same pedos pushing sex education on kindergartners and forcing little girls to accept little "gender confused" boys in the girls bathroom. Aka they're grooming little children, all under the pretense of "stopping hate" against LGBT kids.

Again, these are NOT teachers making up these rules. Are you so clueless as to not know who makes those decisions?

Explain your ideal immigration policy for the USA.
Publicly outing people for ANY reason other than criminal convictions is dangerous and I will never encourage it or partake in it. Unless it is about pedo activity.

It's arguable that they are the same pedos pushing sex education on kindergartners and forcing little girls to accept little "gender confused" boys in the girls bathroom. Aka they're grooming little children, all under the pretense of "stopping hate" against LGBT kids.

Again, these are NOT teachers making up these rules. Are you so clueless as to not know who makes those decisions?

Explain your ideal immigration policy for the USA.

Nice deflection. I am not biting.

Try that on one of your friends.
Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

Sorry! That is one of the costs of freedom. Why don't you join the anti-free speech crowd since that is what you espouse?
Wrong. Having the government force stuff on your kids that you don't want is not freedom. It's tyranny.
Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

These are probably the same public school teachers that made it so boys can "choose" to be girls and use the girl's public school bathroom. Probably the same looking to reduce age of consent to Argentina levels (13) while teaching (grooming) kindgarteners sex ed.

Teachers do not make those decisions. Elected school broads and their appointed administrators do.

Teachers pretty much rule school boards.
Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

These are probably the same public school teachers that made it so boys can "choose" to be girls and use the girl's public school bathroom. Probably the same looking to reduce age of consent to Argentina levels (13) while teaching (grooming) kindgarteners sex ed.

Teachers do not make those decisions. Elected school broads and their appointed administrators do.

Teachers pretty much rule school boards.

Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

Sorry! That is one of the costs of freedom. Why don't you join the anti-free speech crowd since that is what you espouse?
Wrong. Having the government force stuff on your kids that you don't want is not freedom. It's tyranny.

Exactly which "stuff" are you objecting to?

You education bashers always use stories from about three or four school districts in the nation and then claim it is widespread when nothing could be further from the truth. Maybe if you would stay out of these liberal hell holes, you might see what happens in the rest of the country.
These people should all be fired from their jobs:

Anonymous has posted a listing on 8chan claiming it is an extensive list of nationwide members of the anti-free speech group ANTIFA and it includes many teachers!

The list is very long and includes Facebook links as well. There are many professors, school teachers, and other education staff. Many writers, political activists and programmers as well.

We did some research and cannot seem to find anywhere that states this list is not accurate.

Proceed with caution.

Here is the list: Full list of antifa members.

Many are connected to radical Communist groups, like the National Bolshevik Party (NBP)

Antifa and BLM showed up at that counter-protest with absolutely no intention of anything peaceful. They came armed with balloons full of chemicals and items to throw. They came to instigate fights.

Both sides have horrific ideology. But Antifa and BLM are the ones who have a record of riots and violence. Pointing that out in no way gives the white supremacists.

But the difference, and what makes BLM and Antifa worse, is that their history this last few years includes a LOT of violence.

As horrific is the white supremacists are in ideology, they have not been burning things down and causing riots. Again, that does not excuse white supremacists. What it does do is keep liberals, as they have been doing, from relegating BLM and Antifa to: “Peaceful counter-protesters.”

Liberals can spout their false narrative of “simply because one side “had a permit.” They can believe the false narrative of “simply because one side “had a permit.” And they can “simply because one side “had a permit.” all you want. It BLATANTLY goes against facts on the ground.

The President was correct, both sides are vile.
That list was obviously published by a Nazi.

Take it with a HUGE grain of salt.

Take a hike, anitfa k ike.

Please consider suicide. We don't need more newfags and kikes.
Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

These are probably the same public school teachers that made it so boys can "choose" to be girls and use the girl's public school bathroom. Probably the same looking to reduce age of consent to Argentina levels (13) while teaching (grooming) kindgarteners sex ed.

Teachers do not make those decisions. Elected school broads and their appointed administrators do.

Teachers pretty much rule school boards.

It's fact.
Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

Sorry! That is one of the costs of freedom. Why don't you join the anti-free speech crowd since that is what you espouse?
Wrong. Having the government force stuff on your kids that you don't want is not freedom. It's tyranny.
Admiral Rockwell Tory pretends as if there is a wide variety of ideological choices for school board elections. He also pretends that the teachers, with their very POWERFUL unions, are incapable of resisting such policies if they didn't agree with them.

He also pretends that these school board officials aren't frightened of resisting the LGBT invasion and perversion and corruption of our children, because they know that the LGBT legal army will sue them into oblivion (remember the baker and the wedding cake incident).
These people should all be fired from their jobs:

Anonymous has posted a listing on 8chan claiming it is an extensive list of nationwide members of the anti-free speech group ANTIFA and it includes many teachers!

The list is very long and includes Facebook links as well. There are many professors, school teachers, and other education staff. Many writers, political activists and programmers as well.

We did some research and cannot seem to find anywhere that states this list is not accurate.

Proceed with caution.

Here is the list: Full list of antifa members.

Many are connected to radical Communist groups, like the National Bolshevik Party (NBP)

Antifa and BLM showed up at that counter-protest with absolutely no intention of anything peaceful. They came armed with balloons full of chemicals and items to throw. They came to instigate fights.

Both sides have horrific ideology. But Antifa and BLM are the ones who have a record of riots and violence. Pointing that out in no way gives the white supremacists.

But the difference, and what makes BLM and Antifa worse, is that their history this last few years includes a LOT of violence.

As horrific is the white supremacists are in ideology, they have not been burning things down and causing riots. Again, that does not excuse white supremacists. What it does do is keep liberals, as they have been doing, from relegating BLM and Antifa to: “Peaceful counter-protesters.”

Liberals can spout their false narrative of “simply because one side “had a permit.” They can believe the false narrative of “simply because one side “had a permit.” And they can “simply because one side “had a permit.” all you want. It BLATANTLY goes against facts on the ground.

The President was correct, both sides are vile.
That list was obviously published by a Nazi.

Take it with a HUGE grain of salt.

Take a hike, anitfa k ike.

Please consider suicide. We don't need more newfags and kikes.
How is it obvious that it was posted by a Nazi?
Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

Sorry! That is one of the costs of freedom. Why don't you join the anti-free speech crowd since that is what you espouse?
Wrong. Having the government force stuff on your kids that you don't want is not freedom. It's tyranny.
Admiral Rockwell Tory pretends as if there is a wide variety of ideological choices for school board elections. He also pretends that the teachers, with their very POWERFUL unions, are incapable of resisting such policies if they didn't agree with them.

He also pretends that these school board officials aren't frightened of resisting the LGBT invasion and perversion and corruption of our children, because they know that the LGBT legal army will sue them into oblivion (remember the baker and the wedding cake incident).
School board elections are always held at odd times when voter participation is low. However, virtually 100% of the teachers show up. Plus, they have plenty of money to use promoting their favored candidates. I object to all the propaganda about globull warming.
Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

Sorry! That is one of the costs of freedom. Why don't you join the anti-free speech crowd since that is what you espouse?
Wrong. Having the government force stuff on your kids that you don't want is not freedom. It's tyranny.

Exactly which "stuff" are you objecting to?

You education bashers always use stories from about three or four school districts in the nation and then claim it is widespread when nothing could be further from the truth. Maybe if you would stay out of these liberal hell holes, you might see what happens in the rest of the country.
I object to teaching 5 year olds about gender and sexuality. I object to these "anti-bullying" classes which really do nothing but promote homosexuality.
Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

Sorry! That is one of the costs of freedom. Why don't you join the anti-free speech crowd since that is what you espouse?
Wrong. Having the government force stuff on your kids that you don't want is not freedom. It's tyranny.

Exactly which "stuff" are you objecting to?

You education bashers always use stories from about three or four school districts in the nation and then claim it is widespread when nothing could be further from the truth. Maybe if you would stay out of these liberal hell holes, you might see what happens in the rest of the country.
I object to teaching 5 year olds about gender and sexuality. I object to these "anti-bullying" classes which really do nothing but promote homosexuality.

Well, since they are not taught in the vast majority of places. That is what you and the other education bashers don't seem to get. You exaggerate the problem.
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

Sorry! That is one of the costs of freedom. Why don't you join the anti-free speech crowd since that is what you espouse?
Wrong. Having the government force stuff on your kids that you don't want is not freedom. It's tyranny.

Exactly which "stuff" are you objecting to?

You education bashers always use stories from about three or four school districts in the nation and then claim it is widespread when nothing could be further from the truth. Maybe if you would stay out of these liberal hell holes, you might see what happens in the rest of the country.
I object to teaching 5 year olds about gender and sexuality. I object to these "anti-bullying" classes which really do nothing but promote homosexuality.

Well, since they are not taught in the vast majority of places. That is what you and the other education bashers don't seem to get. You exaggerate the problem.
If anything, the problem is under-reported.
Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

Sorry! That is one of the costs of freedom. Why don't you join the anti-free speech crowd since that is what you espouse?
Wrong. Having the government force stuff on your kids that you don't want is not freedom. It's tyranny.
Admiral Rockwell Tory pretends as if there is a wide variety of ideological choices for school board elections. He also pretends that the teachers, with their very POWERFUL unions, are incapable of resisting such policies if they didn't agree with them.

He also pretends that these school board officials aren't frightened of resisting the LGBT invasion and perversion and corruption of our children, because they know that the LGBT legal army will sue them into oblivion (remember the baker and the wedding cake incident).
School board elections are always held at odd times when voter participation is low. However, virtually 100% of the teachers show up. Plus, they have plenty of money to use promoting their favored candidates. I object to all the propaganda about globull warming.

They are part of our regular elections here, so there you go exaggerating again. They are also non-partisan elections, so the political parties cannot get involved.
Sorry! That is one of the costs of freedom. Why don't you join the anti-free speech crowd since that is what you espouse?
Wrong. Having the government force stuff on your kids that you don't want is not freedom. It's tyranny.

Exactly which "stuff" are you objecting to?

You education bashers always use stories from about three or four school districts in the nation and then claim it is widespread when nothing could be further from the truth. Maybe if you would stay out of these liberal hell holes, you might see what happens in the rest of the country.
I object to teaching 5 year olds about gender and sexuality. I object to these "anti-bullying" classes which really do nothing but promote homosexuality.

Well, since they are not taught in the vast majority of places. That is what you and the other education bashers don't seem to get. You exaggerate the problem.
If anything, the problem is under-reported.

Once again,
Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

Sorry! That is one of the costs of freedom. Why don't you join the anti-free speech crowd since that is what you espouse?
Wrong. Having the government force stuff on your kids that you don't want is not freedom. It's tyranny.
Admiral Rockwell Tory pretends as if there is a wide variety of ideological choices for school board elections. He also pretends that the teachers, with their very POWERFUL unions, are incapable of resisting such policies if they didn't agree with them.

He also pretends that these school board officials aren't frightened of resisting the LGBT invasion and perversion and corruption of our children, because they know that the LGBT legal army will sue them into oblivion (remember the baker and the wedding cake incident).

Powerful unions?

This getting tiresome.


I left the unions years ago because they are toothless tigers. They cannot do shit!
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

Sorry! That is one of the costs of freedom. Why don't you join the anti-free speech crowd since that is what you espouse?
Wrong. Having the government force stuff on your kids that you don't want is not freedom. It's tyranny.
Admiral Rockwell Tory pretends as if there is a wide variety of ideological choices for school board elections. He also pretends that the teachers, with their very POWERFUL unions, are incapable of resisting such policies if they didn't agree with them.

He also pretends that these school board officials aren't frightened of resisting the LGBT invasion and perversion and corruption of our children, because they know that the LGBT legal army will sue them into oblivion (remember the baker and the wedding cake incident).
School board elections are always held at odd times when voter participation is low. However, virtually 100% of the teachers show up. Plus, they have plenty of money to use promoting their favored candidates. I object to all the propaganda about globull warming.

They are part of our regular elections here, so there you go exaggerating again. They are also non-partisan elections, so the political parties cannot get involved.

The phrase "non-partisan election" is an oxymoron. Everywhere I've lived school board elections are held at odds times, not even on Tuesday.

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