Anonymous Posts LONG Listing of ANTIFA Members! Lots of School Teachers

My wife's cousin is a "teacher" who wears pussy hats.
Hope the fucking idiot gets laid off and loses her pension.
Explain that a little more, not sure if to interpret that literally. The teacher wears a hat shaped like a pussy in front of children to school?

LOL just googled it:
The pussyhat is a symbol of support and solidarity for women's rights and political resistance. Make a pussyhat! Give a pussyhat! Wear your pussyhat!

I'm uncomfortable with such a listing as it wouldn't suggest what degree of support one offers. There's a big difference between someone who is supporting standing up to wannabe Nazis and those wearing masks attacking police, assaulting citizens and smashing property.
No no no! Black Lists can be fun! You might e just earned a spot by suggesting moderation could be better.
Antifa is the terror arm of the democrat party. The teacher's unions are the education control wing of the democrat they are now mixed.....makes it more efficient for the democrats...
I'm uncomfortable with such a listing as it wouldn't suggest what degree of support one offers. There's a big difference between someone who is supporting standing up to wannabe Nazis and those wearing masks attacking police, assaulting citizens and smashing property.

One doesn't want to emulate the oppressive communist tactics of the alt-left by following suit.

Not only that but it is easy to be "outed" by mistake. We've seen time and again when the media rushes to judgment and an innocent persons life is thrown into chaos for no reason.

I will not be a part of that. I am not a judge or a jury and I sure as fuck ain't the executioner
Antifa is the terror arm of the democrat party. The teacher's unions are the education control wing of the democrat they are now mixed.....makes it more efficient for the democrats...
Hope they're all armed.
Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

These are probably the same public school teachers that made it so boys can "choose" to be girls and use the girl's public school bathroom. Probably the same looking to reduce age of consent to Argentina levels (13) while teaching (grooming) kindgarteners sex ed.

I really enjoy using the girls bathroom at our local kindergarten.
My wife's cousin is a "teacher" who wears pussy hats.
Hope the fucking idiot gets laid off and loses her pension.
Explain that a little more, not sure if to interpret that literally. The teacher wears a hat shaped like a pussy in front of children to school?

LOL just googled it:
The pussyhat is a symbol of support and solidarity for women's rights and political resistance. Make a pussyhat! Give a pussyhat! Wear your pussyhat!

She is a teacher with a low IQ, secure job, great benefits and a pension.
She doesn't realize how good she has it.
I'm uncomfortable with such a listing as it wouldn't suggest what degree of support one offers. There's a big difference between someone who is supporting standing up to wannabe Nazis and those wearing masks attacking police, assaulting citizens and smashing property.

One doesn't want to emulate the oppressive communist tactics of the alt-left by following suit.

Not only that but it is easy to be "outed" by mistake. We've seen time and again when the media rushes to judgment and an innocent persons life is thrown into chaos for no reason.

I will not be a part of that. I am not a judge or a jury and I sure as fuck ain't the executioner

Full agreement there. With a cookie-cutter face and one of the hot 100 in names I do like due process.
Antifa has no place in our children's class room. To have time to brainwash our children, this bullshit has replaced teaching our kids how to write. Visits from Planned Parenthood, have replaced things like math, science, geography. What in the hell is wrong with the parents of today's student?
Antifa has no place in our children's class room. To have time to brainwash our children, this bullshit has replaced teaching our kids how to write. Visits from Planned Parenthood, have replaced things like math, science, geography. What in the hell is wrong with the parents of today's student?
Yeah my kids can perform abortions but can't add. That really happened.
Antifa has no place in our children's class room. To have time to brainwash our children, this bullshit has replaced teaching our kids how to write. Visits from Planned Parenthood, have replaced things like math, science, geography. What in the hell is wrong with the parents of today's student?
Yeah my kids can perform abortions but can't add. That really happened.

Given that they are your kids can't add I believe, perform an abortion I find dubious.
There is no org named ANTIFA with a membership list, tee shirts, banners, flags. this is a tag put on left sided people (some crazy) who are anti what ever the right side (some crazy) are supporting. both sides call each other Nazi, there is of course an org that has membership, flags, tee shirts and banners that call them self Nazi, there small & here in USA as well as other places in the world.
Antifa has no place in our children's class room. To have time to brainwash our children, this bullshit has replaced teaching our kids how to write. Visits from Planned Parenthood, have replaced things like math, science, geography. What in the hell is wrong with the parents of today's student?
Yeah my kids can perform abortions but can't add. That really happened.

Given that they are your kids can't add I believe, perform an abortion I find dubious.
Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

Sorry! That is one of the costs of freedom. Why don't you join the anti-free speech crowd since that is what you espouse?
Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

These are probably the same public school teachers that made it so boys can "choose" to be girls and use the girl's public school bathroom. Probably the same looking to reduce age of consent to Argentina levels (13) while teaching (grooming) kindgarteners sex ed.

Teachers do not make those decisions. Elected school broads and their appointed administrators do.
Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

These are probably the same public school teachers that made it so boys can "choose" to be girls and use the girl's public school bathroom. Probably the same looking to reduce age of consent to Argentina levels (13) while teaching (grooming) kindgarteners sex ed.

Teachers do not make those decisions. Elected school broads and their appointed administrators do.

You advocate limits on freedom.


Lay out your perfect country...specifically.

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