Anonymous Says That the Deep State is Attempting to Remove Trump

The Deep State is in league with the Boogeyman as far as Trumpistas are concerned.
Pretending it doesn't exist doesn't prevent it from existing. Saying there isn't a deep state is like claiming people won't perform immoral tasks for cash.
Pretending that Trump isn't hip deep in it himself and is above doing immoral things for cash, is ridiculous.
So, now you're admitting that there's a Deep State? Make up your mind.
Just using your terminology. The point is that Trump isn't the answer.

Huckleberries Haikued

Snowflakes flurrying
Drained swamp turning into slush
Sixteen years Trump, Pence

He may not be the answer you want, but he is the President.

Probably until 1/20/25
"Anonymous says..."

Boy, that leader just screams, "Pay attention! These kids know stuff!"

Here is the text for people that cant watch videos
Greetings world, We are Anonymous. The United States Congress is preparing to attempt to pass a new law this coming week that if enacted, would essentially remove President Donald Trump from power and amount to an open declaration of war on the entire Federation, and that President Putin has vowed "will be met by force". A new US law deceptively named Countering Irans Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017 (in order to keep the American people from knowing its true nature) was introduced in the US Senate and passed by a vote of 98-2, and whose final version, posted on the US House of Representatives website last night, shows its true "aim/goal" as more than 80% of it is devoted solely to taking all power away from President Trump, while at the same time openly declares on Russia. Under the US Constitution that provides for a tripartite (3 part) form of government equally dividing state power among the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch and Judicial Branch, President Trump is the federal official primarily responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations, but should this new law pass this week, it would remove all such powers from the Executive Branch giving them, instead, to the US Congress, who shockingly in the final version of this bill takes Executive Orders signed by President Barack Obama and makes them law. In 2014, President Obama signed Executive Orders imposing sanctions on Russia, which the Executive Branch has the power to do, but for the first time in American history, the US Congress, as the Legislative Branch, takes these Executive Orders signed by Obama and orders President Trump not to ever remove them, thus effectively negating his ability to conduct foreign policy. This new law, also, contains a section titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO PERSONS ENGAGING IN TRANSACTIONS WITH THE INTELLIGENCE OR DEFENSE SECTORS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION that forbids President Trump, the Pentagon, and all US intelligence agencies, from cooperating in any way with Russian intelligence agencies or military, to include battling Islamic terrorists. A section of this new law titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF PIPELINES IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, further orders President Trump to destroy all energy related activities in Russia, with another section titled MODIFICATION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 13662 stating that President Trump is, also, to begin the complete destruction of Russias railways, mining and metal sectors that employ millions. Another section of this new law titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS RELATING TO SPECIAL RUSSIAN CRUDE OIL PROJECTS, orders President Trump, likewise, to destroy any company in the world that cooperates with Russias state owned energy companies supplying natural gas to the European Union, with a section titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO INVESTMENT IN OR FACILITATION OF PRIVATIZATION OF STATE-OWNED ASSETS BY THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION going even further by ordering President Trump to keep Russia from even being able to privatize its government owned energy assests, that in the US is called capitalism. In the section of this new law titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO ACTIVITIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION UNDERMINING CYBERSECURITY, President Trump is further ordered to being the wholesale destruction of Russias entire internet structure in retaliation for Russias supposed hacking of the US election, and that Foreign Minister Lavrov has stated the US has given absolutely no evidence for and his stating: “I cannot imagine that with the experience of the CIA, National Security Agency, FBI and many other intelligence and special services in the United States, there are no experts who can present to the public the facts the way which would not compromise the sources. If this is the case, then there is no single professional in all these 17 structures. I cannot just believe in it”. As Syrias “grip of steel” against ISIS shows that the end is near for these global terrorists, another section of this new law titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE TRANSFER OF ARMS AND RELATED MATERIEL TO SYRIA orders President Trump to destroy anyone rearming Syria too, and whose only beneficiary, of course, will be the Islamic terrorists America keeps saying they want to defeat, but never do. With Russia controlling the only access to the International Space Station, the only seemingly favorable section of this new law is titled EXCEPTION RELATING TO ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION, but whose words are actually meaningless as President Putin has previously stated all US access to this space station will be denied upon sanctions being enacted, and has further ordered the shutting down of 11 bases controlling the Americans worldwide GPS system. As Germany has warned the US of retaliation when these sanctions harm their interests, and the EU is, likewise, warning that these “unilateral actions” by the US Congress will most assuredly have “unintended consequences”, the “unholy” alliance of the Obama-Clinton Democratic Party with Republican Party warmongering neocons is listening to no one but themselves, and who actually believe that they can dictate the destruction of Russia without any cost to them being paid. The only apparent sane people left in the US and EU who know full well that Russia will never allow this new American law to destroy them, are the military leaders of NATO, who by the day are becoming more and more concerned as Russias summer war games, named Zapad (“West”) 2017, are set to kick off in September when this new US law is set to take effect, and that is already setting off alarm bells all across Europe, particularly due to Chinese and Russian warships massing off the very doorstep of Europe for the first time in history. With Foreign Minister Lavrov stating earlier today that the American establish was “still in shock” due to President Trumps election, and that his “Deep State” enemies “want to make the life of this administration miserable as they speak about impeaching him”, he nevertheless believes Trump can survive and war can averted, but most certainly not due to the US mainstream “fake news” propaganda media whom Lavrov commented on by bluntly stating “frankly I read the news from the United States less and less”.
Ah. This particular version of "Anonymous" is obviously a Russian troll.

Russia is upset we are about to impose sanctions on them for meddling in our election and for invading the Ukraine.

I guess we have them running scared! :lol:
Here is the text for people that cant watch videos
Greetings world, We are Anonymous. The United States Congress is preparing to attempt to pass a new law this coming week that if enacted, would essentially remove President Donald Trump from power and amount to an open declaration of war on the entire Federation, and that President Putin has vowed "will be met by force". A new US law deceptively named Countering Irans Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017 (in order to keep the American people from knowing its true nature) was introduced in the US Senate and passed by a vote of 98-2, and whose final version, posted on the US House of Representatives website last night, shows its true "aim/goal" as more than 80% of it is devoted solely to taking all power away from President Trump, while at the same time openly declares on Russia. Under the US Constitution that provides for a tripartite (3 part) form of government equally dividing state power among the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch and Judicial Branch, President Trump is the federal official primarily responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations, but should this new law pass this week, it would remove all such powers from the Executive Branch giving them, instead, to the US Congress, who shockingly in the final version of this bill takes Executive Orders signed by President Barack Obama and makes them law. In 2014, President Obama signed Executive Orders imposing sanctions on Russia, which the Executive Branch has the power to do, but for the first time in American history, the US Congress, as the Legislative Branch, takes these Executive Orders signed by Obama and orders President Trump not to ever remove them, thus effectively negating his ability to conduct foreign policy. This new law, also, contains a section titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO PERSONS ENGAGING IN TRANSACTIONS WITH THE INTELLIGENCE OR DEFENSE SECTORS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION that forbids President Trump, the Pentagon, and all US intelligence agencies, from cooperating in any way with Russian intelligence agencies or military, to include battling Islamic terrorists. A section of this new law titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF PIPELINES IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, further orders President Trump to destroy all energy related activities in Russia, with another section titled MODIFICATION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 13662 stating that President Trump is, also, to begin the complete destruction of Russias railways, mining and metal sectors that employ millions. Another section of this new law titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS RELATING TO SPECIAL RUSSIAN CRUDE OIL PROJECTS, orders President Trump, likewise, to destroy any company in the world that cooperates with Russias state owned energy companies supplying natural gas to the European Union, with a section titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO INVESTMENT IN OR FACILITATION OF PRIVATIZATION OF STATE-OWNED ASSETS BY THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION going even further by ordering President Trump to keep Russia from even being able to privatize its government owned energy assests, that in the US is called capitalism. In the section of this new law titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO ACTIVITIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION UNDERMINING CYBERSECURITY, President Trump is further ordered to being the wholesale destruction of Russias entire internet structure in retaliation for Russias supposed hacking of the US election, and that Foreign Minister Lavrov has stated the US has given absolutely no evidence for and his stating: “I cannot imagine that with the experience of the CIA, National Security Agency, FBI and many other intelligence and special services in the United States, there are no experts who can present to the public the facts the way which would not compromise the sources. If this is the case, then there is no single professional in all these 17 structures. I cannot just believe in it”. As Syrias “grip of steel” against ISIS shows that the end is near for these global terrorists, another section of this new law titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE TRANSFER OF ARMS AND RELATED MATERIEL TO SYRIA orders President Trump to destroy anyone rearming Syria too, and whose only beneficiary, of course, will be the Islamic terrorists America keeps saying they want to defeat, but never do. With Russia controlling the only access to the International Space Station, the only seemingly favorable section of this new law is titled EXCEPTION RELATING TO ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION, but whose words are actually meaningless as President Putin has previously stated all US access to this space station will be denied upon sanctions being enacted, and has further ordered the shutting down of 11 bases controlling the Americans worldwide GPS system. As Germany has warned the US of retaliation when these sanctions harm their interests, and the EU is, likewise, warning that these “unilateral actions” by the US Congress will most assuredly have “unintended consequences”, the “unholy” alliance of the Obama-Clinton Democratic Party with Republican Party warmongering neocons is listening to no one but themselves, and who actually believe that they can dictate the destruction of Russia without any cost to them being paid. The only apparent sane people left in the US and EU who know full well that Russia will never allow this new American law to destroy them, are the military leaders of NATO, who by the day are becoming more and more concerned as Russias summer war games, named Zapad (“West”) 2017, are set to kick off in September when this new US law is set to take effect, and that is already setting off alarm bells all across Europe, particularly due to Chinese and Russian warships massing off the very doorstep of Europe for the first time in history. With Foreign Minister Lavrov stating earlier today that the American establish was “still in shock” due to President Trumps election, and that his “Deep State” enemies “want to make the life of this administration miserable as they speak about impeaching him”, he nevertheless believes Trump can survive and war can averted, but most certainly not due to the US mainstream “fake news” propaganda media whom Lavrov commented on by bluntly stating “frankly I read the news from the United States less and less”.
Ah. This particular version of "Anonymous" is obviously a Russian troll.

Russia is upset we are about to impose sanctions on them for meddling in our election.

I guess we have them running scared! :lol:
Its their official account. Its 5 years old. Or do you think they have planning this for that long? :lol:
Here's an idea. You are going to think I am stark raving mad when you hear what I have to say. It's something which every media outlet you follow, and which every "Anonymous" video you watch, and every orange haired politician you can think of, will do everything in their power to stop you from doing.

With that many people aligned against what I am about to suggest, it must be incredibly dangerous. And it is. Terribly dangerous. It could actually get you to start thinking for yourself!

I know! That would be CRAAAAAAZY, right? Why in the hell would you want to start thinking for yourself? It is much, much safer to parrot what you are told to parrot, and believe what you are told to believe.

But here goes. I'm going to suggest something which could put you in grave danger.

Are you ready?

Okay. Here's the idea: Read the legislation for yourself!

Oh my god, now I've gone and done it.

So, my little horses, here's the water. I leave it up to you to drink: Text - S.722 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Countering Iran's Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017
Fear the Deep State

Here is the text for people that cant watch videos
Greetings world, We are Anonymous. The United States Congress is preparing to attempt to pass a new law this coming week that if enacted, would essentially remove President Donald Trump from power and amount to an open declaration of war on the entire Federation, and that President Putin has vowed "will be met by force". A new US law deceptively named Countering Irans Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017 (in order to keep the American people from knowing its true nature) was introduced in the US Senate and passed by a vote of 98-2, and whose final version, posted on the US House of Representatives website last night, shows its true "aim/goal" as more than 80% of it is devoted solely to taking all power away from President Trump, while at the same time openly declares on Russia. Under the US Constitution that provides for a tripartite (3 part) form of government equally dividing state power among the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch and Judicial Branch, President Trump is the federal official primarily responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations, but should this new law pass this week, it would remove all such powers from the Executive Branch giving them, instead, to the US Congress, who shockingly in the final version of this bill takes Executive Orders signed by President Barack Obama and makes them law. In 2014, President Obama signed Executive Orders imposing sanctions on Russia, which the Executive Branch has the power to do, but for the first time in American history, the US Congress, as the Legislative Branch, takes these Executive Orders signed by Obama and orders President Trump not to ever remove them, thus effectively negating his ability to conduct foreign policy. This new law, also, contains a section titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO PERSONS ENGAGING IN TRANSACTIONS WITH THE INTELLIGENCE OR DEFENSE SECTORS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION that forbids President Trump, the Pentagon, and all US intelligence agencies, from cooperating in any way with Russian intelligence agencies or military, to include battling Islamic terrorists. A section of this new law titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF PIPELINES IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, further orders President Trump to destroy all energy related activities in Russia, with another section titled MODIFICATION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 13662 stating that President Trump is, also, to begin the complete destruction of Russias railways, mining and metal sectors that employ millions. Another section of this new law titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS RELATING TO SPECIAL RUSSIAN CRUDE OIL PROJECTS, orders President Trump, likewise, to destroy any company in the world that cooperates with Russias state owned energy companies supplying natural gas to the European Union, with a section titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO INVESTMENT IN OR FACILITATION OF PRIVATIZATION OF STATE-OWNED ASSETS BY THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION going even further by ordering President Trump to keep Russia from even being able to privatize its government owned energy assests, that in the US is called capitalism. In the section of this new law titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO ACTIVITIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION UNDERMINING CYBERSECURITY, President Trump is further ordered to being the wholesale destruction of Russias entire internet structure in retaliation for Russias supposed hacking of the US election, and that Foreign Minister Lavrov has stated the US has given absolutely no evidence for and his stating: “I cannot imagine that with the experience of the CIA, National Security Agency, FBI and many other intelligence and special services in the United States, there are no experts who can present to the public the facts the way which would not compromise the sources. If this is the case, then there is no single professional in all these 17 structures. I cannot just believe in it”. As Syrias “grip of steel” against ISIS shows that the end is near for these global terrorists, another section of this new law titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE TRANSFER OF ARMS AND RELATED MATERIEL TO SYRIA orders President Trump to destroy anyone rearming Syria too, and whose only beneficiary, of course, will be the Islamic terrorists America keeps saying they want to defeat, but never do. With Russia controlling the only access to the International Space Station, the only seemingly favorable section of this new law is titled EXCEPTION RELATING TO ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION, but whose words are actually meaningless as President Putin has previously stated all US access to this space station will be denied upon sanctions being enacted, and has further ordered the shutting down of 11 bases controlling the Americans worldwide GPS system. As Germany has warned the US of retaliation when these sanctions harm their interests, and the EU is, likewise, warning that these “unilateral actions” by the US Congress will most assuredly have “unintended consequences”, the “unholy” alliance of the Obama-Clinton Democratic Party with Republican Party warmongering neocons is listening to no one but themselves, and who actually believe that they can dictate the destruction of Russia without any cost to them being paid. The only apparent sane people left in the US and EU who know full well that Russia will never allow this new American law to destroy them, are the military leaders of NATO, who by the day are becoming more and more concerned as Russias summer war games, named Zapad (“West”) 2017, are set to kick off in September when this new US law is set to take effect, and that is already setting off alarm bells all across Europe, particularly due to Chinese and Russian warships massing off the very doorstep of Europe for the first time in history. With Foreign Minister Lavrov stating earlier today that the American establish was “still in shock” due to President Trumps election, and that his “Deep State” enemies “want to make the life of this administration miserable as they speak about impeaching him”, he nevertheless believes Trump can survive and war can averted, but most certainly not due to the US mainstream “fake news” propaganda media whom Lavrov commented on by bluntly stating “frankly I read the news from the United States less and less”.
Ah. This particular version of "Anonymous" is obviously a Russian troll.

Russia is upset we are about to impose sanctions on them for meddling in our election.

I guess we have them running scared! :lol:
Its their official account. Its 5 years old. Or do you think they have planning this for that long? :lol:
Oh, that's right. Russia has only been around for a few months. It couldn't possibly be them.
Gee. It turns out the bill has sanctions against Iran for their ballistic missile program and for their support of terrorism. That's just downright evil!

If you are Russia and Iran is your client state, that is.

Gee. That bill has sanctions against Russia for invading the Ukraine. That's so hateful!

If you are Russia, that is.

We should listen to "Anonymous" and be all mad and stuff at Congress for trying to stop Iran from getting ballistic missiles and funding terrorism.

Thank GOD Anonymous got our minds right! And lord knows they can't possibly be Russian surrogates. After all, they are anonymous and everyone knows anonymous people can't be just anybody! It's a requirement anyone calling themselves "Anonymous" has to be an angel on the side of good.

Just ask them, and they will tell you they are the good guys.

"Da, comrade! Vee are the goot guys!'
Here is the text for people that cant watch videos
Greetings world, We are Anonymous. The United States Congress is preparing to attempt to pass a new law this coming week that if enacted, would essentially remove President Donald Trump from power and amount to an open declaration of war on the entire Federation, and that President Putin has vowed "will be met by force". A new US law deceptively named Countering Irans Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017 (in order to keep the American people from knowing its true nature) was introduced in the US Senate and passed by a vote of 98-2, and whose final version, posted on the US House of Representatives website last night, shows its true "aim/goal" as more than 80% of it is devoted solely to taking all power away from President Trump, while at the same time openly declares on Russia. Under the US Constitution that provides for a tripartite (3 part) form of government equally dividing state power among the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch and Judicial Branch, President Trump is the federal official primarily responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations, but should this new law pass this week, it would remove all such powers from the Executive Branch giving them, instead, to the US Congress, who shockingly in the final version of this bill takes Executive Orders signed by President Barack Obama and makes them law. In 2014, President Obama signed Executive Orders imposing sanctions on Russia, which the Executive Branch has the power to do, but for the first time in American history, the US Congress, as the Legislative Branch, takes these Executive Orders signed by Obama and orders President Trump not to ever remove them, thus effectively negating his ability to conduct foreign policy. This new law, also, contains a section titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO PERSONS ENGAGING IN TRANSACTIONS WITH THE INTELLIGENCE OR DEFENSE SECTORS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION that forbids President Trump, the Pentagon, and all US intelligence agencies, from cooperating in any way with Russian intelligence agencies or military, to include battling Islamic terrorists. A section of this new law titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF PIPELINES IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, further orders President Trump to destroy all energy related activities in Russia, with another section titled MODIFICATION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 13662 stating that President Trump is, also, to begin the complete destruction of Russias railways, mining and metal sectors that employ millions. Another section of this new law titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS RELATING TO SPECIAL RUSSIAN CRUDE OIL PROJECTS, orders President Trump, likewise, to destroy any company in the world that cooperates with Russias state owned energy companies supplying natural gas to the European Union, with a section titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO INVESTMENT IN OR FACILITATION OF PRIVATIZATION OF STATE-OWNED ASSETS BY THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION going even further by ordering President Trump to keep Russia from even being able to privatize its government owned energy assests, that in the US is called capitalism. In the section of this new law titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO ACTIVITIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION UNDERMINING CYBERSECURITY, President Trump is further ordered to being the wholesale destruction of Russias entire internet structure in retaliation for Russias supposed hacking of the US election, and that Foreign Minister Lavrov has stated the US has given absolutely no evidence for and his stating: “I cannot imagine that with the experience of the CIA, National Security Agency, FBI and many other intelligence and special services in the United States, there are no experts who can present to the public the facts the way which would not compromise the sources. If this is the case, then there is no single professional in all these 17 structures. I cannot just believe in it”. As Syrias “grip of steel” against ISIS shows that the end is near for these global terrorists, another section of this new law titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE TRANSFER OF ARMS AND RELATED MATERIEL TO SYRIA orders President Trump to destroy anyone rearming Syria too, and whose only beneficiary, of course, will be the Islamic terrorists America keeps saying they want to defeat, but never do. With Russia controlling the only access to the International Space Station, the only seemingly favorable section of this new law is titled EXCEPTION RELATING TO ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION, but whose words are actually meaningless as President Putin has previously stated all US access to this space station will be denied upon sanctions being enacted, and has further ordered the shutting down of 11 bases controlling the Americans worldwide GPS system. As Germany has warned the US of retaliation when these sanctions harm their interests, and the EU is, likewise, warning that these “unilateral actions” by the US Congress will most assuredly have “unintended consequences”, the “unholy” alliance of the Obama-Clinton Democratic Party with Republican Party warmongering neocons is listening to no one but themselves, and who actually believe that they can dictate the destruction of Russia without any cost to them being paid. The only apparent sane people left in the US and EU who know full well that Russia will never allow this new American law to destroy them, are the military leaders of NATO, who by the day are becoming more and more concerned as Russias summer war games, named Zapad (“West”) 2017, are set to kick off in September when this new US law is set to take effect, and that is already setting off alarm bells all across Europe, particularly due to Chinese and Russian warships massing off the very doorstep of Europe for the first time in history. With Foreign Minister Lavrov stating earlier today that the American establish was “still in shock” due to President Trumps election, and that his “Deep State” enemies “want to make the life of this administration miserable as they speak about impeaching him”, he nevertheless believes Trump can survive and war can averted, but most certainly not due to the US mainstream “fake news” propaganda media whom Lavrov commented on by bluntly stating “frankly I read the news from the United States less and less”.
Ah. This particular version of "Anonymous" is obviously a Russian troll.

Russia is upset we are about to impose sanctions on them for meddling in our election.

I guess we have them running scared! :lol:
Its their official account. Its 5 years old. Or do you think they have planning this for that long? :lol:
Oh, that's right. Russia has only been around for a few months. It couldn't possibly be them.
You said "particular version" which would imply the OFFICIAL anonymous group has been russia for years.
They have attacked russia before.
You think trump collaborated with russia, but anonymous has called on their people to hack shit involving trump and leak it to the public.
Man, you are a goddamn WACKO. No shit. I can link up some mental health help if you are willing to try. can just parrot what you have been told to parrot.

It's what you have been doing for so long, why stop now?
Here is the text for people that cant watch videos
Greetings world, We are Anonymous. The United States Congress is preparing to attempt to pass a new law this coming week that if enacted, would essentially remove President Donald Trump from power and amount to an open declaration of war on the entire Federation, and that President Putin has vowed "will be met by force". A new US law deceptively named Countering Irans Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017 (in order to keep the American people from knowing its true nature) was introduced in the US Senate and passed by a vote of 98-2, and whose final version, posted on the US House of Representatives website last night, shows its true "aim/goal" as more than 80% of it is devoted solely to taking all power away from President Trump, while at the same time openly declares on Russia. Under the US Constitution that provides for a tripartite (3 part) form of government equally dividing state power among the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch and Judicial Branch, President Trump is the federal official primarily responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations, but should this new law pass this week, it would remove all such powers from the Executive Branch giving them, instead, to the US Congress, who shockingly in the final version of this bill takes Executive Orders signed by President Barack Obama and makes them law. In 2014, President Obama signed Executive Orders imposing sanctions on Russia, which the Executive Branch has the power to do, but for the first time in American history, the US Congress, as the Legislative Branch, takes these Executive Orders signed by Obama and orders President Trump not to ever remove them, thus effectively negating his ability to conduct foreign policy. This new law, also, contains a section titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO PERSONS ENGAGING IN TRANSACTIONS WITH THE INTELLIGENCE OR DEFENSE SECTORS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION that forbids President Trump, the Pentagon, and all US intelligence agencies, from cooperating in any way with Russian intelligence agencies or military, to include battling Islamic terrorists. A section of this new law titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF PIPELINES IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, further orders President Trump to destroy all energy related activities in Russia, with another section titled MODIFICATION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 13662 stating that President Trump is, also, to begin the complete destruction of Russias railways, mining and metal sectors that employ millions. Another section of this new law titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS RELATING TO SPECIAL RUSSIAN CRUDE OIL PROJECTS, orders President Trump, likewise, to destroy any company in the world that cooperates with Russias state owned energy companies supplying natural gas to the European Union, with a section titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO INVESTMENT IN OR FACILITATION OF PRIVATIZATION OF STATE-OWNED ASSETS BY THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION going even further by ordering President Trump to keep Russia from even being able to privatize its government owned energy assests, that in the US is called capitalism. In the section of this new law titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO ACTIVITIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION UNDERMINING CYBERSECURITY, President Trump is further ordered to being the wholesale destruction of Russias entire internet structure in retaliation for Russias supposed hacking of the US election, and that Foreign Minister Lavrov has stated the US has given absolutely no evidence for and his stating: “I cannot imagine that with the experience of the CIA, National Security Agency, FBI and many other intelligence and special services in the United States, there are no experts who can present to the public the facts the way which would not compromise the sources. If this is the case, then there is no single professional in all these 17 structures. I cannot just believe in it”. As Syrias “grip of steel” against ISIS shows that the end is near for these global terrorists, another section of this new law titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE TRANSFER OF ARMS AND RELATED MATERIEL TO SYRIA orders President Trump to destroy anyone rearming Syria too, and whose only beneficiary, of course, will be the Islamic terrorists America keeps saying they want to defeat, but never do. With Russia controlling the only access to the International Space Station, the only seemingly favorable section of this new law is titled EXCEPTION RELATING TO ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION, but whose words are actually meaningless as President Putin has previously stated all US access to this space station will be denied upon sanctions being enacted, and has further ordered the shutting down of 11 bases controlling the Americans worldwide GPS system. As Germany has warned the US of retaliation when these sanctions harm their interests, and the EU is, likewise, warning that these “unilateral actions” by the US Congress will most assuredly have “unintended consequences”, the “unholy” alliance of the Obama-Clinton Democratic Party with Republican Party warmongering neocons is listening to no one but themselves, and who actually believe that they can dictate the destruction of Russia without any cost to them being paid. The only apparent sane people left in the US and EU who know full well that Russia will never allow this new American law to destroy them, are the military leaders of NATO, who by the day are becoming more and more concerned as Russias summer war games, named Zapad (“West”) 2017, are set to kick off in September when this new US law is set to take effect, and that is already setting off alarm bells all across Europe, particularly due to Chinese and Russian warships massing off the very doorstep of Europe for the first time in history. With Foreign Minister Lavrov stating earlier today that the American establish was “still in shock” due to President Trumps election, and that his “Deep State” enemies “want to make the life of this administration miserable as they speak about impeaching him”, he nevertheless believes Trump can survive and war can averted, but most certainly not due to the US mainstream “fake news” propaganda media whom Lavrov commented on by bluntly stating “frankly I read the news from the United States less and less”.
Ah. This particular version of "Anonymous" is obviously a Russian troll.

Russia is upset we are about to impose sanctions on them for meddling in our election.

I guess we have them running scared! :lol:
Its their official account. Its 5 years old. Or do you think they have planning this for that long? :lol:
Oh, that's right. Russia has only been around for a few months. It couldn't possibly be them.
You said "particular version" which would imply the OFFICIAL anonymous group has been russia for years.
They have attacked russia before.
You think trump collaborated with russia, but anonymous has called on their people to hack shit involving trump and leak it to the public.
Man, you are a goddamn WACKO. No shit. I can link up some mental health help if you are willing to try.

Show me where this account attacked Russia.

I'll wait here.
Anonymous says that the Deep State is making a big move to remove Trump, and talks about Russia, and US relations with other Nations. I personally don't always agree with Anonymous, a lot of the 'members' are nutjobs, but I did find this video interesting.
The Deep State is in league with the Boogeyman as far as Trumpistas are concerned. :laugh2:
Pretending it doesn't exist doesn't prevent it from existing. Saying there isn't a deep state is like claiming people won't perform immoral tasks for cash.
That's fun...can we apply your reasoning to everything?
Here's an idea. You are going to think I am stark raving mad when you hear what I have to say. It's something which every media outlet you follow, and which every "Anonymous" video you watch, and every orange haired politician you can think of, will do everything in their power to stop you from doing.

With that many people aligned against what I am about to suggest, it must be incredibly dangerous. And it is. Terribly dangerous. It could actually get you to start thinking for yourself!

I know! That would be CRAAAAAAZY, right? Why in the hell would you want to start thinking for yourself? It is much, much safer to parrot what you are told to parrot, and believe what you are told to believe.

But here goes. I'm going to suggest something which could put you in grave danger.

Are you ready?

Okay. Here's the idea: Read the legislation for yourself!

Oh my god, now I've gone and done it.

So, my little horses, here's the water. I leave it up to you to drink: Text - S.722 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Countering Iran's Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017
I am sitting here reading this bill and i see the phrase "if the President determines" alot...
Here's an idea. You are going to think I am stark raving mad when you hear what I have to say. It's something which every media outlet you follow, and which every "Anonymous" video you watch, and every orange haired politician you can think of, will do everything in their power to stop you from doing.

With that many people aligned against what I am about to suggest, it must be incredibly dangerous. And it is. Terribly dangerous. It could actually get you to start thinking for yourself!

I know! That would be CRAAAAAAZY, right? Why in the hell would you want to start thinking for yourself? It is much, much safer to parrot what you are told to parrot, and believe what you are told to believe.

But here goes. I'm going to suggest something which could put you in grave danger.

Are you ready?

Okay. Here's the idea: Read the legislation for yourself!

Oh my god, now I've gone and done it.

So, my little horses, here's the water. I leave it up to you to drink: Text - S.722 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Countering Iran's Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017
It won't work...trumpanzees are taking after their orange messiah and calling literacy bad.
Here's an idea. You are going to think I am stark raving mad when you hear what I have to say. It's something which every media outlet you follow, and which every "Anonymous" video you watch, and every orange haired politician you can think of, will do everything in their power to stop you from doing.

With that many people aligned against what I am about to suggest, it must be incredibly dangerous. And it is. Terribly dangerous. It could actually get you to start thinking for yourself!

I know! That would be CRAAAAAAZY, right? Why in the hell would you want to start thinking for yourself? It is much, much safer to parrot what you are told to parrot, and believe what you are told to believe.

But here goes. I'm going to suggest something which could put you in grave danger.

Are you ready?

Okay. Here's the idea: Read the legislation for yourself!

Oh my god, now I've gone and done it.

So, my little horses, here's the water. I leave it up to you to drink: Text - S.722 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Countering Iran's Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017
I am sitting here reading this bill and i see the phrase "if the President determines" alot...
I am going to guess you've never read a sanctions bills before.
Here is the text for people that cant watch videos
Greetings world, We are Anonymous. The United States Congress is preparing to attempt to pass a new law this coming week that if enacted, would essentially remove President Donald Trump from power and amount to an open declaration of war on the entire Federation, and that President Putin has vowed "will be met by force". A new US law deceptively named Countering Irans Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017 (in order to keep the American people from knowing its true nature) was introduced in the US Senate and passed by a vote of 98-2, and whose final version, posted on the US House of Representatives website last night, shows its true "aim/goal" as more than 80% of it is devoted solely to taking all power away from President Trump, while at the same time openly declares on Russia. Under the US Constitution that provides for a tripartite (3 part) form of government equally dividing state power among the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch and Judicial Branch, President Trump is the federal official primarily responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations, but should this new law pass this week, it would remove all such powers from the Executive Branch giving them, instead, to the US Congress, who shockingly in the final version of this bill takes Executive Orders signed by President Barack Obama and makes them law. In 2014, President Obama signed Executive Orders imposing sanctions on Russia, which the Executive Branch has the power to do, but for the first time in American history, the US Congress, as the Legislative Branch, takes these Executive Orders signed by Obama and orders President Trump not to ever remove them, thus effectively negating his ability to conduct foreign policy. This new law, also, contains a section titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO PERSONS ENGAGING IN TRANSACTIONS WITH THE INTELLIGENCE OR DEFENSE SECTORS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION that forbids President Trump, the Pentagon, and all US intelligence agencies, from cooperating in any way with Russian intelligence agencies or military, to include battling Islamic terrorists. A section of this new law titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF PIPELINES IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, further orders President Trump to destroy all energy related activities in Russia, with another section titled MODIFICATION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 13662 stating that President Trump is, also, to begin the complete destruction of Russias railways, mining and metal sectors that employ millions. Another section of this new law titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS RELATING TO SPECIAL RUSSIAN CRUDE OIL PROJECTS, orders President Trump, likewise, to destroy any company in the world that cooperates with Russias state owned energy companies supplying natural gas to the European Union, with a section titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO INVESTMENT IN OR FACILITATION OF PRIVATIZATION OF STATE-OWNED ASSETS BY THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION going even further by ordering President Trump to keep Russia from even being able to privatize its government owned energy assests, that in the US is called capitalism. In the section of this new law titled IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO ACTIVITIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION UNDERMINING CYBERSECURITY, President Trump is further ordered to being the wholesale destruction of Russias entire internet structure in retaliation for Russias supposed hacking of the US election, and that Foreign Minister Lavrov has stated the US has given absolutely no evidence for and his stating: “I cannot imagine that with the experience of the CIA, National Security Agency, FBI and many other intelligence and special services in the United States, there are no experts who can present to the public the facts the way which would not compromise the sources. If this is the case, then there is no single professional in all these 17 structures. I cannot just believe in it”. As Syrias “grip of steel” against ISIS shows that the end is near for these global terrorists, another section of this new law titled SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE TRANSFER OF ARMS AND RELATED MATERIEL TO SYRIA orders President Trump to destroy anyone rearming Syria too, and whose only beneficiary, of course, will be the Islamic terrorists America keeps saying they want to defeat, but never do. With Russia controlling the only access to the International Space Station, the only seemingly favorable section of this new law is titled EXCEPTION RELATING TO ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION, but whose words are actually meaningless as President Putin has previously stated all US access to this space station will be denied upon sanctions being enacted, and has further ordered the shutting down of 11 bases controlling the Americans worldwide GPS system. As Germany has warned the US of retaliation when these sanctions harm their interests, and the EU is, likewise, warning that these “unilateral actions” by the US Congress will most assuredly have “unintended consequences”, the “unholy” alliance of the Obama-Clinton Democratic Party with Republican Party warmongering neocons is listening to no one but themselves, and who actually believe that they can dictate the destruction of Russia without any cost to them being paid. The only apparent sane people left in the US and EU who know full well that Russia will never allow this new American law to destroy them, are the military leaders of NATO, who by the day are becoming more and more concerned as Russias summer war games, named Zapad (“West”) 2017, are set to kick off in September when this new US law is set to take effect, and that is already setting off alarm bells all across Europe, particularly due to Chinese and Russian warships massing off the very doorstep of Europe for the first time in history. With Foreign Minister Lavrov stating earlier today that the American establish was “still in shock” due to President Trumps election, and that his “Deep State” enemies “want to make the life of this administration miserable as they speak about impeaching him”, he nevertheless believes Trump can survive and war can averted, but most certainly not due to the US mainstream “fake news” propaganda media whom Lavrov commented on by bluntly stating “frankly I read the news from the United States less and less”.
Ah. This particular version of "Anonymous" is obviously a Russian troll.

Russia is upset we are about to impose sanctions on them for meddling in our election.

I guess we have them running scared! :lol:
Its their official account. Its 5 years old. Or do you think they have planning this for that long? :lol:
Oh, that's right. Russia has only been around for a few months. It couldn't possibly be them.
You said "particular version" which would imply the OFFICIAL anonymous group has been russia for years.
They have attacked russia before.
You think trump collaborated with russia, but anonymous has called on their people to hack shit involving trump and leak it to the public.
Man, you are a goddamn WACKO. No shit. I can link up some mental health help if you are willing to try.

Show me where this account attacked Russia.

I'll wait here.
Their youtube account didnt hack anyone. Goddamn dude :lol:
I will show you where anonymous attacked them though. Would you like that? :)
Here's a sanctions bill against North Korea while Obama was President: Text - S.2144 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): North Korea Sanctions and Policy Enhancement Act of 2015

b) Waiver.—The President may waive, on a case-by-case basis, for renewable periods of between 30 days and 1 year, the application of the sanctions authorized under section 104, 203, 204, or 206 if the President submits to the appropriate congressional committees a written determination that the waiver—22 U.S.C. 7802).

It's called "separation of powers" for a reason!
Here's an idea. You are going to think I am stark raving mad when you hear what I have to say. It's something which every media outlet you follow, and which every "Anonymous" video you watch, and every orange haired politician you can think of, will do everything in their power to stop you from doing.

With that many people aligned against what I am about to suggest, it must be incredibly dangerous. And it is. Terribly dangerous. It could actually get you to start thinking for yourself!

I know! That would be CRAAAAAAZY, right? Why in the hell would you want to start thinking for yourself? It is much, much safer to parrot what you are told to parrot, and believe what you are told to believe.

But here goes. I'm going to suggest something which could put you in grave danger.

Are you ready?

Okay. Here's the idea: Read the legislation for yourself!

Oh my god, now I've gone and done it.

So, my little horses, here's the water. I leave it up to you to drink: Text - S.722 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Countering Iran's Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017
I am sitting here reading this bill and i see the phrase "if the President determines" alot...
I am going to guess you've never read a sanctions bills before.
My point was, they are saying they are taking power away but it seems to be the opposite. I am no lawmaker, but i know what words mean.

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