Anonymous: Video of Bill Clinton with 13 year old on Epstein's Orgy Island

DottieKins sock.. Only DottieKins says TOOTS..
pointing out the obvious .... you don't even know if that video was even made by anonymous. :rolleyes:

Anybody can put on a mask, digitize their voice, and post a video on youtube.

I have listened to this video and there is nothing that I disagree with and it's not refutable, Fran...but please, by all means...try to do so. I would love to kick your ass again....bring it, bitch.
Lemme guess ... you know this because you haven't seen any bumper stickers to the contrary? Amirite, loon?

Refute it, Fran....kicking your ass is a guilty pleasure...watching you scurry away like a little roach is a guilty pleasure of mine.....
It's easy to refute ... where's the video?


That was too easy.
The gauntlet laid down; the loon pussy, known as Dale Smith, wisely cowers away.

Maybe the tape is coming out and thats why g5000 and the Progressives are giving us special reports every 5 minutes on the whereabouts of Trump’s dick these past 25 years
If they had a tape it would already be out. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

Are they just delayed working extra hard on the post-production marketing and Happy Meal toys?
No. Read it again.
Your edit won't work.. I originally quoted it when linking the proof of child sex slaves.. FAIL AGAIN.. You read it.
I know what I wrote. You don't.
Too bad I used the quote feature moron and you can't edit that LMAO
I have no need to edit as you are a lying bitch.

*wry grin.. You sound angry.. Perhaps your safe room is needed now?
Hmmmm....that's the signature saying for the White Supremist Alt-Right movement. You a fan of Pepe, LGS?
They won't be able to ignore it..

If there is a vid I agree it will sink Bill and possibly send him to prison.
But liberals will come out and say she had nothing to do with it and Hillary is shocked and mortified by her x husbands actions.

Anonymous has proof via the Mossad of Hillary pay offs.. we shall see the extent of her involvement.
How's that Obama boner thread working out for you?

You've sunk to new lows.....congratulations. haven't seen LGS's Obama boner thread? Here....let me link it for you......Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And you just went where no one're a sick fuck.
If there is a vid I agree it will sink Bill and possibly send him to prison.
But liberals will come out and say she had nothing to do with it and Hillary is shocked and mortified by her x husbands actions.

Anonymous has proof via the Mossad of Hillary pay offs.. we shall see the extent of her involvement.
How's that Obama boner thread working out for you?

You've sunk to new lows.....congratulations. haven't seen LGS's Obama boner thread? Here....let me link it for you......Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And you just went where know one're a sick fuck.
English, please.
Maybe the tape is coming out and thats why g5000 and the Progressives are giving us special reports every 5 minutes on the whereabouts of Trump’s dick these past 25 years
If they had a tape it would already be out. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

Are they just really working hard on the post-production marketing and Happy Meal toys?

I do hope Anonymous gets a release form signed by all involved in the video that is not available...
Do you even know what "bearing false witness" is? That is claiming that you personally lied and claimed something happened that you "made up". Do I believe that the Clinton and Bush crime families not only participated in acts of pedophilia but participated in satanic child ritual sacrifices? Damn fucking straight I do and I will debate anyone on this topic and I will knock anyone's ass in the dirt about it. Child trafficking is a world wide, makes billions and is almost as lucrative as the drug trade. Don't fuck with me on this particular topic because this is the biggest thing that sets me off.
Dude, there aren't satanic cults killing kids or billions to be made in child trafficking. Both are your paranoia talking not reality.

You're right. It's likely tens of billions.
You'd be lucky to prove it was in the tens of millions? Good luck.

STFU, klunt.......Ted Gunderson, 30 year FBI agent had proof that young children are auctioned off for as much as 50K and child pornography snuff films go for that price PER copy. You are an idiot worthy of being shunned.
You are a loon, and obviously so is he. Snuff films? That was disproved more than 40 years ago. An urban myth like 500k kids disappearing each year.

So, did you look up Jimmy Savile or not? Because if you didn't...I don't have the time to take you by your little hand and guide you through this...get it, bitch?
You have to seriously wonder about someone who would lie, distort, make light of something as evil as child rape..
Anonymous has proof via the Mossad of Hillary pay offs.. we shall see the extent of her involvement.
How's that Obama boner thread working out for you?

You've sunk to new lows.....congratulations. haven't seen LGS's Obama boner thread? Here....let me link it for you......Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And you just went where know one're a sick fuck.
English, please.

You said it didn't happen LIAR.. now you're trying to save face.. WON'T WORK.
No, I said it wasn't big business. Most men fuck women not children.
No, your very first post said it didn't exist LIAR.
No. Read it again.
Your edit won't work.. I originally quoted it when linking the proof of child sex slaves.. FAIL AGAIN.. You read it.
You're stupid beyond words. Pamforyoursam didn't deny child trafficking exists, she said, "dude, there aren't satanic cults killing kids or billions to be made in child trafficking."

Do tell, Fran? Just because Pam is as utterly stupid as you are doesn't give her some kind of pass, dumb fuck.
How's that Obama boner thread working out for you?

You've sunk to new lows.....congratulations. haven't seen LGS's Obama boner thread? Here....let me link it for you......Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And you just went where know one're a sick fuck.
English, please.

Better?, pray continue wagging your finger at me.
Off for the night....shall we be waking up to your Any Mouse Bill Clinton sex tape tomorrow, LGS?
Maybe the tape is coming out and thats why g5000 and the Progressives are giving us special reports every 5 minutes on the whereabouts of Trump’s dick these past 25 years
If they had a tape it would already be out. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

Are they just delayed working extra hard on the post-production marketing and Happy Meal toys?
Sounds like when you told us that Assange was bluffing and no emails to release

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