Another active shooter

Why cant libs articulate what they want in a gun control bill?
Because their entire argument falls apart. Plus Leftards are too busy letting violent felons out of prison early.
Ban assault type rifles and handguns. It is not that difficult.

Better background checks that include mental health.

mechanism that allow family members, doctors deny access to guns for a disturbed person.

Allow more time for background checks
My guns got lost in the lake while fishing.

Darn it the luck!
Jeeeeez you preople, allow the Nazis some slack. It was wartime as opposed to *peace time in American where Americans are blowing each others brains out in the thousands!

* as close to peacetime as Ameica gets.
Guns were taken from Jews prior to war.
guns were taken from all Germans after WWI
We aren't the Germans, and better yet we defeated them with (wait for it), guns.

I know, I know, but they were military guns, and they were issued to the soldiers for a purpose... True, but you still had to have a citizenry capable of being trained, and having guns as civilians came in real handy as a starter when going in.
Are we talking all guns? No. We are talking about assault weapon bans & magazine limitations.

An AR-15 is not a military weapon, you dumb ass, and magzine bans are just can't justify magazine bans other than to say..."But we want to ban them..." That is all you have.

You guys want to limit magazines because you know that will make millions and millions of pistols illegal...since their standard magazine is 15-19 rounds.....a gun ban without voting to ban the guns....and lying to the American people about why you want the magazine ban.
Is that all you gunnuts can post. We all know what is being discussed but hey, you assfucks keep posting this crap.

And who knew they can't make a 10 round magazine.

Keep killing innocents & children so you can keep your toys.

What is your specific solution to mass murder?
Mass murder is his solution to there's that...

His final solution?

I like his solution for ME to not have a gun. Why is that?

Cause you're less dead if he cuts off your head with an axe?

Because you can kill more, quicker, from a distance with an assault type weapon you fucking idiot.
26 were shot in gun free Chicago last weekend. Guess how many with rifles.
We are not looking at addressing that type of violence.

Chicago can try to regulate access to guns but all the bad people do is run to a red state and buy what they want.

Moron....the majority of crime guns come from local gun stores...purchased by straw buyers who can pass any background doofus.
Says Shitforbrains who thinks he can remove guns from criminals.
Of course criminals will have fewer guns, when they are harder to obtain illegally. That's why they don't all have fully automatic weapons. But there i go again, with my silly facts and attachment to reality.
Wow that's deep.
It's all you need.
And certainly no better or worse than any other horseshit you plan to make up on the spot.
Why cant libs articulate what they want in a gun control bill?
Because their entire argument falls apart. Plus Leftards are too busy letting violent felons out of prison early.
Ban assault type rifles and handguns. It is not that difficult.

Better background checks that include mental health.

mechanism that allow family members, doctors deny access to guns for a disturbed person.

Allow more time for background checks

You still don't understand that "Assault" rifles do not exist.....

The AR-15 is the same weapon as any other rifle, shotgun or pistol, including revolvers...that are semi-automatic weapons...

Do you understand that?

Background checks are the bullshit they are feeding you so you will give them the power to ban and confiscate guns......criminals use straw buyers...people who can pass any background check, to get their guns, or they simply steal them.......making all background checks meaningless...

You really are a doofus.
You still don't understand that "Assault" rifles do not exist.....
This is definitely the most idiotic gun nut talking point. Under the law, they exist as the law defines them.

Tell us about how trucks don't really exist, because they are just auto bodies on auto frames with 4 wheels, just like cars. So i can laugh.
Says Shitforbrains who thinks he can remove guns from criminals.
Of course criminals will have fewer guns, when they are harder to obtain illegally. That's why they don't all have fully automatic weapons. But there i go again, with my silly facts and attachment to reality.

Moron....fully automatic military weapons are illegal in all the countries of Europe......and the criminals of Europe get them don't know what you are talking about....the criminals of Europe also love hand you think those are illegal over there?


ris attacks highlight France's gun control problems

The arsenal of weapons deployed by the eight attackers who terrorised Paris on Friday night underlined France’s gun control problems and raised the spectre of further attacks.

The country has extremely strict weapons laws, but Europe’s open borders and growing trade in illegal weapons
means assault rifles are relatively easy to come by on the black market.

France won't 'bow down' to criminal violence, vows interior minister

The minister traveled to Nice on Thursday to visit the Moulins district, where on Monday drug gangs clashed in broad daylight outside a supermarket, firing assault weapons after police arrests and a major drugs haul a week earlier.
Some areas around some of France’s biggest cities have become no-go zones for police after dark, officials, politicians and experts have said. Drugs and arms trafficking as well as prostitution blight many housing estates, officials and analysts have said.

Inside Chechen drug wars where gangs barbecue rivals & rampage with AK-47s

TERRIFIED locals fled between burning bins as hooded thugs wielding AK-47s shot into the air, torching cars through the streets of Dijon.
This week, violence broke out across the eastern city as hundreds of Chechens from across France descended in an orgy of revenge.
Armed thugs – some brandishing Kalashnikovs – rampaged through the streets, injuring several people, including one pizza restaurant owner reportedly hit by gunfire.

-----In many cases the AK-47 is the trademark weapon and the murder is followed by a “barbecue”, meaning the body is doused in petrol and burned, to make it harder to identify.

Sweden 9/17/20

It’s about the problem of an imported type of crime: families from non-Swedishcultures who stay in their own circles and prey on Swedes of all ethnicities. These are people who have set up parallel systems of government that challenge the Swedish state — something that politicians cannot bring themselves to acknowledge.
Masked and armed men set up roadblocks, and controlled cars entering certain neighbourhoods in Gothenburg. Streets were deserted as the gangs ordered residents to stay inside. The headmaster of a local school put it bluntly: ‘Checkpoints controlled by criminal militia are something I last saw in Afghanistan. I never thought it would become a reality in Sweden.’ Meanwhile, home visits from doctors have been suspended in the area for safety reasons; and staff from care services for the elderly and disabled are being escorted on their rounds by security guards.
e have an obvious problem,’ admitted the Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven recently. He was referring not to the Covid pandemic, but to a summer of crime that has left even jaded Swedes reeling in disbelief. There are regular bombings, hand grenade attacks and shootings. Young men are killing each other at a horrific rate — ten times that of Germany. The feeling is growing that the government has completely lost control. Yet, while Löfven has finally acknowledged the existence of the problem, he still seems in denial about its true nature.

Last month in Botkyrka, south of Stockholm, a 12-year-old girl walking her dog was killed by a stray bullet from a gang shooting — and in a TV interview her friends explained that shootings are simply part of daily life in their neighbourhood. One child said that she hears gunfire from her bedroom window almost every night. And this is perhaps what’s most shocking for older Swedes: how resigned the children in these areas are; how much they’ve grown used to the violence.

here are at least 40 family-based criminal networks — or clans — in Sweden, he confirmed: immigrants who came to the country ‘solely for the purpose of organising and systematising crime’. According to Löfving, they make their money through drug-trafficking and extortion and ‘have a great capacity for violence’.
It’s about the problem of an imported type of crime: families from non-Swedishcultures who stay in their own circles and prey on Swedes of all ethnicities. These are people who have set up parallel systems of government that challenge the Swedish state — something that politicians cannot bring themselves to acknowledge.
These deplorable acts of aggression now have a name in Sweden. So-called ‘humiliation robberies’ are on the rise, and the victims are often children and young people who are not just mugged — mainly by immigrant youths — but also subjected to all kinds of horrifying and degrading treatment.

Because of the threat to children, Swedish parents are beginning to wake up. They’re beginning to realise that their children are not growing up in the low-crime country they themselves knew — and they feel that the time to talk honestly about it has long since arrived.


Reports of 'heavy gunfire' on the streets of French city of Nimes | Daily Mail Online

Machine-gun shots have been heard on the streets of a French city this evening as it was claimed a 'shootout' took place between rival gangs.

Repeated 'heavy gunfire' bursts were let off in the city of Nimes in southern France after armed men were seen in the area.

Social media videos showed several people running through the street as shots rang out at around 8.30pm.

Initial reports suggested the shooting could have been linked to gangs operating in the area.

Residents in a suburb of Pissevin district in the city claimed gang members shot at a building occupied by a rival group.
Why cant libs articulate what they want in a gun control bill?
Because their entire argument falls apart. Plus Leftards are too busy letting violent felons out of prison early.
Ban assault type rifles and handguns. It is not that difficult.

Better background checks that include mental health.

mechanism that allow family members, doctors deny access to guns for a disturbed person.

Allow more time for background checks

You still don't understand that "Assault" rifles do not exist.....

The AR-15 is the same weapon as any other rifle, shotgun or pistol, including revolvers...that are semi-automatic weapons...

Do you understand that?

Background checks are the bullshit they are feeding you so you will give them the power to ban and confiscate guns......criminals use straw buyers...people who can pass any background check, to get their guns, or they simply steal them.......making all background checks meaningless...

You really are a doofus.

Your average dumb fuck liberal would probably want this gun banned....because it LOOKS scary to these cowards....but it is a simple 22LR.
You still don't understand that "Assault" rifles do not exist.....
This is definitely the most idiotic gun nut talking point. Under the law, they exist as the law defines them.

Tell us about how trucks don't really exist, because they are just auto bodies on auto frames with 4 wheels, just like cars. So i can laugh.

The law hasn't defined them you dumb ass......

You doofus...the Supreme Court says you are an idiot...

Staples v. United States, 511 U.S. 600 (1994).

The AR-15 is the civilian version of the military's M-16 rifle, and is, unless modified, a semiautomatic weapon.

The M-16, in contrast, is a selective fire rifle that allows the operator, by rotating a selector switch, to choose semiautomatic or automatic fire.
..fully automatic military weapons are illegal in all the countries of Europe....
And very few people have them or use them on others. Same for the US. Thanks for being my loyal little assistant and making my points for me.
..fully automatic military weapons are illegal in all the countries of Europe....
And very few people have them or use them on others. Same for the US. Thanks for being my loyal little assistant and making my points for me.

Moron...they are the weapon of choice for criminals in France, and Sweden....where they are illegal...fully automatic military weapons...

The AR-15 is a civilian is not a military weapon, you dumb shit.
The law hasn't defined them
Of course, that is idiotic and false, as they were well defined, for example, under the federal ban.

Are you just going to throw a little baby hissy fit and make up lies all night? Probably.
Says Shitforbrains who thinks he can remove guns from criminals.
Of course criminals will have fewer guns, when they are harder to obtain illegally. That's why they don't all have fully automatic weapons. But there i go again, with my silly facts and attachment to reality.
Wow that's deep.
It's all you need.
And certainly no better or worse than any other horseshit you plan to make up on the spot.
You're wrong.

Why do you feel entitled to me saying any more than that?
For those who are not paranoid, deluded gun nuts:

In 2020, Sweden had 47 gun deaths. In a country of nearly 11 million people. They consider this a national crisis. They have very strict gun laws.

So if a delusional gun nutsack even says the word "Sweden", the correct response is to laugh them out of the room.
they are the weapon of choice for criminals in France, and Sweden....where they are illegal...fully automatic military weapons...
A lie you just made up.

Hey...dip shit.....


Paris attacks highlight France's gun control problems

Military-grade guns are banned in France, and even people who want to own a handgun or hunting rifle have to go through strict checks on their background and mental health.

But in recent years a black market has proliferated. The number of illegal weapons has risen at a rapid rate – double-digit percentages – for several years, according to the National Observatory for Delinquency, a body created in 2003.

“In Marseille and the surrounding area almost all the score settling is carried out using weapons used in wars,” a police spokesman told Reuters after the Toulouse attacks, adding that Kalashnikovs were the weapon of choice: “If you don’t have a ‘Kalash’ you’re a bit of a loser.”


Marseille policeman who faced Kalashnikov gang: ‘They do not fear us’

But the main problem for police in Marseille when it comes to drug gangs is not their cars or the guns so much.

"These criminals do not fear the police or the justice system," he said.

Which means that among the police force in Marseille, a city where certain neighbourhoods have been blighted by gun violence in recent years, there is an increasing climate of fear.

"Of course I am scared," said the officer. "I am a police officer but I am also a human, a father with a family. Each day I ask myself if I am going to see my children tonight."
A policeman who was among the squad who responded to emergency calls from residents in the Busserine neighbourhood has spoken of how he and his colleagues
live in fear of being killed and how they stood no chance against the Kalashnikovs.

The officer, whose colleague had a gun pointed at him, said the gunmen were impossible to stop because there were so many members of the public around.

"If we had rammed their car or blocked them there would have been a lot of damage. You need to think we had civilians around us and above all there were children. Innocent people would have died.

The officer was shocked by the gunmens' brazen act, which he said was not their usual type of manoevre.

France’s real gun problem

Despite these strict laws, France seems to be awash with guns. The guns used in high-profile terror attacks are really just the tip of the iceberg. In 2012, French authorities estimated that there were around 30,000 guns illegally in the country, many likely used by gangs for criminal activities.

Of those guns, around 4,000 were likely to be "war weapons," Le Figaro reported, referring to items such as the Kalashnikov AK-variant rifles and Uzis.

Statistics from the National Observatory for Delinquency, a government body created in 2003, suggest that the number of guns in France has grown by double digits every year.

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