Another American girl who can take care of herself....teaching how to speed load a shotgun...

Ever hear about D-Day? It was in all the papers.

Uh, funny thing... It wasn't Germans with guns who liberated Europe.... They supported Hitler to the last man.

How about you try to comprehend CONTEXT, you dumb-ass.

Romania was liberated from the ceausescu's you ignorant twat.

You are never correct about anything.
Jews were forbidden from owning guns in Nazi Germany.

Wouldn't matter if they did. The SS had tanks. They win!!

The problem was, when the SS came for them, the good decent Germans who owned guns didn't rush out to stop them.

And the Jews and other targets didn't have guns to save their own lives....which is why the socialists took the guns don't understand that moron.

He understands, he just has fantasies of being a camp guard.

He's a hard core stalinist.
China didn't make Trump discourage social distancing, disband the Pandemic response team, undermine Dr. Fauci, make mask wearing a part of the"Culture War" or all the other crazy stuff that happened.
The jury is still out on that

Sweden did not take drastic measures and their death rate is comparable to countries that did go all out

as for trump not encouraging “proper” social distancing and mask wearing we have video of pelosi in chinatown not taking the wuflu seriously either

governor coumo killed thousands of elderly patients with his policy of dumping known carriers of the chinese disease in nursing homes where it spread like wildfire
China didn't make Trump discourage social distancing, disband the Pandemic response team, undermine Dr. Fauci, make mask wearing a part of the"Culture War" or all the other crazy stuff that happened.
The jury is still out on that

Sweden did not take drastic measures and their death rate is comparable to countries that did go all out

as for trump not encouraging “proper” social distancing and mask wearing we have video of pelosi in chinatown not taking the wuflu seriously either

governor coumo killed thousands of elderly patients with his policy of dumping known carriers of the chinese disease in nursing homes where it spread like wildfire
That was only racist in the minds of guilt-ridden white libs who think obama is untouchable because he’s black

Not all, Rip on him for the ACA all day. That's fine. You'll have to explain why you thought it was okay when Romney did it, but lots of stuff to criticize.

Claiming he wasn't born here. - Racist.
Romania was liberated from the ceausescu's you ignorant twat.

You are never correct about anything.

Again, it wasn't average citizens with guns that got rid of the Ceauscu's, it was their own army.

So. Wrong again.

Please cite a case where average citizens with guns- not members of an organized military or militia - ever got rid of a dictator.

you can't.

Because it never happens.
Claiming he wasn't born here. - Racist.

Why would Obama have his book published by a racist?

Claiming he wasn't born here. - Racist.
I dont agree

in retaliation liberals questioned the eligibility of mccain because he was born in Panama

so it wasnt racism but the usual politics in either case
I dont agree

in retaliation liberals questioned the eligibility of mccain because he was born in Panama

so it wasnt racism but the usual politics in either case

Nobody ever questioned the legitimacy of a third generation war hero.

His policy and judgment, yes, that was questioned. He lost because he wanted more war when Americans were sick of it.
Romania was liberated from the ceausescu's you ignorant twat.

You are never correct about anything.

Again, it wasn't average citizens with guns that got rid of the Ceauscu's, it was their own army.

So. Wrong again.

Please cite a case where average citizens with guns- not members of an organized military or militia - ever got rid of a dictator.

you can't.

Because it never happens.

Wrong again. The revolution started with their Olympic pistol team. They used their single shot target pistols to kill the most onerous secret police. Got those guns, and worked their way up the line.

Jo b wrong again
Wrong again. The revolution started with their Olympic pistol team. They used their single shot target pistols to kill the most onerous secret police. Got those guns, and worked their way up the line.


Here's the full account. Nothing about an Olympic Pistol Team.

20 July plot - Wikipedia

Wow... So essentially, the FAILED attempt to Overthrow Hitler was not by average citizens with guns, it was a coup among a very small faction in the Army that failed as miserably as the other attempts to kill Hitler. (Not that killing Hitler would have changed anything).

Not only did average Germans NOT rise up, most of them were all for the crackdown on the coup plotters.

So it stands. Guns in the hands of average citizens have never brought down a tyrannical government.
Wrong again. The revolution started with their Olympic pistol team. They used their single shot target pistols to kill the most onerous secret police. Got those guns, and worked their way up the line.


Here's the full account. Nothing about an Olympic Pistol Team.

20 July plot - Wikipedia

Wow... So essentially, the FAILED attempt to Overthrow Hitler was not by average citizens with guns, it was a coup among a very small faction in the Army that failed as miserably as the other attempts to kill Hitler. (Not that killing Hitler would have changed anything).

Not only did average Germans NOT rise up, most of them were all for the crackdown on the coup plotters.

So it stands. Guns in the hands of average citizens have never brought down a tyrannical government.

Your statement was " they fought to the last old man and little boy for Hitler. The "Good Germans" never show up. "

I just refuted that point, not anything else.

Broad generalizations are not your friend, you slimy sack of moose shit.
Wrong again. The revolution started with their Olympic pistol team. They used their single shot target pistols to kill the most onerous secret police. Got those guns, and worked their way up the line.


Here's the full account. Nothing about an Olympic Pistol Team.

20 July plot - Wikipedia

Wow... So essentially, the FAILED attempt to Overthrow Hitler was not by average citizens with guns, it was a coup among a very small faction in the Army that failed as miserably as the other attempts to kill Hitler. (Not that killing Hitler would have changed anything).

Not only did average Germans NOT rise up, most of them were all for the crackdown on the coup plotters.

So it stands. Guns in the hands of average citizens have never brought down a tyrannical government.

Oh, lookey, joe bases his whole life on wiki. That explains everything! Try using a more accurate source.

And just look to OUR revolution for proof.

Nobody ever questioned the legitimacy of a third generation war hero.
Yes they did, as well as attacking his service

you may have stayed above that

but mccain was running against a liberal pet minority for the highest office in the land

and for many libs the gloves were off
They couldn't hold all of those countries if millions of people had rifles........European countries took guns away from their people before World War 2 so they were defenseless once the Germans invaded

Sure they could have.

Here's the ugly little secret of WWII. Every country the Germans invaded, they found SHITLOADS of people willing to collaborate with them. Heck, some countries they didn't even have to invade, like Sweden which stayed Neutral but STILL sent thousands of guys to fight for the Nazis.

Fact is, more people joined Vichy than the Free French.

Switzerland had only 435,000 armed civilians and they were considered to hard a target for the Germans.......if every country in Europe was as well armed German socialists couldn't have invaded and hoped to hold the territory.

Switzerland wasn't invaded because the SCUMWADS were willing to launder the loot the Germans were stealing form the Jews.. You see, this is where you get your history mixed up, buddy.

Tank beats gun.

Moron, Hitler hated the Swiss and if it had been possible he would have invaded...they wouldn't have had to launder anything then. He would have simply taken over their doofus......
Another American woman explaining why you might just chose an AR-15 for home defense.....

In Britain....the home defense plan is to quietly submit to rape, robbery or murder......choice given to the criminals.....

Your statement was " they fought to the last old man and little boy for Hitler. The "Good Germans" never show up. "

I just refuted that point, not anything else.

The July 20th Plotters weren't "Good Germans". They were all for the war when Germany was WINNING.

And they weren't average German Citizens rising up with their guns... because that shit NEVER happens.

Another American woman explaining why you might just chose an AR-15 for home defense.....

In Britain....the home defense plan is to quietly submit to rape, robbery or murder......choice given to the criminals.....

Again, the UK has nowhere near our murder rate... probably because that gun in the home is 43 times more likely to be used for domestic violence than defense.

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