another Athiest Blogger Murdered

We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

This is an irrational argument. Just cos you have contempt/disbelief doesn't justify pretending that Muslim murderers are acting the same as believers of other religions. Seriously, this is critical thinking 101. It'd be as rational as me saying that it's good to be a believer otherwise one would be a dumb ass like sealybobo.
You guys blow up abortion clinics and invade Arab countries to defend Israel because god told you to!

LOL - Such sappy arguments. How many abortion 'doctors' have been murdered? I could probably count them on one or two hands. And frankly, the Arab countries aren't victims in the final analysis.
Actually that's what bigots like Gasbag are doing.

"Religious fanaticism" is general. Can happen anywhere. "Islam" is specific.

ALL of the bloggers killed were by Muslims. This CLEARLY isn't about other religions; except, that you want to make it about your own BIGOTRY.

Composition/Affirming the Consequent Fallacy.

You prolly don't know what that means. Here's an example:

"80% (I'm just making up a random number) of heroin addicts say they previously smoked pot --
Therefore, pot smoking leads to heroin"

Doesn't work. Never did.

Thousands persecuted, tortured and burned alive as "witches" met that fate at the hands of those who claimed to be exercising Christianism too. As were Eric Rudolph, Scott Roeder and that ilk. The correlation does not make a causation.

The common in both is --- all together now -- religious fanaticism. Doesn't matter what language it's in, what book it cites, what flag it flies. It's mob mentality of "holier than thou". And it sucks donkey dick.
Fanatic, moderate doesnt matter. Both are made up and irrational. Yet you all buy it to one degree or another. They pray 6 times a day and you 1. On the crazy scale youre a 2 they are 8.
Got a link? I would like to see this

Nevermind. I found the story. Ok well it's fucking Bangladesh, brother. Going to a nation that embraces extremist Islam and saying "Muhammad sucks" is like bringing a hooker to an evangelical church. What the hell do you think is going to happen? This isn't about theists, it's about Islamic terrorism.

Gotta say, brother. Pretty lame when I have to provide the link to your OP. Shame.

Yet another Bangladeshi blogger hacked to death -

From this article:

Das was an atheist who contributed to Mukto Mona ("Free Thinkers"), the blog that Roy founded.

Mukto Mona contains sections titled "Science" and "Rationalism," and most of the articles hold science up to religion as a litmus test, which it invariably fails.

While Das was critical of fundamentalism, in Islam and other religions, and of the attacks on secular thinkers, he was mostly concerned with championing science.

He was the editor of a local science magazine, Jukti ("Reason"), and wrote several books, including one work on Charles Darwin.

In 2006, the blog awarded Das its Rationalist Award for his "deep and courageous interest in spreading secular & humanist ideals and messages in a place which is not only remote, but doesn't have even a handful of rationalists."
The (second) video says he blogged for a site described as "a congregation of free thinkers, rationalists, skeptics and atheists".
This is how christians suppressed science not too long ago. The catholic church burned Giordano Bruno for talking science logic and reason.

The catholic church was a political entity that hijacked Christianity.

You mean they invented christianity? They were the first church.

No, they waren't. Peter was not a Catholic.
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

This is an irrational argument. Just cos you have contempt/disbelief doesn't justify pretending that Muslim murderers are acting the same as believers of other religions. Seriously, this is critical thinking 101. It'd be as rational as me saying that it's good to be a believer otherwise one would be a dumb ass like sealybobo.
You guys blow up abortion clinics and invade Arab countries to defend Israel because god told you to!

LOL - Such sappy arguments. How many abortion 'doctors' have been murdered? I could probably count them on one or two hands. And frankly, the Arab countries aren't victims in the final analysis.
So you aren't as extremely wrong but you are still wrong.
Nevermind. I found the story. Ok well it's fucking Bangladesh, brother. Going to a nation that embraces extremist Islam and saying "Muhammad sucks" is like bringing a hooker to an evangelical church. What the hell do you think is going to happen? This isn't about theists, it's about Islamic terrorism.

Gotta say, brother. Pretty lame when I have to provide the link to your OP. Shame.

Yet another Bangladeshi blogger hacked to death -

From this article:

Das was an atheist who contributed to Mukto Mona ("Free Thinkers"), the blog that Roy founded.

Mukto Mona contains sections titled "Science" and "Rationalism," and most of the articles hold science up to religion as a litmus test, which it invariably fails.

While Das was critical of fundamentalism, in Islam and other religions, and of the attacks on secular thinkers, he was mostly concerned with championing science.

He was the editor of a local science magazine, Jukti ("Reason"), and wrote several books, including one work on Charles Darwin.

In 2006, the blog awarded Das its Rationalist Award for his "deep and courageous interest in spreading secular & humanist ideals and messages in a place which is not only remote, but doesn't have even a handful of rationalists."
The (second) video says he blogged for a site described as "a congregation of free thinkers, rationalists, skeptics and atheists".
This is how christians suppressed science not too long ago. The catholic church burned Giordano Bruno for talking science logic and reason.

The catholic church was a political entity that hijacked Christianity.

You mean they invented christianity? They were the first church.

No, they waren't. Peter was not a Catholic.
What was he? Who did Pete pass his authority to? Wasn't he the first pope?
Fanatic, moderate doesnt matter. Both are made up and irrational. Yet you all buy it to one degree or another. They pray 6 times a day and you 1. On the crazy scale youre a 2 they are 8.

Praying is an act akin to meditation when done properly and introspectively and meekly. Even if there were no God, there's a strong case for the potential benefits. Now, Muslims who recite their phony monologue like unwitting robots to put on a show, that's a different story....
Last edited:
From this article:

Das was an atheist who contributed to Mukto Mona ("Free Thinkers"), the blog that Roy founded.

Mukto Mona contains sections titled "Science" and "Rationalism," and most of the articles hold science up to religion as a litmus test, which it invariably fails.

While Das was critical of fundamentalism, in Islam and other religions, and of the attacks on secular thinkers, he was mostly concerned with championing science.

He was the editor of a local science magazine, Jukti ("Reason"), and wrote several books, including one work on Charles Darwin.

In 2006, the blog awarded Das its Rationalist Award for his "deep and courageous interest in spreading secular & humanist ideals and messages in a place which is not only remote, but doesn't have even a handful of rationalists."
The (second) video says he blogged for a site described as "a congregation of free thinkers, rationalists, skeptics and atheists".
This is how christians suppressed science not too long ago. The catholic church burned Giordano Bruno for talking science logic and reason.

The catholic church was a political entity that hijacked Christianity.

You mean they invented christianity? They were the first church.

No, they waren't. Peter was not a Catholic.
What was he? Who did Pete pass his authority to? Wasn't he the first pope?

The authority was passed from Peter to Paul and then to x,y,z. But yes, there was a great apostacy and the Catholic Church came into existence as a political organization. Christianity wasn't even the prevailing religion of the land; but Constantine enforced his own brand sick brand of Chrisitianity. You can take something pure and delude it, dude.
This is how christians suppressed science not too long ago. The catholic church burned Giordano Bruno for talking science logic and reason.

The catholic church was a political entity that hijacked Christianity.

You mean they invented christianity? They were the first church.

No, they waren't. Peter was not a Catholic.
What was he? Who did Pete pass his authority to? Wasn't he the first pope?

The authority was passed from Peter to Paul and then to x,y,z. But yes, there was a great apostacy and the Catholic Church came into existence as a political organization. Christianity wasn't even the prevailing religion of the land; but Constantine enforced his own brand sick brand of Chrisitianity. You can take something pure and delude it, dude.
How do you even know it was once pure? You are taking the catholic churches word for everything you believe. Just a spinoff of jewdaoism for gentiles. And much easier to join. Just believe and dunk.
Fanatic, moderate doesnt matter. Both are made up and irrational. Yet you all buy it to one degree or another. They pray 6 times a day and you 1. On the crazy scale youre a 2 they are 8.

Praying is an act akin to meditation when done properly and introspectively and meekly. Even if there were no God, there's a strong case for the potential benefits. Now, Muslims who recite their phony monologue like unwitting robots to put on a show, that's a different story....
Oh it isnt for show my friend they truly believe. Just like people did during the Salem witch trials.
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

This is an irrational argument. Just cos you have contempt/disbelief doesn't justify pretending that Muslim murderers are acting the same as believers of other religions. Seriously, this is critical thinking 101. It'd be as rational as me saying that it's good to be a believer otherwise one would be a dumb ass like sealybobo.
You guys blow up abortion clinics and invade Arab countries to defend Israel because god told you to!

LOL - Such sappy arguments. How many abortion 'doctors' have been murdered? I could probably count them on one or two hands. And frankly, the Arab countries aren't victims in the final analysis.
How many of you didn't shed 1 tear for Dr tiller because your god says he's guilty of murdering thousands of babies? Just because you aren't hacking off anyones head doesnt make you different than the irrational radicals. Sorry they make you look bad.

OK, compare yourself with the moderates who dont murder but cheer inside when charlie ebdo got shot? They say serves the anti Muslims and you say serves the Dr.
Nevermind. I found the story. Ok well it's fucking Bangladesh, brother. Going to a nation that embraces extremist Islam and saying "Muhammad sucks" is like bringing a hooker to an evangelical church. What the hell do you think is going to happen? This isn't about theists, it's about Islamic terrorism.

Gotta say, brother. Pretty lame when I have to provide the link to your OP. Shame.

Yet another Bangladeshi blogger hacked to death -

From this article:

Das was an atheist who contributed to Mukto Mona ("Free Thinkers"), the blog that Roy founded.

Mukto Mona contains sections titled "Science" and "Rationalism," and most of the articles hold science up to religion as a litmus test, which it invariably fails.

While Das was critical of fundamentalism, in Islam and other religions, and of the attacks on secular thinkers, he was mostly concerned with championing science.

He was the editor of a local science magazine, Jukti ("Reason"), and wrote several books, including one work on Charles Darwin.

In 2006, the blog awarded Das its Rationalist Award for his "deep and courageous interest in spreading secular & humanist ideals and messages in a place which is not only remote, but doesn't have even a handful of rationalists."
The (second) video says he blogged for a site described as "a congregation of free thinkers, rationalists, skeptics and atheists".

The point is that Sealy was generalizing. He didn't say "Islamic extremists hack an atheist to death", he said "theists". Technically true, but deceptive. It suggests that the problem is indicative of the religious community in general instead of an extremist element in an extremist environment.

Not just murdered but hacked. With a knife. By theists who dont like athiests and free speech. Happened in Bengladesh

More like another anti-Muslim blogger was killed by Muslims, dude. It's not the Christians, Jews, Hindus or whomever going around killing these bloggers.

It's still unhinged zealot religious fanaticism, is it not?

The denomination is of little relevance. Fanaticism is fanaticism. The OP left a lot out, but his assessment of "theists who dont like athiests and free speech" does in fact hold true. Sometimes we have to stop looking at the tree and see the forest it's part of.

There IS a difference though. Christians, in general, as well as Buddhists and Hindu's, don't resort to extremist violence like Muslims do. Color me unsurprised that you ignore the difference.
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
From this article:

Das was an atheist who contributed to Mukto Mona ("Free Thinkers"), the blog that Roy founded.

Mukto Mona contains sections titled "Science" and "Rationalism," and most of the articles hold science up to religion as a litmus test, which it invariably fails.

While Das was critical of fundamentalism, in Islam and other religions, and of the attacks on secular thinkers, he was mostly concerned with championing science.

He was the editor of a local science magazine, Jukti ("Reason"), and wrote several books, including one work on Charles Darwin.

In 2006, the blog awarded Das its Rationalist Award for his "deep and courageous interest in spreading secular & humanist ideals and messages in a place which is not only remote, but doesn't have even a handful of rationalists."
The (second) video says he blogged for a site described as "a congregation of free thinkers, rationalists, skeptics and atheists".

The point is that Sealy was generalizing. He didn't say "Islamic extremists hack an atheist to death", he said "theists". Technically true, but deceptive. It suggests that the problem is indicative of the religious community in general instead of an extremist element in an extremist environment.

Not just murdered but hacked. With a knife. By theists who dont like athiests and free speech. Happened in Bengladesh

More like another anti-Muslim blogger was killed by Muslims, dude. It's not the Christians, Jews, Hindus or whomever going around killing these bloggers.

It's still unhinged zealot religious fanaticism, is it not?

The denomination is of little relevance. Fanaticism is fanaticism. The OP left a lot out, but his assessment of "theists who dont like athiests and free speech" does in fact hold true. Sometimes we have to stop looking at the tree and see the forest it's part of.

There IS a difference though. Christians, in general, as well as Buddhists and Hindu's, don't resort to extremist violence like Muslims do. Color me unsurprised that you ignore the difference.
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.
And dont try to use guilt and emotions in the arguement. If you have to resort to asking why we are mean angry or care then you've lost the arguement. I love being told I'm going to hell. When you truly dont believe its funny.
Fanatic, moderate doesnt matter. Both are made up and irrational. Yet you all buy it to one degree or another. They pray 6 times a day and you 1. On the crazy scale youre a 2 they are 8.

Praying is an act akin to meditation when done properly and introspectively and meekly. Even if there were no God, there's a strong case for the potential benefits. Now, Muslims who recite their phony monologue like unwitting robots to put on a show, that's a different story....
Oh it isnt for show my friend they truly believe. Just like people did during the Salem witch trials.

I did some Salem witch research a couple months back, I found that the women whom were killed were remarkable people. The town itself was pretty remorseful; and those who perpetrated the terrible acts were unseated / shamed. I'm not sure what your point is, but thank you for bringing up a fascinating subject anyhow.
Fanatic, moderate doesnt matter. Both are made up and irrational. Yet you all buy it to one degree or another. They pray 6 times a day and you 1. On the crazy scale youre a 2 they are 8.

Praying is an act akin to meditation when done properly and introspectively and meekly. Even if there were no God, there's a strong case for the potential benefits. Now, Muslims who recite their phony monologue like unwitting robots to put on a show, that's a different story....
Oh it isnt for show my friend they truly believe. Just like people did during the Salem witch trials.

I did some Salem witch research a couple months back, I found that the women whom were killed were remarkable people. The town itself was pretty remorseful; and those who perpetrated the terrible acts were unseated / shamed. I'm not sure what your point is, but thank you for bringing up a fascinating subject anyhow.
That not too long ago we were killing for Jesus just like Muslims today. They are just 500 years behind us give or take 100 years.
The point is that Sealy was generalizing. He didn't say "Islamic extremists hack an atheist to death", he said "theists". Technically true, but deceptive. It suggests that the problem is indicative of the religious community in general instead of an extremist element in an extremist environment.

More like another anti-Muslim blogger was killed by Muslims, dude. It's not the Christians, Jews, Hindus or whomever going around killing these bloggers.

It's still unhinged zealot religious fanaticism, is it not?

The denomination is of little relevance. Fanaticism is fanaticism. The OP left a lot out, but his assessment of "theists who dont like athiests and free speech" does in fact hold true. Sometimes we have to stop looking at the tree and see the forest it's part of.

There IS a difference though. Christians, in general, as well as Buddhists and Hindu's, don't resort to extremist violence like Muslims do. Color me unsurprised that you ignore the difference.
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.

What on earth makes you think it is bad for "us"? This is the best period in history to be a non-theist. Other than the backwards countries that our progressive elite are trying to devolve us into, the rest of the world is welcoming to a secular viewpoint.

The problem is when militant atheists decide that they wish to offend theists around them. You wouldn't dare go up to a Hells Angel and tell him to go pound sand, yet when one of you finds a theist who happens to also be belligerent, and he kicks that persons ass, or kills them, you're all shocked.

Grow up and realize that people are people, and some are assholes, and some will kill you if you offend them. That's why you should always treat people with respect and courtesy. That's the way it has been for thousands of years. Why you all suddenly think those rules don't apply is beyond me.
Fanatic, moderate doesnt matter. Both are made up and irrational. Yet you all buy it to one degree or another. They pray 6 times a day and you 1. On the crazy scale youre a 2 they are 8.

Praying is an act akin to meditation when done properly and introspectively and meekly. Even if there were no God, there's a strong case for the potential benefits. Now, Muslims who recite their phony monologue like unwitting robots to put on a show, that's a different story....
Oh it isnt for show my friend they truly believe. Just like people did during the Salem witch trials.

I did some Salem witch research a couple months back, I found that the women whom were killed were remarkable people. The town itself was pretty remorseful; and those who perpetrated the terrible acts were unseated / shamed. I'm not sure what your point is, but thank you for bringing up a fascinating subject anyhow.
That not too long ago we were killing for Jesus just like Muslims today. They are just 500 years behind us give or take 100 years.

Yes, 25 generations does indeed make a difference. Just think, 200 years ago man was arguing about cause and effect and it took weeks to cross the Atlantic and months to cross the continental US. 100 years ago flying from New York to Los Angeles in a single stretch was impossible. 50 years ago man had not yet walked on the moon. Technology is advancing at breakneck speed and you all seem to think that mans philosophy should keep pace.

Guess isn't. Man has MILLENNIA of living a certain way. It's going to take more than a few centuries for him to catch up.
It's still unhinged zealot religious fanaticism, is it not?

The denomination is of little relevance. Fanaticism is fanaticism. The OP left a lot out, but his assessment of "theists who dont like athiests and free speech" does in fact hold true. Sometimes we have to stop looking at the tree and see the forest it's part of.

There IS a difference though. Christians, in general, as well as Buddhists and Hindu's, don't resort to extremist violence like Muslims do. Color me unsurprised that you ignore the difference.
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.

What on earth makes you think it is bad for "us"? This is the best period in history to be a non-theist. Other than the backwards countries that our progressive elite are trying to devolve us into, the rest of the world is welcoming to a secular viewpoint.

The problem is when militant atheists decide that they wish to offend theists around them. You wouldn't dare go up to a Hells Angel and tell him to go pound sand, yet when one of you finds a theist who happens to also be belligerent, and he kicks that persons ass, or kills them, you're all shocked.

Grow up and realize that people are people, and some are assholes, and some will kill you if you offend them. That's why you should always treat people with respect and courtesy. That's the way it has been for thousands of years. Why you all suddenly think those rules don't apply is beyond me.
When I say belief in god is bad for us I mean as a whole. Keeps us stupid. We fight stem cell research because of religion for example.

I would never think of hurting a theist for telling me I'm going to hell even though I find that extremely offensive.

What I find ironic is that hells angels are nicer than theists. When's the last time a hells angel chopped someones head off.

And I keep my insults on usmb. I never tell my theist friends just how dumb they are when they talk about Jesus Mohammad or Joe smith.
There IS a difference though. Christians, in general, as well as Buddhists and Hindu's, don't resort to extremist violence like Muslims do. Color me unsurprised that you ignore the difference.
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.

What on earth makes you think it is bad for "us"? This is the best period in history to be a non-theist. Other than the backwards countries that our progressive elite are trying to devolve us into, the rest of the world is welcoming to a secular viewpoint.

The problem is when militant atheists decide that they wish to offend theists around them. You wouldn't dare go up to a Hells Angel and tell him to go pound sand, yet when one of you finds a theist who happens to also be belligerent, and he kicks that persons ass, or kills them, you're all shocked.

Grow up and realize that people are people, and some are assholes, and some will kill you if you offend them. That's why you should always treat people with respect and courtesy. That's the way it has been for thousands of years. Why you all suddenly think those rules don't apply is beyond me.
When I say belief in god is bad for us I mean as a whole. Keeps us stupid. We fight stem cell research because of religion for example.

I would never think of hurting a theist for telling me I'm going to hell even though I find that extremely offensive.

What I find ironic is that hells angels are nicer than theists. When's the last time a hells angel chopped someones head off.

And I keep my insults on usmb. I never tell my theist friends just how dumb they are when they talk about Jesus Mohammad or Joe smith.

They prefer other means but dead is dead isn't it? However, here's a case from 2001. Close enough for you? Normally their victims are never found so method of murder is never known.

Mesa Hells Angel guilty of murder
The point is that Sealy was generalizing. He didn't say "Islamic extremists hack an atheist to death", he said "theists". Technically true, but deceptive. It suggests that the problem is indicative of the religious community in general instead of an extremist element in an extremist environment.

More like another anti-Muslim blogger was killed by Muslims, dude. It's not the Christians, Jews, Hindus or whomever going around killing these bloggers.

It's still unhinged zealot religious fanaticism, is it not?

The denomination is of little relevance. Fanaticism is fanaticism. The OP left a lot out, but his assessment of "theists who dont like athiests and free speech" does in fact hold true. Sometimes we have to stop looking at the tree and see the forest it's part of.

There IS a difference though. Christians, in general, as well as Buddhists and Hindu's, don't resort to extremist violence like Muslims do. Color me unsurprised that you ignore the difference.
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.

Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.

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