another Athiest Blogger Murdered

Prison conversions to the "born again" variety of Christianity is a not uncommon tactic - for prisoners appearing before parole boards.

As a mindless bigot and Christophobe, can you point to the last three journalists murder by Christians?
Kinda' frantic there shortstop. The bigot™ nonsense is pointless, but in view of your usual spam, carry on.
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.

Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.
The same judeo christian who bought slaves and killed all the Indians?

It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.

I'm not really all that into this debate tit for tat (perhaps, because I think it's a stupid debate). The only point I'm really trying to make is that you could ban religion and it wouldn't stop people from being assholes. It wouldn't stop them from doing bad things. In fact, I think people would do more bad things because they would be less in tune with their consciouses. I get so f'ing tired of idiots thinking that wars and all manner of attrocities would be no more and bla bla bla. It's a fairytale designed to soothe your own f'ing bigotry. Complete crap.
If there were no benefits or positives it wouldnt exist. But it has nothing to do with my bigotry. That's bs. If I think its bad for people that's my honest opinion and nothing bigoted about it. I see Arabs cutting peoples heads off and suppressing women in the name of god. I understand the christian delusion isnt nearly as bad but its still controlling and a scam.

Eventually religion won't argue with science. Already most theists believe evolution is true. They think god started the big bang. So I really have the most problem with theists who are anti science. They are bad for us. Sorry I have to tell even you nice theists why even you are dumb. Its like when Isis hangs out around innocent Muslims. They become casualties of the war. Collateral damage. Perhaps you shouldnt have entered the usmb warzone where you're going to hear the truth. There is no god. When you die it goes back to being just like it was the 14 billion years before you were born. Remember what the cosmos was like before you were born?
Prison conversions to the "born again" variety of Christianity is a not uncommon tactic - for prisoners appearing before parole boards.

As a mindless bigot and Christophobe, can you point to the last three journalists murder by Christians?
You guys are 200-500 years more evolved and civilized than the Muslims. You are still about 10,000 years less advanced because you are a superstitious breed of animal. Easily enslaved controlled manipulated and lied to.
Who is funding these bloggers who seem to only blog anti Islam stuff, with 85% Muslim pop , why are atheist going there to blog to begin with? To cause trouble, and I would bet the Zionist are funding the movement. I mean say one thing anti Islam or anti al Saud in SA and one gets lashings and or beheaded.

If these atheist activist want to go into a Muslim country and push atheism, then take what comes.
We had to pull one of the princes off a woman at a party at his place. He was a good soldier and a paratrooper. Some woman told the major if he touched her again she would cut of his balls, and he went after her. Fun times. He could not we would lay hands on him and his posse. Never knew a Saudi prince who could hold his alcohol.
Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.
The same judeo christian who bought slaves and killed all the Indians?

It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.

I'm not really all that into this debate tit for tat (perhaps, because I think it's a stupid debate). The only point I'm really trying to make is that you could ban religion and it wouldn't stop people from being assholes. It wouldn't stop them from doing bad things. In fact, I think people would do more bad things because they would be less in tune with their consciouses. I get so f'ing tired of idiots thinking that wars and all manner of attrocities would be no more and bla bla bla. It's a fairytale designed to soothe your own f'ing bigotry. Complete crap.
If there were no benefits or positives it wouldnt exist. But it has nothing to do with my bigotry. That's bs. If I think its bad for people that's my honest opinion and nothing bigoted about it. I see Arabs cutting peoples heads off and suppressing women in the name of god. I understand the christian delusion isnt nearly as bad but its still controlling and a scam.

Eventually religion won't argue with science. Already most theists believe evolution is true. They think god started the big bang. So I really have the most problem with theists who are anti science. They are bad for us. Sorry I have to tell even you nice theists why even you are dumb. Its like when Isis hangs out around innocent Muslims. They become casualties of the war. Collateral damage. Perhaps you shouldnt have entered the usmb warzone where you're going to hear the truth. There is no god. When you die it goes back to being just like it was the 14 billion years before you were born. Remember what the cosmos was like before you were born?
Your brain is limited, bub, so we "nice theists" pat you on your hand and send you on your way. That's what you hate. Tough.
You know religious people are more healthy than non religious?

Also there is a reason atheists get discriminated against. They call everyone else stupid so they get there ass beat. It's simple lack of respect for others whenever they are most likely of average intelligence at best.
Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.
The same judeo christian who bought slaves and killed all the Indians?

It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.

I'm not really all that into this debate tit for tat (perhaps, because I think it's a stupid debate). The only point I'm really trying to make is that you could ban religion and it wouldn't stop people from being assholes. It wouldn't stop them from doing bad things. In fact, I think people would do more bad things because they would be less in tune with their consciouses. I get so f'ing tired of idiots thinking that wars and all manner of attrocities would be no more and bla bla bla. It's a fairytale designed to soothe your own f'ing bigotry. Complete crap.
If there were no benefits or positives it wouldnt exist. But it has nothing to do with my bigotry. That's bs. If I think its bad for people that's my honest opinion and nothing bigoted about it. I see Arabs cutting peoples heads off and suppressing women in the name of god. I understand the christian delusion isnt nearly as bad but its still controlling and a scam.

Eventually religion won't argue with science. Already most theists believe evolution is true. They think god started the big bang. So I really have the most problem with theists who are anti science. They are bad for us. Sorry I have to tell even you nice theists why even you are dumb. Its like when Isis hangs out around innocent Muslims. They become casualties of the war. Collateral damage. Perhaps you shouldnt have entered the usmb warzone where you're going to hear the truth. There is no god. When you die it goes back to being just like it was the 14 billion years before you were born. Remember what the cosmos was like before you were born?
Level of support for evolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Wrong. Most theists don't believe in evolution. In fact most of the US does not believe in evolution.

Also this "anti science" thing you keep mentioning does not exist. I've been in religious schools and public schools. People were smarter and more educated in the religious school and I never got the feeling that anyone was anti science. It's a pure myth made up by evolutionists to demonize theists. They support science they just have a different idea about how things came about. The beginning of life is not known...
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Not just murdered but hacked. With a knife. By theists who dont like athiests and free speech. Happened in Bengladesh

So, Muzzie Beasts murdered another person.

Happens everyday.
American prisons are full of christian murderers. Christianity may not be their get out of jail free card but it will get them out of hell.

OK there's one good thing christianity might do. Help reform a wacko.
Prison conversions to the "born again" variety of Christianity is a not uncommon tactic - for prisoners appearing before parole boards.

Isnt that one of the reasons why many people join the church? Not to get out of prison but maybe for other alterior motives. I know a lot of greek guys like me they call themseles greek orthodox but many of us are athiests or agnostics in all honesty. But we dont want the greek community to know we dont believe. Our parole board is the greek women and parents that do believe in god. Or our very own parents. We dont want to upset the two parole board members so we go along to get along. I think maybe only 65% actually believe. Soon maybe 50%. The internet is killing religion. Hard to hide the truth now.
The same judeo christian who bought slaves and killed all the Indians?

It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.

I'm not really all that into this debate tit for tat (perhaps, because I think it's a stupid debate). The only point I'm really trying to make is that you could ban religion and it wouldn't stop people from being assholes. It wouldn't stop them from doing bad things. In fact, I think people would do more bad things because they would be less in tune with their consciouses. I get so f'ing tired of idiots thinking that wars and all manner of attrocities would be no more and bla bla bla. It's a fairytale designed to soothe your own f'ing bigotry. Complete crap.
If there were no benefits or positives it wouldnt exist. But it has nothing to do with my bigotry. That's bs. If I think its bad for people that's my honest opinion and nothing bigoted about it. I see Arabs cutting peoples heads off and suppressing women in the name of god. I understand the christian delusion isnt nearly as bad but its still controlling and a scam.

Eventually religion won't argue with science. Already most theists believe evolution is true. They think god started the big bang. So I really have the most problem with theists who are anti science. They are bad for us. Sorry I have to tell even you nice theists why even you are dumb. Its like when Isis hangs out around innocent Muslims. They become casualties of the war. Collateral damage. Perhaps you shouldnt have entered the usmb warzone where you're going to hear the truth. There is no god. When you die it goes back to being just like it was the 14 billion years before you were born. Remember what the cosmos was like before you were born?
Level of support for evolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Wrong. Most theists don't believe in evolution. In fact most of the US does not believe in evolution.
Impossible its taught as fact in school.

Then that's how dumb we still are.
The same judeo christian who bought slaves and killed all the Indians?

It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.

I'm not really all that into this debate tit for tat (perhaps, because I think it's a stupid debate). The only point I'm really trying to make is that you could ban religion and it wouldn't stop people from being assholes. It wouldn't stop them from doing bad things. In fact, I think people would do more bad things because they would be less in tune with their consciouses. I get so f'ing tired of idiots thinking that wars and all manner of attrocities would be no more and bla bla bla. It's a fairytale designed to soothe your own f'ing bigotry. Complete crap.
If there were no benefits or positives it wouldnt exist. But it has nothing to do with my bigotry. That's bs. If I think its bad for people that's my honest opinion and nothing bigoted about it. I see Arabs cutting peoples heads off and suppressing women in the name of god. I understand the christian delusion isnt nearly as bad but its still controlling and a scam.

Eventually religion won't argue with science. Already most theists believe evolution is true. They think god started the big bang. So I really have the most problem with theists who are anti science. They are bad for us. Sorry I have to tell even you nice theists why even you are dumb. Its like when Isis hangs out around innocent Muslims. They become casualties of the war. Collateral damage. Perhaps you shouldnt have entered the usmb warzone where you're going to hear the truth. There is no god. When you die it goes back to being just like it was the 14 billion years before you were born. Remember what the cosmos was like before you were born?
Level of support for evolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Wrong. Most theists don't believe in evolution. In fact most of the US does not believe in evolution.
Most socons, yes; most Christians, however, have no trouble with evolution,
The internet is doing nothing of the sort.

It is forcing the huckster, religious and non, into the open.
It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.

I'm not really all that into this debate tit for tat (perhaps, because I think it's a stupid debate). The only point I'm really trying to make is that you could ban religion and it wouldn't stop people from being assholes. It wouldn't stop them from doing bad things. In fact, I think people would do more bad things because they would be less in tune with their consciouses. I get so f'ing tired of idiots thinking that wars and all manner of attrocities would be no more and bla bla bla. It's a fairytale designed to soothe your own f'ing bigotry. Complete crap.
If there were no benefits or positives it wouldnt exist. But it has nothing to do with my bigotry. That's bs. If I think its bad for people that's my honest opinion and nothing bigoted about it. I see Arabs cutting peoples heads off and suppressing women in the name of god. I understand the christian delusion isnt nearly as bad but its still controlling and a scam.

Eventually religion won't argue with science. Already most theists believe evolution is true. They think god started the big bang. So I really have the most problem with theists who are anti science. They are bad for us. Sorry I have to tell even you nice theists why even you are dumb. Its like when Isis hangs out around innocent Muslims. They become casualties of the war. Collateral damage. Perhaps you shouldnt have entered the usmb warzone where you're going to hear the truth. There is no god. When you die it goes back to being just like it was the 14 billion years before you were born. Remember what the cosmos was like before you were born?
Level of support for evolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Wrong. Most theists don't believe in evolution. In fact most of the US does not believe in evolution.
Impossible its taught as fact in school.

Then that's how dumb we still are.
Because brainwashing people by presenting something that is not fact as fact and not working proves how stupid we are? Say again?
The same judeo christian who bought slaves and killed all the Indians?

It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.

I'm not really all that into this debate tit for tat (perhaps, because I think it's a stupid debate). The only point I'm really trying to make is that you could ban religion and it wouldn't stop people from being assholes. It wouldn't stop them from doing bad things. In fact, I think people would do more bad things because they would be less in tune with their consciouses. I get so f'ing tired of idiots thinking that wars and all manner of attrocities would be no more and bla bla bla. It's a fairytale designed to soothe your own f'ing bigotry. Complete crap.
If there were no benefits or positives it wouldnt exist. But it has nothing to do with my bigotry. That's bs. If I think its bad for people that's my honest opinion and nothing bigoted about it. I see Arabs cutting peoples heads off and suppressing women in the name of god. I understand the christian delusion isnt nearly as bad but its still controlling and a scam.

Eventually religion won't argue with science. Already most theists believe evolution is true. They think god started the big bang. So I really have the most problem with theists who are anti science. They are bad for us. Sorry I have to tell even you nice theists why even you are dumb. Its like when Isis hangs out around innocent Muslims. They become casualties of the war. Collateral damage. Perhaps you shouldnt have entered the usmb warzone where you're going to hear the truth. There is no god. When you die it goes back to being just like it was the 14 billion years before you were born. Remember what the cosmos was like before you were born?
Level of support for evolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Wrong. Most theists don't believe in evolution. In fact most of the US does not believe in evolution.

Also this "anti science" thing you keep mentioning does not exist. I've been in religious schools and public schools. People were smarter and more educated in the religious school and I never got the feeling that anyone was anti science. It's a pure myth made up by evolutionists to demonize theists. They support science they just have a different idea about how things came about. The beginning of life is not known...
Those polls are old. Bet the numbers are much different today.
Superman, your statement, "Because brainwashing people by presenting something that is not fact as fact and not working proves how stupid we are? Say again?" clearly shows that you do not understand the scientific method or the history of science.

I am born again in the blood Christian, and I like many millions similar to me, have no problem with evolution. It is not godless. Any one who says so understands science not at all and God rather poorly.
Superman, your statement, "Because brainwashing people by presenting something that is not fact as fact and not working proves how stupid we are? Say again?" clearly shows that you do not understand the scientific method or the history of science.

I am born again in the blood Christian, and I like many millions similar to me, have no problem with evolution. It is not godless. Any one who says so understands science not at all and God rather poorly.
Not believing that everything came from one single celled organism is not stupid. It has nothing to do with my belief in god. It has to do with the fact that there is not enough evidence prove it beyond a reasonable doubt and I have a reasonable doubt.
The same judeo christian who bought slaves and killed all the Indians?

It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.

I'm not really all that into this debate tit for tat (perhaps, because I think it's a stupid debate). The only point I'm really trying to make is that you could ban religion and it wouldn't stop people from being assholes. It wouldn't stop them from doing bad things. In fact, I think people would do more bad things because they would be less in tune with their consciouses. I get so f'ing tired of idiots thinking that wars and all manner of attrocities would be no more and bla bla bla. It's a fairytale designed to soothe your own f'ing bigotry. Complete crap.
If there were no benefits or positives it wouldnt exist. But it has nothing to do with my bigotry. That's bs. If I think its bad for people that's my honest opinion and nothing bigoted about it. I see Arabs cutting peoples heads off and suppressing women in the name of god. I understand the christian delusion isnt nearly as bad but its still controlling and a scam.

Eventually religion won't argue with science. Already most theists believe evolution is true. They think god started the big bang. So I really have the most problem with theists who are anti science. They are bad for us. Sorry I have to tell even you nice theists why even you are dumb. Its like when Isis hangs out around innocent Muslims. They become casualties of the war. Collateral damage. Perhaps you shouldnt have entered the usmb warzone where you're going to hear the truth. There is no god. When you die it goes back to being just like it was the 14 billion years before you were born. Remember what the cosmos was like before you were born?
Your brain is limited, bub, so we "nice theists" pat you on your hand and send you on your way. That's what you hate. Tough.

You know you're sad sealybobo when Fakey is setting you straight :lmao:
Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.
The same judeo christian who bought slaves and killed all the Indians?

It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.

I'm not really all that into this debate tit for tat (perhaps, because I think it's a stupid debate). The only point I'm really trying to make is that you could ban religion and it wouldn't stop people from being assholes. It wouldn't stop them from doing bad things. In fact, I think people would do more bad things because they would be less in tune with their consciouses. I get so f'ing tired of idiots thinking that wars and all manner of attrocities would be no more and bla bla bla. It's a fairytale designed to soothe your own f'ing bigotry. Complete crap.
If there were no benefits or positives it wouldnt exist. But it has nothing to do with my bigotry. That's bs. If I think its bad for people that's my honest opinion and nothing bigoted about it. I see Arabs cutting peoples heads off and suppressing women in the name of god. I understand the christian delusion isnt nearly as bad but its still controlling and a scam.

Eventually religion won't argue with science. Already most theists believe evolution is true. They think god started the big bang. So I really have the most problem with theists who are anti science. They are bad for us. Sorry I have to tell even you nice theists why even you are dumb. Its like when Isis hangs out around innocent Muslims. They become casualties of the war. Collateral damage. Perhaps you shouldnt have entered the usmb warzone where you're going to hear the truth. There is no god. When you die it goes back to being just like it was the 14 billion years before you were born. Remember what the cosmos was like before you were born?

I don't think I was saying that if you have an adverse opinion against religion that that makes you a bigot. I think you're a bigot due to irrational contempt.

The fact of the matter is you buy so much BS that soothes your bigotry. Very very very very very very few Christians are anti-science, and yet we have to hear from bigots like you all day long how we're against science. You make these arguments to soothe your bigotry. You're not subtle; and you're frankly a bit idiotic.

You have no f'ing idea what happens when you die. You know nothing of spiritual matters; so stop giving the lecture on what happens when we die just because you want to soothe your bigotry.
It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.

I'm not really all that into this debate tit for tat (perhaps, because I think it's a stupid debate). The only point I'm really trying to make is that you could ban religion and it wouldn't stop people from being assholes. It wouldn't stop them from doing bad things. In fact, I think people would do more bad things because they would be less in tune with their consciouses. I get so f'ing tired of idiots thinking that wars and all manner of attrocities would be no more and bla bla bla. It's a fairytale designed to soothe your own f'ing bigotry. Complete crap.
If there were no benefits or positives it wouldnt exist. But it has nothing to do with my bigotry. That's bs. If I think its bad for people that's my honest opinion and nothing bigoted about it. I see Arabs cutting peoples heads off and suppressing women in the name of god. I understand the christian delusion isnt nearly as bad but its still controlling and a scam.

Eventually religion won't argue with science. Already most theists believe evolution is true. They think god started the big bang. So I really have the most problem with theists who are anti science. They are bad for us. Sorry I have to tell even you nice theists why even you are dumb. Its like when Isis hangs out around innocent Muslims. They become casualties of the war. Collateral damage. Perhaps you shouldnt have entered the usmb warzone where you're going to hear the truth. There is no god. When you die it goes back to being just like it was the 14 billion years before you were born. Remember what the cosmos was like before you were born?
Level of support for evolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Wrong. Most theists don't believe in evolution. In fact most of the US does not believe in evolution.

Also this "anti science" thing you keep mentioning does not exist. I've been in religious schools and public schools. People were smarter and more educated in the religious school and I never got the feeling that anyone was anti science. It's a pure myth made up by evolutionists to demonize theists. They support science they just have a different idea about how things came about. The beginning of life is not known...
Those polls are old. Bet the numbers are much different today.

Who gives a fuck what percent believe in evolution, honestly? You really think a belief in a "theory" one way or another is proof of much of anything? And let's remember that it's a fucking theory. The theory of evolution. Do you know what theory means? It means un-fucking-proven. Yet, baboons like you who haven't evolved their brain enough apparently go around pounding your damn chest about it. Seriously, grow the fuck up.
The same judeo christian who bought slaves and killed all the Indians?

It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.

I'm not really all that into this debate tit for tat (perhaps, because I think it's a stupid debate). The only point I'm really trying to make is that you could ban religion and it wouldn't stop people from being assholes. It wouldn't stop them from doing bad things. In fact, I think people would do more bad things because they would be less in tune with their consciouses. I get so f'ing tired of idiots thinking that wars and all manner of attrocities would be no more and bla bla bla. It's a fairytale designed to soothe your own f'ing bigotry. Complete crap.
If there were no benefits or positives it wouldnt exist. But it has nothing to do with my bigotry. That's bs. If I think its bad for people that's my honest opinion and nothing bigoted about it. I see Arabs cutting peoples heads off and suppressing women in the name of god. I understand the christian delusion isnt nearly as bad but its still controlling and a scam.

Eventually religion won't argue with science. Already most theists believe evolution is true. They think god started the big bang. So I really have the most problem with theists who are anti science. They are bad for us. Sorry I have to tell even you nice theists why even you are dumb. Its like when Isis hangs out around innocent Muslims. They become casualties of the war. Collateral damage. Perhaps you shouldnt have entered the usmb warzone where you're going to hear the truth. There is no god. When you die it goes back to being just like it was the 14 billion years before you were born. Remember what the cosmos was like before you were born?

I don't think I was saying that if you have an adverse opinion against religion that that makes you a bigot. I think you're a bigot due to irrational contempt.

The fact of the matter is you buy so much BS that soothes your bigotry. Very very very very very very few Christians are anti-science, and yet we have to hear from bigots like you all day long how we're against science. You make these arguments to soothe your bigotry. You're not subtle; and you're frankly a bit idiotic.

You have no f'ing idea what happens when you die. You know nothing of spiritual matters; so stop giving the lecture on what happens when we die just because you want to soothe your bigotry.
Didn't you see the link another theist posted that showed a very small percent of americans believe in evolution? It was a pew poll. And if you dont see religion being anti science as a problem that's your problem. You are part of the problem.

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