another Athiest Blogger Murdered

It's still unhinged zealot religious fanaticism, is it not?

The denomination is of little relevance. Fanaticism is fanaticism. The OP left a lot out, but his assessment of "theists who dont like athiests and free speech" does in fact hold true. Sometimes we have to stop looking at the tree and see the forest it's part of.

There IS a difference though. Christians, in general, as well as Buddhists and Hindu's, don't resort to extremist violence like Muslims do. Color me unsurprised that you ignore the difference.
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.

Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.


This country was founded by the Liberals that founded it specifically to throw off that control by the First and Second Estates, meaning the "nobility" and its co-conspirator the Church that acted as its Enforcer. That's exactly what "We the People" is all about -- "we" rather than "they". It's the whole point here.

That means we set up what we have politically in spite of, and in defiance of, the Church. In no way as a result of it.

And no, we're not founded on "Judeo-Christian values". We're founded on Liberal values. You're not entitled to your own history.
There IS a difference though. Christians, in general, as well as Buddhists and Hindu's, don't resort to extremist violence like Muslims do. Color me unsurprised that you ignore the difference.
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.

Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.

This country was founded by the Liberals that founded it specifically to throw off that control by the First and Second Estates, meaning the "nobility" and its co-conspirator the Church that acted as its Enforcer. That's exactly what "We the People" is all about -- "we" rather than "they". It's the whole point here.

That means we set up what we have politically in spite of, and in defiance of, the Church. In no way as a result of it.

And no, we're not founded on "Judeo-Christian values". We're founded on Liberal values. You're not entitled to your own history.

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It's still unhinged zealot religious fanaticism, is it not?

The denomination is of little relevance. Fanaticism is fanaticism. The OP left a lot out, but his assessment of "theists who dont like athiests and free speech" does in fact hold true. Sometimes we have to stop looking at the tree and see the forest it's part of.

There IS a difference though. Christians, in general, as well as Buddhists and Hindu's, don't resort to extremist violence like Muslims do. Color me unsurprised that you ignore the difference.
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.

Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.
The same judeo christian who bought slaves and killed all the Indians?
It's still unhinged zealot religious fanaticism, is it not?

The denomination is of little relevance. Fanaticism is fanaticism. The OP left a lot out, but his assessment of "theists who dont like athiests and free speech" does in fact hold true. Sometimes we have to stop looking at the tree and see the forest it's part of.

There IS a difference though. Christians, in general, as well as Buddhists and Hindu's, don't resort to extremist violence like Muslims do. Color me unsurprised that you ignore the difference.
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.

Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.
Sure people might still be oppressed without religion but religion is a tool for oppression. Arrestive development sang about it. Baptists teach and preach cope not change. Dont worry about your crappy life. Dont do anything about it. Just wait for heaven.

I notice every christian thinks they are the real christians. Catholics think they are and one day you will join them.
There IS a difference though. Christians, in general, as well as Buddhists and Hindu's, don't resort to extremist violence like Muslims do. Color me unsurprised that you ignore the difference.
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.

Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.
The same judeo christian who bought slaves and killed all the Indians?

It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
There IS a difference though. Christians, in general, as well as Buddhists and Hindu's, don't resort to extremist violence like Muslims do. Color me unsurprised that you ignore the difference.
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.

Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.
Sure people might still be oppressed without religion but religion is a tool for oppression. Arrestive development sang about it. Baptists teach and preach cope not change. Dont worry about your crappy life. Dont do anything about it. Just wait for heaven.

I notice every christian thinks they are the real christians. Catholics think they are and one day you will join them.

Human nature is oppression, dude. And human nature is to look for cop outs. You're not exactly rising above, dude. You know the world would suck without religion (whether you like religion or not). You just want something to hate. It's nonsense, dude. Suck it up.
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.

Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.
The same judeo christian who bought slaves and killed all the Indians?

It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.

Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.
Sure people might still be oppressed without religion but religion is a tool for oppression. Arrestive development sang about it. Baptists teach and preach cope not change. Dont worry about your crappy life. Dont do anything about it. Just wait for heaven.

I notice every christian thinks they are the real christians. Catholics think they are and one day you will join them.

Human nature is oppression, dude. And human nature is to look for cop outs. You're not exactly rising above, dude. You know the world would suck without religion (whether you like religion or not). You just want something to hate. It's nonsense, dude. Suck it up.
Why? What would happen if people werent brainwashed with god?

How about instead teach them math science and empathy?
We dont anymore but we use to. You guys just dont like Muslims giving you theists a bad wrap. They are just an extreme version of your irrationalism. Did god really talk to Mohammad or Joseph smith? Oh but he did talk to your ancestors? I doubt it.

I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.

Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.
Sure people might still be oppressed without religion but religion is a tool for oppression. Arrestive development sang about it. Baptists teach and preach cope not change. Dont worry about your crappy life. Dont do anything about it. Just wait for heaven.

I notice every christian thinks they are the real christians. Catholics think they are and one day you will join them.

Human nature is oppression, dude. And human nature is to look for cop outs. You're not exactly rising above, dude. You know the world would suck without religion (whether you like religion or not). You just want something to hate. It's nonsense, dude. Suck it up.
Primitive unevolved human nature is oppressive. Its how and why they control us.

I was going to say something nice but you changed my mind. A lie is a lie no matter how good you think it does. Its Santa for adults. Naughty and nice. Only they keep up the lie and theists continue to swallow the lie.
Atheists have always been among the most discriminated against:

"We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
-- Adolf Hitler, from speech in Berlin (October 24, 1933)
Atheists have always been among the most discriminated against:

"We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
-- Adolf Hitler, from speech in Berlin (October 24, 1933)
And it doesnt matter what the ruler or church believes. Theists love to say hitler was an athiest. Who cares? What were the citizens of Germany? Christians. Who killed all the Arabs in Iraq and native americans? Christians.
Atheists have always been among the most discriminated against:

"We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
-- Adolf Hitler, from speech in Berlin (October 24, 1933)
And it doesnt matter what the ruler or church believes. Theists love to say hitler was an athiest. Who cares? What were the citizens of Germany? Christians. Who killed all the Arabs in Iraq and native americans? Christians.
Not just murdered but hacked. With a knife. By theists who dont like athiests and free speech. Happened in Bengladesh

So, Muzzie Beasts murdered another person.

Happens everyday.
American prisons are full of christian murderers. Christianity may not be their get out of jail free card but it will get them out of hell.

OK there's one good thing christianity might do. Help reform a wacko.
I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.

Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.
Sure people might still be oppressed without religion but religion is a tool for oppression. Arrestive development sang about it. Baptists teach and preach cope not change. Dont worry about your crappy life. Dont do anything about it. Just wait for heaven.

I notice every christian thinks they are the real christians. Catholics think they are and one day you will join them.

Human nature is oppression, dude. And human nature is to look for cop outs. You're not exactly rising above, dude. You know the world would suck without religion (whether you like religion or not). You just want something to hate. It's nonsense, dude. Suck it up.
Primitive unevolved human nature is oppressive. Its how and why they control us.

I was going to say something nice but you changed my mind. A lie is a lie no matter how good you think it does. Its Santa for adults. Naughty and nice. Only they keep up the lie and theists continue to swallow the lie.

Oh, I didn't realize you knew all the mysteries of the universe. Thanks for sharing.
I'm not a theist silly boy. I'm agnostic. I do however respect the views of others. Why don't you? what makes you think that you're so special that you can ignore common courtesy?
I wrestle with that. Its why I only talk about this here and with a very select people.

I truly think its bad for us. Maybe you think its good for you and maybe you'd be lost without it but its a crutch and a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel.

So I'm hoping humans get off this rock and live forever. That's gonna take a really intelligent society. I also hope we go green. That's gonna take a smart people too. We just aren't smart. I think religion plays a part in that. We are still a very young new primitive scared curious unknowing superstitious species. Time for us to evolve.

How many wars have we caught in your lifetime? We can do better. How many people are hungry? We can do better.

Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.
The same judeo christian who bought slaves and killed all the Indians?

It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.

I'm not really all that into this debate tit for tat (perhaps, because I think it's a stupid debate). The only point I'm really trying to make is that you could ban religion and it wouldn't stop people from being assholes. It wouldn't stop them from doing bad things. In fact, I think people would do more bad things because they would be less in tune with their consciouses. I get so f'ing tired of idiots thinking that wars and all manner of attrocities would be no more and bla bla bla. It's a fairytale designed to soothe your own f'ing bigotry. Complete crap.
Not just murdered but hacked. With a knife. By theists who dont like athiests and free speech. Happened in Bengladesh

So, Muzzie Beasts murdered another person.

Happens everyday.
American prisons are full of christian murderers. Christianity may not be their get out of jail free card but it will get them out of hell.

OK there's one good thing christianity might do. Help reform a wacko.

Didn't work for Gary Ridgway...
Not just murdered but hacked. With a knife. By theists who dont like athiests and free speech. Happened in Bengladesh

So, Muzzie Beasts murdered another person.

Happens everyday.
American prisons are full of christian murderers. Christianity may not be their get out of jail free card but it will get them out of hell.

OK there's one good thing christianity might do. Help reform a wacko.

Didn't work for Gary Ridgway...

I wonder what percent of ISIS volunteers from America converted to Islam in prison?

Oh, I'm sorry - were you still trying to blame the acts of Muzzie Beasts on Christians?
Not just murdered but hacked. With a knife. By theists who dont like athiests and free speech. Happened in Bengladesh

More like another anti-Muslim blogger was killed by Muslims, dude. It's not the Christians, Jews, Hindus or whomever going around killing these bloggers.

Murdered because of lack of funding... ..
Not just murdered but hacked. With a knife. By theists who dont like athiests and free speech. Happened in Bengladesh

So, Muzzie Beasts murdered another person.

Happens everyday.
American prisons are full of christian murderers. Christianity may not be their get out of jail free card but it will get them out of hell.

OK there's one good thing christianity might do. Help reform a wacko.
Prison conversions to the "born again" variety of Christianity is a not uncommon tactic - for prisoners appearing before parole boards.

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