another Athiest Blogger Murdered

America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.

I'm not really all that into this debate tit for tat (perhaps, because I think it's a stupid debate). The only point I'm really trying to make is that you could ban religion and it wouldn't stop people from being assholes. It wouldn't stop them from doing bad things. In fact, I think people would do more bad things because they would be less in tune with their consciouses. I get so f'ing tired of idiots thinking that wars and all manner of attrocities would be no more and bla bla bla. It's a fairytale designed to soothe your own f'ing bigotry. Complete crap.
If there were no benefits or positives it wouldnt exist. But it has nothing to do with my bigotry. That's bs. If I think its bad for people that's my honest opinion and nothing bigoted about it. I see Arabs cutting peoples heads off and suppressing women in the name of god. I understand the christian delusion isnt nearly as bad but its still controlling and a scam.

Eventually religion won't argue with science. Already most theists believe evolution is true. They think god started the big bang. So I really have the most problem with theists who are anti science. They are bad for us. Sorry I have to tell even you nice theists why even you are dumb. Its like when Isis hangs out around innocent Muslims. They become casualties of the war. Collateral damage. Perhaps you shouldnt have entered the usmb warzone where you're going to hear the truth. There is no god. When you die it goes back to being just like it was the 14 billion years before you were born. Remember what the cosmos was like before you were born?
Level of support for evolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Wrong. Most theists don't believe in evolution. In fact most of the US does not believe in evolution.

Also this "anti science" thing you keep mentioning does not exist. I've been in religious schools and public schools. People were smarter and more educated in the religious school and I never got the feeling that anyone was anti science. It's a pure myth made up by evolutionists to demonize theists. They support science they just have a different idea about how things came about. The beginning of life is not known...
Those polls are old. Bet the numbers are much different today.

Who gives a fuck what percent believe in evolution, honestly? You really think a belief in a "theory" one way or another is proof of much of anything? And let's remember that it's a fucking theory. The theory of evolution. Do you know what theory means? It means un-fucking-proven. Yet, baboons like you who haven't evolved their brain enough apparently go around pounding your damn chest about it. Seriously, grow the fuck up.
You clearly dont know the difference between an average everyday theory and a scientific theory. And I'm not going to explain it to you. My advise is watch the old and new cosmos. Watch them each 2 times and take notes. Watch them like you read the bible.
And if you dont see religion being anti science as a problem that's your problem. You are part of the problem.

I didn't say 'religion being anti science is not a problem' Gee fucking whiz, dude. Are you dumb as a rock? That's not even close to what I said.

What I said was that very very very very very few Christians are anti science in the first place. I said very like five fucking times. It was pretty hard to miss, numbskull.
And if you dont see religion being anti science as a problem that's your problem. You are part of the problem.

I didn't say 'religion being anti science is not a problem' Gee fucking whiz, dude. Are you dumb as a rock? That's not even close to what I said.

What I said was that very very very very very few Christians are anti science in the first place. I said very like five fucking times. It was pretty hard to miss, numbskull.
No when it comes to medicine or court evidence they believe in science but if it conflicts with their religion.... And christians today are a lot less anti science than they use to be. So congrats on catching up. Took you long enough.
The Amazon Quills

In Thomas Hobbes' politics-dissection treatise "Leviathan" (1651), we are presented with the idea that a government that can handle multiple types of social and religious problems is one that ironically will also draw more criticism, since, by definition, it will be more accountable to the people.

When people wear reflectors while walking/biking late at night, we sometimes get that odd psychological feeling that while they're being safe and polite, they are also uncomfortably reminding us of the dangers of moving around late at night. We might say something to ourselves like, "Why do they have to walk/bike/jog so late at night?"

---There's something in nature, as Hobbes would argue, that provides us with natural ironies. An ostrich for example, exhibits the odd behavior of sticking its head in the ground to feel safe, to rest, or to hide; perhaps because it thinks no one will bother it. Ironically, it sometimes works, since predators are shocked at the visual oddness of this behavior.---

If an Atheist is murdered, and we accuse a Theist of the crime, why is the dialogue any more incendiary? In other words, perhaps abundant dialogue can ironically just make us all feel a little

Are you not conveniently overlooking the good that people do in the name of religion?

When you look at medieval Europe in the dark ages, you might forget that real Christians were oppressed by Catholic church, the monarchies, etc. Much like the state of Islam, it was be one of us or be killed. When the Church of England broke off finally from the Catholic Church it was only cos the church's power had dwindled. But when Saxons wanted religious freedom, they had to sail to America. What if Christianity hadn't existed? Do you somehow think that the oppressive rulers wouldn't have existed? That is fool hearty. It's a pernicious belief.

Some morons like to point to the Crusades and make that about Christian dominance. But if you really look into it, you'll find that it was a defensive campaign against a barbarous people. The fact that they rallied around a religious focal point is not the problem at hand. If it hadn't been that, it would have been anything of virtue.

Look at America. It was founded upon Judao-Christian values. Never before in the history of the world had a grand democratic institution been created. The idea that men were created equal was not a principle upon which nations had been built. Now, I'm not going to give all the credit to religion. But what I'll say is that it is indisputable that it was a great force for good in this nation and has been. The 'Greatest generation' that fought in WWII were Christians.
The same judeo christian who bought slaves and killed all the Indians?

It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.

I'm not really all that into this debate tit for tat (perhaps, because I think it's a stupid debate). The only point I'm really trying to make is that you could ban religion and it wouldn't stop people from being assholes. It wouldn't stop them from doing bad things. In fact, I think people would do more bad things because they would be less in tune with their consciouses. I get so f'ing tired of idiots thinking that wars and all manner of attrocities would be no more and bla bla bla. It's a fairytale designed to soothe your own f'ing bigotry. Complete crap.
If there were no benefits or positives it wouldnt exist. But it has nothing to do with my bigotry. That's bs. If I think its bad for people that's my honest opinion and nothing bigoted about it. I see Arabs cutting peoples heads off and suppressing women in the name of god. I understand the christian delusion isnt nearly as bad but its still controlling and a scam.

Eventually religion won't argue with science. Already most theists believe evolution is true. They think god started the big bang. So I really have the most problem with theists who are anti science. They are bad for us. Sorry I have to tell even you nice theists why even you are dumb. Its like when Isis hangs out around innocent Muslims. They become casualties of the war. Collateral damage. Perhaps you shouldnt have entered the usmb warzone where you're going to hear the truth. There is no god. When you die it goes back to being just like it was the 14 billion years before you were born. Remember what the cosmos was like before you were born?
Sealy you are so extreme sometimes I think you are just joking. You are welcome to your opinion and if it floats your boat... mock away.
Do you really think you have a right to tell people what to think and not think and deciding (implying) who should post here.

pretty soon you will become a cosmos thumper...oh wait you are already doing that.:smile:
Its all down hill from here lol
Nevermind. I found the story. Ok well it's fucking Bangladesh, brother. Going to a nation that embraces extremist Islam and saying "Muhammad sucks" is like bringing a hooker to an evangelical church. What the hell do you think is going to happen? This isn't about theists, it's about Islamic terrorism.

Gotta say, brother. Pretty lame when I have to provide the link to your OP. Shame.

Yet another Bangladeshi blogger hacked to death -

From this article:

Das was an atheist who contributed to Mukto Mona ("Free Thinkers"), the blog that Roy founded.

Mukto Mona contains sections titled "Science" and "Rationalism," and most of the articles hold science up to religion as a litmus test, which it invariably fails.

While Das was critical of fundamentalism, in Islam and other religions, and of the attacks on secular thinkers, he was mostly concerned with championing science.

He was the editor of a local science magazine, Jukti ("Reason"), and wrote several books, including one work on Charles Darwin.

In 2006, the blog awarded Das its Rationalist Award for his "deep and courageous interest in spreading secular & humanist ideals and messages in a place which is not only remote, but doesn't have even a handful of rationalists."
The (second) video says he blogged for a site described as "a congregation of free thinkers, rationalists, skeptics and atheists".

The point is that Sealy was generalizing. He didn't say "Islamic extremists hack an atheist to death", he said "theists". Technically true, but deceptive. It suggests that the problem is indicative of the religious community in general instead of an extremist element in an extremist environment.

Not just murdered but hacked. With a knife. By theists who dont like athiests and free speech. Happened in Bengladesh

More like another anti-Muslim blogger was killed by Muslims, dude. It's not the Christians, Jews, Hindus or whomever going around killing these bloggers.

It's still unhinged zealot religious fanaticism, is it not?

The denomination is of little relevance. Fanaticism is fanaticism. The OP left a lot out, but his assessment of "theists who dont like athiests and free speech" does in fact hold true. Sometimes we have to stop looking at the tree and see the forest it's part of.

Seriously? That's your argument? Apples and hemlock are both plants. Do you think the fact that one provides nutrition to your body while the other will kill you has an relevance to what you should eat? Derp.

Failed analogy.
What the fuck is a "derp"?

Actually, it was a dead on analogy of your failed argument. For the derp's edification.

derp - Google Search
The same judeo christian who bought slaves and killed all the Indians?

It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.

I'm not really all that into this debate tit for tat (perhaps, because I think it's a stupid debate). The only point I'm really trying to make is that you could ban religion and it wouldn't stop people from being assholes. It wouldn't stop them from doing bad things. In fact, I think people would do more bad things because they would be less in tune with their consciouses. I get so f'ing tired of idiots thinking that wars and all manner of attrocities would be no more and bla bla bla. It's a fairytale designed to soothe your own f'ing bigotry. Complete crap.
If there were no benefits or positives it wouldnt exist. But it has nothing to do with my bigotry. That's bs. If I think its bad for people that's my honest opinion and nothing bigoted about it. I see Arabs cutting peoples heads off and suppressing women in the name of god. I understand the christian delusion isnt nearly as bad but its still controlling and a scam.

Eventually religion won't argue with science. Already most theists believe evolution is true. They think god started the big bang. So I really have the most problem with theists who are anti science. They are bad for us. Sorry I have to tell even you nice theists why even you are dumb. Its like when Isis hangs out around innocent Muslims. They become casualties of the war. Collateral damage. Perhaps you shouldnt have entered the usmb warzone where you're going to hear the truth. There is no god. When you die it goes back to being just like it was the 14 billion years before you were born. Remember what the cosmos was like before you were born?
Sealy you are so extreme sometimes I think you are just joking. You are welcome to your opinion and if it floats your boat... mock away.
Do you really think you have a right to tell people what to think and not think and deciding (implying) who should post here.

pretty soon you will become a cosmos thumper...oh wait you are already doing that.:smile:
Its all down hill from here lol
I dont have that right to tell people whatever the fuck I want?
The same judeo christian who bought slaves and killed all the Indians?

It was the Christians who ultimately freed the slaves. You think anyone else would have done that?
America was the last country to stop slavery. Did you see Selma? A catholic and greek orthodox and other white christians marched with Dr. King.

Funny that back then probably 90% of americans would have considered themselves christians, compared to 70% today. My point is if 90% were christians during segregation and slavery, how did these horrible things happen if not at the hands of those 90%.

So a very small percent of christians are decent. They are the fringe minority, not the assholes.

I'm not really all that into this debate tit for tat (perhaps, because I think it's a stupid debate). The only point I'm really trying to make is that you could ban religion and it wouldn't stop people from being assholes. It wouldn't stop them from doing bad things. In fact, I think people would do more bad things because they would be less in tune with their consciouses. I get so f'ing tired of idiots thinking that wars and all manner of attrocities would be no more and bla bla bla. It's a fairytale designed to soothe your own f'ing bigotry. Complete crap.
If there were no benefits or positives it wouldnt exist. But it has nothing to do with my bigotry. That's bs. If I think its bad for people that's my honest opinion and nothing bigoted about it. I see Arabs cutting peoples heads off and suppressing women in the name of god. I understand the christian delusion isnt nearly as bad but its still controlling and a scam.

Eventually religion won't argue with science. Already most theists believe evolution is true. They think god started the big bang. So I really have the most problem with theists who are anti science. They are bad for us. Sorry I have to tell even you nice theists why even you are dumb. Its like when Isis hangs out around innocent Muslims. They become casualties of the war. Collateral damage. Perhaps you shouldnt have entered the usmb warzone where you're going to hear the truth. There is no god. When you die it goes back to being just like it was the 14 billion years before you were born. Remember what the cosmos was like before you were born?
Sealy you are so extreme sometimes I think you are just joking. You are welcome to your opinion and if it floats your boat... mock away.
Do you really think you have a right to tell people what to think and not think and deciding (implying) who should post here.

pretty soon you will become a cosmos thumper...oh wait you are already doing that.:smile:
Its all down hill from here lol
You are incapable of fathoming that you pray to nothing all because you are an unevolved primitive superstitious human on this tiny rock who's fearful of death.
You are incapable of fathoming that you pray to nothing all because you are an unevolved primitive superstitious human on this tiny rock who's fearful of death.
You realize you have just revealed the source of your anger and fear.
From this article:

Das was an atheist who contributed to Mukto Mona ("Free Thinkers"), the blog that Roy founded.

Mukto Mona contains sections titled "Science" and "Rationalism," and most of the articles hold science up to religion as a litmus test, which it invariably fails.

While Das was critical of fundamentalism, in Islam and other religions, and of the attacks on secular thinkers, he was mostly concerned with championing science.

He was the editor of a local science magazine, Jukti ("Reason"), and wrote several books, including one work on Charles Darwin.

In 2006, the blog awarded Das its Rationalist Award for his "deep and courageous interest in spreading secular & humanist ideals and messages in a place which is not only remote, but doesn't have even a handful of rationalists."
The (second) video says he blogged for a site described as "a congregation of free thinkers, rationalists, skeptics and atheists".

The point is that Sealy was generalizing. He didn't say "Islamic extremists hack an atheist to death", he said "theists". Technically true, but deceptive. It suggests that the problem is indicative of the religious community in general instead of an extremist element in an extremist environment.

Not just murdered but hacked. With a knife. By theists who dont like athiests and free speech. Happened in Bengladesh

More like another anti-Muslim blogger was killed by Muslims, dude. It's not the Christians, Jews, Hindus or whomever going around killing these bloggers.

It's still unhinged zealot religious fanaticism, is it not?

The denomination is of little relevance. Fanaticism is fanaticism. The OP left a lot out, but his assessment of "theists who dont like athiests and free speech" does in fact hold true. Sometimes we have to stop looking at the tree and see the forest it's part of.

Seriously? That's your argument? Apples and hemlock are both plants. Do you think the fact that one provides nutrition to your body while the other will kill you has an relevance to what you should eat? Derp.

Failed analogy.
What the fuck is a "derp"?

Actually, it was a dead on analogy of your failed argument. For the derp's edification.

derp - Google Search

No it's a dead-failed analogy. What I did was expose your Composition Fallacy. There's nothing you can do about that. Except admit to it and correct it, or run away.
You are incapable of fathoming that you pray to nothing all because you are an unevolved primitive superstitious human on this tiny rock who's fearful of death.

Fools mock, but they shall mourn.
Hey I've lost loveones and while I'd love to believe grammas in heaven I highly doubt it.

Fine, you doubt it. But if you think you're gaining anything by mocking people's spiritual deeper spiritual beliefs, then that is fool hearty. It only confirms that you are immature. And I speak about this for what it's worth and not out offense. I have better things to do than to be offended by your ignorant, haphhazard assertions.
Last edited:
You are incapable of fathoming that you pray to nothing all because you are an unevolved primitive superstitious human on this tiny rock who's fearful of death.

Fools mock, but they shall mourn.
Hey I've lost loveones and while I'd love to believe grammas in heaven I highly doubt it.

Fine, you doubt it. But if you think you're gaining anything by mocking people's spiritual deeper spiritual beliefs, then that is fool hearty. It only confirms that you are immature. And I speak about this for what it's worth and not out offense. I have better things to do than to be offended by your ignorant, haphhazard assertions.
Then leave this topic.
You are incapable of fathoming that you pray to nothing all because you are an unevolved primitive superstitious human on this tiny rock who's fearful of death.

Fools mock, but they shall mourn.
Hey I've lost loveones and while I'd love to believe grammas in heaven I highly doubt it.

Fine, you doubt it. But if you think you're gaining anything by mocking people's spiritual deeper spiritual beliefs, then that is fool hearty. It only confirms that you are immature. And I speak about this for what it's worth and not out offense. I have better things to do than to be offended by your ignorant, haphhazard assertions.
Then leave this topic.

You mocking non-believers is on par with believes mocking non-believers. It's arrogant. You want me to leave cos you can't handle being called out.
You are incapable of fathoming that you pray to nothing all because you are an unevolved primitive superstitious human on this tiny rock who's fearful of death.

Fools mock, but they shall mourn.
Hey I've lost loveones and while I'd love to believe grammas in heaven I highly doubt it.

Fine, you doubt it. But if you think you're gaining anything by mocking people's spiritual deeper spiritual beliefs, then that is fool hearty. It only confirms that you are immature. And I speak about this for what it's worth and not out offense. I have better things to do than to be offended by your ignorant, haphhazard assertions.

"Ignorant haphazard assertions" like these?

It's still unhinged zealot religious fanaticism, is it not?

The denomination is secondary. Fanaticism is fanaticism.

I have no doubt that seeing it that way serves your extreme bias. But no, it's not the same. Muslims are easily the most violent religious group; and this so because their core beliefs are rooted in murder. So, no it's not the same; and for that matter it's not anything 'unhinged.' These guys are/were practicing what their beliefs say in black and white.

Actually that's what bigots like Gasbag are doing.

"Religious fanaticism" is general. Can happen anywhere. "Islam" is specific.

ALL of the bloggers killed were by MUSLIMS. This CLEARLY isn't about other religions; except, that you want to make it about your own BIGOTRY.

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