ANOTHER black hate crime on WHITE female

..if anything, the US has advanced blacks beyond the African blacks

Somehow, you probably think Africa is a bunch of native standing around a pot cooking a missionary.
illiteracy !!!! see the difference??!! between African and the US!!!


literally a shithole--sanitation:

potable WATER!!


Have you ever been to any countries in Africa?
yes -Tunisia--= shithole
some were riding donkeys!! there were grass conical huts...their military sucked

I wonder who made them shitholes as you call them. I could put much of the history up, but folks like you would blow it off as fake news.
--again, as I told Joe B---the Africans were behind the whites long before any whites got there--so you can't prove anyone MADE them shitholes except the Africans themselves
...a lot of Africans didn't even have a written language
Somehow, you probably think Africa is a bunch of native standing around a pot cooking a missionary.
illiteracy !!!! see the difference??!! between African and the US!!!


literally a shithole--sanitation:

potable WATER!!


Have you ever been to any countries in Africa?
yes -Tunisia--= shithole
some were riding donkeys!! there were grass conical huts...their military sucked

I wonder who made them shitholes as you call them. I could put much of the history up, but folks like you would blow it off as fake news.
--again, as I told Joe B---the Africans were behind the whites long before any whites got there--so you can't prove anyone MADE them shitholes except the Africans themselves
...a lot of Africans didn't even have a written language

Hate to tell you this but that is FALSE and history proves it.
--again, as I told Joe B---the Africans were behind the whites long before any whites got there--so you can't prove anyone MADE them shitholes except the Africans themselves
...a lot of Africans didn't even have a written language

Sue, when are you going to condemn this guy's racism? Or are you going to still Huff and Puff I called PC a mean name once.
..if anything, the US has advanced blacks beyond the African blacks

Somehow, you probably think Africa is a bunch of native standing around a pot cooking a missionary.
illiteracy !!!! see the difference??!! between African and the US!!!


literally a shithole--sanitation:

potable WATER!!


Have you ever been to any countries in Africa?
hahahh--that blows your mind--that I HAVE been to Africa--doesn't it?

Well you know we can say we have been done many things or been to many places on the internet.
hahahhaha--you fked up there !!
....I can bring up my posts [ posted long ago ] where I have said I was in the USMC--on SHIPS!! where do you think those ships go???!!!..I was on a Med Cruise in 1987
..sorry---you fked up big time......
of course--in your world---everyone is racist [ except blacks ] and everything we racists say is not true

..yes, Tunisia...and they had camels at the grass huts ....I've been there
their military looked like crap/etc
illiteracy !!!! see the difference??!! between African and the US!!!

Yes, imperialism has created vast difference in the world.

Hey, the Cleaners called. They got the soot stains out of your Klan Robes...
--again--they were illiterate and behind the whites long before the whites got there
..what don't you understand about that?
..if anything, the US has advanced blacks beyond the African blacks

Somehow, you probably think Africa is a bunch of native standing around a pot cooking a missionary.
illiteracy !!!! see the difference??!! between African and the US!!!


literally a shithole--sanitation:

potable WATER!!


Have you ever been to any countries in Africa?
hahahh--that blows your mind--that I HAVE been to Africa--doesn't it?

Well you know we can say we have been done many things or been to many places on the internet.
..I'd buy a lottery ticket if I were you---there can't be too many USMB members who have been to Africa....and not many to Tunisia--not many of any Americans
Foreign tourist numbers up 23 percent in Tunisia in 2017
but we have to worry about the poor BLACK criminals-
....this poor BLACK has 18 arrests for subway crimes--but if the cops shot him, the BLACKS would go crazy
...the community would be better off if he was dead--plain and simple..the community is better off when any CHRONIC, life long criminal is dead

Looks like the man has mental illness problems... and yeah, it would be a big deal if the cops shot him if he wasn't armed.

Funny thing, you right wingers let the Republican slash mental health spending to give tax cuts to rich people, and then whine when the mentally ill person scares you.
Actually it was liberals outraged that the mentally ill we being incarcerated in mental hospitals. Nice try though, and a reminder. People's money isn't the goverments.
but we have to worry about the poor BLACK criminals-
....this poor BLACK has 18 arrests for subway crimes--but if the cops shot him, the BLACKS would go crazy
...the community would be better off if he was dead--plain and simple..the community is better off when any CHRONIC, life long criminal is dead

Looks like the man has mental illness problems... and yeah, it would be a big deal if the cops shot him if he wasn't armed.

Funny thing, you right wingers let the Republican slash mental health spending to give tax cuts to rich people, and then whine when the mentally ill person scares you.
You are wrong Joe. You racist groids act like that because you are sociopaths with low IQs. Not because of your mental illness (TDS).
illiteracy !!!! see the difference??!! between African and the US!!!


literally a shithole--sanitation:

potable WATER!!


Have you ever been to any countries in Africa?
yes -Tunisia--= shithole
some were riding donkeys!! there were grass conical huts...their military sucked

I wonder who made them shitholes as you call them. I could put much of the history up, but folks like you would blow it off as fake news.
--again, as I told Joe B---the Africans were behind the whites long before any whites got there--so you can't prove anyone MADE them shitholes except the Africans themselves
...a lot of Africans didn't even have a written language

Hate to tell you this but that is FALSE and history proves it.
..the Africans were still in the stone age


Actually it was liberals outraged that the mentally ill we being incarcerated in mental hospitals. Nice try though, and a reminder. People's money isn't the goverments.

Money only exists because government prints it, dummy. Otherwise you'd all be in a barter economy.

The point was, when we should have transitioned from incarceration to outpatient programs, the GOP said, "Nope, we got to give tax cuts to rich people!" And Just like that, our streets were full of the homeless.
What indication do you have that he is mentally ill?

18 previous arrests for disorderly conduct on the subway.
Having multiple arrests isnt exactly an uncommon thing for people in black communities. So your saying that the rampant crime in black communities isnt a cultural issue, but rather because they are born to commit crimes? You do realize that is incredibly racist, dont you?
Last edited:
Actually it was liberals outraged that the mentally ill we being incarcerated in mental hospitals. Nice try though, and a reminder. People's money isn't the goverments.

Money only exists because government prints it, dummy. Otherwise you'd all be in a barter economy.

The point was, when we should have transitioned from incarceration to outpatient programs, the GOP said, "Nope, we got to give tax cuts to rich people!" And Just like that, our streets were full of the homeless.
We were convinced we needed a medium of exchange. And a fiat currency takes its cut. Legalized loansharking. The real mob.
What indication do you have that he is mentally ill?

18 previous arrests for disorderly conduct on the subway.
Having multiple arrests isnt exactly an uncommon thing for people in black communities. So your saying that the rampant crime in black communities isnt a cultural issue, but rather because they are born to commit crimes? You do realize that is incredibly racist, dont you?
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness. Racial disparities in arrest have consistently been far less among older population groups.[6
I know this is for 2008 and wiki--but it cites FBI stats/etc --the BOJ had the same stats--but they quit providing stats like this after 2008!!! hahahhah-- not politically correct!!!!
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
Have you ever been to any countries in Africa?
yes -Tunisia--= shithole
some were riding donkeys!! there were grass conical huts...their military sucked

I wonder who made them shitholes as you call them. I could put much of the history up, but folks like you would blow it off as fake news.
--again, as I told Joe B---the Africans were behind the whites long before any whites got there--so you can't prove anyone MADE them shitholes except the Africans themselves
...a lot of Africans didn't even have a written language

Hate to tell you this but that is FALSE and history proves it.
..the Africans were still in the stone age



A sharp pointed stick was basically the only thing Africans invented.
yes -Tunisia--= shithole
some were riding donkeys!! there were grass conical huts...their military sucked

I wonder who made them shitholes as you call them. I could put much of the history up, but folks like you would blow it off as fake news.
--again, as I told Joe B---the Africans were behind the whites long before any whites got there--so you can't prove anyone MADE them shitholes except the Africans themselves
...a lot of Africans didn't even have a written language

Hate to tell you this but that is FALSE and history proves it.
..the Africans were still in the stone age



A sharp pointed stick was basically the only thing Africans invented.

That's the lie you have repeated for centuries.

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