ANOTHER black hate crime on WHITE female

I would argue with you but I understand you have no ability to think independently Joe but just swallow your Overlords talking points wholesale

Sure you can... keep telling yourself, that. Seems I'm living in your head rent free because you really CAN'T counter what I say.

For the record, I voted Republican up until 2008. Then I realized several things.

1) The Republicans are only interested in helping the rich, and I wasn't rich. (This was emphasized when my boss screwed me over after I had medical issues, and proudly announced, "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union".

2) The religious loons have way too much power. I realized this when they had a conference after Obama won, and they had a parade that included Mitt "Magic Underpants" Romney, Sarah "Witch-hunter" Palin, Mike "The rapture" Huckabee and Bobby "the Exorcist" Jindal.

Holy shit, we are in the 21st century, we have computers and space shuttles, and THIS Kind of shit is still going on?
I would argue with you but I understand you have no ability to think independently Joe but just swallow your Overlords talking points wholesale

Sure you can... keep telling yourself, that. Seems I'm living in your head rent free because you really CAN'T counter what I say.

For the record, I voted Republican up until 2008. Then I realized several things.

1) The Republicans are only interested in helping the rich, and I wasn't rich. (This was emphasized when my boss screwed me over after I had medical issues, and proudly announced, "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union".

2) The religious loons have way too much power. I realized this when they had a conference after Obama won, and they had a parade that included Mitt "Magic Underpants" Romney, Sarah "Witch-hunter" Palin, Mike "The rapture" Huckabee and Bobby "the Exorcist" Jindal.

Holy shit, we are in the 21st century, we have computers and space shuttles, and THIS Kind of shit is still going on?

Joe it's always about you--your life, your little paradigm. You had a bad boss, you had a terrible experience with religion, you you you you you you you you you

you know grownups can often look at a bigger experience than their own to see what's good for their family, their children, their community, their society. I know this is well outside your wheelhouse. Believe me
See, she can't help herself, I live in her head, rent free.

Not lies, Joe, all true. But of course you found one Muslim who says different and bow down to Identity because you have no capacity to think independently. I understand this.

Um, no actually I posted anthropological studies that show the practice is only done in one part of North Africa, that it is practiced by Christians and Muslims alike, and that these things were done as far back as Ancient Egypt, judging by the mummies they found with their clits cut out.

Secondly, if you call people racist names you are racist.

Nope, I called her a funny name, because it's pretty clear she has no clue about real life. She just repeats whatever she reads on RIght Wing Blogs (Some of it quite crazy, like FDR was a communist) and acts like she had an original idea.

Third, you are spewing talking points about "what keeps people down". Yeah, so say your OVERLORDS.

Um, they aren't talking points, dummy. They are an analysis of economic changes over the last 50 years, that I can even see in my own life. I would love to have had the nice union job my Dad had... but those jobs don't really exist anymore. Do you ever wonder why, or who got rid of them?
See, she can't help herself, I live in her head, rent free.

Not lies, Joe, all true. But of course you found one Muslim who says different and bow down to Identity because you have no capacity to think independently. I understand this.

Um, no actually I posted anthropological studies that show the practice is only done in one part of North Africa, that it is practiced by Christians and Muslims alike, and that these things were done as far back as Ancient Egypt, judging by the mummies they found with their clits cut out.

Secondly, if you call people racist names you are racist.

Nope, I called her a funny name, because it's pretty clear she has no clue about real life. She just repeats whatever she reads on RIght Wing Blogs (Some of it quite crazy, like FDR was a communist) and acts like she had an original idea.

Third, you are spewing talking points about "what keeps people down". Yeah, so say your OVERLORDS.

Um, they aren't talking points, dummy. They are an analysis of economic changes over the last 50 years, that I can even see in my own life. I would love to have had the nice union job my Dad had... but those jobs don't really exist anymore. Do you ever wonder why, or who got rid of them?

Joe you were just on here complaining about some guy who has a 70K a year job driving truck for a union. So please, don't act like you love the unions now. Like all Leftists you just covet what you don't have.

Be better Joe. I have faith that you can be better, or I wouldn't type so much ink to hopefully open your eyes to what a total jerk you've allowed yourself to become

"Mr. Trailer Trash"

Your words
Joe it's always about you--your life, your little paradigm. You had a bad boss, you had a terrible experience with religion, you

Yes, I apply practical examples to why I think the way I do. When a nun said at my Mom's funeral that God had a reason, I gave it a lot of thought and realized there was no God.

you know grownups can often look at a bigger experience than their own to see what's good for their family, their children, their community, their society. I know this is well outside your wheelhouse. Believe me

Okay, I've done that. Our society has gotten MUCH MUCH worse in our lifetimes.

So, let's use a practical example. I was the first member of my family to graduate college. When I went to college, most of it was still subsidized by the state. (Tuition was only about $1500 a year at UIC, and the Army picked that up for me.) So between the National Guard and two minimum wage jobs, I was able to work my way through college with no debt.

Today, these kids get saddled with college that costs $20,000 a year, they come out with massive debts, they have to wait until they are in their 30's to start families (by which time their biological clocks are running down), and at every turn, the one percent are trying to find new ways to screw them.

This is massively fucked up... we are doing ourselves no favors, and if anything, we are making the working class weaker.
You're thinking is too simple by half because that's all you're capable of, obviously, Joe. So I am left only to tell you that you are a blazing asshole. Really. One of the biggest assholes I have ever encountered online. I even hate the word asshole and I hate cursing, but there's no other word for the kind of ugliness you are.

So you aren't even going to try to get your tiny little mind around the concepts explained to you, are you? I've put the concept in the simplest terms I could, and you still couldn't grasp that if you aren't rich, voting for a Republican makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

View attachment 286358

I don't "hate" Mr. Trailer Trash with his bad teeth. I pity him. He's been so brainwashed with racism and religion that he can't see his own self-interests every time he painfully bites down on his grits.

Kind of like you do.
..if anything, the US has advanced blacks beyond the African blacks
Joe you were just on here complaining about some guy who has a 70K a year job driving truck for a union. So please, don't act like you love the unions now. Like all Leftists you just covet what you don't have.

Um, no, once again, you missed the point of that conversation. Do you have some kind of reading comprehension disability?

I make better than that, and I don't have to pick up garbage for a living. The point I was making is this guy is in a union in the city, has a good paying job (which I don't begrudge him, I wouldn't pick up garbage for that price), but yet he sits in his truck all day, listening to hate radio, supports Trump, and votes for Republicans.

And when I explained to him that out in the Republican Suburb where I live, we don't have unions, we have private services where you might make $18.00 an hour doing the same job, and they'd probably have cashiered his ass by now because he's in his 50's and not as productive...

For the record, he's about as clueless as you are....
Today, these kids get saddled with college that costs $20,000 a year, they come out with massive debts, they have to wait until they are in their 30's to start families (by which time their biological clocks are running down), and at every turn, the one percent are trying to find new ways to screw them.
Like healthcare we have Democrats to thank for this because you brought the deep pockets of government in to subsidize this
I would argue with you but I understand you have no ability to think independently Joe but just swallow your Overlords talking points wholesale

Sure you can... keep telling yourself, that. Seems I'm living in your head rent free because you really CAN'T counter what I say.

For the record, I voted Republican up until 2008. Then I realized several things.

1) The Republicans are only interested in helping the rich, and I wasn't rich. (This was emphasized when my boss screwed me over after I had medical issues, and proudly announced, "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union".

2) The religious loons have way too much power. I realized this when they had a conference after Obama won, and they had a parade that included Mitt "Magic Underpants" Romney, Sarah "Witch-hunter" Palin, Mike "The rapture" Huckabee and Bobby "the Exorcist" Jindal.

Holy shit, we are in the 21st century, we have computers and space shuttles, and THIS Kind of shit is still going on?

Joe it's always about you--your life, your little paradigm. You had a bad boss, you had a terrible experience with religion, you you you you you you you you you

you know grownups can often look at a bigger experience than their own to see what's good for their family, their children, their community, their society. I know this is well outside your wheelhouse. Believe me

Hmmm, but most folks vote THEIR wallet not their neighbors and most folks form their opinions from their own personal life experiences.
Be better Joe. I have faith that you can be better, or I wouldn't type so much ink to hopefully open your eyes to what a total jerk you've allowed yourself to become

I have opened my eyes. that's the point.

I KNOW who my enemies are. It's the rich who want to screw me and the stupid white trash, bible thumping assholes who keep voting for them because they hate Gays and Mexicans, just like Zombie Jesus does..
You're thinking is too simple by half because that's all you're capable of, obviously, Joe. So I am left only to tell you that you are a blazing asshole. Really. One of the biggest assholes I have ever encountered online. I even hate the word asshole and I hate cursing, but there's no other word for the kind of ugliness you are.

So you aren't even going to try to get your tiny little mind around the concepts explained to you, are you? I've put the concept in the simplest terms I could, and you still couldn't grasp that if you aren't rich, voting for a Republican makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

View attachment 286358

I don't "hate" Mr. Trailer Trash with his bad teeth. I pity him. He's been so brainwashed with racism and religion that he can't see his own self-interests every time he painfully bites down on his grits.

Kind of like you do.
..if anything, the US has advanced blacks beyond the African blacks

Has the US advanced whites beyond European whites? That stupid ass statement makes no sense.
..if anything, the US has advanced blacks beyond the African blacks

Somehow, you probably think Africa is a bunch of native standing around a pot cooking a missionary.
illiteracy !!!! see the difference??!! between African and the US!!!


literally a shithole--sanitation:

potable WATER!!

You're thinking is too simple by half because that's all you're capable of, obviously, Joe. So I am left only to tell you that you are a blazing asshole. Really. One of the biggest assholes I have ever encountered online. I even hate the word asshole and I hate cursing, but there's no other word for the kind of ugliness you are.

So you aren't even going to try to get your tiny little mind around the concepts explained to you, are you? I've put the concept in the simplest terms I could, and you still couldn't grasp that if you aren't rich, voting for a Republican makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

View attachment 286358

I don't "hate" Mr. Trailer Trash with his bad teeth. I pity him. He's been so brainwashed with racism and religion that he can't see his own self-interests every time he painfully bites down on his grits.

Kind of like you do.
..if anything, the US has advanced blacks beyond the African blacks

Has the US advanced whites beyond European whites? That stupid ass statement makes no sense.
please see post # 73 for the FACTS--undeniable truth
where are your stats?
..if anything, the US has advanced blacks beyond the African blacks

Somehow, you probably think Africa is a bunch of native standing around a pot cooking a missionary.
illiteracy !!!! see the difference??!! between African and the US!!!


literally a shithole--sanitation:

potable WATER!!


Have you ever been to any countries in Africa?
yes -Tunisia--= shithole
some were riding donkeys!! there were grass conical huts...their military sucked
Like healthcare we have Democrats to thank for this because you brought the deep pockets of government in to subsidize this

Um, no.

Why is college so expensive now?

When I went to UIC, most of the operations of the campus were paid for by the state. So, yeah, you had to pay tuition, there were usually scholarships available. I had a military scholarship.

Several things have drive up the cost of tuition.

The first is the demand is higher. Most office jobs require at least a bachelor's degree.

The second is that the states cut back on funding to state schools like UIC, so tuition at UIC went from $1500 when I went there in 1985 (about $3600 in today's money ) to $18,000 today. That's a 300% increase even accounting for inflation.

The third is that all the universities are in kind of an arms race on facilities. You want to attract students to your school, you need a bigger stadium, bigger dorms, a nicer student union building.

At UIC, they have the Pavilion for their sports teams, they just put it up the year I graduated. UIC has never had a good sports team. If you have athletic ability, you don't go to UIC, you go to a school known for that. So they pretty much give away tickets to the games in whatever division no one cares about. "Go Flames" said no one, ever.

I visited UIC a couple of months ago, it was like visiting a mall.
..if anything, the US has advanced blacks beyond the African blacks

Somehow, you probably think Africa is a bunch of native standing around a pot cooking a missionary.
illiteracy !!!! see the difference??!! between African and the US!!!


literally a shithole--sanitation:

potable WATER!!


Have you ever been to any countries in Africa?
hahahh--that blows your mind--that I HAVE been to Africa--doesn't it?
..if anything, the US has advanced blacks beyond the African blacks

Somehow, you probably think Africa is a bunch of native standing around a pot cooking a missionary.
illiteracy !!!! see the difference??!! between African and the US!!!


literally a shithole--sanitation:

potable WATER!!


Have you ever been to any countries in Africa?
yes -Tunisia--= shithole
some were riding donkeys!! there were grass conical huts...their military sucked

I wonder who made them shitholes as you call them. I could put much of the history up, but folks like you would blow it off as fake news.
..if anything, the US has advanced blacks beyond the African blacks

Somehow, you probably think Africa is a bunch of native standing around a pot cooking a missionary.
illiteracy !!!! see the difference??!! between African and the US!!!


literally a shithole--sanitation:

potable WATER!!


Have you ever been to any countries in Africa?
hahahh--that blows your mind--that I HAVE been to Africa--doesn't it?

Well you know we can say we have been done many things or been to many places on the internet.

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