Another Black Loser Gets Shot By Police - Jacob Blake Deserved What He Got

Right to the straw man.

I'm used to it.
Straw man?????????


The guy was walking away from police who were ordering him to stop. He continued to walk right to his car WHERE A LOADED WEAPON COULD HAVE EASILY BEEN ACCESSED!!!

What part of that did I get wrong?
My goodness. You and I really do exist in different universes. That is not "exactly what I fucking said". What I actually said was: "Yeah, this is bad. Again. We'll see if he had a gun, but that's still not good enough." In other words, I was offering benefit of the doubt. There may have been a gun on his seat, for example.

And then YOU said: "So, in your opinion, the cops have to wait until one of them is actually shot before they can protect themselves? Seriously?" No, YOU said that, not me. I said nothing like "the cops have to wait until one of them is actually shot before they can protect themselves."

So that is clearly not what I said. You are so far gone that you are no longer connected to reality. I can't help you.

This is now scary. I have to admit it.
Why didnt the black guy stop walking to his car as the cops told him to?
Right to the straw man.

I'm used to it.
Straw man?????????


The guy was walking away from police who were ordering him to stop. He continued to walk right to his car WHERE A LOADED WEAPON COULD HAVE EASILY BEEN ACCESSED!!!

What part of that did I get wrong?
My goodness. You and I really do exist in different universes. That is not "exactly what I fucking said". What I actually said was: "Yeah, this is bad. Again. We'll see if he had a gun, but that's still not good enough." In other words, I was offering benefit of the doubt. There may have been a gun on his seat, for example.

And then YOU said: "So, in your opinion, the cops have to wait until one of them is actually shot before they can protect themselves? Seriously?" No, YOU said that, not me. I said nothing like "the cops have to wait until one of them is actually shot before they can protect themselves."

So that is clearly not what I said. You are so far gone that you are no longer connected to reality. I can't help you.

This is now scary. I have to admit it.
Why didnt the black guy stop walking to his car as the cops told him to?
I'd like to know that too.
"He was reaching for a gun"

What ever happened to the second amendment?

Suddenly, when it's a black man that has a gun the second amendment isn't valid.

The cop's life wasn't threatened until he had the gun in his hand and started pointing it at the cop.

This was MURDER!!!
OF on tv, wait for the guy to grab the gun and point it at you, then just wing em or shoot the gun out of his hand. Perfect solution there wacko.
I really have no sympathy for uppity Africans who do as they please.
OBEY or die eh? Deplorables are phascist phucks, every one.
DROP DEAD, Asswipe. It is called AUTHORITY. The Rule of Law. Necessary for any civilized society.

You obey your father. He is authority.

You obey the police office. He is authority.

Your father's authority is absolute.

You decide the correctness of the officer's actions in a court of law.

If you can't live in a civil society, get on the next plane the hell outta here back to Mombasa.
Every time there's a shooting on video tape, the guy who got shot refused to stand still when the cops told them to freeze

And for such a hideous crime, summary execution is the proper response! Gotta love Trumpsters puffing out their self-righteous little chests!
For making a move that is dangerous to police. How much bullshit do police have to endure before self defense is available?
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"Unrest continued in Kenosha early Monday morning after police shot a man in the 2800 block of 40th Street sometime after 5:11 p.m., the encounter partially captured in a video that showed an officer firing several shots at close range into the man's back. Wisconsin officials identified the shooting victim as Jacob Blake, a Black man. He was in serious condition at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee as of early Monday morning, law enforcement said."

First of all, this guy is no victim, he brought all of this on himself. Witnesses claim the police were called to a domestic disturbance at which the suspect was attempting to break up a fight...I am sure there is more than what the video shows, but the video itself clearly shows the man disobeying police orders, walking to his car to get a weapon -- and the police had no choice but to shoot this guy has a criminal record.....

Now the governor is taking the side of the black thug and not the police; there are riots in the streets of Democrat run Kenosha..none of this rioting and violence will be happening in Trump's second term -- he is allowing it to happen now to teach dumb black voters a lesson, but when he is re-elected -- he will turn the streets crimson with their blood and cleanse our nation..

But wait a minute. Police had this man at gunpoint. Despite that, he ignored their direction, walked away and got into his car where he could have been going for a concealed weapon.

So what's the problem here?

That when police tell white people to stop and desist, they don't try to walk away and force police to shoot them for appearing to be reaching for a concealed gun?

Rules dont apply to blacks. That's what too many believe anyway. They think they can do as they please because they know all their hot head "brothers" have their back and will destroy cities if cops lay a finger on them.

Dont want to die? OBEY a cop if he feels threatened enough to pull a gun on you.

I really have no sympathy for uppity Africans who do as they please.

OBEY or die eh? Deplorables are phascist phucks, every one.

Do you really think its smart to turn your back on a cop or 5 who feel the need to draw guns on your uppity ass?

Are you retarded?
OK. I watched the brief video. Captain Obvious is forced to ask a few questions.

Why was this being filmed and by whom?
What happened before the camera got turned on?
What were the cops saying to the guy wearing the wife beater?
Why were the cops following the guy to his car?
Why did the guy appear to be reaching for something in his car rather than simply slipping into the drivers seat?

There ya go again muddying up a great emotional story with valid questions....

For making a move that is dangerous to police. How much bullshit do police have to endure before self defense is available?

According to the new DNC Platform proposed by AOC and the Squad, policemen must wait until they are shot TWICE (twice to ensure the 1st time was not an accident) before they can then draw their weapon and aim for the non-vital locations on their attacker's LEGS or ARMS....

It’s a shame that you hate blacks so much that you exonerate a complete psychopath cop
You really are filled with malice and hate
I only hate 85% of them -- not the 15% that are good the wonderful Candace Owens and to a lesser extent, Diamond & Silk....they have fell off a bit, but they still do their best to show they are good blks...and that means alot...
You got the ratio about right. What percent are felons again?
"He was reaching for a gun"

What ever happened to the second amendment?

Suddenly, when it's a black man that has a gun the second amendment isn't valid.

The cop's life wasn't threatened until he had the gun in his hand and started pointing it at the cop.

This was MURDER!!!

You think the second amendment means you can pull a gun on a cop?

You know what, you're right. Do it
I really have no sympathy for uppity Africans who do as they please.
OBEY or die eh? Deplorables are phascist phucks, every one.
DROP DEAD, Asswipe. It is called AUTHORITY. The Rule of Law. Necessary for any civilized society.

You obey your father. He is authority.

You obey the police office. He is authority.

Your father's authority is absolute.

You decide the correctness of the officer's actions in a court of law.

If you can't live in a civil society, get on the next plane the hell outta here back to Mombasa.

A civil society does not allow those in charge of enforcing laws to violate the civil rights of citizens. In a civil society those who are in charge of enforcing laws are trained to NEVER violate someone's civil rights.

No, you never voluntarily give up your civil rights.
Every time there's a shooting on video tape, the guy who got shot refused to stand still when the cops told them to freeze

And for such a hideous crime, summary execution is the proper response! Gotta love Trumpsters puffing out their self-righteous little chests!

That's just stupid. That is how cops get killed. You have no idea how fast someone can grab a gun and shoot before they can react. What are you going to do when you can't hire a cop to save your life. Literally ...

I'm not a defunder. I think police should be paid (at least) twice their current salary. And then be fired at the slightest hint of this kind of stupidity.

Yeah, but then you turn around and tie their hands not letting them respond until one of them gets killed.

The guy ignored the cops and reached into his car. It's a flash from there to kill a cop and you still won't let the cops act to defend themselves.

Think about it, you're behind a guy ignoring you reaching into his car, you can't see what he's reaching for. You're going to just keep waiting until you see something definitive? Which may be after you're dead?

They were shitty cops. They didn't control the situation. I'm not saying it's an easy job, and I wouldn't want to do it. But it's too important to trust to people who can't handle it.

Not from that video. The cops were behind him and had no chance to stop him from getting into the car. Did you see video from before that you're referencing and not telling me about or you just pulled it out of your ass?
They could have easily stopped him before he ever opened the door. Seriously, if a cop can't handle a situation like that without killing someone - they should not be a cop.

Again, not in the video in the OP. That's why I asked were you're getting your information.

Repeating your unsupported statement doesn't answer the question.

Also, you know the guy who fired the taser grabbed it when they tried to wrestle him to the ground. You say it like it just happens
Right to the straw man.

I'm used to it.
Straw man?????????


The guy was walking away from police who were ordering him to stop. He continued to walk right to his car WHERE A LOADED WEAPON COULD HAVE EASILY BEEN ACCESSED!!!

What part of that did I get wrong?
My goodness. You and I really do exist in different universes. That is not "exactly what I fucking said". What I actually said was: "Yeah, this is bad. Again. We'll see if he had a gun, but that's still not good enough." In other words, I was offering benefit of the doubt. There may have been a gun on his seat, for example.

And then YOU said: "So, in your opinion, the cops have to wait until one of them is actually shot before they can protect themselves? Seriously?" No, YOU said that, not me. I said nothing like "the cops have to wait until one of them is actually shot before they can protect themselves."

So that is clearly not what I said. You are so far gone that you are no longer connected to reality. I can't help you.

This is now scary. I have to admit it.
Why didnt the black guy stop walking to his car as the cops told him to?
Who knows? Maybe he's deaf. Does it matter? Should he get shot seven times for that?
7 times in the back!!
Cop must be charged with first degree murder
This psycho must be in jail for life
Murder? DId he die? I heard he was still alive.
He shot an unarmed man in the back 7 times and you defend this psychopath cop
You’re a mentally sick , deranged creep
Get a grip. And learn to read. I'm not defending anything. I was just asking if the man they shot is still alive.
He is in the IC unit
This cop is going to prison that I guarantee
If he do (a little black English) expect the crime rate on your ghettos to skyrocket. Are you capable of understanding why?
Every time there's a shooting on video tape, the guy who got shot refused to stand still when the cops told them to freeze

And for such a hideous crime, summary execution is the proper response! Gotta love Trumpsters puffing out their self-righteous little chests!
For making a move that is dangerous to police. How much bullshit do police have to endure before self defense is available?
How about enough? Enough that they don't end up shooting an unarmed man in the back seven times in front of his children.

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