Another Black Loser Gets Shot By Police - Jacob Blake Deserved What He Got

Disgusting. Cops have gone rogue.

That cop deserves a first degree murder charge and life in prison.

Of course, the cops will claim he had a gun in the car.
Yeah, this is bad. Again. We'll see if he had a gun, but that's still not good enough.
So, in your opinion, the cops have to wait until one of them is actually shot before they can protect themselves?

There's simply no justification for shooting someone in the back.

Now, given the current social climate in this country, and the absolute disdain blacks have for cops, I can understand the cops being on edge. But there was no weapon. He just as easily could've been trying to get into the car to get a candy bar as a gun...
That's really dumb ....
yeah, he was going for a candy bar during a confrontation with the cops, because that's what thugs do.

The point is that the cops were not being threatened. They cannot claim self defense.

I'm not defending the guy who was shot; he definitely should've stopped. I am, however, saying that, unless the cop who fired the shots says he saw the black guy reaching for a gun (and a gun was actually present), he's probably fucked...
I believe the cop will be fine.....the black guy had a criminal record and he probably said some bad things on his instagram page about police -- so that helps make the shooting more justified....

The cop probably followed the guy on Twitter and was aware of his shady past...
He was shot in the back....there is no autopsy because he is still would know that if you read the link
With any luck there'll be an autopsy soon. Hell, why wait till he's dead?
I mean you can pray for his death if that will make you feel better
I would no more pray for his death than I would for his life. He lives about 7,000 miles away from me. Now, if he were my neighbor ...
He was reaching for a gun, you can see it in the video... No, there wasn't a gun there but he wanted them to think it they shot him....

This makes exactly no sense..

If he didn't have a gun, what would be the upside of making the police think he did? There's not an iota of logic in that line of reasoning...

Plus he has a criminal record, so that makes it justified....

In what jurisdiction does someone's criminal record justify them being shot in the back seven times? I'm not arguing that the guy wasn't a scumbag, but your statement is simply not true. His criminal record does not justify this cop shooting him.

But, please, go ahead and cite the law(s) in Kenosha, Wisconsin which state that a suspect's criminal record justifies him being shot.

We'll wait...

and his kids were in the car, they too could have been armed...

I believe the cop will be fine.....the black guy had a criminal record and he probably said some bad things on his instagram page about police -- so that helps make the shooting more justified.

No, it doesn't.Do you seriously want to rely on "probably said bad things on his Instagram page" as justification for shooting the guy? That's just about the most retarded fucking thing I've ever seen on USMB, and I've seen some pretty retarded shit here...

The cop probably followed the guy on Twitter and was aware of his shady past...

You're either retarded or you're on drugs. That can be the only explanation for the level of idiocy present in your posts...
Disgusting. Cops have gone rogue.

That cop deserves a first degree murder charge and life in prison.

Of course, the cops will claim he had a gun in the car.
Yeah, this is bad. Again. We'll see if he had a gun, but that's still not good enough.
So, in your opinion, the cops have to wait until one of them is actually shot before they can protect themselves?

Right to the straw man.

I'm used to it.
Why did the guy appear to be reaching for something in his car rather than simply slipping into the drivers seat?
Seems pretty obvious to me that most people entering the driver's side of a vehicle do reach for something rather than just jump up or plop down into the seat. Many call it a steering wheel.
Uh huh. This steering wheel was apparently located on the floor in front of the driver seat.
Shooting a man in the back has always been considered cowardly.

Making things up is cowardly also. There was no gun in the car,

How would you describe running to your car when the police tell you to stop???

Just as you did. Its not a reason to shoot him in the back.

As far as we know he had done nothing wrong. Keep the guns holstered.
I believe the cop will be fine.....the black guy had a criminal record and he probably said some bad things on his instagram page about police -- so that helps make the shooting more justified.

No, it doesn't.Do you seriously want to rely on "probably said bad things on his Instagram page" as justification for shooting the guy? That's just about the most retarded fucking thing I've ever seen on USMB, and I've seen some pretty retarded shit here...

The cop probably followed the guy on Twitter and was aware of his shady past...

You're either retarded or you're on drugs. That can be the only explanation for the level of idiocy present in your posts...
He has a previous record for domestic violence and he also pointed a gun at someone at a bar -- this just adds to the fact that this guy was a bad actor and the cops needed to take him out for their own protection...

He also had this as his cover page on Facebook -- which is what most top level Antifa lieutenants have on their page to show they hate cops...
He was reaching for a gun, you can see it in the video... No, there wasn't a gun there but he wanted them to think it they shot him....

This makes exactly no sense..

If he didn't have a gun, what would be the upside of making the police think he did? There's not an iota of logic in that line of reasoning...

Plus he has a criminal record, so that makes it justified....

In what jurisdiction does someone's criminal record justify them being shot in the back seven times? I'm not arguing that the guy wasn't a scumbag, but your statement is simply not true. His criminal record does not justify this cop shooting him.

But, please, go ahead and cite the law(s) in Kenosha, Wisconsin which state that a suspect's criminal record justifies him being shot.

We'll wait...

and his kids were in the car, they too could have been armed...


Think he did? He was getting in his car to go home.

I think you are emphasizing the problem.
Shooting a man in the back has always been considered cowardly.

Making things up is cowardly also. There was no gun in the car,
This isn't the Wild West genius ....

And yet that is what some seem to want. All the same, nothing has changed. Shooting a man in the back is cowardly.

So you should wait until he turns around and puts a few rounds in you?
No such thing as fair in a life or death situation.

With what? One of the kids happy meal toys?
Shooting a man in the back has always been considered cowardly.

Making things up is cowardly also. There was no gun in the car,
This isn't the Wild West genius ....

And yet that is what some seem to want. All the same, nothing has changed. Shooting a man in the back is cowardly.

So you should wait until he turns around and puts a few rounds in you?
No such thing as fair in a life or death situation.

With what? One of the kids happy meal toys?

We dont know if there was a gun or not.
But that cop didnt know either....
There was a gun, possibly multiple guns...just look at the guy? He has a record.

Plus on his social media page, there is a video of him dancing with half-naked women, which means he could probably be involved with sex trafficking
It's probably going to be difficult now for him to "dance with half naked women" with 7 bullet wholes, wouldn't you think?
Hopefully he will die from his wounds....and that will show his bastard kids a valuable lesson.....they will be so triggered....

What is this "disdain" that "blacks have for cops?" I'm not black, but I think that there needs to be a national review of our policing. There are racists in police departments who need to be booted out.; those who violate their oaths and cannot "protect and serve." All people need to have faith in the police.
13% of the population that commits over 50% of the violent crime ......

What could this disdain every be ..... :slap:
13% of the population that commits over 50% of the violent crime ......
Nice retarded trope.

13% don't commit 50% of the violent crime, dope.
A very small percentage of the nearly 48 million black folks in America acually commit crimes at all.
99.9% of black folks muder no one just as 99.9% of whites murder no one.
What is this "disdain" that "blacks have for cops?" I'm not black, but I think that there needs to be a national review of our policing. There are racists in police departments who need to be booted out.; those who violate their oaths and cannot "protect and serve." All people need to have faith in the police.
13% of the population that commits over 50% of the violent crime ......

What could this disdain every be ..... :slap:
13% of the population that commits over 50% of the violent crime ......
Nice retarded trope.

13% don't commit 50% of the violent crime, dope.
A very small percentage of the nearly 48 million black folks in America acually commit crimes at all.
99.9% of black folks muder no one just as 99.9% of whites murder no one.
That 0.01% of blacks that do "muder" must be serial killers then.
That 0.01% of blacks that do "muder" must be serial killers then.
You must be retarded then.
Shooting a man in the back has always been considered cowardly.

Making things up is cowardly also. There was no gun in the car,
This isn't the Wild West genius ....

And yet that is what some seem to want. All the same, nothing has changed. Shooting a man in the back is cowardly.

So you should wait until he turns around and puts a few rounds in you?
No such thing as fair in a life or death situation.

With what? One of the kids happy meal toys?

We dont know if there was a gun or not.
But that cop didnt know either....

That could be true of every single person they approach. That could be true of every single person anyone approaches.

Should we all just shoot each other?
do you remember the story about the little boy who cried wolf?

if not dont worry

because its been playing out in real life across America starting with that brn fool barack obama and the crazy black harvard professor who cried wolf about a white cop who was just doing his job

then libs doubled down and cried wolf again over the george zimmerman/travvon martin incident

then it was on the baltimore and the slander of the police again

and again in Ferguson MO with the ”gentle giant” thug and thief

in every case obama tried to blame white cops every time a jury disagreed

now this which almost seems as if the wolf really did come to eat the sheep

but for liberal race baiters it may be too little, too late

If this is all the fault of Democrats, why are large American cities paying out over $250 million per year in “excessive violence” claims against their police forces?

If this is just bullshit, why are more Americans in prison that any other nation on the world? More than totalitarian states like Russia or China? And why are those prisoners more likely to be brown or black?

Why do 1500 Americans die every year at the hands of the police? France is number 2 in the world at 26, and 9 of those deaths were armed terrorists.

Why do Americans accept 35,000 gun deaths and over 100,000 gun injuries ever year as the “cost” of the 2nd Amendment.
He was shot in the back....there is no autopsy because he is still would know that if you read the link
With any luck there'll be an autopsy soon. Hell, why wait till he's dead?
I mean you can pray for his death if that will make you feel better
I would no more pray for his death than I would for his life. He lives about 7,000 miles away from me. Now, if he were my neighbor ...
7000 miles huh? Like near Moscow?
Shooting a man in the back has always been considered cowardly.

Making things up is cowardly also. There was no gun in the car,

How would you describe running to your car when the police tell you to stop???

Just as you did. Its not a reason to shoot him in the back.

As far as we know he had done nothing wrong. Keep the guns holstered.

It's been reported that there was a warrant for his arrest. Still not a reason to put seven bullets in the guy's back, but he was no angel...
Shooting a man in the back has always been considered cowardly.

Making things up is cowardly also. There was no gun in the car,
This isn't the Wild West genius ....

And yet that is what some seem to want. All the same, nothing has changed. Shooting a man in the back is cowardly.

So you should wait until he turns around and puts a few rounds in you?
No such thing as fair in a life or death situation.

With what? One of the kids happy meal toys?

We dont know if there was a gun or not.
But that cop didnt know either....

That could be true of every single person they approach. That could be true of every single person anyone approaches.

Should we all just shoot each other?

What a stupid statement.
Is every person the cop approaches resisting arrest?

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