Another Black Loser Gets Shot By Police - Jacob Blake Deserved What He Got

He isn't dead. He is out of surgery and recovering nicely. What is it with blacks who think they are outside the law? Nothing applies to them. They can ignore police commands. This guy was shot because of an overabundance of defiance.
So a cop has every right to shoot you, if you refuse his commands. Is that what you want? If so, we might as well call them the Gestapo.
I today's atmosphere of BLM and Antifa cop hating what do you expect when a person refuses to haly and goes into their car reaching toward the floorboard?

PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, Maryland -- Three Prince George's County police officers were shot after being ambushed while responding to call Sunday night.

The officers were called at 6:35 p.m. Sunday to the 1300 block of Capital View Terrace for a home invasion, according to WBAL-TV.
I expect the cops to control the situation, not escalate it. I expect cops not acting as executioner.
They expected the guy to stop and obviously he didn't.
Kill him then. I guess some want to live in a police state.
Would it be possible for people to stop jumping to conclusions before the evidence is out about what really happened here? Why do we keep doing the same thing? Writing the "narrative" before we know the facts? It's destructive and we need to stop!
The video is short and certaily doesn't represent the entire incident. It does however show that the officers did not try to physically stop the man but instead held him at gunpoint. No taser or pepperspray?

They acted stupidly given the current climate.
He isn't dead. He is out of surgery and recovering nicely. What is it with blacks who think they are outside the law? Nothing applies to them. They can ignore police commands. This guy was shot because of an overabundance of defiance.
So a cop has every right to shoot you, if you refuse his commands. Is that what you want? If so, we might as well call them the Gestapo.
Well. You do want a black gestapo. Blacks, by virtue of their skin color, do not have to obey any commands by the police. This is royalty based on skin color. They can do anything they want. Not merely above the law. Completely outside the law. To expect a black to obey any law at all is to be a gestapo.
You’re nuts.

You tend to say that a lot. Is that your go to slogan when you have nothing of substance to add?
Yes, but only with you.
A black man quietly walking into his truck was shot by a cop. His children were watching in the truck.
Here's the video. Anyone feel free to tell me why this man got shot. This is murder.
Expect huge protests. Not just on Wisconsin. But in the nation.
Sure, and Big Mike had his hands up yelling don't shoot. It's not our first rodeo.
Of course, none of us know the whole story yet. But it certainly doesnt look good for the cops.
He was reaching for a gun, you can see it in the video...

No, there wasn't a gun there but he wanted them to think it they shot him....

Plus he has a criminal record, so that makes it justified....and his kids were in the car, they too could have been armed...

Do you know there wasnt a gun?
There was a gun, possibly multiple guns...just look at the guy? He has a record.

Plus on his social media page, there is a video of him dancing with half-naked women, which means he could probably be involved with sex trafficking
So you dont. Ok.
Black people are Committing suicide they are extremely oppressed and towns run by democrats. And they are using the police to execute their suicide. The insurance payouts are $7 million.. That shit needs to end quick
What is this "disdain" that "blacks have for cops?" I'm not black, but I think that there needs to be a national review of our policing. There are racists in police departments who need to be booted out.; those who violate their oaths and cannot "protect and serve." All people need to have faith in the police.
13% of the population that commits over 50% of the violent crime ......

What could this disdain every be ..... :slap:
13% of the population that commits over 50% of the violent crime ......
Nice retarded trope.

13% don't commit 50% of the violent crime, dope.
A very small percentage of the nearly 48 million black folks in America acually commit crimes at all.
99.9% of black folks muder no one just as 99.9% of whites murder no one.
The idea that there was or could have been a weapon exists soley in your biased imagination.
Scary blacks = concealed weapons. Shoot first.

The reality and truth of the matter is that those officers had several options other than lethal force.
The idea that there was not or could not have been a weapon exists soley in your biased imagination.
The idea that there was not or could not have been a weapon exists soley in your biased imagination
They did nothing to stop him from getting in the car. They did not control their scene.
And yet that is what some seem to want. All the same, nothing has changed. Shooting a man in the back is cowardly.
Have you seen the autopsy?

You don't know if he was shot in the back.

And, even if he was it is irrelevant.


Why in God's name would there be an autopsy? He's still alive.

Perhaps you should pay closer attention...
There's simply no justification for shooting someone in the back.

Now, given the current social climate in this country, and the absolute disdain blacks have for cops, I can understand the cops being on edge. But there was no weapon. He just as easily could've been trying to get into the car to get a candy bar as a gun...
That's really dumb ....
yeah, he was going for a candy bar during a confrontation with the cops, because that's what thugs do.

The point is that the cops were not being threatened. They cannot claim self defense.

I'm not defending the guy who was shot; he definitely should've stopped. I am, however, saying that, unless the cop who fired the shots says he saw the black guy reaching for a gun (and a gun was actually present), he's probably fucked...

"Unrest continued in Kenosha early Monday morning after police shot a man in the 2800 block of 40th Street sometime after 5:11 p.m., the encounter partially captured in a video that showed an officer firing several shots at close range into the man's back. Wisconsin officials identified the shooting victim as Jacob Blake, a Black man. He was in serious condition at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee as of early Monday morning, law enforcement said."

First of all, this guy is no victim, he brought all of this on himself. Witnesses claim the police were called to a domestic disturbance at which the suspect was attempting to break up a fight...I am sure there is more than what the video shows, but the video itself clearly shows the man disobeying police orders, walking to his car to get a weapon -- and the police had no choice but to shoot this guy has a criminal record.....

Now the governor is taking the side of the black thug and not the police; there are riots in the streets of Democrat run Kenosha..none of this rioting and violence will be happening in Trump's second term -- he is allowing it to happen now to teach dumb black voters a lesson, but when he is re-elected -- he will turn the streets crimson with their blood and cleanse our nation..

But wait a minute. Police had this man at gunpoint. Despite that, he ignored their direction, walked away and got into his car where he could have been going for a concealed weapon.

So what's the problem here?

That when police tell white people to stop and desist, they don't try to walk away and force police to shoot them for appearing to be reaching for a concealed gun?

But wait a minute. Police had this man at gunpoint. Despite that, he ignored their direction, walked away and got into his car where he could have been going for a concealed weapon.

So what's the problem here?

That when police tell white people to stop and desist, they don't try to walk away and force police to shoot them for appearing to be reaching for a concealed gun?
The idea that there was or could have been a weapon exists soley in your biased imagination.
Scary blacks = concealed weapons. Shoot first.

The reality and truth of the matter is that those officers had several options other than lethal force.
WTF do you know? Were you there snowflake?

WTF do you know? Were you there snowflake?
I know you're a degenerate racist.
Lethal force is a last resort. Not the first, dope.
He isn't dead. He is out of surgery and recovering nicely. What is it with blacks who think they are outside the law? Nothing applies to them. They can ignore police commands. This guy was shot because of an overabundance of defiance.
So a cop has every right to shoot you, if you refuse his commands. Is that what you want? If so, we might as well call them the Gestapo.
I today's atmosphere of BLM and Antifa cop hating what do you expect when a person refuses to haly and goes into their car reaching toward the floorboard?

PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, Maryland -- Three Prince George's County police officers were shot after being ambushed while responding to call Sunday night.

The officers were called at 6:35 p.m. Sunday to the 1300 block of Capital View Terrace for a home invasion, according to WBAL-TV.
I expect the cops to control the situation, not escalate it. I expect cops not acting as executioner.
They expected the guy to stop and obviously he didn't.
Kill him then. I guess some want to live in a police state.
Learn to obey orders when told to stand down by the police. That isn't a police state it is common sense.

I faced an out of control sheriff here some years back. Wrote about it here on messageboard. I delivered a letter to his office in the county courthouse per instructions of my attorney after the sheriff helped steal my dozer. The sheriff was not there so I handed it to the clerk and asked for a receipt. When the sheriff learned I had delivered him a letter of record of the dozer theft he accosted me in the hallway, stood in the way of me leaving the building and threatened to arrest me; all the while screaming at the top of his lungs at me. He told me I was trespassing in his office. I politely told him I was in the hallway of the courthouse. After several times of his yelling to me that I was under arrest I simply turned the palms of my hands at him and told him your prerogative. It was at that point he must have considered what would happen if he arrested a calm person after making all his threats in front of his own officer and the state policeman hearing it all who had just stepped outside. Knowing the man was unhinged, insane, a thief, a liar and an abuser I had called the local attorney prior to delivery of that letter and asked him if he would make sure I got directly out of jail if anything went down and he said yes.

We are not in a police state but we do have some unhealthy law enforcement that has gone on but that is also why most generally Attorney Generals, FBI, etc... are supposed to prosecute true police brutality. This video in the OP doesn't exhibit that. It shows a man who refused to listen and reached into his car with total abandon of the possibly consequence of his actions.
I had a black cop slam his breaks as I was hand cuffed in the cruiser multiple times slamming my head against the glass.. I didn’t complain. I was Ass home..
Shooting a man in the back has always been considered cowardly.

Making things up is cowardly also. There was no gun in the car,
This isn't the Wild West genius ....

And yet that is what some seem to want. All the same, nothing has changed. Shooting a man in the back is cowardly.

So you should wait until he turns around and puts a few rounds in you?
No such thing as fair in a life or death situation.
What is this "disdain" that "blacks have for cops?" I'm not black, but I think that there needs to be a national review of our policing. There are racists in police departments who need to be booted out.; those who violate their oaths and cannot "protect and serve." All people need to have faith in the police.
13% of the population that commits over 50% of the violent crime ......

What could this disdain every be ..... :slap:
13% of the population that commits over 50% of the violent crime ......
Nice retarded trope.

13% don't commit 50% of the violent crime, dope.
A very small percentage of the nearly 48 million black folks in America acually commit crimes at all.
99.9% of black folks muder no one just as 99.9% of whites murder no one.
What is this "disdain" that "blacks have for cops?" I'm not black, but I think that there needs to be a national review of our policing. There are racists in police departments who need to be booted out.; those who violate their oaths and cannot "protect and serve." All people need to have faith in the police.
13% of the population that commits over 50% of the violent crime ......

What could this disdain every be ..... :slap:
13% of the population that commits over 50% of the violent crime ......
Nice retarded trope.

13% don't commit 50% of the violent crime, dope.
A very small percentage of the nearly 48 million black folks in America acually commit crimes at all.
99.9% of black folks muder no one just as 99.9% of whites murder no one.
That 0.01% of blacks that do "muder" must be serial killers then.

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