Another Blow To The Union Scammers


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Well the Republicans are beginning work here in Michigan. They were swept into power and now control everything here :cool: Our previous lame Governor Granholm made a backroom deal with the U.A.W and AFSCME to confiscate union dues from independent Daycare providers raking in millions for the unions. The New Republican government put a stop to it. Now here it says they were supposed to have helped these day care providers get training they did not it was a sham from the start

No more union dues for Michigan day care providers

DETROIT — The state of Michigan will stop deducting union dues from thousands of people who provide child care at home, an official announced Tuesday, ending an arrangement created under a previous governor that sparked lawsuits over whether mandatory membership violates free speech rights.

Under the policy change, the 16,500 providers would keep millions of dollars in union dues that had gone to United Auto Workers and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. The providers, none of whom are on the state payroll, receive government subsidies for watching children from low-income families.

The Department of Human Services announced in a news release that it also is stopping its relationship with the Michigan Home Based Child Care Council, which was affiliated with Mott Community College. Through the council, the unions were allowed to hold an election in 2006. Only 15 percent of the providers cast ballots, but 92 percent were in favor and the unions were certified.

"The council has not delivered on its original goals to enhance and improve the delivery of quality care for children whose parents receive assistance from the department," Human Services chief Maura Corrigan said in a statement. "That's why we will stop all funding and, because these providers are not state employees, will also cease collecting union dues."

The unions have defended their role, saying they've helped child-care workers get training and cut through red tape at the Human Services Department. Representatives with UAW and AFSCME did not immediately respond Tuesday to messages seeking comment.

No more union dues for Michigan day care providers -

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More good news, this time from Ohio.

Ohio state Senate panel voted on Wednesday to strip public sector unions of some collective bargaining rights and end their right to strike, in the latest swipe at the power of unions by a state.

The Senate Labor Committee vote was 7-5, with one Republican and four Democrats voting against. The measure now moves to the Republican-controlled state Senate, which could approve it as early as Wednesday.

If endorsed by the state legislature and signed by Republican Governor John Kasich, Ohio would become the biggest state so far to enact sweeping restrictions on public sector unions.

While Wisconsin has gained far more national attention, the Ohio measure is tougher in areas such as eliminating the right to strike. Ohio also is far more important to the union movement than Wisconsin, with the sixth largest number of public sector union members among states, twice the number in Wisconsin.

What began three weeks ago as a dispute between a newly-elected Republican governor and labor unions in Wisconsin, has blown up into what could be the biggest challenge to labor union power since then President Ronald Reagan fired striking air traffic controllers in 1981.

Ohio panel votes to end union right to strike | Reuters
But its all about Wisconsin?!?!?!?!?

NONE of it matters but Wisconsin!!!!!!

Oldest trick in the them something shiny and pick their pocket.

he he he
It really gets me the way those on the right get all hyped because they can take things away from people. It's like they get off because of it.

The guy on the money channel was 100% right when he said there isn't nothing wrong with being \greedy, but of course that was only in reference to getting rich, as he said what has being part of the middle class ever done for you.
But its all about Wisconsin?!?!?!?!?

NONE of it matters but Wisconsin!!!!!!

Oldest trick in the them something shiny and pick their pocket.


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It really gets me the way those on the right get all hyped because they can take things away from people. It's like they get off because of it.

Really? it's the public sector unions that are taking money away from the poor and middle class. Get it? who pays them? wake up man you're in lah..lah.. land
Really? it's the public sector unions that are taking money away from the poor and middle class. Get it? who pays them? wake up man you're in lah..lah.. land

The Far Left mongoloids cannot even keep their talking points bullshit consistent; they claim that only the middle class - not the wealthy are paying taxes - then who the fuck do they think are paying the money to sustain the public union workers?

If it is true the wealthy do not pay/not pay enough taxes, then who is paying the taxes to sustain public employee unions?


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