Another case of USA allowing a Communist dictator to ruin a country that had a good leader.

Bastia was actually the most effective mob controlled dictator in the 1950's. Of course, he didn't hold a candle to the cartel controlled dictators in the banana republics today.
Let me remind you of the thread title

Another case of USA allowing a Communist dictator to ruin a country that had a good leader.

Had a "good" leader?

Oh really?

He was when compared to other leaders of that region of the world at that time. You don't judge Henry Ford by racing his Model-T against a modern Porsche.

These Marxists are purists. That’s why they burn books and topple statues. If they weren’t communist then they were bad. It’s that simple. Why try to read anything else into it?
Are you having trouble translating from English?

That was just ...weird
Talk to a Cuban exhile. Lesh can’t...there would be a homicide. Cubans lived long enough under that.
And I’ll now leave Lesh to spastically google “quotes from Cuban communists who fled communism but like Castro”
"In the elections of delegates to the Constitutional Assembly in November 1939, the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) was part of a bloc headed by Fulgencio Batista; and in the presidential elections of 1940, the PCC supported the presidential candidacy of Batista."

The Communist Party-Batista alliance

Any more retarded assertions, jackass?

Read your own link JACKASS. He was a communist way back in the 30s.

He found "democracy" more lucrative
I haven't toppled a statue since the initiation ceremony of my college fraternity, when I tripped over a statue of Henry Grady in front of the University of Georgia school of Journalism.
Talk to a Cuban exhile. Lesh can’t...there would be a homicide. Cubans lived long enough under that.
And I’ll now leave Lesh to spastically google “quotes from Cuban communists who fled communism but like Castro”
You find a Cuban exile who loved Batista and I'll show you a corrupt prick
Talk to a Cuban exhile. Lesh can’t...there would be a homicide. Cubans lived long enough under that.
And I’ll now leave Lesh to spastically google “quotes from Cuban communists who fled communism but like Castro”
You find a Cuban exile who loved Batista and I'll show you a corrupt prick
They definitely hate Castro, Che, and Communism more. Probably Lesh, too. :1peleas:
Talk to a Cuban exhile. Lesh can’t...there would be a homicide. Cubans lived long enough under that.
And I’ll now leave Lesh to spastically google “quotes from Cuban communists who fled communism but like Castro”
You find a Cuban exile who loved Batista and I'll show you a corrupt prick
They definitely hate Castro, Che, and Communism more. Probably Lesh, too. :1peleas:

They have faced Lesh before. The faceless mob jeering for the powerful.
Talk to a Cuban exhile. Lesh can’t...there would be a homicide. Cubans lived long enough under that.
And I’ll now leave Lesh to spastically google “quotes from Cuban communists who fled communism but like Castro”
You find a Cuban exile who loved Batista and I'll show you a corrupt prick
They definitely hate Castro, Che, and Communism more. Probably Lesh, too. :1peleas:
Don't worry..I'm not real fond of jerk offs with Confederate flags as their tag line
Talk to a Cuban exhile. Lesh can’t...there would be a homicide. Cubans lived long enough under that.
And I’ll now leave Lesh to spastically google “quotes from Cuban communists who fled communism but like Castro”
You find a Cuban exile who loved Batista and I'll show you a corrupt prick
They definitely hate Castro, Che, and Communism more. Probably Lesh, too. :1peleas:
Don't worry..I'm not real fond of jerk offs with Confederate flags as their tag line

That's a state flag, faggot. A real one. Ofc you're too derp to realize that.
Talk to a Cuban exhile. Lesh can’t...there would be a homicide. Cubans lived long enough under that.
And I’ll now leave Lesh to spastically google “quotes from Cuban communists who fled communism but like Castro”
You find a Cuban exile who loved Batista and I'll show you a corrupt prick
They definitely hate Castro, Che, and Communism more. Probably Lesh, too. :1peleas:
Don't worry..I'm not real fond of jerk offs with Confederate flags as their tag line

That's a state flag, faggot. A real one. Ofc you're too derp to realize that.
Uuuuu..the fake Duke called me a faggot!

What do I do now!
Talk to a Cuban exhile. Lesh can’t...there would be a homicide. Cubans lived long enough under that.
And I’ll now leave Lesh to spastically google “quotes from Cuban communists who fled communism but like Castro”
You find a Cuban exile who loved Batista and I'll show you a corrupt prick
They definitely hate Castro, Che, and Communism more. Probably Lesh, too. :1peleas:
Don't worry..I'm not real fond of jerk offs with Confederate flags as their tag line

That's a state flag, faggot. A real one. Ofc you're too derp to realize that.
Uuuuu..the fake Duke called me a faggot!

What do I do now!

Probably Commie on as usual. :backpedal:

What state am I from, Lesh?
Back in power, and receiving financial, military, and logistical support from the United States government,[7][8] Batista suspended the 1940 Constitution and revoked most political liberties, including the right to strike. He then aligned with the wealthiest landowners who owned the largest sugar plantations, and presided over a stagnating economy that widened the gap between rich and poor Cubans.[9] Eventually it reached the point where most of the sugar industry was in U.S. hands, and foreigners owned 70% of the arable land.[10] As such, Batista's repressive government then began to systematically profit from the exploitation of Cuba's commercial interests, by negotiating lucrative relationships with both the American Mafia, who controlled the drug, gambling, and prostitution businesses in Havana, and with large U.S.-based multinationalcompanies who were awarded lucrative contracts.[9][11] To quell the growing discontent amongst the populace—which was subsequently displayed through frequent student riots and demonstrations—Batista established tighter censorship of the media, while also utilizing his Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities secret police to carry out wide-scale violence, torture and public executions; ultimately killing anywhere from hundreds to 20,000 people.[12][13][14][15][16][17]

Of COURSE Republicans love this creep
Communist propaganda. You have to be an idiot to believe Castro was an improvement over Batista. Do you realize all the cars in Cuba were purchased during the Batista regime?

Batista repressed the Communist? Oh, the poor babies. He obviously didn't repress them enough. Life under Batista was paradise compared to life under Castro. The GDP figures have already been shown to you.

You a dumb fucking commie.
From Wikipedia:

"In the 1950s, Cuba's gross domestic product (GDP) per capita was roughly equal to that of Italy at the time"

Cuba GDP in 2015 = $87.13 billion USD

Italy GDP in 2015 = $1.8 trillion USD

"According to the International Labour Organization, the average industrial salary in Cuba was the world's eighth-highest in 1958, and the average agricultural wage was higher than some European nations."
It's not the USA's fault. Commies gonna commie.

We just need to make sure we brutally execute all American commies to keep them from doing the same here.
Yeah, if we have a revolution, we'll have to execute every former sociology, history and political science professor. All Democrats politicians as well. Especially community organizers.
Unfortunately that GDP was mostly in casinos run by the friggin mob and sugar plantations run by Batista's buddies

Folks...these Republicans truly admire this. They'd GLADLY do it here
Unmitigated horseshit. Cuba was the wealthiest country in Latin American until your buddies the communists took over.
Yeah, but Batista enabled Castro's rise to power.

Read the thread title genius.

Cuba was a corrupt dictatorship in league with the mob and a bunch of rich fucks.

People were starving and being killed by the government so of COURSE Republicans admire that model

Am I touting Castro? Not even close but the thread title is a LIE

Cuba was NOT some friggin paradise unless you were in the Mob or in the good graces of the corrupt dictator

The things listed were not THAT bad for the time and region of the world. Cuba was doing well for the time and the area, with a GDP roughly equal to that of Italy. Under Castro, they have about 5% the GDP of Italy.

Without bothering to vet that number, how much of it is due to the US cutting Cuba off in a hissyfit?
None of it, moron.
Back in power, and receiving financial, military, and logistical support from the United States government,[7][8] Batista suspended the 1940 Constitution and revoked most political liberties, including the right to strike. He then aligned with the wealthiest landowners who owned the largest sugar plantations, and presided over a stagnating economy that widened the gap between rich and poor Cubans.[9] Eventually it reached the point where most of the sugar industry was in U.S. hands, and foreigners owned 70% of the arable land.[10] As such, Batista's repressive government then began to systematically profit from the exploitation of Cuba's commercial interests, by negotiating lucrative relationships with both the American Mafia, who controlled the drug, gambling, and prostitution businesses in Havana, and with large U.S.-based multinationalcompanies who were awarded lucrative contracts.[9][11] To quell the growing discontent amongst the populace—which was subsequently displayed through frequent student riots and demonstrations—Batista established tighter censorship of the media, while also utilizing his Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities secret police to carry out wide-scale violence, torture and public executions; ultimately killing anywhere from hundreds to 20,000 people.[12][13][14][15][16][17]

Of COURSE Republicans love this creep


From Wikipedia:

"In the 1950s, Cuba's gross domestic product (GDP) per capita was roughly equal to that of Italy at the time"

Cuba GDP in 2015 = $87.13 billion USD

Italy GDP in 2015 = $1.8 trillion USD

"According to the International Labour Organization, the average industrial salary in Cuba was the world's eighth-highest in 1958, and the average agricultural wage was higher than some European nations."

"However, despite an array of positive indicators, in 1953, the average Cuban family only had an income of $6.00 a week, 15% to 20% of the labor force was chronically unemployed, and only a third of the homes had running water."

That was actually good for that region in 1950.

Notice how some people focus entirely on the wage GAP. They don't see a problem when EVERYONE is poor and starving, as long as the gap shrinks and everyone is poor and starving together.
So it's better when only the majority are suffering?

Got it!
You didn't pay attention, did you?
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