Another Catholic official caught with child porn

They should considering what the Marxist pope said about being stern and what not.
Still waiting for that... not like this is the first pervert under his tenure.
Apparently the Vatican is taken this one a lil' more seriously than they have some of their other weirdos.

Vatican diplomat recalled amid child porn investigation
Always interesting to see the different ways hatred against Catholics manifests itself among the lesser denominations of Christianity.
Hating on pedophiles is merely a common thing that normal humans do regardless of religion. The catholic church's call for celibate males only in the church creates a lot of their own problems and it is not scriptural, merely dogma from male humans who desire to have extra control over female humans.
Apparently the Vatican is taken this one a lil' more seriously than they have some of their other weirdos.

Vatican diplomat recalled amid child porn investigation
Always interesting to see the different ways hatred against Catholics manifests itself among the lesser denominations of Christianity.
Hating on pedophiles is merely a common thing that normal humans do regardless of religion. The catholic church's call for celibate males only in the church creates a lot of their own problems and it is not scriptural, merely dogma from male humans who desire to have extra control over female humans.

"Hating on pedophiles is merely a common thing that normal humans do regardless of religion."

Regardless of religion or politics.

The sordid topic of paedophilia is one topic that should transcend both religion and politics.

Paedophiles are in every Organised Religion, from Roman Catholicism to Lutheranism to Islam to Judaism and paedophiles exist in all political persuasions, from Liberal to Conservative to Leftists to Right Wing to Independent to Libertarian.

ALL are POS and wastes of human skin and ALL essentially should be taken out and shot. Period.
Pedos are in all religions. But RC is the only one that seriously claims it's clergy are uniquely direct stand ins for Jesus Christ Himself.
Only religion declaring from the get-go that it's head is uniquely the "vicar of Christ" ....with ALL the world's top elites honoring that grandiose claim.

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