Another "Christian" caught with an Ashley Madison account, sez he is forgiven, Hallelujah!

cheating on one's spouse.
Cheating… it became so common that the word cheating - in the context of marriage - means fucking on the side. Cheating THE WIFE meant a totally different thing by the prophets in the Old Testament
You seem to think because someone claims to be a Christian then they never have sinned. Got news for ya, that is why Christ died on the cross, because even Christians are imperfect, and needed forgiveness. The good Lord knows I am imperfect. But as a Christian I know I should try to live up to the tenets set forth for us.
This is Sam Radar, who is a youtube Christian "star"-vlogger, if you will.

Viral Christian Pregnancy YouTuber Sam Rader Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

The popular Christian vlogger Sam Rader—best known for “surprising” his wife with her own positive pregnancy test in a viral video—had a paid account on the cheating website Ashley Madison in 2013, the Daily Mail reports. Sam is a leader in a new industry of online evangelism, posting daily videos of his upstanding, Jesus-loving family for hundreds of thousands of subscribers.
Sam, whose new “manager” told the Daily Mail from a vlogger conference in Seattle that “we are not going to comment on this right now,” has done such a good job marketing his Christian family values on YouTube that he quit his job this month to vlog full time. (We reached out to Sam for comment but have not heard back.) Though his latest pregnancy stunt video was controversial, Sam has built a real, loyal following preaching the bible and vlogging about wanting to be a “good man” to his wife of almost six years, Nia—the kind of “man I want [my daughter] to marry.”..

...The Daily Mail notes that someone using a credit card belonging to a “Samuel Rader,” with a billing address that matches the Raders’ home in Terrell, Texas—a home that is featured in almost every video Sam posts—made several payments on Ashley Madison beginning in September 2013, including two payments of $189. The domain of the email address used to create the account, “”, was registered by Samuel Rader in 2011. ( also notes the email evidence.)

The Twitter account below first discovered that Sam’s credit card information was among the data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers.

Much more at the link above.

Mega vlogger Sam Radar, bastion of good, pure Christian principles, has now put out a youtube video proclaiming that Jesus has already forgiven him, that his sin of being known as “Dirtylittlesecretman28" on Ashley Madison is completely washed away.... not a bit of humility to be seen in that video:

Once again, we see a "Christian" confess to something and have his wife (who looked just delighted to be there, n'est ce pas??) next to him to tell us essentially 'well, screw you, I got forgiveness, let's go hate us some gay people or other minorities or good stuff like that, amen!'.

Gotta say, "Christian" charlatans (and apparently, there are a lot of them out there) have got a good racket going, there...

Oh, and then there is this, too....


And yes, grumpy people of USMB, this IS a current event. And it's a real story. And it's linked, more than once.


Why do you always have to attack the faith of President Obama?

You're just a racist who hates our black Christian President.

There you are, of course, quite wrong. I am not attacking a faith at all. The tenets of Christianity are really wonderful in their core.

It's the hypocrites who claim to be "Christian" and then do this shit - I attack THEM.

Hope we got that cleared up, now, assuming that you have at least a little power of discernment.

Thank you for your testimony. I love it because the jesus haters here have to read it.
You seem to think because someone claims to be a Christian then they never have sinned. Got news for ya, that is why Christ died on the cross, because even Christians are imperfect, and needed forgiveness. The good Lord knows I am imperfect. But as a Christian I know I should try to live up to the tenets set forth for us.
This is Sam Radar, who is a youtube Christian "star"-vlogger, if you will.

Viral Christian Pregnancy YouTuber Sam Rader Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

The popular Christian vlogger Sam Rader—best known for “surprising” his wife with her own positive pregnancy test in a viral video—had a paid account on the cheating website Ashley Madison in 2013, the Daily Mail reports. Sam is a leader in a new industry of online evangelism, posting daily videos of his upstanding, Jesus-loving family for hundreds of thousands of subscribers.
Sam, whose new “manager” told the Daily Mail from a vlogger conference in Seattle that “we are not going to comment on this right now,” has done such a good job marketing his Christian family values on YouTube that he quit his job this month to vlog full time. (We reached out to Sam for comment but have not heard back.) Though his latest pregnancy stunt video was controversial, Sam has built a real, loyal following preaching the bible and vlogging about wanting to be a “good man” to his wife of almost six years, Nia—the kind of “man I want [my daughter] to marry.”..

...The Daily Mail notes that someone using a credit card belonging to a “Samuel Rader,” with a billing address that matches the Raders’ home in Terrell, Texas—a home that is featured in almost every video Sam posts—made several payments on Ashley Madison beginning in September 2013, including two payments of $189. The domain of the email address used to create the account, “”, was registered by Samuel Rader in 2011. ( also notes the email evidence.)

The Twitter account below first discovered that Sam’s credit card information was among the data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers.

Much more at the link above.

Mega vlogger Sam Radar, bastion of good, pure Christian principles, has now put out a youtube video proclaiming that Jesus has already forgiven him, that his sin of being known as “Dirtylittlesecretman28" on Ashley Madison is completely washed away.... not a bit of humility to be seen in that video:

Once again, we see a "Christian" confess to something and have his wife (who looked just delighted to be there, n'est ce pas??) next to him to tell us essentially 'well, screw you, I got forgiveness, let's go hate us some gay people or other minorities or good stuff like that, amen!'.

Gotta say, "Christian" charlatans (and apparently, there are a lot of them out there) have got a good racket going, there...

Oh, and then there is this, too....


And yes, grumpy people of USMB, this IS a current event. And it's a real story. And it's linked, more than once.


Why do you always have to attack the faith of President Obama?

You're just a racist who hates our black Christian President.

There you are, of course, quite wrong. I am not attacking a faith at all. The tenets of Christianity are really wonderful in their core.

It's the hypocrites who claim to be "Christian" and then do this shit - I attack THEM.

Hope we got that cleared up, now, assuming that you have at least a little power of discernment.

Thank you for your testimony. I love it because the jesus haters here have to read it.

Where are the "Jesus Haters"? Please show them to me.
Well I guess there's just nothing quite as savory as sticking your nose in some Christian dirty laundry and getting a really good whiff. Must be intoxicating.

I really don't give a fuck personally. Why should it matter to anyone else?

That's right, brother Weaselino!!!

When minorities who are US citizens want to vote, why should it matter to anyone else?

When gay people want to marry among themselves, why should it matter to anyone else?

Oh, I know why!

It's because many "Christians" take the position that they are better than the rest and are therefore entitled...
Show examples of Christians, other than white democrats who started the KKK and promote Planned Parenthood clinics in black neighborhoods, having a problem with minority u.s. Citizens voting.
He's not sorry that he sinned.
That's the attitude displayed on these moronic bumper stickers such as: "I am not perfect just forgiven"
WTF? They've already forgiven to themselves before they fuck on the side?

Something like that.

It's part of the latest perversion of Christianity in the form of a new cultist theology called "7 Hills Dominionism", which teaches that, essentially, Christians are all the "King's Kids" and can do pretty much whatever they want, since they are "sealed in the blood of Christ", anyway.

I hear that the 7-Hills stuff is also a great moneymaker for the Charlatans out there, as well...
Never heard of 7 Hills Domionism. If it's like Jim and Tammy Bakker's PTL Club, that was shut down.
This is Sam Radar, who is a youtube Christian "star"-vlogger, if you will.

Viral Christian Pregnancy YouTuber Sam Rader Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

The popular Christian vlogger Sam Rader—best known for “surprising” his wife with her own positive pregnancy test in a viral video—had a paid account on the cheating website Ashley Madison in 2013, the Daily Mail reports. Sam is a leader in a new industry of online evangelism, posting daily videos of his upstanding, Jesus-loving family for hundreds of thousands of subscribers.
Sam, whose new “manager” told the Daily Mail from a vlogger conference in Seattle that “we are not going to comment on this right now,” has done such a good job marketing his Christian family values on YouTube that he quit his job this month to vlog full time. (We reached out to Sam for comment but have not heard back.) Though his latest pregnancy stunt video was controversial, Sam has built a real, loyal following preaching the bible and vlogging about wanting to be a “good man” to his wife of almost six years, Nia—the kind of “man I want [my daughter] to marry.”..

...The Daily Mail notes that someone using a credit card belonging to a “Samuel Rader,” with a billing address that matches the Raders’ home in Terrell, Texas—a home that is featured in almost every video Sam posts—made several payments on Ashley Madison beginning in September 2013, including two payments of $189. The domain of the email address used to create the account, “”, was registered by Samuel Rader in 2011. ( also notes the email evidence.)

The Twitter account below first discovered that Sam’s credit card information was among the data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers.

Much more at the link above.

Mega vlogger Sam Radar, bastion of good, pure Christian principles, has now put out a youtube video proclaiming that Jesus has already forgiven him, that his sin of being known as “Dirtylittlesecretman28" on Ashley Madison is completely washed away.... not a bit of humility to be seen in that video:

Once again, we see a "Christian" confess to something and have his wife (who looked just delighted to be there, n'est ce pas??) next to him to tell us essentially 'well, screw you, I got forgiveness, let's go hate us some gay people or other minorities or good stuff like that, amen!'.

Gotta say, "Christian" charlatans (and apparently, there are a lot of them out there) have got a good racket going, there...

Oh, and then there is this, too....


And yes, grumpy people of USMB, this IS a current event. And it's a real story. And it's linked, more than once.


They love forgiving and redemption.
There are 37 million Ashley Madison accounts. The odds are pretty high that some of them will be Christians.
Moderation Message:

This being Zone3 -- things are a bit looser.. But when personal flaming and chatty catty
remarks distract from the discussion -- you can still be cited as a troll.

Don't be a troll..

This is Sam Radar, who is a youtube Christian "star"-vlogger, if you will.

Viral Christian Pregnancy YouTuber Sam Rader Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

The popular Christian vlogger Sam Rader—best known for “surprising” his wife with her own positive pregnancy test in a viral video—had a paid account on the cheating website Ashley Madison in 2013, the Daily Mail reports. Sam is a leader in a new industry of online evangelism, posting daily videos of his upstanding, Jesus-loving family for hundreds of thousands of subscribers.
Sam, whose new “manager” told the Daily Mail from a vlogger conference in Seattle that “we are not going to comment on this right now,” has done such a good job marketing his Christian family values on YouTube that he quit his job this month to vlog full time. (We reached out to Sam for comment but have not heard back.) Though his latest pregnancy stunt video was controversial, Sam has built a real, loyal following preaching the bible and vlogging about wanting to be a “good man” to his wife of almost six years, Nia—the kind of “man I want [my daughter] to marry.”..

...The Daily Mail notes that someone using a credit card belonging to a “Samuel Rader,” with a billing address that matches the Raders’ home in Terrell, Texas—a home that is featured in almost every video Sam posts—made several payments on Ashley Madison beginning in September 2013, including two payments of $189. The domain of the email address used to create the account, “”, was registered by Samuel Rader in 2011. ( also notes the email evidence.)

The Twitter account below first discovered that Sam’s credit card information was among the data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers.

Much more at the link above.

Mega vlogger Sam Radar, bastion of good, pure Christian principles, has now put out a youtube video proclaiming that Jesus has already forgiven him, that his sin of being known as “Dirtylittlesecretman28" on Ashley Madison is completely washed away.... not a bit of humility to be seen in that video:

Once again, we see a "Christian" confess to something and have his wife (who looked just delighted to be there, n'est ce pas??) next to him to tell us essentially 'well, screw you, I got forgiveness, let's go hate us some gay people or other minorities or good stuff like that, amen!'.

Gotta say, "Christian" charlatans (and apparently, there are a lot of them out there) have got a good racket going, there...

Oh, and then there is this, too....


And yes, grumpy people of USMB, this IS a current event. And it's a real story. And it's linked, more than once.


These hypocrites should learn to lay low if they are going to get caught being hypocrites.
Substitute the word "Jew" for Christian and you get a handle on the Nazi Holocaust.

What an ignorant thing to write.

Post a link to where fundies are being marched into gas ovens. For that matter, post a link proving the "passion" of real or phony christians.
This is Sam Radar, who is a youtube Christian "star"-vlogger, if you will.

Viral Christian Pregnancy YouTuber Sam Rader Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account

The popular Christian vlogger Sam Rader—best known for “surprising” his wife with her own positive pregnancy test in a viral video—had a paid account on the cheating website Ashley Madison in 2013, the Daily Mail reports. Sam is a leader in a new industry of online evangelism, posting daily videos of his upstanding, Jesus-loving family for hundreds of thousands of subscribers.
Sam, whose new “manager” told the Daily Mail from a vlogger conference in Seattle that “we are not going to comment on this right now,” has done such a good job marketing his Christian family values on YouTube that he quit his job this month to vlog full time. (We reached out to Sam for comment but have not heard back.) Though his latest pregnancy stunt video was controversial, Sam has built a real, loyal following preaching the bible and vlogging about wanting to be a “good man” to his wife of almost six years, Nia—the kind of “man I want [my daughter] to marry.”..

...The Daily Mail notes that someone using a credit card belonging to a “Samuel Rader,” with a billing address that matches the Raders’ home in Terrell, Texas—a home that is featured in almost every video Sam posts—made several payments on Ashley Madison beginning in September 2013, including two payments of $189. The domain of the email address used to create the account, “”, was registered by Samuel Rader in 2011. ( also notes the email evidence.)

The Twitter account below first discovered that Sam’s credit card information was among the data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers.

Much more at the link above.

Mega vlogger Sam Radar, bastion of good, pure Christian principles, has now put out a youtube video proclaiming that Jesus has already forgiven him, that his sin of being known as “Dirtylittlesecretman28" on Ashley Madison is completely washed away.... not a bit of humility to be seen in that video:

Once again, we see a "Christian" confess to something and have his wife (who looked just delighted to be there, n'est ce pas??) next to him to tell us essentially 'well, screw you, I got forgiveness, let's go hate us some gay people or other minorities or good stuff like that, amen!'.

Gotta say, "Christian" charlatans (and apparently, there are a lot of them out there) have got a good racket going, there...

Oh, and then there is this, too....


And yes, grumpy people of USMB, this IS a current event.


I'm sure you and no one else heard of this man and his wife before. As a Christian, I fully understand and have no problem with his apology. I know our Heavenly Father has forgiven him. Nothing more needs to be said.

One good thing. In order for you to bring this to us via his vlog, YOU and everyone here has been able to hear him witness to you the saving power Of Christ Jesus. Repent and ask Jesus to come into your heart.

If only "Christians" would be as kind and forgiving to other people as they expect to be so immediately forgiven by G-d......

it's really quite an interesting phenomenon.

Actually, I did hear of the guy before, because he already misused his 5 year old daughter in one of his many (per day) youtube videos to get her to say that all things gay are evil.

My own daughter is 8, and there is no way she is mentally far enough along to be deciding and discussing deep sexual issues. But I guess it's ok for "Christians" to abuse their children and to use them for propaganda purposes.

So, yeah, I have already known of this guy.

How's your Ashley Madison account coming along?
. Don't have one.
I never heard of Ashley Madison before finding out that liberal democrat U.S. Government workers were browsing and tweeting on their pages during work hours.
You know why Christ died on the cross? Because he knew we are all sinners and needed forgiveness.
guno tags every post that witnesses the power of Jesus Christ as "funny". It doesn't matter, because he still has to read the post and it proves the message gets thru to him.

God works in mysterious ways.
What an ignorant thing to write.
Post a link to where fundies are being marched into gas ovens. For that matter, post a link proving the "passion" of real or phony christians.
Would being marched out into the desert in groups of 50, told to kneel down while the ISIS member standing behind you hacks your head off for being a Christian, substitute for the ovens?
so another Christian basing thread. how many lefties was caught on this?

and the left/democrats claim they are so tolerant and NOT BIGOTS or racist.

You decide

Oh hush, dingbat.

This thread is all about the fundie/christian/family values "sanctity of marriage".

Christians are not without sin. The man even admitted that, as all Christians will admit that Truth. It is the unholy atheists and cynical liberals who hold Christians to standards they themselves would never permit.
You know why Christ died on the cross? Because he knew we are all sinners and needed forgiveness.

The bible says its cuz his daddy threw a little tantrum and murdered him.
Fact is that he committed some crime and was punished by the authority of the time.

Most people are not "sinners" and no, they don't "need forgiveness".
Yes, there are people who break the law and people who harm others but most don't.

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