Another classic failure of leadership


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
Well it's obvious economics isn't this ass hat's strong suit. Let Greece implode, hopefully the rest of Europe will take notice and learn valuable lessons. My apologies to wifey, they should have had her as a leader and they wouldn't be broke
"In laymans terms for the American people" are the words he used to talk down to if we don't know he is marching us to the same fate.

Just watched a snippet on Fox News.

U.S. debt headed toward Greek levels


United States' projected debt over the next 25 years looks a lot like Greece's over the past 25.

With all the chaos unravelling in Greece, Congress would be wise to do what it takes to avoid reaching Greek debt levels. But it's not a matter of sticking to the status quo and avoiding bad decisions that would put the budget on a Greek-like path, because the budget is on that path already.

A quarter-century ago, Greek debt levels were roughly 75 percent of Greece's economy — about equal to what the U.S. has now. As of 2014, Greek debt levels are about 177 percent of national GDP. Now, the country is considering defaulting on its loans and uncertainty is gripping the economy.

In 25 years, U.S. debt levels are projected to reach 156 percent of the economy, which Greece had in 2012. That projection comes from the Congressional Budget Office's alternative scenario, which is more realistic than its standard fiscal projection about which spending programs Congress will extend into the future

U.S. debt headed toward Greek levels
Well it's obvious economics isn't this ass hat's strong suit. Let Greece implode, hopefully the rest of Europe will take notice and learn valuable lessons. My apologies to wifey, they should have had her as a leader and they wouldn't be broke
That's for sure Irish....I just wish she would let me spend a little...lmao!
Well it's obvious economics isn't this ass hat's strong suit. Let Greece implode, hopefully the rest of Europe will take notice and learn valuable lessons. My apologies to wifey, they should have had her as a leader and they wouldn't be broke
That's for sure Irish....I just wish she would let me spend a little...lmao!

As Madmax says.....just dance :)

Greece will be fine.

I'm wondering why conservatives have such glee at human beings in misery.

My guess is they like the company.
Greece will be fine.

I'm wondering why conservatives have such glee at human beings in misery.

My guess is they like the company.

They have until midnight to pay 1.9 billion which they don't have. If they don't pay they default, if they default it's the end of the Eurozone for them. That's not "fine". There is talk of a last minute deal but Germany is the player and they are hesitant to pull the trigger
Greece is toast, what should concern everyone is what the Chinese economy is doing and its impact on emerging economies in the south pacific.
i can't find the transcript of Obama's attempt to explain the affects of the Greek default to the ignorant American voter...but in searching I came across this link from his remarks on the same subject...three years ago. It's Europes problem to solve for sure...but they won't be looking to Obama for advice...or leadership.

TRANSCRIPT President Obama s remarks on Greece and the European crisis - Hellenic American Leadership CouncilHellenic American Leadership Council

What Obama is blatantly ignorant of and what he couldn't explain, is the reason why Greece is going down the shitter: Because Greece is basically a Socialist country, they have an over-abundant pension system. That being coupled with dwindling contributions, the EU's highest unemployment rate (26% overall, 31% for women), an aging population, and their 2012 debt restructuring, is nothing less than a recipe for the most spectacular economic disaster this world has ever seen.

Greece spends more on pensions than any other EU nation, about 18% of their total GDP. Their economy has shrunk by a quarter since 2008 (Can't blame that on GW) and the government is having to sell off their holding, in order to pay for entitlements. With that many people riding in the cart and so few pulling it, the shit is going to hit the fan very soon.

I don't know the overall effects a total collapse of their economy could have on the global market, but it could have a butterfly-effect: A tiny occurrence on one side of the world, which creates a massive disturbance on the other side. And the disturbing thing about it is our own president and economic advisers are completely unprepared to deal with shock it could cause our own economy. The Federal reserve under Obama has been artificially inflating our own market by printing billions of dollars a month, and pumping it into our own market. It's called "Quantitative Easing". When liberals glibly state that our economy is improving because the stock market is up, all I can do is shake my head and roll my eyes. My only advice is to be ready: Get out of debt. Buy guns. Buy ammunition. Get away from large, heavily-populated cities because this could get pretty fuckin' ugly.
Well it's obvious economics isn't this ass hat's strong suit. Let Greece implode, hopefully the rest of Europe will take notice and learn valuable lessons. My apologies to wifey, they should have had her as a leader and they wouldn't be broke
That's for sure Irish....I just wish she would let me spend a little...lmao!

As Madmax says.....just dance :)

Trying to learn that Germany US soccer..consume gin and tonic...face time with niece in NY...I'm exhausted.
Well it's obvious economics isn't this ass hat's strong suit. Let Greece implode, hopefully the rest of Europe will take notice and learn valuable lessons. My apologies to wifey, they should have had her as a leader and they wouldn't be broke
That's for sure Irish....I just wish she would let me spend a little...lmao!

As Madmax says.....just dance :)

Trying to learn that Germany US soccer..consume gin and tonic...face time with niece in NY...I'm exhausted.

We'll be on the Mighty Mississippi next week. The brood is excited
Well it's obvious economics isn't this ass hat's strong suit. Let Greece implode, hopefully the rest of Europe will take notice and learn valuable lessons. My apologies to wifey, they should have had her as a leader and they wouldn't be broke
That's for sure Irish....I just wish she would let me spend a little...lmao!

As Madmax says.....just dance :)

Trying to learn that Germany US soccer..consume gin and tonic...face time with niece in NY...I'm exhausted.

We'll be on the Mighty Mississippi next week. The brood is excited

Have fun...tell the brood hello....
Well it's obvious economics isn't this ass hat's strong suit. Let Greece implode, hopefully the rest of Europe will take notice and learn valuable lessons. My apologies to wifey, they should have had her as a leader and they wouldn't be broke
That's for sure Irish....I just wish she would let me spend a little...lmao!

As Madmax says.....just dance :)

Trying to learn that Germany US soccer..consume gin and tonic...face time with niece in NY...I'm exhausted.

We'll be on the Mighty Mississippi next week. The brood is excited

Have fun...tell the brood hello....

I'm working on that, madmax misses talking to you, soon
That's for sure Irish....I just wish she would let me spend a little...lmao!

As Madmax says.....just dance :)

Trying to learn that Germany US soccer..consume gin and tonic...face time with niece in NY...I'm exhausted.

We'll be on the Mighty Mississippi next week. The brood is excited

Have fun...tell the brood hello....

I'm working on that, madmax misses talking to you, soon

Our last conversation
As Madmax says.....just dance :)

Trying to learn that Germany US soccer..consume gin and tonic...face time with niece in NY...I'm exhausted.

We'll be on the Mighty Mississippi next week. The brood is excited

Have fun...tell the brood hello....

I'm working on that, madmax misses talking to you, soon

Our last conversation

It may for awhile. Let me ponder and talk to Madmax. Have to run and pick up one from swim. Get some rest, night
i can't find the transcript of Obama's attempt to explain the affects of the Greek default to the ignorant American voter...but in searching I came across this link from his remarks on the same subject...three years ago. It's Europes problem to solve for sure...but they won't be looking to Obama for advice...or leadership.

TRANSCRIPT President Obama s remarks on Greece and the European crisis - Hellenic American Leadership CouncilHellenic American Leadership Council

What Obama is blatantly ignorant of and what he couldn't explain, is the reason why Greece is going down the shitter: Because Greece is basically a Socialist country, they have an over-abundant pension system. That being coupled with dwindling contributions, the EU's highest unemployment rate (26% overall, 31% for women), an aging population, and their 2012 debt restructuring, is nothing less than a recipe for the most spectacular economic disaster this world has ever seen.

Greece spends more on pensions than any other EU nation, about 18% of their total GDP. Their economy has shrunk by a quarter since 2008 (Can't blame that on GW) and the government is having to sell off their holding, in order to pay for entitlements. With that many people riding in the cart and so few pulling it, the shit is going to hit the fan very soon.

I don't know the overall effects a total collapse of their economy could have on the global market, but it could have a butterfly-effect: A tiny occurrence on one side of the world, which creates a massive disturbance on the other side. And the disturbing thing about it is our own president and economic advisers are completely unprepared to deal with shock it could cause our own economy. The Federal reserve under Obama has been artificially inflating our own market by printing billions of dollars a month, and pumping it into our own market. It's called "Quantitative Easing". When liberals glibly state that our economy is improving because the stock market is up, all I can do is shake my head and roll my eyes. My only advice is to be ready: Get out of debt. Buy guns. Buy ammunition. Get away from large, heavily-populated cities because this could get pretty fuckin' ugly.
Obama and most of our government are idiots. They still think we can become a country more like Greece with our already out of control debt and somehow we will be ok. We are the world's currency, that works for us for a short time. Once the dominoes start to fall though we are more like Greece than they are. At least their people have had some warning. Ours keep voting for the same shit that is sinking Greece and cheering on some more of that sweet ass socialism.

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