Another communist goal floated

I would gladly do my mandatory national service guarding the southern border, as long as they put me behind one of these...

The communists are dragging out another of their faves, mandatory national service. It will instill shared values you know. As long as they are commie values.
Seems like every time someone advocates re-instituting slavery in the USA, it's always a slimeball Democrat.

The Democrats did not earn the moniker "party of slavery" for nothing.
The communists are dragging out another of their faves, mandatory national service. It will instill shared values you know. As long as they are commie values.

Every nation in history that has undergone a violent transition from one form of government to communism has been spearheaded into that transition by what is known as a revolutionary vanguard party movement; sort of an elite, small group of super hardcore communists who both launched political and paramilitary attacks against the standing government and rallied key people behind their cause. I fear that is what we're about to witness here in America; a small but fanatic group of communists who will attempt to push Americans into accepting a communist revolution (as the only solution to the pandemic) and run simultaneous propaganda and terror attacks against the people and our government. Now is the time when all Americans need to stand stronger together than ever before in our history.

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