ANOTHER DEMOCRAT SCAM. Your healthcare out of pocket will go down to cover the increase in taxes?

Except MOST of us are healthy and rarely need medical care. So basically we will be taxed out the ass and get nothing in return if and until the day we become chronically ill.

In essence the healthy will foot the bill for the sick.

Democrats are DESPERATE to avoid the truth of what you will pay and we all know why....
The truth will kill them at the polls.

Such a simple question. Will our taxes go up to pay for this healthcare program?

The response?
That's a Republican talking point.

In essence saying only Republican voters are interested in fiscal responsibility.
The healthy have always footed the bill for the sick. How do you think insurance works

That is the way it should be

While true, the democrats are also saying everyone’s insurance costs will go down, and we should believe them this time, why?
Except MOST of us are healthy and rarely need medical care. So basically we will be taxed out the ass and get nothing in return if and until the day we become chronically ill.

In essence the healthy will foot the bill for the sick.

Democrats are DESPERATE to avoid the truth of what you will pay and we all know why....
The truth will kill them at the polls.

Such a simple question. Will our taxes go up to pay for this healthcare program?

The response?
That's a Republican talking point.

In essence saying only Republican voters are interested in fiscal responsibility.
The healthy have always footed the bill for the sick. How do you think insurance works

That is the way it should be

While true, the democrats are also saying everyone’s insurance costs will go down, and we should believe them this time, why?

People will be paying higher taxes and cost will go up, not down.
It's not insurance when the government decides what you must purchase for how much and what it will cover. That's closer to slavery.
That's still insurance.
How? You purchase insurance of your own free will to minimize some future loss you may incur, Being forced to purchase something you may not want or need isn't insurance it's a scam and a robbery.
Everybody is eventually going to need health insurance. It's just a fact of life.

Well lets see, for at least 10,000 years humans have survived without it.
What was the average life expectancy 10,000 years ago?

Pretty short for liberals and mooching deadbeats.
Kamala Harris sucks at math...when Dem's challenged her to explain how she was going to pay for her $3,000 billion dollars a year free healthcare plan she claimed she would pay for it with the $87 billion a year in profits she would take from insurance and pharmaceutical companies. :eusa_think:
and when you get old and need it,it will be there for you....and then the cycle goes on....
Yeah, just like in England when you get old and need it, the government, not the doctor will tell you, you are too old for services, here are 2 aspirin go home and die. Yep, that is the story where ever single payer is.

2 aspirin I DONT Think so
youve already exceeded your monthly allotment BY 4 comrade

Please except an extra months Vodka rations as our caring heartfelt condolences to your approaching preventable death

You not liking it doesn't make it "not insurance".

Surely you knew that.
It's not insurance once it becomes a government mandate. You have no choices. your doctor has no choices. Your hospital has no choices. The government can't keep you from spending money they don't think you deserve if they don't get to decide.
Are you confused as to how government run healthcare is going to work?
Medicare is a government run healthcare and it is said to be much more efficient than private insurers.
Just like the VA...
The VA is massively overburdened.
That's still insurance.
How? You purchase insurance of your own free will to minimize some future loss you may incur, Being forced to purchase something you may not want or need isn't insurance it's a scam and a robbery.
Everybody is eventually going to need health insurance. It's just a fact of life.

Well lets see, for at least 10,000 years humans have survived without it.
What was the average life expectancy 10,000 years ago?

Pretty short for liberals and mooching deadbeats.
Pretty short for everyone.

Know why?

Poor healthcare.
It's not insurance once it becomes a government mandate. You have no choices. your doctor has no choices. Your hospital has no choices. The government can't keep you from spending money they don't think you deserve if they don't get to decide.
Are you confused as to how government run healthcare is going to work?
Medicare is a government run healthcare and it is said to be much more efficient than private insurers.
Just like the VA...
VA is very good in urban and near urban areas I hear. It's bureaucracy prevents good care in rural areas and needs to be overhauled. But I have 2 friends with VietNam injuries and amputations that praise the care they get from VA. They're old men now and still plugging along beautifully.
So you want some politician to decide what you can and cant have for medical. When you walk into the Post Office or DMV and have to wait hours just to be seen by the most incompetent people to make a decision about your coverage, you are fine with that? Liberals never learn, this is why most of the citizens of the US hate their guts.
Except MOST of us are healthy and rarely need medical care. So basically we will be taxed out the ass and get nothing in return if and until the day we become chronically ill.

In essence the healthy will foot the bill for the sick.

Democrats are DESPERATE to avoid the truth of what you will pay and we all know why....
The truth will kill them at the polls.

Such a simple question. Will our taxes go up to pay for this healthcare program?

The response?
That's a Republican talking point.

In essence saying only Republican voters are interested in fiscal responsibility.
The healthy have always footed the bill for the sick. How do you think insurance works

That is the way it should be

While true, the democrats are also saying everyone’s insurance costs will go down, and we should believe them this time, why?
Because Medicare has proven to be more efficient than private concerns, doesn’t pay exorbitant executive salaries, advertising, lobbyists, corporate profits. They also are in a position to negotiate lower fees
Are you confused as to how government run healthcare is going to work?
Medicare is a government run healthcare and it is said to be much more efficient than private insurers.
Just like the VA...
VA is very good in urban and near urban areas I hear. It's bureaucracy prevents good care in rural areas and needs to be overhauled. But I have 2 friends with VietNam injuries and amputations that praise the care they get from VA. They're old men now and still plugging along beautifully.
So you want some politician to decide what you can and cant have for medical. When you walk into the Post Office or DMV and have to wait hours just to be seen by the most incompetent people to make a decision about your coverage, you are fine with that? Liberals never learn, this is why most of the citizens of the US hate their guts.
So you want your employer to decide?
Except MOST of us are healthy and rarely need medical care. So basically we will be taxed out the ass and get nothing in return if and until the day we become chronically ill.

In essence the healthy will foot the bill for the sick.

Democrats are DESPERATE to avoid the truth of what you will pay and we all know why....
The truth will kill them at the polls.

Such a simple question. Will our taxes go up to pay for this healthcare program?

The response?
That's a Republican talking point.

In essence saying only Republican voters are interested in fiscal responsibility.
The healthy have always footed the bill for the sick. How do you think insurance works

That is the way it should be

While true, the democrats are also saying everyone’s insurance costs will go down, and we should believe them this time, why?

People will be paying higher taxes and cost will go up, not down.
Not when you include what they and their employers are paying for healthcare. Total out of pocket will go down
I am still waiting for my $2500/yr savings in healthcare cost that the Muslim President promised me when he signed Obamacare.

That Democrat sonofabitch lied to the American people just like the other Democrats are lying now.
I wonder how many posters read your post and went straight to ignore. Count me as one.
Except MOST of us are healthy and rarely need medical care. So basically we will be taxed out the ass and get nothing in return if and until the day we become chronically ill.

In essence the healthy will foot the bill for the sick.

Democrats are DESPERATE to avoid the truth of what you will pay and we all know why....
The truth will kill them at the polls.

Such a simple question. Will our taxes go up to pay for this healthcare program?

The response?
That's a Republican talking point.

In essence saying only Republican voters are interested in fiscal responsibility.
The healthy have always footed the bill for the sick. How do you think insurance works

That is the way it should be

While true, the democrats are also saying everyone’s insurance costs will go down, and we should believe them this time, why?

People will be paying higher taxes and cost will go up, not down.
Not when you include what they and their employers are paying for healthcare. Total out of pocket will go down
We abuse medical care. We are the most unhealthy people on the planet. No major first world nation has the amount of medical runs in major cities that we do. People call up 911 or comparable as taxi services to the emergency rooms.
Are you confused as to how government run healthcare is going to work?
Medicare is a government run healthcare and it is said to be much more efficient than private insurers.
Just like the VA...
VA is very good in urban and near urban areas I hear. It's bureaucracy prevents good care in rural areas and needs to be overhauled. But I have 2 friends with VietNam injuries and amputations that praise the care they get from VA. They're old men now and still plugging along beautifully.
So you want some politician to decide what you can and cant have for medical. When you walk into the Post Office or DMV and have to wait hours just to be seen by the most incompetent people to make a decision about your coverage, you are fine with that? Liberals never learn, this is why most of the citizens of the US hate their guts.
So you want your employer to decide?
He doesnt decide, you fucking moron, he just pays and the doctor decides. I had you on ignore because of your stupidity, you are now going back on it. Your idiocy is still showing.
Except MOST of us are healthy and rarely need medical care. So basically we will be taxed out the ass and get nothing in return if and until the day we become chronically ill.

In essence the healthy will foot the bill for the sick.

Democrats are DESPERATE to avoid the truth of what you will pay and we all know why....
The truth will kill them at the polls.

Such a simple question. Will our taxes go up to pay for this healthcare program?

The response?
That's a Republican talking point.

In essence saying only Republican voters are interested in fiscal responsibility.
The healthy have always footed the bill for the sick. How do you think insurance works

That is the way it should be

While true, the democrats are also saying everyone’s insurance costs will go down, and we should believe them this time, why?

People will be paying higher taxes and cost will go up, not down.
Not when you include what they and their employers are paying for healthcare. Total out of pocket will go down
We abuse medical care. We are the most unhealthy people on the planet. No major first world nation has the amount of medical runs in major cities that we do. People call up 911 or comparable as taxi services to the emergency rooms.
Do you know why they call 911? Because they know that there is a waiting list a mile long of illegals in those ER.s so their Anchors can get free cough medicine and the rest of US have to pick up the bill. Send them all back to where they come from, and healthcare costs will come down. School taxes will come down, the debt will come down.

I am still waiting for my $2500/yr savings in healthcare cost that the Muslim President promised me when he signed Obamacare.

That Democrat sonofabitch lied to the American people just like the other Democrats are lying now.
I wonder how many posters read your post and went straight to ignore. Count me as one.

Truth is a terrible thing for a Moon Bat to have to accept, isn't it?
Except MOST of us are healthy and rarely need medical care. So basically we will be taxed out the ass and get nothing in return if and until the day we become chronically ill.

In essence the healthy will foot the bill for the sick.

Democrats are DESPERATE to avoid the truth of what you will pay and we all know why....
The truth will kill them at the polls.

Such a simple question. Will our taxes go up to pay for this healthcare program?

The response?
That's a Republican talking point.

In essence saying only Republican voters are interested in fiscal responsibility.
The healthy have always footed the bill for the sick. How do you think insurance works

That is the way it should be

While true, the democrats are also saying everyone’s insurance costs will go down, and we should believe them this time, why?

People will be paying higher taxes and cost will go up, not down.
Not when you include what they and their employers are paying for healthcare. Total out of pocket will go down
We abuse medical care. We are the most unhealthy people on the planet. No major first world nation has the amount of medical runs in major cities that we do. People call up 911 or comparable as taxi services to the emergency rooms.
As an old EMT, I agree that medical care is abused. Ex: people call ambulances for unnecessary transport to the hospital because it gets them straight into the ER vs going by car and sitting in the waiting room. I recall one time when we were called to the hospital to transport a patient from there to home because the weather was bad. The family followed the rig in their car so they could have taken granny themselves. Those rigs have NO special equipment for icy roads any more than a car. Protocol commands that if a patient wants to go to the hospital, even when the EMT thinks it is unnecessary, they MUST be transported. To do otherwise would be to diagnose the patient which EMTs cannot legally do and could be subject to litigation if they refuse and the patient is actually sick. Conversely, to transport a patient against their will is also a nono. It is called kidnapping unless a legal guardian over-rules the reluctant patient. And bottom line is that insurance doesn't cover ambulance transport unless the patient is admitted. So if the ER sets your broken leg and sends you home, you owe the bill. Guess how many pay? I can only imagine how much it costs today to ride the rigs.

But all that is moot to the EMT when their service to safely transport a true medical need to professional care is accomplished.
Except MOST of us are healthy and rarely need medical care. So basically we will be taxed out the ass and get nothing in return if and until the day we become chronically ill.

In essence the healthy will foot the bill for the sick.

Democrats are DESPERATE to avoid the truth of what you will pay and we all know why....
The truth will kill them at the polls.

Such a simple question. Will our taxes go up to pay for this healthcare program?

The response?
That's a Republican talking point.

In essence saying only Republican voters are interested in fiscal responsibility.
The healthy have always footed the bill for the sick. How do you think insurance works

That is the way it should be

While true, the democrats are also saying everyone’s insurance costs will go down, and we should believe them this time, why?

People will be paying higher taxes and cost will go up, not down.
Not when you include what they and their employers are paying for healthcare. Total out of pocket will go down
We abuse medical care. We are the most unhealthy people on the planet. No major first world nation has the amount of medical runs in major cities that we do. People call up 911 or comparable as taxi services to the emergency rooms.

Complete propaganda
People avoid getting treated because of high copays and deductibles
People turn away ambulances because they cost so much
It's not insurance once it becomes a government mandate. You have no choices. your doctor has no choices. Your hospital has no choices. The government can't keep you from spending money they don't think you deserve if they don't get to decide.
Yes it is insurance

It is NOT insurance when you go without it and then have taxpayers pick up the tab if you are sick or injured
It's not insurance when the government decides what you must purchase for how much and what it will cover. That's closer to slavery.
That's still insurance.
How? You purchase insurance of your own free will to minimize some future loss you may incur, Being forced to purchase something you may not want or need isn't insurance it's a scam and a robbery.
Everybody is eventually going to need health insurance. It's just a fact of life.
Along with food and water. So plan ahead and go get some instead of whining for someone else to take care of you.
and when you get old and need it,it will be there for you....and then the cycle goes on....
It won't be there if they keep giving it to millions of illegals that never pay into it!!!!
One of Tuesday night's bottom-feeders, when speaking about ILLEGALS, said we must treat them as one of our own.

And he was among the 3 more rational types!

It's clear the Democrat Socialist Party does not want to win in 2020 and surely the Repubs are building a vast library of STUPID Dem statements. What they are getting from the debates is solid gold.

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