ANOTHER DEMOCRAT SCAM. Your healthcare out of pocket will go down to cover the increase in taxes?

Except MOST of us are healthy and rarely need medical care. So basically we will be taxed out the ass and get nothing in return if and until the day we become chronically ill.
In essence the healthy will foot the bill for the sick.
The healthy have always footed the bill for the sick. How do you think insurance works
That is the way it should be
Democrats are DESPERATE to avoid the truth of what you will pay and we all know why... The truth will kill them at the polls. Such a simple question. Will our taxes go up to pay for this healthcare program? The response? That's a Republican talking point.
It's not a scam, it's how insurance works. Surely you knew this?
Of course it's a scam. It's wealth redistribution in sheep's clothing. We now have the freedom to choose what level of insurance fits our needs and wallets. Under the Democrat Socialist plans WashDC will continue to erode our individual freedoms "for the good of the state," Comrades. Your agenda is obvious:

Here's the rub. Medicare for all plans phase out private insurance within 10 years.
So, why the hell will private health insurance companies stick around for 10 years in order to go kaput? They won't!!! Because there is no incentive.
Which will, of course, hasten our slide into the gov't controlled healthcare system.

What's next? A gov't controlled education system? :cool:

Except MOST of us are healthy and rarely need medical care. So basically we will be taxed out the ass and get nothing in return if and until the day we become chronically ill.

In essence the healthy will foot the bill for the sick.

Democrats are DESPERATE to avoid the truth of what you will pay and we all know why....
The truth will kill them at the polls.

Such a simple question. Will our taxes go up to pay for this healthcare program?

The response?
That's a Republican talking point.

In essence saying only Republican voters are interested in fiscal responsibility.
The healthy have always footed the bill for the sick. How do you think insurance works

That is the way it should be
Are you really that stupid? Dont answer that I already know. When private insurance is OFFERED, you either opt in or opt out, without a penalty or having to go to jail for not paying a tax. Fuck you are one of the dumbest liberals on this site. Right Homer?

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Insurance is built on pools with large numbers of healthy people paying for treatment of the sick
We already have that system. Do you truly believe total central gov't control will make our lives better? Do you still believe in Santa Claus?
It's not a scam, it's how insurance works.

Surely you knew this?
I can buy the level of coverage I deem appropriate for myself with insurance. Bare minimum to Cadillac coverage.
Government ONE SIZE FITS ALL is not insurance
You not liking it doesn't make it "not insurance".

Surely you knew that.
It's not insurance once it becomes a government mandate. You have no choices. your doctor has no choices. Your hospital has no choices. The government can't keep you from spending money they don't think you deserve if they don't get to decide.
Yes it is insurance

It is NOT insurance when you go without it and then have taxpayers pick up the tab if you are sick or injured
It's not insurance when the government decides what you must purchase for how much and what it will cover. That's closer to slavery.
Which is the very definition of socialism. The gov't decides what you get and how much you will pay for it.

Comrade De Blasio came right out and enunciated the Democrat Socialist agenda: "We will tax the hell out of the wealthy" (and then eat them).

Democrats said the healthcare costs would go down and then said they depended on the stupidity of the American Voter to get their plan passed.
"We must pass the [ACA] bill in order to see what's in it." - Nancy Pelosi, 3/9/2010
Except MOST of us are healthy and rarely need medical care. So basically we will be taxed out the ass and get nothing in return if and until the day we become chronically ill.

In essence the healthy will foot the bill for the sick.

Democrats are DESPERATE to avoid the truth of what you will pay and we all know why....
The truth will kill them at the polls.

Such a simple question. Will our taxes go up to pay for this healthcare program?

The response?
That's a Republican talking point.

In essence saying only Republican voters are interested in fiscal responsibility.
The healthy have always footed the bill for the sick. How do you think insurance works

That is the way it should be
Are you really that stupid? Dont answer that I already know. When private insurance is OFFERED, you either opt in or opt out, without a penalty or having to go to jail for not paying a tax. Fuck you are one of the dumbest liberals on this site. Right Homer?

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Insurance is built on pools with large numbers of healthy people paying for treatment of the sick
We already have that system. Do you truly believe total central gov't control will make our lives better? Do you still believe in Santa Claus?


Imagine being born and automatically having insurance. Go to school, you are insured. Graduate and go to work or start a small business and you are still insured. Now, suppose you get diabetes or cancer. You don’t have to be afraid to change jobs or God self employed. Once you get into your 60s, you don’t have to pray for the day your Medicare kicks in

You are covered cradle to grave regardless of your health history or employment choices
Democrats said the healthcare costs would go down and then said they depended on the stupidity of the American Voter to get their plan passed.
"We must pass the [ACA] bill in order to see what's in it." - Nancy Pelosi, 3/9/2010
She was correct
Nobody knew what ACA was in March 2010

You just made the case for passing legislation without investigation and analysis. That is one that will really come back to bite the Democrats in the ass.
Democrats said the healthcare costs would go down and then said they depended on the stupidity of the American Voter to get their plan passed.
"We must pass the [ACA] bill in order to see what's in it." - Nancy Pelosi, 3/9/2010
She was correct
Nobody knew what ACA was in March 2010

You just made the case for passing legislation without investigation and analysis. That is one that will really come back to bite the Democrats in the ass.
Not at all

Healthcare legislation was being developed in both Houses. It needed to pass in one Chamber and then be reconciled in the other

So you have to vote on the House bill without knowing what the final bill looks like

In March 2010, Pelosi had no idea what would be in the final bill
Are you confused as to how government run healthcare is going to work?
Medicare is a government run healthcare and it is said to be much more efficient than private insurers.
Just like the VA...
VA is very good in urban and near urban areas I hear. It's bureaucracy prevents good care in rural areas and needs to be overhauled. But I have 2 friends with VietNam injuries and amputations that praise the care they get from VA. They're old men now and still plugging along beautifully.
So you want some politician to decide what you can and cant have for medical. When you walk into the Post Office or DMV and have to wait hours just to be seen by the most incompetent people to make a decision about your coverage, you are fine with that? Liberals never learn, this is why most of the citizens of the US hate their guts.
I know some folks on Medicare, they are quite happy with it.

As far as "the most incompetent people", do you think they are gonna fire all the healthcare workers and replace them or what? It's gonna be the same folks you're dealing with right now.
Yes it is insurance

It is NOT insurance when you go without it and then have taxpayers pick up the tab if you are sick or injured
It's not insurance when the government decides what you must purchase for how much and what it will cover. That's closer to slavery.
That's still insurance.
How? You purchase insurance of your own free will to minimize some future loss you may incur, Being forced to purchase something you may not want or need isn't insurance it's a scam and a robbery.
Everybody is eventually going to need health insurance. It's just a fact of life.
Along with food and water. So plan ahead and go get some instead of whining for someone else to take care of you.
Now there's a dumb response.

Try again kid, that ain't gettin' it.
Except MOST of us are healthy and rarely need medical care. So basically we will be taxed out the ass and get nothing in return if and until the day we become chronically ill.
In essence the healthy will foot the bill for the sick.
The healthy have always footed the bill for the sick. How do you think insurance works
That is the way it should be
Democrats are DESPERATE to avoid the truth of what you will pay and we all know why... The truth will kill them at the polls. Such a simple question. Will our taxes go up to pay for this healthcare program? The response? That's a Republican talking point.
It's not a scam, it's how insurance works. Surely you knew this?
Of course it's a scam. It's wealth redistribution in sheep's clothing. We now have the freedom to choose what level of insurance fits our needs and wallets. Under the Democrat Socialist plans WashDC will continue to erode our individual freedoms "for the good of the state," Comrades. Your agenda is obvious:

View attachment 272215
It's amazing how few of you supposedly educated people understand how insurance works.
Medicare is a government run healthcare and it is said to be much more efficient than private insurers.
Just like the VA...
VA is very good in urban and near urban areas I hear. It's bureaucracy prevents good care in rural areas and needs to be overhauled. But I have 2 friends with VietNam injuries and amputations that praise the care they get from VA. They're old men now and still plugging along beautifully.
So you want some politician to decide what you can and cant have for medical. When you walk into the Post Office or DMV and have to wait hours just to be seen by the most incompetent people to make a decision about your coverage, you are fine with that? Liberals never learn, this is why most of the citizens of the US hate their guts.
So you want your employer to decide?
He doesnt decide, you fucking moron, he just pays and the doctor decides. I had you on ignore because of your stupidity, you are now going back on it. Your idiocy is still showing.

It does depend on many self funded plans although you have a 3rd party administrator the employer does decide.
Except MOST of us are healthy and rarely need medical care. So basically we will be taxed out the ass and get nothing in return if and until the day we become chronically ill.

In essence the healthy will foot the bill for the sick.

Democrats are DESPERATE to avoid the truth of what you will pay and we all know why....
The truth will kill them at the polls.

Such a simple question. Will our taxes go up to pay for this healthcare program?

The response?
That's a Republican talking point.

In essence saying only Republican voters are interested in fiscal responsibility.

So you WANT to get sick so you can feel like you got something for your money? I mean, how else will you feel like you got a return on your money?

Holy hell you're retarded.
Insurance is built on pools with large numbers of healthy people paying for treatment of the sick
We already have that system. Do you truly believe total central gov't control will make our lives better? Do you still believe in Santa Claus?

Imagine being born and automatically having insurance. Go to school, you are insured. Graduate and go to work or start a small business and you are still insured. Now, suppose you get diabetes or cancer. You don’t have to be afraid to change jobs or God self employed. Once you get into your 60s, you don’t have to pray for the day your Medicare kicks in

You are covered cradle to grave regardless of your health history or employment choices
LOL. Yeah, you obviously are lame enough to need gov't to dictate your life and dim enough to think big, greasy, central gov't control is a terrific and that the WashDC swamp exists to serve us. No wonder you believe in Santa ... you're freakin' leftarded. :lol:
Democrats said the healthcare costs would go down and then said they depended on the stupidity of the American Voter to get their plan passed.
"We must pass the [ACA] bill in order to see what's in it." - Nancy Pelosi, 3/9/2010
She was correct
Nobody knew what ACA was in March 2010
And the Obama administration had no intention of telling anyone but that's how you obviously enjoy life ... bent over or on all fours.

This is what happens when you trust your gods, Leftard:

ACA Architect: 'The Stupidity Of The American Voter' Led Us To Hide Obamacare's True Costs From The Public

And this is their reward:

Obamacare architect leaves White House for pharmaceutical industry job | Glenn Greenwald

Yeah ... you're a gullible MORON, Charlie Brown.

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Except MOST of us are healthy and rarely need medical care. So basically we will be taxed out the ass and get nothing in return if and until the day we become chronically ill.
In essence the healthy will foot the bill for the sick.
The healthy have always footed the bill for the sick. How do you think insurance works
That is the way it should be
Democrats are DESPERATE to avoid the truth of what you will pay and we all know why... The truth will kill them at the polls. Such a simple question. Will our taxes go up to pay for this healthcare program? The response? That's a Republican talking point.
It's not a scam, it's how insurance works. Surely you knew this?
Of course it's a scam. It's wealth redistribution in sheep's clothing. We now have the freedom to choose what level of insurance fits our needs and wallets. Under the Democrat Socialist plans WashDC will continue to erode our individual freedoms "for the good of the state," Comrades. Your agenda is obvious:

View attachment 272215
It's amazing how few of you supposedly educated people understand how insurance works.
Even more amazing than you letards who think you are smarter and better informed is that not one of you understands economics or just how incompetent and self-serving gov't is.
Except MOST of us are healthy and rarely need medical care. So basically we will be taxed out the ass and get nothing in return if and until the day we become chronically ill.
In essence the healthy will foot the bill for the sick.
The healthy have always footed the bill for the sick. How do you think insurance works
That is the way it should be
Democrats are DESPERATE to avoid the truth of what you will pay and we all know why... The truth will kill them at the polls. Such a simple question. Will our taxes go up to pay for this healthcare program? The response? That's a Republican talking point.
It's not a scam, it's how insurance works. Surely you knew this?
Of course it's a scam. It's wealth redistribution in sheep's clothing. We now have the freedom to choose what level of insurance fits our needs and wallets. Under the Democrat Socialist plans WashDC will continue to erode our individual freedoms "for the good of the state," Comrades. Your agenda is obvious:

View attachment 272215
It's amazing how few of you supposedly educated people understand how insurance works.
Even more amazing than you letards who think you are smarter and better informed is that not one of you understands economics or just how incompetent and self-serving gov't is.
Wow, thanks for making my point.
Except MOST of us are healthy and rarely need medical care. So basically we will be taxed out the ass and get nothing in return if and until the day we become chronically ill.

In essence the healthy will foot the bill for the sick.

Democrats are DESPERATE to avoid the truth of what you will pay and we all know why....
The truth will kill them at the polls.

Such a simple question. Will our taxes go up to pay for this healthcare program?

The response?
That's a Republican talking point.

In essence saying only Republican voters are interested in fiscal responsibility.

if and until the day we become chronically ill.

Unless you are too old...then you won't get the treatment...since by then they will be rationing care on the VA style healthcare and won't be able to afford your hip replacement if you are 60......

And I love that lie.....Europe and Canada have "Free"'s not free, they pay their entire lives through massive taxes on every thing they use....and then, again, when they get old...they get denied treatment...
Jake Tapper: Congressman Delaney just said your Medicare For All proposal is too unrealistic and will just get Trump re-elected. Senator Sanders, what do you say to Congressman Delaney?

Crazy Bernie: YOU'RE WRONG!

*crowd cheers*

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