Another drug addict Kennedy found dead of overdose. Was bootleg whiskey involved?

What a sad story, heartbreaking for the parents. The op should ashamed for politicizing such a sad story. Total BS, this girl did Nothing but suffer a physical addiction. You that take delight in the death of a young girl as sick and disgusting as I have heard. The parents are going to have years of pain and suffering.

This is a tragedy that plays out hundreds of times a day, it afflicts young and old, rich and poor, Republican or Democrat.

What a waste of a young life.
Sad and so totally unnecessary ...young, pretty ,with a full life ahead RIP

Sounds like you are happy about her death.
Sounds like you want me to be happy about her death.

Deal with it, because it's not like you have a choice.


OOPS forgot


Never thought I’d go on the defense for Penelope but....
Your reply to her statement doesn’t make sense whatsoever
Her statement reads exactly as it is written
and reflects her perception of what you wrote

How you perceived her statement
as wanting you to be happy, is beyond me

Furthermore, telling her to deal with it
because she doesn’t have a choice, means what?

If you’re happy as she perceives,
what difference does it make if she wants you to be...

And if you’re not happy, than in 1 word what?

Further still, what does MAGA have to do with
a young lady dying from a drug overdose?

Maybe you were ‘yawning’ because you need sleep
The only curse is poor DNA that causes drug addiction and alcoholism
That’s bullshit so STFU
Obviously the poor DNA in your ancestral lineage
is a lack of brain cells which causes stupidity
How about the young people that the Kennedys killed and paid no price for?
Wtf do conspiracy theories have to do with her death?

I’m totally bewildered by your thread and posts
Granddaughter of Robert and Ethel Kennedy dead; death at Kennedy compound investigated

Yawn, history repeats and repeats and repeats. Seriously this family needs to be neutered.

Saoirse Kennedy Hill, one of Robert and Ethel Kennedy's 35 grandchildren, has died, the Kennedy family said Thursday night after police said they were investigating a death at the family's compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.

The Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office said Barnstable police responded on Thursday to a residence on Marchant Avenue in Hyannis Port for a reported unattended death. The three mansions that make up the Kennedy compound line Marchant Avenue along Nantucket Sound.

Authorities didn't identify the victim and gave no further details. Later Thursday night, the Kennedy family said in a statement that Hill, 22, was dead, quoting Ethel Kennedy, 91, as saying, "The world is a little less beautiful today."

Well perhaps there is a reason for abortion, now if the Kennedys would only practice what they preach.


Anyone doubt this thread was posted by a deplorable, disgusting, callous hater?

All that is required for the triumph of evil is for a good man to do nothing.
Granddaughter of Robert and Ethel Kennedy dead; death at Kennedy compound investigated

Yawn, history repeats and repeats and repeats. Seriously this family needs to be neutered.

Saoirse Kennedy Hill, one of Robert and Ethel Kennedy's 35 grandchildren, has died, the Kennedy family said Thursday night after police said they were investigating a death at the family's compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.

The Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office said Barnstable police responded on Thursday to a residence on Marchant Avenue in Hyannis Port for a reported unattended death. The three mansions that make up the Kennedy compound line Marchant Avenue along Nantucket Sound.

Authorities didn't identify the victim and gave no further details. Later Thursday night, the Kennedy family said in a statement that Hill, 22, was dead, quoting Ethel Kennedy, 91, as saying, "The world is a little less beautiful today."

Well perhaps there is a reason for abortion, now if the Kennedys would only practice what they preach.

uncalled for
a young, innocent,etc lady has died
very wrong of you
out of line
I agree

mary joe kopecky - Bing images
Well, all the Kennedys (when alive) vote for open borders and fight to keep the Heroin pouring in (to increase power and wealth). They don't give a rats rear end if your 15 yr. old dies OD first shot of Heroin (happens all the time). They (Chancy) shut down the GOVT 30 days to keep the open drug flow, until Trump had to open it back up.
Last edited:
Hey the Kennedy drug addicted boozing clan is not my responsibility
True. We are stuck with a bumbling guy that fell into money that idiots somehow think is an outsider with a porn star first lady evangelical christians love. Crazy times.
Actually you can leave anytime
Naw, my vote is important to counteract the moron vote. That first lady is sexy can i post her nudes here? Christian values, what they vote for.
Yea you can be one of the 98 people at the next Biden rally

Grab em by the pussy are now evangelical christian values. Denounce it or spare me your "outrage".
Wouldn't know as I am not an evangelical christian
They aren't in politics anymore. Leave em be
Hey the Kennedy drug addicted boozing clan is not my responsibility
True. We are stuck with a bumbling guy that fell into money that idiots somehow think is an outsider with a porn star first lady evangelical christians love. Crazy times.
Actually you can leave anytime
Naw, my vote is important to counteract the moron vote. That first lady is sexy can i post her nudes here? Christian values, what they vote for.
It is amazing that Trump and his wife and their family with its flaws promote morals a bit more then Obama and his wife with their perceived moral relationship promoting the ways of living that eventually causes cultures to collapse. So what are values? For working class people, what values are the best? For the good of the many.....
Granddaughter of Robert and Ethel Kennedy dead; death at Kennedy compound investigated

Yawn, history repeats and repeats and repeats. Seriously this family needs to be neutered.

Saoirse Kennedy Hill, one of Robert and Ethel Kennedy's 35 grandchildren, has died, the Kennedy family said Thursday night after police said they were investigating a death at the family's compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.

The Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office said Barnstable police responded on Thursday to a residence on Marchant Avenue in Hyannis Port for a reported unattended death. The three mansions that make up the Kennedy compound line Marchant Avenue along Nantucket Sound.

Authorities didn't identify the victim and gave no further details. Later Thursday night, the Kennedy family said in a statement that Hill, 22, was dead, quoting Ethel Kennedy, 91, as saying, "The world is a little less beautiful today."

Well perhaps there is a reason for abortion, now if the Kennedys would only practice what they preach.

I think this is horrible.
That family has been thru so much of this....I think they're cursed.
I really think that any time a 22 year old woman dying of a drug overdose is a horrible thing.....regardless of what their politics is.
The only curse is poor DNA that causes drug addiction and alcoholism

How about the young people that the Kennedys killed and paid no price for?

What's the difference between the Kennedy's and the British Royal Family?
This is what happens when a family has been corrupted by wealth and influence.
Some of their kids just can't handle it.
How many young people in Hollywood cannot handle celebrity?
Wealth attracts the wrong type of people, and if you aren't schooled on how to deal with these individuals you can end up falling for their garbage.
The royals actually are only permitted to mate with other royals which means duplicated DNA
So, Meghan Markle has a royal bloodline
Granddaughter of Robert and Ethel Kennedy dead; death at Kennedy compound investigated

Yawn, history repeats and repeats and repeats. Seriously this family needs to be neutered.

Saoirse Kennedy Hill, one of Robert and Ethel Kennedy's 35 grandchildren, has died, the Kennedy family said Thursday night after police said they were investigating a death at the family's compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.

The Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office said Barnstable police responded on Thursday to a residence on Marchant Avenue in Hyannis Port for a reported unattended death. The three mansions that make up the Kennedy compound line Marchant Avenue along Nantucket Sound.

Authorities didn't identify the victim and gave no further details. Later Thursday night, the Kennedy family said in a statement that Hill, 22, was dead, quoting Ethel Kennedy, 91, as saying, "The world is a little less beautiful today."

Well perhaps there is a reason for abortion, now if the Kennedys would only practice what they preach.


Anyone doubt this thread was posted by a deplorable, disgusting, callous hater?

It has become quite apparent that the OP is a troll of the first order.
Granddaughter of Robert and Ethel Kennedy dead; death at Kennedy compound investigated

Yawn, history repeats and repeats and repeats. Seriously this family needs to be neutered.

Saoirse Kennedy Hill, one of Robert and Ethel Kennedy's 35 grandchildren, has died, the Kennedy family said Thursday night after police said they were investigating a death at the family's compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.

The Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office said Barnstable police responded on Thursday to a residence on Marchant Avenue in Hyannis Port for a reported unattended death. The three mansions that make up the Kennedy compound line Marchant Avenue along Nantucket Sound.

Authorities didn't identify the victim and gave no further details. Later Thursday night, the Kennedy family said in a statement that Hill, 22, was dead, quoting Ethel Kennedy, 91, as saying, "The world is a little less beautiful today."

Well perhaps there is a reason for abortion, now if the Kennedys would only practice what they preach.

Why so much hate for someone you don't even know? She was only 22.
Isn't being a Democrat enough?

Nope...not unless they’re wearing a MAGA cap
Granddaughter of Robert and Ethel Kennedy dead; death at Kennedy compound investigated

Yawn, history repeats and repeats and repeats. Seriously this family needs to be neutered.

Saoirse Kennedy Hill, one of Robert and Ethel Kennedy's 35 grandchildren, has died, the Kennedy family said Thursday night after police said they were investigating a death at the family's compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.

The Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office said Barnstable police responded on Thursday to a residence on Marchant Avenue in Hyannis Port for a reported unattended death. The three mansions that make up the Kennedy compound line Marchant Avenue along Nantucket Sound.

Authorities didn't identify the victim and gave no further details. Later Thursday night, the Kennedy family said in a statement that Hill, 22, was dead, quoting Ethel Kennedy, 91, as saying, "The world is a little less beautiful today."

Well perhaps there is a reason for abortion, now if the Kennedys would only practice what they preach.

Gee, frannie, what's your thoughts on the hundreds of anonymous 22 yr old girls in rural Ohio who died from an opoid drug overdose. Maybe a little chat about abortion would comfort their grieving surviving families too.
May you get what you give!
You mean Mexican opioids that you allow the trafficking of

You mean Mexican opioids that you allow the trafficking of
Talk about yer diversions. You do know that most opoids are prescribed don't you? No, of course you don't. You think they all came in by hiding them on Central American babies
You mean Mexican opioids that you allow the trafficking of
Drivel! DEA: Made-in-China Lethal Opioid Fueling U.S. Drug Epidemic
So in your delusions no drugs come into the USA thru Mexico

You need medical help and are obviously an addict

You seem to have a problem with reading skills
due to a lack of brain cells from poor DNA
which causes stupidity and idiocy
Granddaughter of Robert and Ethel Kennedy dead; death at Kennedy compound investigated

Yawn, history repeats and repeats and repeats. Seriously this family needs to be neutered.

Saoirse Kennedy Hill, one of Robert and Ethel Kennedy's 35 grandchildren, has died, the Kennedy family said Thursday night after police said they were investigating a death at the family's compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.

The Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office said Barnstable police responded on Thursday to a residence on Marchant Avenue in Hyannis Port for a reported unattended death. The three mansions that make up the Kennedy compound line Marchant Avenue along Nantucket Sound.

Authorities didn't identify the victim and gave no further details. Later Thursday night, the Kennedy family said in a statement that Hill, 22, was dead, quoting Ethel Kennedy, 91, as saying, "The world is a little less beautiful today."

Well perhaps there is a reason for abortion, now if the Kennedys would only practice what they preach.


Anyone doubt this thread was posted by a deplorable, disgusting, callous hater?

All that is required for the triumph of evil is for a good man to do nothing.

I do the best I can, putting my spin on the evil man-child elected POTUS in 2016.
Takes a special level of scumbag piece of shit to dump on a family that has just lost an only child to OD and/or possible suicide.

There are thousands of Republicans dying of ODs and suicides every year, scumbags - our country has a mental health and substance abuse epidemic that recognizes no party lines.

Grow a fucking conscience already.
Tell that to Mary Joe Kopeckys family

mary joe kopecky - Bing images

This young lady is not guilty of the crimes of her relatives. If she were then you would no doubt need to be executed for the crimes of your forbears.
She is held accountable to her own DNA and a family cares only where their next drink is coming from

Like I said, if that were true you would be long dead.
And you get to decide on that because you r perfect

Makes sense now

PS. This is what happens when drunks, drug addicts and the mentally ill have kids. Do you think this is the first mentally ill Kennedy? It's not

Rosemary Kennedy was as crazy as a loon and had a lobotomy

Rosemary Kennedy's Lobotomy and Mental Health Struggles

There you it all makes sense

You’re drunk, high, a can short of a six pack
and have access to a computer
It is quite sad really; all those future scandals the gossip mongers will miss out on.

And yes; sad in its own right.

Granddaughter of Robert and Ethel Kennedy dead; death at Kennedy compound investigated

Yawn, history repeats and repeats and repeats. Seriously this family needs to be neutered.

Saoirse Kennedy Hill, one of Robert and Ethel Kennedy's 35 grandchildren, has died, the Kennedy family said Thursday night after police said they were investigating a death at the family's compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.

The Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office said Barnstable police responded on Thursday to a residence on Marchant Avenue in Hyannis Port for a reported unattended death. The three mansions that make up the Kennedy compound line Marchant Avenue along Nantucket Sound.

Authorities didn't identify the victim and gave no further details. Later Thursday night, the Kennedy family said in a statement that Hill, 22, was dead, quoting Ethel Kennedy, 91, as saying, "The world is a little less beautiful today."

Well perhaps there is a reason for abortion, now if the Kennedys would only practice what they preach.

You know nothing about this person except that she was 21. And you say that this is a reason for abortion? What kind of person are you?
Granddaughter of Robert and Ethel Kennedy dead; death at Kennedy compound investigated

Yawn, history repeats and repeats and repeats. Seriously this family needs to be neutered.

Saoirse Kennedy Hill, one of Robert and Ethel Kennedy's 35 grandchildren, has died, the Kennedy family said Thursday night after police said they were investigating a death at the family's compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.

The Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office said Barnstable police responded on Thursday to a residence on Marchant Avenue in Hyannis Port for a reported unattended death. The three mansions that make up the Kennedy compound line Marchant Avenue along Nantucket Sound.

Authorities didn't identify the victim and gave no further details. Later Thursday night, the Kennedy family said in a statement that Hill, 22, was dead, quoting Ethel Kennedy, 91, as saying, "The world is a little less beautiful today."

Well perhaps there is a reason for abortion, now if the Kennedys would only practice what they preach.

You know nothing about this person except that she was 21. And you say that this is a reason for abortion? What kind of person are you?

A sick POS

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