Another empty threat?

Regarding ex post facto laws.

In the United States, Congress is prohibited from passing ex post facto laws by clause 3 of Article I, Section 9 of the United States Constitution. The states are prohibited from passing ex post facto laws by clause 1 of Article I, Section 10. This is one of the relatively few restrictions that the United States Constitution made to both the power of the federal and state governments before the Fourteenth Amendment. Thomas Jefferson described them as "equally unjust in civil as in criminal cases". Over the years, however, when deciding ex post facto cases, the United States Supreme Court has referred repeatedly to its ruling in Calder v. Bull, in which Justice Samuel Chase held that the prohibition applied only to criminal matters, not civil matters, and established four categories of unconstitutional ex post facto laws.[25] The case dealt with the Article I, Section 10, prohibition on ex post facto laws, because it concerned a Connecticut state law
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.
Yes, he can and will close the border if Mexico ignores his suggestion. ;)

The U.S. and Mexico trade about $1.7 billion in goods daily, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which said closing the border would be “an unmitigated economic debacle” that would threaten 5 million American jobs.

Yeah, the chamber of Congress, another group of people that love illegals. I trust them.

Then let Trump shut the fucking border. I hope he shuts it down many months then let's see what this does to commerce. I really don't give a fuck just posted an fyi. Oh, can't imagine it won't hurt trucker's.

It won't hurt truckers. In fact, we need over 60,000 new drivers now we can't find. It's expected to grow to 100,000 by the end of Trump's first term when more of us baby boomers are retiring.

Will it hurt the US? It could, slightly. But with our booming economy, it won't have nearly the impact that it will have on Mexico. We may lose, but they will lose ten times more. Then it's just a game of chicken to see who drives off the road first.

My son and I were talking about jobs and what will be around in the future, when self-driving vehicles become standard, I am not sure what will come of truck drivers. It is beyond your and my life time, but I suspect my son will see it.
Yes, he can and will close the border if Mexico ignores his suggestion. ;)

The U.S. and Mexico trade about $1.7 billion in goods daily, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which said closing the border would be “an unmitigated economic debacle” that would threaten 5 million American jobs.

Yeah, the chamber of Congress, another group of people that love illegals. I trust them.

Then let Trump shut the fucking border. I hope he shuts it down many months then let's see what this does to commerce. I really don't give a fuck just posted an fyi. Oh, can't imagine it won't hurt trucker's.

It won't hurt truckers. In fact, we need over 60,000 new drivers now we can't find. It's expected to grow to 100,000 by the end of Trump's first term when more of us baby boomers are retiring.

Will it hurt the US? It could, slightly. But with our booming economy, it won't have nearly the impact that it will have on Mexico. We may lose, but they will lose ten times more. Then it's just a game of chicken to see who drives off the road first.

My son and I were talking about jobs and what will be around in the future, when self-driving vehicles become standard, I am not sure what will come of truck drivers. It is beyond your and my life time, but I suspect my son will see it.

First off they will never be able to send a truck on the road by itself. The prototypes all have licensed drivers in the vehicles at all times. They are trying them out for highway only because a computer cannot turn a tractor-trailer and calculate the many things that need to be looked at when making a turn. It cannot disconnect or reconnect double or triple trailers. It can't back into docks. It can only go straight.

Self driving trucks will be about 30 years after we perfect the self-driving cars. First it would take over the taxi industry, then it will take over jobs that Uber and others provide. Then if the insurance rates are reasonable, they will try it in straight trucks first. Then after all that, tractor-trialers.

Currently Walmart is offering jobs that pay close to 90K a year, and other companies are coming close to that offer. So I wouldn't totally discourage your son from looking into the career.
The U.S. and Mexico trade about $1.7 billion in goods daily, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which said closing the border would be “an unmitigated economic debacle” that would threaten 5 million American jobs.

Yeah, the chamber of Congress, another group of people that love illegals. I trust them.

Then let Trump shut the fucking border. I hope he shuts it down many months then let's see what this does to commerce. I really don't give a fuck just posted an fyi. Oh, can't imagine it won't hurt trucker's.

It won't hurt truckers. In fact, we need over 60,000 new drivers now we can't find. It's expected to grow to 100,000 by the end of Trump's first term when more of us baby boomers are retiring.

Will it hurt the US? It could, slightly. But with our booming economy, it won't have nearly the impact that it will have on Mexico. We may lose, but they will lose ten times more. Then it's just a game of chicken to see who drives off the road first.

My son and I were talking about jobs and what will be around in the future, when self-driving vehicles become standard, I am not sure what will come of truck drivers. It is beyond your and my life time, but I suspect my son will see it.

First off they will never be able to send a truck on the road by itself. The prototypes all have licensed drivers in the vehicles at all times. They are trying them out for highway only because a computer cannot turn a tractor-trailer and calculate the many things that need to be looked at when making a turn. It cannot disconnect or reconnect double or triple trailers. It can't back into docks. It can only go straight.

Self driving trucks will be about 30 years after we perfect the self-driving cars. First it would take over the taxi industry, then it will take over jobs that Uber and others provide. Then if the insurance rates are reasonable, they will try it in straight trucks first. Then after all that, tractor-trialers.

Currently Walmart is offering jobs that pay close to 90K a year, and other companies are coming close to that offer. So I wouldn't totally discourage your son from looking into the career.

And by the time that happens far more jobs will have been automated either out of existence or close to it

my son does not feel confident that there will be replacement jobs as there has been in the past.

sooner or later we will hit a breaking point if things keep on the same path.

If you find yourself with a little time to kill, check out...The Truth About Killer Robots
Yes, he can and will close the border if Mexico ignores his suggestion. ;)

The U.S. and Mexico trade about $1.7 billion in goods daily, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which said closing the border would be “an unmitigated economic debacle” that would threaten 5 million American jobs.

Yeah, the chamber of Congress, another group of people that love illegals. I trust them.

Then let Trump shut the fucking border. I hope he shuts it down many months then let's see what this does to commerce. I really don't give a fuck just posted an fyi. Oh, can't imagine it won't hurt trucker's.

It won't hurt truckers. In fact, we need over 60,000 new drivers now we can't find. It's expected to grow to 100,000 by the end of Trump's first term when more of us baby boomers are retiring.

Will it hurt the US? It could, slightly. But with our booming economy, it won't have nearly the impact that it will have on Mexico. We may lose, but they will lose ten times more. Then it's just a game of chicken to see who drives off the road first.

Under Obama when we hit 2.9% GDP annual growth it was stagnation and the worst recovery every...under Trump when we hit 2.9% GDP annual growth it is a booming economy.

Thus the problem with being a partisan hack, everything changes depending on who is sitting in the White House.

the financial markets have been stagnant for more than 420 days, how does that happen in a booming economy?

The market is responding to Trump's trade deals. I don't know about anybody else, but my retirement account keeps growing.

It's more than jobs, it's the kind of jobs that count in an economy. Wage stagnation was the standard during Obama's first term and well into his second. Interest rates were never increase because of that. We still had record amount of people receiving food stamps, and that didn't change until the Republicans in Congress and Republican Governors started to clamp down on that. The only thing that really helped the Obama economy was the great reduction of fuel costs, and he had nothing to do with that.
Yeah, the chamber of Congress, another group of people that love illegals. I trust them.

Then let Trump shut the fucking border. I hope he shuts it down many months then let's see what this does to commerce. I really don't give a fuck just posted an fyi. Oh, can't imagine it won't hurt trucker's.

It won't hurt truckers. In fact, we need over 60,000 new drivers now we can't find. It's expected to grow to 100,000 by the end of Trump's first term when more of us baby boomers are retiring.

Will it hurt the US? It could, slightly. But with our booming economy, it won't have nearly the impact that it will have on Mexico. We may lose, but they will lose ten times more. Then it's just a game of chicken to see who drives off the road first.

My son and I were talking about jobs and what will be around in the future, when self-driving vehicles become standard, I am not sure what will come of truck drivers. It is beyond your and my life time, but I suspect my son will see it.

First off they will never be able to send a truck on the road by itself. The prototypes all have licensed drivers in the vehicles at all times. They are trying them out for highway only because a computer cannot turn a tractor-trailer and calculate the many things that need to be looked at when making a turn. It cannot disconnect or reconnect double or triple trailers. It can't back into docks. It can only go straight.

Self driving trucks will be about 30 years after we perfect the self-driving cars. First it would take over the taxi industry, then it will take over jobs that Uber and others provide. Then if the insurance rates are reasonable, they will try it in straight trucks first. Then after all that, tractor-trialers.

Currently Walmart is offering jobs that pay close to 90K a year, and other companies are coming close to that offer. So I wouldn't totally discourage your son from looking into the career.

And by the time that happens far more jobs will have been automated either out of existence or close to it

my son does not feel confident that there will be replacement jobs as there has been in the past.

sooner or later we will hit a breaking point if things keep on the same path.

If you find yourself with a little time to kill, check out...The Truth About Killer Robots

I agree with you 100%. Even though I'll be long gone by then, I worry about the future of this country and what we will do with all the workers who are not college material. You can't make a doctor, a lawyer, or engineer out of just anybody. People are prone to do certain things in life. It's very troublesome.
The U.S. and Mexico trade about $1.7 billion in goods daily, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which said closing the border would be “an unmitigated economic debacle” that would threaten 5 million American jobs.

Yeah, the chamber of Congress, another group of people that love illegals. I trust them.

Then let Trump shut the fucking border. I hope he shuts it down many months then let's see what this does to commerce. I really don't give a fuck just posted an fyi. Oh, can't imagine it won't hurt trucker's.

It won't hurt truckers. In fact, we need over 60,000 new drivers now we can't find. It's expected to grow to 100,000 by the end of Trump's first term when more of us baby boomers are retiring.

Will it hurt the US? It could, slightly. But with our booming economy, it won't have nearly the impact that it will have on Mexico. We may lose, but they will lose ten times more. Then it's just a game of chicken to see who drives off the road first.

My son and I were talking about jobs and what will be around in the future, when self-driving vehicles become standard, I am not sure what will come of truck drivers. It is beyond your and my life time, but I suspect my son will see it.

First off they will never be able to send a truck on the road by itself. The prototypes all have licensed drivers in the vehicles at all times. They are trying them out for highway only because a computer cannot turn a tractor-trailer and calculate the many things that need to be looked at when making a turn. It cannot disconnect or reconnect double or triple trailers. It can't back into docks. It can only go straight.

Self driving trucks will be about 30 years after we perfect the self-driving cars. First it would take over the taxi industry, then it will take over jobs that Uber and others provide. Then if the insurance rates are reasonable, they will try it in straight trucks first. Then after all that, tractor-trialers.

Currently Walmart is offering jobs that pay close to 90K a year, and other companies are coming close to that offer. So I wouldn't totally discourage your son from looking into the career.

I believe you are right about local trucks.

However, over the road will begin to switch to driverless trucks in 10 years or less. Cars can easily park, with computers, trucks will easily back into docks. There will be depots, as they have now, where there will be people who service the trucks, add or disconnect trailers. Sensors will tell the home office the condition of the truck, any tire going low, oil going low, refrigeration units, brakes whatever. Closer than what a driver can determine today.

Don't get me wrong, I love tractor trailers on the highway. For many years, I frequently drove all over Florida. I much prefer to drive at late at night. Cooler, no glare, much less traffic. I'd try to find a truck that was tooling along. I'd tuck in behind, far enough back so I could see his mirrors, I'd just stay there until either he or I left the highway. My logic was that if anything bad happened up ahead, he'd see it before me and I'd see his brake lights. It worked quite well.
The U.S. and Mexico trade about $1.7 billion in goods daily, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which said closing the border would be “an unmitigated economic debacle” that would threaten 5 million American jobs.

Yeah, the chamber of Congress, another group of people that love illegals. I trust them.

Then let Trump shut the fucking border. I hope he shuts it down many months then let's see what this does to commerce. I really don't give a fuck just posted an fyi. Oh, can't imagine it won't hurt trucker's.

It won't hurt truckers. In fact, we need over 60,000 new drivers now we can't find. It's expected to grow to 100,000 by the end of Trump's first term when more of us baby boomers are retiring.

Will it hurt the US? It could, slightly. But with our booming economy, it won't have nearly the impact that it will have on Mexico. We may lose, but they will lose ten times more. Then it's just a game of chicken to see who drives off the road first.

My son and I were talking about jobs and what will be around in the future, when self-driving vehicles become standard, I am not sure what will come of truck drivers. It is beyond your and my life time, but I suspect my son will see it.

First off they will never be able to send a truck on the road by itself.
Self driving trucks will be about 30 years after we perfect the self-driving cars.

"First off they will never be able to send a truck on the road by itself. "

"Self driving trucks will be about 30 years after we perfect the self-driving cars. "

Yeah, the chamber of Congress, another group of people that love illegals. I trust them.

Then let Trump shut the fucking border. I hope he shuts it down many months then let's see what this does to commerce. I really don't give a fuck just posted an fyi. Oh, can't imagine it won't hurt trucker's.

It won't hurt truckers. In fact, we need over 60,000 new drivers now we can't find. It's expected to grow to 100,000 by the end of Trump's first term when more of us baby boomers are retiring.

Will it hurt the US? It could, slightly. But with our booming economy, it won't have nearly the impact that it will have on Mexico. We may lose, but they will lose ten times more. Then it's just a game of chicken to see who drives off the road first.

My son and I were talking about jobs and what will be around in the future, when self-driving vehicles become standard, I am not sure what will come of truck drivers. It is beyond your and my life time, but I suspect my son will see it.

First off they will never be able to send a truck on the road by itself.
Self driving trucks will be about 30 years after we perfect the self-driving cars.

"First off they will never be able to send a truck on the road by itself. "

"Self driving trucks will be about 30 years after we perfect the self-driving cars. "


First American in Space, Alan Shepherd May 5, 1961.

The Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon on July 20, 1969.
Yeah, the chamber of Congress, another group of people that love illegals. I trust them.

Then let Trump shut the fucking border. I hope he shuts it down many months then let's see what this does to commerce. I really don't give a fuck just posted an fyi. Oh, can't imagine it won't hurt trucker's.

It won't hurt truckers. In fact, we need over 60,000 new drivers now we can't find. It's expected to grow to 100,000 by the end of Trump's first term when more of us baby boomers are retiring.

Will it hurt the US? It could, slightly. But with our booming economy, it won't have nearly the impact that it will have on Mexico. We may lose, but they will lose ten times more. Then it's just a game of chicken to see who drives off the road first.

My son and I were talking about jobs and what will be around in the future, when self-driving vehicles become standard, I am not sure what will come of truck drivers. It is beyond your and my life time, but I suspect my son will see it.

First off they will never be able to send a truck on the road by itself. The prototypes all have licensed drivers in the vehicles at all times. They are trying them out for highway only because a computer cannot turn a tractor-trailer and calculate the many things that need to be looked at when making a turn. It cannot disconnect or reconnect double or triple trailers. It can't back into docks. It can only go straight.

Self driving trucks will be about 30 years after we perfect the self-driving cars. First it would take over the taxi industry, then it will take over jobs that Uber and others provide. Then if the insurance rates are reasonable, they will try it in straight trucks first. Then after all that, tractor-trialers.

Currently Walmart is offering jobs that pay close to 90K a year, and other companies are coming close to that offer. So I wouldn't totally discourage your son from looking into the career.

I believe you are right about local trucks.

However, over the road will begin to switch to driverless trucks in 10 years or less. Cars can easily park, with computers, trucks will easily back into docks. There will be depots, as they have now, where there will be people who service the trucks, add or disconnect trailers. Sensors will tell the home office the condition of the truck, any tire going low, oil going low, refrigeration units, brakes whatever. Closer than what a driver can determine today.

Don't get me wrong, I love tractor trailers on the highway. For many years, I frequently drove all over Florida. I much prefer to drive at late at night. Cooler, no glare, much less traffic. I'd try to find a truck that was tooling along. I'd tuck in behind, far enough back so I could see his mirrors, I'd just stay there until either he or I left the highway. My logic was that if anything bad happened up ahead, he'd see it before me and I'd see his brake lights. It worked quite well.

This all kind of reminds me of my first computer. I knew little about the computer or internet, so I did what a lot of newbies did, and that is get a Dummy's book for Macintosh.

It was extremely helpful although I forgot what most of it said after all these years, but the one thing I never forgot is what the author said about buying software. He wrote never buy 2.0 or 4.0 of anything. Those are the first editions of the software. After testing the software by the hundreds and working out the bugs, it's different than when you pass that software out to millions of people. It's when you pass it out to millions where you find all the bugs. That's why you don't buy 2.0 of anything. Wait until version 2.1 or 2.3 comes out. Those are the copies that are perfected.

So what we have today are self-driving trucks 2.0. There are probably only a couple hundred of them if that. No matter how well they perform now, it will be a different picture when there are hundreds of thousands of them. To be honest, I've never seen one on the road yet.

All it will take is one major accident to set back that progress. Lawsuits involving tractor-trailers have been known to go into the tens of millions of dollars. Don't think it can't happen. Trucks today already have several computers in them, and I can't tell you how many times they F-up. What I can say is that when a truck does need repair, it usually has something to do with the computer 80% of the time.

So I seriously doubt we will see manless tractor-trailers on the road in ten years. I don't think 20 years actually.

GM settles lawsuit with motorcyclist hit by self-driving car | Reuters

Uber settles with family of woman killed by self-driving car, avoids lawsuit

Tesla Autopilot Lawsuit May Affect Autonomous Driving Rules | CleanTechnica

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