Another empty threat?

Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.
Yes, he can and will close the border if Mexico ignores his suggestion. ;)

The U.S. and Mexico trade about $1.7 billion in goods daily, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which said closing the border would be “an unmitigated economic debacle” that would threaten 5 million American jobs.

Well, then now would be a good time for Democrats to negotiate on a wall instead of sitting on their butts complaining.

The Dems did negotiate and sent a spending bill to the president that he then signed, which was his official stamp of approval.

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Release Date:
March 28, 2019
EDINBURG, Texas – U.S. Border Patrol agents continue to encounter large groups of illegal aliens undaunted by Border Patrol presence.

On Monday, Rio Grande City agents patrolling the Rio Grande near Sullivan City, Texas, encountered a group of 110 illegal aliens from the countries of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

A few hours later, Rio Grande City agents working near Roma, Texas, encountered a large group of 98 illegal aliens from Central America.

On Tuesday, McAllen agents working near Penitas, Texas, encountered a group of 158 illegal aliens comprised of family units and unaccompanied children from the countries of El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Ecuador and Nicaragua.

An hour later, McAllen agents working near Abram, Texas, encountered a group of 105 illegal aliens comprised of family units and unaccompanied children from Central America and Ecuador.

That same day, McAllen agents patrolling the river levee near Mission, Texas, encountered a third group of over 100 illegal aliens consisting of family units and unaccompanied children. In all, agents took 123 people in to custody. The group consisted of citizens and nationals of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Sri Lanka.

This morning, Rio Grande City agents working near Roma, Texas responded to a report of a large group of suspected illegal aliens walking north of the Rio Grande. Upon arrival, agents encountered 190 illegal aliens, all from Central America.

On Tuesday, the Rio Grande Valley Sector apprehended nearly 1,700 illegal aliens, making it the highest one-day total since 2014. At its current rate, the Rio Grande Valley Sector will surpass 2014 apprehensions during the last mass migration influx.

Border Patrol is processing all subjects accordingly.

Please visit to view additional news releases and other information pertaining to Customs and Border Protection. Follow us on Twitter at @CBPRGV.

If only Trump had left Gen Kelly in place, we had record low crossings with him over the border.

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He is right, it is fake news.

Activist Irineo Mujica, who has accompanied several caravans in Mexico, said reports about "the mother of all caravans" were false, claiming "this is information that (U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen) Nielsen is using to create fear."

His group, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, said in a statement there was no evidence the new caravan would be that large, noting "there has never been a caravan of the size that Sanchez Cordero mentioned." Indeed, past caravans hit very serious logistical hurdles at 7,000-strong.
Mexico braces for new caravan of Central American migrants
The last entity to ever be believed regarding the caravans is Pueblo Sin Fronteras. Their treacherous organization (translated "People Without Borders") is who created the caravans, financed them, and continues to finance them.They more than anyone are responsible for this massive mess, and ultimately should be doing hard prison time for it.

Nothing could be more inappropriate and ridiculous than to quote Pueblo Sin Fronteras, regarding the caravans. They are the very embodiment of fake news. Expectation of truth from them is ZERO.
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.
Yes, he can and will close the border if Mexico ignores his suggestion. ;)

The U.S. and Mexico trade about $1.7 billion in goods daily, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which said closing the border would be “an unmitigated economic debacle” that would threaten 5 million American jobs.

Well, then now would be a good time for Democrats to negotiate on a wall instead of sitting on their butts complaining.

The Dems did negotiate and sent a spending bill to the president that he then signed, which was his official stamp of approval.

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WTF, are you dyslectic?
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.
Yes, he can and will close the border if Mexico ignores his suggestion. ;)

The U.S. and Mexico trade about $1.7 billion in goods daily, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which said closing the border would be “an unmitigated economic debacle” that would threaten 5 million American jobs.

Well, then now would be a good time for Democrats to negotiate on a wall instead of sitting on their butts complaining.

The Dems did negotiate and sent a spending bill to the president that he then signed, which was his official stamp of approval.

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They didn't negotiate crap. The government was shutdown for a record number of days and the Democrats would rather see the country go into a depression than to give Trump what he wanted. Trump had no choice but to sign it.
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.
Yes, he can and will close the border if Mexico ignores his suggestion. ;)

The U.S. and Mexico trade about $1.7 billion in goods daily, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which said closing the border would be “an unmitigated economic debacle” that would threaten 5 million American jobs.

Yeah, the chamber of Congress, another group of people that love illegals. I trust them.
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.
Yes, he can and will close the border if Mexico ignores his suggestion. ;)

The U.S. and Mexico trade about $1.7 billion in goods daily, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which said closing the border would be “an unmitigated economic debacle” that would threaten 5 million American jobs.

Well, then now would be a good time for Democrats to negotiate on a wall instead of sitting on their butts complaining.

The Dems did negotiate and sent a spending bill to the president that he then signed, which was his official stamp of approval.

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They didn't negotiate crap. The government was shutdown for a record number of days and the Democrats would rather see the country go into a depression than to give Trump what he wanted. Trump had no choice but to sign it.

as history has shown, the government shutdown is a regularly used negotiating tactic. The problem was Trump thought he would bully them and not have to negotiate. He was wrong.
Actually there were a few busts in this area after Trump took over. Never heard anything about them since. Perhaps you have links?

I actually could not find any when searching for the punishments, but there are plenty on the 150 or so illegals busted at the freshway plant in Canton. Do not no how to link them from my phone though.

I remember that. I think there was another one by Sandusky too, but I may be mistaken on that.

So what should we do with employers that hire illegals, and how do we prove they knew their applicants were illegals? After all, you can't prosecute somebody that had no idea they were breaking the law.

Really, try pleading ignorance of the law sometime in traffic court and see how that goes. As far as penalties I cannot say for sure but make them strong enough to truly threaten a business for doing it. And you are supposed to get social security numbers, drivers license or some other form of ID. I know I need 2 forms of ID at every job I go to.

I know you will bring up someone using fake ID's and if that is the case the business will be able to show that they were in compliance because they will have copies. It will not be fun or easy but steps most be taken.

I am not sure about the Sandusky incident as I truly have no memory of that one.

If you read the link I posted it clearly states a business risks losing their business license. If you lose your business license, you lose your business.

So now you want copies of personal identification floating around everywhere. I'm not too comfortable with that. Perhaps I'm paranoid, but I even use cash for all my purchases just so I don't have to expose my credit or debit cards to anybody. Identity theft is a major problem in the US. In fact somebody on Facebook just posted a story of a card reader on a bank ATM machine.

The stupidity behind all this is we are not using maximum effort to keep people out of the country, and once they are here and get a job, we should lock up Americans for hiring them. We have sanctuary cities and states all over the place and nobody is doing anything to stop them. So we give these illegals places to hide, and expect employers in these sanctuaries not to hire them.

Exactly how many businesses have you ever heard of that have ever lost their license to do business because of this law? And I am not for sanctuary cities at all, never have been and never will!

And I'm not for placing the onus entirely on businesses. That won't solve the problem. We have (estimated) 20 million illegals in this country, and I would find it hard to believe that 20 million found employers wiling to hire them illegally. In fact I would be very surprised to find a million of them that did.

What needs to happen is unity to fight this immigration problem. Yes, that means employers, but it also means a wall, cutting federal funds to sanctuary cities and states, removal of highway funds for those issuing illegals derivers licenses, and a law that makes being here illegally a first degree felony for the first offense.
Yes, he can and will close the border if Mexico ignores his suggestion. ;)

The U.S. and Mexico trade about $1.7 billion in goods daily, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which said closing the border would be “an unmitigated economic debacle” that would threaten 5 million American jobs.

Well, then now would be a good time for Democrats to negotiate on a wall instead of sitting on their butts complaining.

The Dems did negotiate and sent a spending bill to the president that he then signed, which was his official stamp of approval.

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They didn't negotiate crap. The government was shutdown for a record number of days and the Democrats would rather see the country go into a depression than to give Trump what he wanted. Trump had no choice but to sign it.

as history has shown, the government shutdown is a regularly used negotiating tactic. The problem was Trump thought he would bully them and not have to negotiate. He was wrong.

No, Trump did try to negotiate. The Democrats said no wall under any condition. How do you negotiate that?

With the help of their co-partners, the MSM, Trump was taking all the heat for the shutdown. That doesn't mean I excuse what he did. He should have kept it shutdown for the rest of his term, but I also don't put the blame entirely on him.
no, they are not. they are not allowed to defend the border.
All depends on one's definition of the word "defend". The troops are helping in a variety of ways. They assist border patrol. They put up concertina wire, and most of all, they scare the wits out of migrants who otherwise might have considered rushing across the border, using firearms.
And I'm not for placing the onus entirely on businesses. That won't solve the problem. We have (estimated) 20 million illegals in this country, and I would find it hard to believe that 20 million found employers wiling to hire them illegally. In fact I would be very surprised to find a million of them that did.

What needs to happen is unity to fight this immigration problem. Yes, that means employers, but it also means a wall, cutting federal funds to sanctuary cities and states, removal of highway funds for those issuing illegals derivers licenses, and a law that makes being here illegally a first degree felony for the first offense.
And federal prison time for enacters of sanctuary city laws.
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.
Yes, he can and will close the border if Mexico ignores his suggestion. ;)

The U.S. and Mexico trade about $1.7 billion in goods daily, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which said closing the border would be “an unmitigated economic debacle” that would threaten 5 million American jobs.

Yeah, the chamber of Congress, another group of people that love illegals. I trust them.

Then let Trump shut the fucking border. I hope he shuts it down many months then let's see what this does to commerce. I really don't give a fuck just posted an fyi. Oh, can't imagine it won't hurt trucker's.
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.
Yes, he can and will close the border if Mexico ignores his suggestion. ;)

The U.S. and Mexico trade about $1.7 billion in goods daily, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which said closing the border would be “an unmitigated economic debacle” that would threaten 5 million American jobs.

Yeah, the chamber of Congress, another group of people that love illegals. I trust them.

Then let Trump shut the fucking border. I hope he shuts it down many months then let's see what this does to commerce. I really don't give a fuck just posted an fyi. Oh, can't imagine it won't hurt trucker's.

It won't hurt truckers. In fact, we need over 60,000 new drivers now we can't find. It's expected to grow to 100,000 by the end of Trump's first term when more of us baby boomers are retiring.

Will it hurt the US? It could, slightly. But with our booming economy, it won't have nearly the impact that it will have on Mexico. We may lose, but they will lose ten times more. Then it's just a game of chicken to see who drives off the road first.
Trump threatens to close border 'next week' if Mexico doesn't 'immediately stop' flood of illegal immigrants

So, Trump tweeted he will close the southern border next week if Mexico does not stop illegals from entering the US.

Will he do it?

What would be the damage to the economy from such an action?

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 billion dollars worth of goods flow back and forth across that border each and every day.
Yes, he can and will close the border if Mexico ignores his suggestion. ;)

The U.S. and Mexico trade about $1.7 billion in goods daily, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which said closing the border would be “an unmitigated economic debacle” that would threaten 5 million American jobs.

Yeah, the chamber of Congress, another group of people that love illegals. I trust them.

Then let Trump shut the fucking border. I hope he shuts it down many months then let's see what this does to commerce. I really don't give a fuck just posted an fyi. Oh, can't imagine it won't hurt trucker's.

It won't hurt truckers. In fact, we need over 60,000 new drivers now we can't find. It's expected to grow to 100,000 by the end of Trump's first term when more of us baby boomers are retiring.

Will it hurt the US? It could, slightly. But with our booming economy, it won't have nearly the impact that it will have on Mexico. We may lose, but they will lose ten times more. Then it's just a game of chicken to see who drives off the road first.

Under Obama when we hit 2.9% GDP annual growth it was stagnation and the worst recovery every...under Trump when we hit 2.9% GDP annual growth it is a booming economy.

Thus the problem with being a partisan hack, everything changes depending on who is sitting in the White House.

the financial markets have been stagnant for more than 420 days, how does that happen in a booming economy?

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