Another example of lib hypocrisy. Lena Dunham vs. the Duggars


Every sissified Liberal man's dream date. She's a psychotic pig
Please tell us again what this woman at 7 yrs old had to do with what the dugger's boy at 14 did to his 5 year old sister and other younger sisters?

What is the point of this thread? To justify what this 14 yr old did? What is your contentions? Why even bring this woman up who most Dems don't even know and give this as justiication for the Duggers actions?

DEFLECTION to the NTH degree!
Check and mate!

Got a woodie for Durham do ya? She's filth
She's just another one of God's children.

God has a face palm
Today I heard in passing that the record was sealed. A record seal of a juvenile (CA Law) is ordered by a court and requires every agency which had contact with the juvenile to destroy all of their records of contact with said minor. The only records remaining is the court record, which is literally sealed by the clerk of the court (a wax seal) and can only be legally opened by a court order.

Sans a court order the release to the media of the police report is a felony, notwithstanding any moral conclusions, the victim in this current matter is Duggar.

I have no doubt the district attorney will be looking into the records of the police dept, social services and probation as well as an theraphist who provided counseling to the family.
For libtards it is 'What right for me is wrong for you if I say so.'

Screw them all. This looks to be heading to a religious-ideological civil war. Bring it scumbags.
Maybe you should inform yourself before speaking on this one Jim, and know that your right wing media, has you duped....

Oh, my gosh, what stunning logic, what unanswerable factoidal data!

I will just have to keep my ongoing opinion since you are wrong about so much right off the bat.

Christians will NEVER accept the sexual wack-jobs as normal or healthy but with 'sexual orientation' now a protected minority status, the laws are going to be set against them and injustice will proceed....... till it doesn't any more.
I don't watch cable. Have never heard of the Duggars before this controversy.

But I do know hypocrisy, when I see it.

Remember Lena Dunham's revelation she molested her sister????????

Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister Truth Revolt

But anyone that called foul on this was a "right wing nut." They were intolerant, and bigoted and blah blah blah.

Lena Dunham defends herself against accusations of sexual abuse - LA Times

Jimmy Kimmel Defends Lena Dunham Mediaite

But, the left sure have jumped on this Duggar thing. Why, I have no idea and really don't care. If the guy is guilty. Lock him up and throw away the key.

But the double standard is obvious, and I know the left will go crazy, because I dare point it out.

Apples and oranges.

Nice try.

But you fail to the epic.

Apples and oranges, or the difference between leftists and everyone else.

With leftists you turn a blind eye.

Thanks for proving my point, hypocrite phony.
I don't watch cable. Have never heard of the Duggars before this controversy.

But I do know hypocrisy, when I see it.

Remember Lena Dunham's revelation she molested her sister????????

Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister Truth Revolt

But anyone that called foul on this was a "right wing nut." They were intolerant, and bigoted and blah blah blah.

Lena Dunham defends herself against accusations of sexual abuse - LA Times

Jimmy Kimmel Defends Lena Dunham Mediaite

But, the left sure have jumped on this Duggar thing. Why, I have no idea and really don't care. If the guy is guilty. Lock him up and throw away the key.

But the double standard is obvious, and I know the left will go crazy, because I dare point it out.

Don't watch cable. Explains your ignorance and general stupidity I suppose.

Oh man, that comments says WAY MORE ABOUT YOU, than me.

Really???? As IF shows like the Duggars are the fount of wisdom?

How sad and pathetic are you????????

Lena Dunham is a psycho skank

I cant see anyone supporting her
Have no idea who she is....but if she did the same thing (and I'm not trusting the OP on this one), I would certainly say the same thing about her.

You don't have to "trust the op." How about READ THE LINKS!

And if you haven't heard of EITHER OF THEM, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?

Just to protest too much?
I don't watch cable. Have never heard of the Duggars before this controversy.

But I do know hypocrisy, when I see it.

Remember Lena Dunham's revelation she molested her sister????????

Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister Truth Revolt

But anyone that called foul on this was a "right wing nut." They were intolerant, and bigoted and blah blah blah.

Lena Dunham defends herself against accusations of sexual abuse - LA Times

Jimmy Kimmel Defends Lena Dunham Mediaite

But, the left sure have jumped on this Duggar thing. Why, I have no idea and really don't care. If the guy is guilty. Lock him up and throw away the key.

But the double standard is obvious, and I know the left will go crazy, because I dare point it out.

The problem is Dunham is a liar, so what do you believe when she says something? She says things to garner publicity and freak people out. The Duggars though seem to have been protecting a pedophile in their midst, and THAT is reprehensible.
this is coming from the people who FORGAVE a sitting Democrat President for using his position of POWER over a woman who was the same age as his DAUGHTER.

and then tried to SMEAR her and her Reputation

so you'll all have to excuse me if I don't take these people SERIOUS over this crap that has NO BEARING on our lives

OH, but "that's his private business" when it's a Democrat. Especially, a Democrat president.

Double standards, are what liberals do best.
I don't watch cable. Have never heard of the Duggars before this controversy.

But I do know hypocrisy, when I see it.

Remember Lena Dunham's revelation she molested her sister????????

Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister Truth Revolt

But anyone that called foul on this was a "right wing nut." They were intolerant, and bigoted and blah blah blah.

Lena Dunham defends herself against accusations of sexual abuse - LA Times

Jimmy Kimmel Defends Lena Dunham Mediaite

But, the left sure have jumped on this Duggar thing. Why, I have no idea and really don't care. If the guy is guilty. Lock him up and throw away the key.

But the double standard is obvious, and I know the left will go crazy, because I dare point it out.
The guy took liberties with his SMALL MINOR SISTERS. The family are blind to the depravity of it. He belongs in a mental hospital or jail.
As to the other person, never heard of them.

I agree with you grandpa.
And I had never heard of Lena Dunham before either so I had to do some research.....

This is what the right wing is calling child abuse that she supposedly committed....

When she was 5-7? years old her mother told her that babies came from the mother's eggs inside that are there from when girls are born etc etc.... so as a 5-7? year old, she spread her little sisters legs to see if she could see any of these eggs inside her little sister.

These people coming on here like TeaParty Samurai want to accuse this 5-7? year old girl of sexually abusing her 2 year old sister due to her curiosity and say that this was sexual abuse by Lena and THIS MAKES IT OKAY for a 14 year old to repeatedly sexually molest his 5 year old sister.

thank you for standing up to them and telling it like it is....



Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister
"...anything a sexual predator might do to woo a small suburban girl I was trying."

Hey, I put that in real tall font. Could you read that???

In the collection of nonfiction personal accounts, Dunham describes using her little sister at times essentially as a sexual outlet, bribing her to kiss her for prolonged periods and even masturbating while she is in the bed beside her. But perhaps the most disturbing is an account she proudly gives of an episode that occurred when she was seven and her sister was one. Here’s the full passage (p. 158-9):

Is that loud and tall enough for you to read it. Does that make it too hard to turn a blind eye???

Lie your way around that!

Lena Dunham is a psycho skank

I cant see anyone supporting her
Have no idea who she is....but if she did the same thing (and I'm not trusting the OP on this one), I would certainly say the same thing about her.

You don't have to "trust the op." How about READ THE LINKS!

And if you haven't heard of EITHER OF THEM, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?

Just to protest too much?
Interesting....I never said I haven't heard of the Duggars now, have I? Just the other one you mentioned. The one you apparently don't know much about either except that you war thinking somehow her case is similar to Josh Duggars............and it isn't.
I don't watch cable. Have never heard of the Duggars before this controversy.

But I do know hypocrisy, when I see it.

Remember Lena Dunham's revelation she molested her sister????????

Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister Truth Revolt

But anyone that called foul on this was a "right wing nut." They were intolerant, and bigoted and blah blah blah.

Lena Dunham defends herself against accusations of sexual abuse - LA Times

Jimmy Kimmel Defends Lena Dunham Mediaite

But, the left sure have jumped on this Duggar thing. Why, I have no idea and really don't care. If the guy is guilty. Lock him up and throw away the key.

But the double standard is obvious, and I know the left will go crazy, because I dare point it out.
The guy took liberties with his SMALL MINOR SISTERS. The family are blind to the depravity of it. He belongs in a mental hospital or jail.
As to the other person, never heard of them.

I agree with you grandpa.
And I had never heard of Lena Dunham before either so I had to do some research.....

This is what the right wing is calling child abuse that she supposedly committed....

When she was 5-7? years old her mother told her that babies came from the mother's eggs inside that are there from when girls are born etc etc.... so as a 5-7? year old, she spread her little sisters legs to see if she could see any of these eggs inside her little sister.

These people coming on here like TeaParty Samurai want to accuse this 5-7? year old girl of sexually abusing her 2 year old sister due to her curiosity and say that this was sexual abuse by Lena and THIS MAKES IT OKAY for a 14 year old to repeatedly sexually molest his 5 year old sister.

thank you for standing up to them and telling it like it is....



Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister
"...anything a sexual predator might do to woo a small suburban girl I was trying."

Hey, I put that in real tall font. Could you read that???

In the collection of nonfiction personal accounts, Dunham describes using her little sister at times essentially as a sexual outlet, bribing her to kiss her for prolonged periods and even masturbating while she is in the bed beside her. But perhaps the most disturbing is an account she proudly gives of an episode that occurred when she was seven and her sister was one. Here’s the full passage (p. 158-9):

Is that loud and tall enough for you to read it. Does that make it too hard to turn a blind eye???

Lie your way around that!

If she did that, I would certainly never support her (even tho I still don't know who she is) in any way. Does she has a show I can boycott? Is she a government official I can vote against? What exactly is she that i can boycott again?
Lena Dunham is a psycho skank

I cant see anyone supporting her
Have no idea who she is....but if she did the same thing (and I'm not trusting the OP on this one), I would certainly say the same thing about her.

You don't have to "trust the op." How about READ THE LINKS!

And if you haven't heard of EITHER OF THEM, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?

Just to protest too much?
Interesting....I never said I haven't heard of the Duggars now, have I? Just the other one you mentioned. The one you apparently don't know much about either except that you war thinking somehow her case is similar to Josh Duggars............and it isn't.

Then what are you doing here?

If you don't have a stake in it, why are you here?

Why don't you answer that?
I don't watch cable. Have never heard of the Duggars before this controversy.

But I do know hypocrisy, when I see it.

Remember Lena Dunham's revelation she molested her sister????????

Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister Truth Revolt

But anyone that called foul on this was a "right wing nut." They were intolerant, and bigoted and blah blah blah.

Lena Dunham defends herself against accusations of sexual abuse - LA Times

Jimmy Kimmel Defends Lena Dunham Mediaite

But, the left sure have jumped on this Duggar thing. Why, I have no idea and really don't care. If the guy is guilty. Lock him up and throw away the key.

But the double standard is obvious, and I know the left will go crazy, because I dare point it out.

Nobody gives 2 shits what you think.
You're the last person to talk about personal responsibility welcher.
Lena Dunham is a psycho skank

I cant see anyone supporting her
Have no idea who she is....but if she did the same thing (and I'm not trusting the OP on this one), I would certainly say the same thing about her.

You don't have to "trust the op." How about READ THE LINKS!

And if you haven't heard of EITHER OF THEM, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?

Just to protest too much?
Interesting....I never said I haven't heard of the Duggars now, have I? Just the other one you mentioned. The one you apparently don't know much about either except that you war thinking somehow her case is similar to Josh Duggars............and it isn't.

Then what are you doing here?

If you don't have a stake in it, why are you here?

Why don't you answer that?
I'm here trying to find out answers from you as to how I can boycott this woman, whoever she is, to show my displeasure. What show do I boycott? What politician do I boycott? You tell me? Does she have a show? Does she cozy up to politicians? Does she have some kind of public voice? I don't get your comparison if she's a nobody and Josh is on a national show and cozy with politicians and gives advice telling people that other people (not him) are pedophiles.
Bristol Palin made a tweet about comparing this unknown woman to me to the Dugger an excuse for Josh's behavior at 14, so of course it went viral in the right wing media....

That's what we are seeing here.... they want to compare this unknown woman, when she was 7, to Josh at 14....and Josh now....
I don't watch cable. Have never heard of the Duggars before this controversy.

But I do know hypocrisy, when I see it.

Remember Lena Dunham's revelation she molested her sister????????

Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister Truth Revolt

But anyone that called foul on this was a "right wing nut." They were intolerant, and bigoted and blah blah blah.

Lena Dunham defends herself against accusations of sexual abuse - LA Times

Jimmy Kimmel Defends Lena Dunham Mediaite

But, the left sure have jumped on this Duggar thing. Why, I have no idea and really don't care. If the guy is guilty. Lock him up and throw away the key.

But the double standard is obvious, and I know the left will go crazy, because I dare point it out.

The problem is Dunham is a liar, so what do you believe when she says something? She says things to garner publicity and freak people out. The Duggars though seem to have been protecting a pedophile in their midst, and THAT is reprehensible.

Prove he is still a pedophile, liar.
I don't watch cable. Have never heard of the Duggars before this controversy.

But I do know hypocrisy, when I see it.

Remember Lena Dunham's revelation she molested her sister????????

Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister Truth Revolt

But anyone that called foul on this was a "right wing nut." They were intolerant, and bigoted and blah blah blah.

Lena Dunham defends herself against accusations of sexual abuse - LA Times

Jimmy Kimmel Defends Lena Dunham Mediaite

But, the left sure have jumped on this Duggar thing. Why, I have no idea and really don't care. If the guy is guilty. Lock him up and throw away the key.

But the double standard is obvious, and I know the left will go crazy, because I dare point it out.

any other lies you'd like to tell, psycho?
I don't watch cable. Have never heard of the Duggars before this controversy.

But I do know hypocrisy, when I see it.

Remember Lena Dunham's revelation she molested her sister????????

Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister Truth Revolt

But anyone that called foul on this was a "right wing nut." They were intolerant, and bigoted and blah blah blah.

Lena Dunham defends herself against accusations of sexual abuse - LA Times

Jimmy Kimmel Defends Lena Dunham Mediaite

But, the left sure have jumped on this Duggar thing. Why, I have no idea and really don't care. If the guy is guilty. Lock him up and throw away the key.

But the double standard is obvious, and I know the left will go crazy, because I dare point it out.

Nobody gives 2 shits what you think..

Which is why you are here spouting off about what he you must be "nobody".
I don't watch cable. Have never heard of the Duggars before this controversy.

But I do know hypocrisy, when I see it.

Remember Lena Dunham's revelation she molested her sister????????

Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister Truth Revolt

But anyone that called foul on this was a "right wing nut." They were intolerant, and bigoted and blah blah blah.

Lena Dunham defends herself against accusations of sexual abuse - LA Times

Jimmy Kimmel Defends Lena Dunham Mediaite

But, the left sure have jumped on this Duggar thing. Why, I have no idea and really don't care. If the guy is guilty. Lock him up and throw away the key.

But the double standard is obvious, and I know the left will go crazy, because I dare point it out.

any other lies you'd like to tell, psycho?

Where is the lie? Libtards are idiots, hypocrits, partisan hacks and stupid failures at life, by and large.

He nailed it in my opinion.

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